Bump because this is my favorite group and why not?
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Many bundle games people still play :D im sure people wouldnt see it as cheating. I appreciate my wins even if they are bundle games!
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I will be leaving for a weekend trip tomorrow and as we are leaving the country I'm not certain if I will have internet from friday 1400 till monday 1800 or so... Please keep that in mind concerning any deadlines... (It's thursday 1150 for me, so show the timeframe)
EDIT: Just heard a friend of mine in bringing a mobile hotspot, so I should be available :)
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Yes you are welcome, just message us when you are home from vacation. :)
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Nice group.
I can't enter yet until Amazon donates extra keys that are not needed on any of the hospice accounts 1st. Last time I did that the group kicked me out as soon as I gave my game away (at least the marked the game received.). :(
I know this group will be great. Wish I was with you all and hope to be soon. (Consider this a free bump)
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Still no invite. Can't enter as of yet. Just tried/
In via Chat. :)
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:D hello fellow berserk fan! Happy to see someone recognize him! heh thanks for the bump!
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Im so jealous! At my first anime convention in october I made friends with a guts cosplayer. Because I liked the character I was just like HEYYY! Guts!, and ended up hanging out for a few hours XD He was taller then me and I am 6'3. XD whenever i find people a lot taller then me I feel like I may have found half giants!
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no offense taken, its easy to misunderstand how it works. http://prntscr.com/6h4nso average entries are nowhere near 100
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Your example is statistically significantly (extremely) unlikely.
Currently we have more than 300-400 GAs each month and with proper point management you should be able to enter almost every single one. If you don't manage to win back your money's worth with those odds, you must be the most unlucky person in the world.
In addition we're planning to implement restrictions on people with significantly bad ratios to avoid a few lucky people from winning far too much.
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I can't follow your logic here. The quota is based on the amount of giveaways between all members. The only thing it affects is the volume of giveaway 'revenue' being passed between members, and doesn't affect your chances at all.
100 members with 10$ = giveaways for at least 1000$ each month, with a total minimum chance of 1 in 100. Expected value = At least 10$.
10 members with 10$ = giveaways for at least 100$ each month, with a total minimum chance of 1 in 10. Expected value = STILL at least 10$.
100 members with 1000000$ = giveaways for at least 10000000$ each month, with a total minimum chance of 1 in 100. Expected value = STILL at least 10$.
10 members with 1$ = giveaways for at least 10$ each month, with a total minimum chance of 1 in 10. Expected value = STILL at least 10$.
Get the point yet? This is the same way any other giveaway group works. More members, less members, small quota, large quota, the final outcome is exactly the same.
And since the average amount of entries is far less than 100 due to a lot of people owning a lot of games, AND adding into the fact that a lot of more generous members donate way more than necessary, meaning you will get far more than what you pay for.
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Hey dude, I hear you would like to join our group. If you would like to shoot me a friend request I can go over the group rules with you and where the group is heading in the not too distant future.
Once I am fully satisfied that we fully understand each other you can then join up.
You can think of it as an interview or picture me as a bus conductor and the group as the bus. So I will decide whether you on the bus or off it. Either way I look forward to interrogating you. : )
Note: Please don't add me without replying here first. Thanks dude.
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Hi dude, I am a little busy for the next hour.
As soon as I'm done I will go over some simple things with you that we require as a group.
If you agree we get you in sometime this evening/night.
In the meantime feel free to shoot me a friend request on steam
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keeping this clean and simple :)
Requirements to join :
Group rules :
These are the rules of the group that every member must respect and follow.
The rules were recently revised during a discussion in which all admins and moderators agreed to the future direction of the group.
Any questions should be directed to an admin or moderator.
Every member must do monthly giveaways totalling a value of at least €9.99 ($).
With at least one unbundled game.
This quota is determined as the total of giveaways done between the first and last day of each month, regardless of join date.
NEW MEMBERS: New members must fulfill their monthly quota within 48 hours of joining.
Giveaway creation
A giveaway only counts towards your quota (see 1.) if it is hosted in the following manner:
You are allowed to make any other giveaways you like, but they will NOT COUNT towards your quota.
Missing in action
If a member is not capable of posting a giveaway for the current month, he should inform an admin or moderator about it (holiday/vacation, private/financial/family matters etc.)
Any kind of flaming, spamming and insulting other group members is FORBIDDEN.
If a member does not follow the rules mentioned above, he or she will first be warned. If the person continues to break them, he or she will be permanently banned.
Most important - HAVE FUN, LOTS OF FUN !!! ;D
Bonus: Active members who participate in the group chat will often find nice rewards ;)
Fact: 10%-15% of all giveaways are our group ones xD
Note : Do not add admins or moderator as friend on steam, you can drop by in group chat to ask any question you have.
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