Great event indeed. About the closing thoughts... I have to admit I'm a little bit wary of making low level public GAs. I have no problems not even setting the CV to 0 if I'm using trusted lists, but I got burned during my first GAs which were public and set to low levels, so I guess that factored in. Sure, I might've just been unlucky and later on one occasion I found the winner of a level 6+ to be a regifter; it's always wrong to generalise after all. That is why I set my public GAs for this event on 5+ and the "private" (linked in the topic) ones on 6+, being 5 myself. And there's more: as I said I'm a new user, but the gap between 4 and 5 seems rather big to me. I saw a lot of people stopping at the early 4s and never making a GA for many months or even years after that, then again it might've just been chance having me looking in the wrong profiles at the wrong times.
Perhaps I'll try and make some non-Bad-Rats 0 to 4 GAs as well the next time. No promises, but this event made me the rationale behind some fears of mine.
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Yayyy! Thank you again for hosting such an amazing event Val! I love this community!
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Thanks for hosting such an awesome event! I was blown away with the amount of love and support!
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EVERY WEEK is High Level Appreciation Week!
best quote EVAR!
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It was pretty awesome, even though I didn't contribute that much. I pretty much almost always make low level ga and don't give it much thought, but I'll try to remember to make some high level ga's in the future.
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That was pretty neat. Thanks for hosting Val, and thanks to all who contributed!
To be honest, I feel a bit bad for not contributing anything... I have no excuse either. I actually have a couple of keys lying around. :P
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Frickin' BADASS!
Yes, I think that sums it up quite nicely.
(internet high five here)
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Thank you Valisorie for organising this great event and to everyone for their wonderful generosity.
Ultra late, dropping a few that end on Monday for an little encore to the encore.
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophect Remasterd - Level 6
Bone: Complete Bundle - Level 7
Game Corp DX - Level 8
In Between - Level 9
Wish I could have done more but money is kind of tight right now. The boiler on my central heating system that also provides all my hot water died about 10 days ago. Been getting quotes and I'm looking at £2200-£3500 for a replacement which I need before winter hits if I'm not to freeze my arse off.
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You're braver than me, I daren't even try. Don't worry, I'm not stinking but instead I've been making use of an electric kettle and boiling pans on the stove. Get enough boiling water to fill a bucket in about 20 minutes then empty into the bathtub. 3 buckets or so and a bit of cold water on top is enough for a decent wash but I really don't want to go on like this. I need my running hot water back asap!
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I really am glad I got to enter so many excellent giveaways! Glad I had some keys collecting a lot of dust that I could add to the event, since money is very hard for me to come by (I have illnesses that are expensive, plus I cannot work to get the money I need to try to get myself better - sort of a catch 22). Out of the little bit I get, 90+% goes to medication. When I say medication, I mean either physical meds and herbals I take, or games! Games are highly underrated meds. They do a lot for me - take my mind off feeling bad, keep my brain sharper, and require little movement usually, so I can have a good time and not pay the price for it as much during, or after! That is in a nutshell why I give. I can contribute and help somebody else in some way (helping me feel better) without having to go out and do it, since it's not so easy for me with all of my various conditions.
Going to doctors (I see like 8 specialists) several times a week and taking all the various medicines at different times is work enough for me! Feeling sick is like working all the time, without any breaks or vacations. There really is no retirement either, until there is a cure, or life is over. Sad way to see it, but it's the reality, so myself and many others have to make the best of it that we can. It's like this for a very important reason.
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Didn't mean to get on my soapbox. I am very happy I got to participate! Thanks a bunch for the kind words! Doctors are trying to figure me out still... I haven't given up yet, that's for sure! I'm too tough for my troubles to take me out, try as they might! I'll bet the years of computer and video games have helped at least a little bit. Looking forward to entering and hosting plenty more high level (and hopefully even higher still eventually) giveaways in the future!
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Ah man sorry to hear that. Dunno if you remember but I posted a quote from a movie in one of your giveaways before and I misinterpreted your response thinking you're studying medicine, it seems you were actually getting medical treatment :/
Btw based on response that time maybe you would like to see that movie the quote was coming from.
A Bittersweet Life (2005)
Not a happy movie but still one of my all time favorites, I guess you would know how and where to find it ;)
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It's all good, I am determined to get well eventually! Games and sharing stuff, whether a kind word or some giveaways really helps me get immersed in something else for a bit. Doing that if not resting, going to see doctors, or playing games, for the most part. There's a lot of worse stuff I'm really thankful I don't have, but it is a bit of a struggle for sure! Thank you much for the recommendation, and I'll have to check it out when I get a chance!
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I'd like to personally thank you, like I said previously I do believe this really helps bring the community together and reward those that reward others. I did hope to contribute this week but I had some issues that prevented me from doing them but I'd like to try and help out in future if I can.
Thank you for starting what'll hopefully be a common trend for the community!
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High LvL Appreciation Week - ENCORE DAY & Closing thoughts
ENCORE DAY = Ends on Sunday 9/27
Level 1 - Out There: Ω Edition
Level 2 - Gunnheim
Level 3 - Star Command Galaxies
Level 4 - Train Valley
Level 5 - Tango Fiesta
Level 6 - Rodina
Level 7 - Universe Sandbox ²
Level 8 - Out of Reach
Level 9 - I Shall Remain
Level 10 - Grand Finale: Blood Bowl 2
► 1st and foremost:
What an AMAZING display of generosity & kindness I have observed this past week. I am just overjoyed with how many people of all levels jumped right in to get involved in this event! THANK YOU EVERYONE for the amazing contributions!
EVERYONE was included in this event. Everyone got a chance. People at all levels won, and we did it with virtually no negativity!
Frickin' BADASS!
► 2nd (and also QUITE important):
EVERY WEEK is High Level Appreciation Week!
Let me say that again:
EVERY FRICKIN' WEEK is High Level Appreciation Week!
A few months ago (when I was still level 2), I became more active here on Steamgifts and noticed there was very few GA's specifically targeted for higher levels.
I felt like they had contributed massively to our community, and I wanted to do something special for them. I began making most of my GA's for level 6-10 (public), as there was an abundance of low level GA's. I found it was also fun to make several flash 1 hour GA's for 6-9 as well (10's need more of a chance since there are so few of them). I think often at lower levels, contributors don't realize they can make GA's for anyone of any level, and personally I have never had a 6-10 winner not mark their win as received in a very timely manner. Mostly, they know what its like from their own experience to have to wait for credit.
It is very important to maintain the sense of community and to be sure to include and acknowledge EVERYONE level 1-10, as we are all contributors. Even if you try to help balance the GA's among levels by focusing on more high level offerings, please also be sure to give to the 1-5's as well, and vice versa: People who like to make lower level GA's, consider making a few high level ones from time to time to include and acknowledge one another.
...and who knows? You just might find yourself included in some bonus whitelisted GA's in the process! Focus on the GIVING and the rest is all icing on the cake.
Let's strive to achieve BALANCE in our community!
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