Should the developer be ashamed?
This should be in off-topic please. And yes, the dev should be ashamed.
Off-topic because I feel the need to post off-topic gifs and being in General makes me feel dirty doing so.
edit* Also, thank God for Jim Sterling. :D
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Grammar & spelling corrects are some of the lowest blows, I am not ashamed to admit that I resort to it also. But just in good fun.
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This is... Well, yeah, it's hilarious. Even the part about the review of the review of the review of the review (x20) and the contest.
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Reviewception is the trend lately, where had you been Nercro ?
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OK, but why would you go on a giveaway to comment that the game is bad ? Do you think people are too dumb to judge themselves ?
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Because the game itself,developer,and reviews all about it. This game is not even candidates for game, its rather copyright breaking(read Jim's review)game. You see how the game after his review refrences him as much.
To add,i even commented on FaeVerse Alchemy developer giveaway( with kind critism(the game price ofc),and he responded kindly as well. This is how devs should be:handle critism nicely,instead of being angry after,then start a discussion with that user why you think about it and other things the devs should do.
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Yes, it looks like it is a massive pile of shit but that's not the point. I don't think it's appropriate to comment on a giveaway that you think the game being given away is bad
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Are you part of the Heretical Giveaway Group? Yes, yes you are. This is what we do. Although, we do it ourselves and not just post other shit from other members. So I can see half of your point.
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OK, I reformulate : it's not appropriate except on a shitty giveaway from this retarded group
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Okay, that is better now. It makes me feel good and warm. Maybe the Dev should join the group and giveaway game like that. Since it is total shit game anyways. That would make sense. And would receive more thanks for giving it away like that.
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I didn't realize either. I didn't say he cannot do it, but that it is not appropriate. There are tons of places that are meant for you to express your opinion about a game, but saying on a giveaway that the game given away is shit is lacking respect to the creator of the giveaway. If you think it's shit, you should just ignore the giveaway.
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it's not like someone bought that game to give away. it's a developer giveaway. i don't see what's the biggy for commenting something negative about the game/devs on that giveaway. and yeah, i don't have any respect to those assholes.
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There should be nothing big about commenting a personal opinion, although there should be nothing taken when Blacklisted over that personal opinion. As others take it as a personal attack. The games Dev is okay in my book, I don't care what they do. I can choose how to spend my money how I wish, I can comment how I wish, and they can Blacklist how they wish. We are all beautiful opinions, showcased as an original snowflake, encapsulated in an ugly human body as we had wished to be.
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encapsulated in an ugly human body
talk for yourself. i'm a beautiful curved banana.
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i'm a beautiful curved banana.
Not at all that straight though. Which makes you beautiful. No matter what object you wish to represent.
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I have always been on fire, am constantly burning. That was my wish.
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wishing to have: constantly burning. with agony and booze.
wishing not to have: cv.
aaand that's the story of Adam, kids.
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My story is not suitable for work. You forgot to tag your comment with NSFW. reported
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but i just mentioned the safe-for-work part. skipped the naughty bits about hookers and rocks. and baers. and llamas.
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NSFW content again... Reported to deportation unit.
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No, I feel you are in my Web browser due to you being an illegal fruit in my country. Someone did not declare you upon entering the URL. I will report you now to Skynet.
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skynet is so 00s. i mean early 2000s. isn't she dead by now anyway?
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a new terminator movie? goddammit! haven't they already had a huge dump with the last movie already? at least we'll have a hot sarah connor though.
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I'm surprised they're still even trying to sell the game at this point.
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I'm just waiting for their next meltdown... and given how Medieval Mercs trailer will make your ears bleed within the first couple of seconds I think they have another hit in the works.
And yes, blacklisted too ;<
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Oh, they blacklisted me for writing in the giveaway comments something along the lines of: thanks but no thanks i don't want to support a dev that removes comments and youtube videos.
I don't even mind, i'm kinda proud for it, come at me dev!
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In addition,i fear that if the dev continiues giveaway his game,he will get alot of CV levels just for producing more and more copies.
They won't get a lot. Since the CV you get from a game start decreasing after the 5th copie give away, it's virtually worth nothing after a while.
From the Real CV calculator : The Slaughtering Grounds (20 Copies) (4.9320802465677E-12$ Total) (Group giveaway)
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This game should be classified as a "digital homicide" to the PC gaming world.
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Guys,i got important news about those devs. Check title again.
And yet,when the devs written a comment that my review will be taken down soon,i responded by politely saying why people like myself started being angry. Of course,unlike other devs that kindly aknowledge those reviews by those users to find problems,these devs instead trying to remove all kinds of bad mark on their trap games. They need to learn,that looking for quick buck over people's pleasure is never a good thing: Its rather backlashing,as people WILL start offering refunds against your games,and report them to be taken down. But no,these devs want to continue their traps,and well,people already hate them. Even for free those games are nothing but cards to benefit the dev.
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Im just gonna leave this here for comedy purposes:
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370 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by aquatorrent
137 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Delisper
The first parts of discussion and original title(about the slaguthering grounds)are now old. Read down for NEW info.
When i commented on this giveaway as bad game and proof to Jim Sterling's video,i got banned(blacklisted)by the dev itself. Also,this isn't the first time when the dev banned players for nothing or ciritsm(like i said). Review:
The giveaway itself: If you aren't commented yet,you see my post here. For me,its rather you were blacklisted.
Another link:
If you read others players reviews on Steam page of this game,and Jim's as well,you see how players was also banned for NOTHING. Just for commenting on forums,reviewing it e.t.c. The dev even tried to remove em with copyright strikes. I still don't know what happend to users that just said thanks on giveaway itself. If they got banned,well,this massively proofs my point. Check Steam forums of this game as well: you see alot players was banned for worst reasons.
(already answered)In addition,i fear that if the dev continiues giveaway his game,he will get alot of CV levels just for producing more and more copies.
I didn't meant that the giveaway is bad: i meant that the dev itself shouldn't giveaway the game that is basically hell in a game and using it to promote even more bad games. Im fine if a user giveaways a bad game,but when a dev giveaways a game just to make fun of others(i.e censorning overwhelming critism,banning for nothing/worst reasons and scam games),this becomes serious.
Oh,if you are new developer yourself, check Jim's guides of this: and
If winners ever get the game,i belive they will go upset as me after playing it. But not everyone is going to share/say how its bad...
PS,the Zombie Troll Steam trading card( ) resembles pose of Jim's avatar on youtube and steam. Why devs making refrences to these...
Part 2: The Temper Trantum AND Deadly Profits.
First,the review:
So,both those games was developed by homicide again. Check this review:
Edit: I taken my review down(on Deadly Profits),as it has less proof than first one. Still,theres alot of negative reviews that say that this game is buggy,unfinished and such. Well,somewhat mine got very bad recivied... I think thats a bad move,as this game got already enough of them,but...
Well,ethier way,ill will keep an eye out for more suprises. Sorry for confusion i could possibly give,but thats because i overreact at some things.
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