Like something you want to do everyday with smile because it's your dream job
A steady job + income with a really boring job that isn't your dream

If you're still confused about your future (especially if you're still young) see this video to help you decide It's actually a non-sense video but who knows, maybe it'll help you decide xD

GA here

For those in my "shiro"list go here
Oh, and for those in my BL (not boys love.. mhm 'kay?).. It maybe just a mistake that I made
Probably I'm in bad mood and write your name to a certain note, just because I thought you're a bot?
Pretty sure I won't BL someone in forum except you're really rude
Don't make BL become something "mirror-move", it'll spread the hate :P

Not enough GA? I have it in other thread
Please bump this awesome thread too :)

Thank you for reading all of these words... Although this thread probably is just a reason to make GAs

8 years ago

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Which one do you prefer?

View Results
I want to have a steady job & steady income even if I hate the job
I want to challenge myself to do a job that I really like even if it's full of difficulties
Both (is that even possible to achieve both?)

I wouldn't mind becoming a professional nature/landscape photographer.
Weeks camping out in a small tent on a mountain waiting for the perfect moment...

8 years ago

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I am fortunate enough to say that I am content with my life.
That includes my job.

8 years ago

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I want to study the job I want to do so.. it is both because the job will be steady :)

8 years ago

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When I was at school I always wanted to work as a Menswear designer, I achieved that goal and ended up working for Nike,
I now run a successful business with my wife, selling artwork for children's bedroom, shipping all over the world.
I think the thing to keep in mind is sometimes our goals change/we change, I'm more happy now than I was in my previous job

8 years ago

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For much of my life I had a job that is both. Worked in interesting startups, got paid less than I could as a programmer in an established company, but it was enough to support me. Usually if the job is too boring I'd quit it, but for a couple of years I worked at a job I didn't really like simply to be close to home.

Although I'd quality this to say that no job is a dream job. Every job has its ups and downs.

8 years ago

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everyday... i work in what i have studied for, software engineering, but im just one little screw in a big ass engine, i would like to be the master of my future, i would like to get the benefits and responsibilities of my own work, basically i want to go independent, its hard, its a good job, pays well and that kind of stuff....

and sometimes i would to 180° and go back to being a car mechanic, like i was before and during some time in college, life seemed more simple.

8 years ago

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I'm currently at school to be a veterinary technologist - basically I'm currently paying more money to go to school than the average vet tech's salary. But I love doing it, no matter how hard it can be.

8 years ago

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i have both. sort of ;)

8 years ago

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I've thought about what I wanted to do, but I'm not really sure. I have a lot more important things to figure out a future that'll never happen, because I've pretty much fucked over the things chance to do any of the jobs I was interested in. I guess I would go for the second option, however, I probably wouldn't be able to meet the challenge and fail stupendously.

8 years ago

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I've been in the career I love for years after being in one I loathed (and was educated for) for several years.
The rest of my life is a shambles, but I can at least say I love my job :)

8 years ago

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Bioengineer batchelors, environmental engineering masters in progress... and don't know what to do with it. We'll see, there are quite a few aspect of these things that I really like, we just have way too many filler classes at the uni

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nice! That's my goal in the next 23-25 years.

8 years ago

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You mean retired early as having a comfortable income? Out of curiosity, what was/is your job ?

8 years ago

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Bumpo~ and thanks for blue heart, even though I'm not entering anything <3

8 years ago

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Was a scientist for 12 years (plant molecular biology) and that was fun.

Now I am a full time father and it is my dream job... my baby girl is 2 months old :). In the future I have no idea :D

8 years ago

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Gonna study Mechanical Engineering and get a study job... Wanted to pursue a career in game design tho.

8 years ago

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Super Important Question:
How do I get on your Boy's Love list? =O

8 years ago

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Don't awaken "Fujoshi/Fudanshi" around here!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Im currently in school majoring in game design, want to work at nintendo, natsume, xseed, or marvelous

8 years ago

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Here's a random serious question, should you study everything in school? Or just abandon some and study the one you do believe you will use for your future? I believe my educational system is pretty far out from right and would probably confuse people who have not yet determined their dream job because of the diversity of the subject we are receiving.

8 years ago

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I wanna live off writing novels.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Rayl1ght.