That's such a slippery slope, should we restrict all posts, not just suggestions? What is new anyway? Eventually I'll be restricted from shitposting, Rachel from posting bundle, Mullinx from posting gifs, evil people from posting puzzles.
Can you imagine the travesty this site world be without that (not including the last one and especially including the first)? :3
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have you read it all?
this is off-topic cause not really. i'm ranting about the past few weeks of new users who think they know it all
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I read it, and personally have no idea what you mean by "this is off-topic cause not really. i'm ranting about the past few weeks of new users who think they know it all"...Maybe it's due to the fact that I haven't slept in almost 48 hours and my mind is just living off of mugs of coffee...I'm sure it will make more sense once I am actually awake....If I find time to sleep soon
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i can't be expected to understand a not unfunny joke.
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have you even read what i wrote?
this is off-topic cause not really. i'm ranting about the past few weeks of new users who think they know it all
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I'd have to find myself agreeing if anything just to make them learn the layout of the site and to prevent pointless threads about how things should be better (translation: easier for them)
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but than we need to ask Gaben to make it oneclick to wishlist all games.
i see you know the last bend that broke me and caused the rant. that was nothing, there were actually worse suggestion in the past weeks that i just ignored cause the other nice people explained
the CV system was good, even i disagreed with it
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I wasn't sure that caused it but I was fairly certain it would have contributed. Though it wasn't even reallya suggestion as user was stating "this is wjhat I'm doing".
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he suggested to implement it as a feature in the site.
oh well, i was surprised he hasn't bl me. maybe this thread will help me get more ppl bl.
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That's how he started out but if you read through some of his later replies it seemed pretty clear they actually intended doing this - on public giveaways no less.
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you mean, to post that only those who had it wishlisted before can win the game? but SG doesn't allow rules.
if i read all of the comments my head would have burst
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I know what you're talking about ;) "Hey, I've been here one week, made 3 GAs worth of few cents, but now that I don't like your system I will blackmail you - if you don't 180deg change your rules I refuse to make any more GAs!" (yeah, site will surely fall apart without your 3 GAs -.-) - well problem with these is that not only new ppl post stupid suggestions. And not only veterans post good suggestions. There are dumb and not-dumb ppl in both groups. So better than restrict anyone - ignore dumb suggestions :>
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i am. i don't answer most.
but ranting is fun ;)
this my second rant in two years, the first was about Blacklisting
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But my level is too low to claim it...
instert sadface
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I can't help but to find myself in this. I'm fairly new with ~1 year, but started entering and giving fairly recently. I wanted to make a suggestion, but i decided to rather post in another thread with a wider debate. I am bothered that your CV drops if the listed price of a game drops AFTER your giveaway has already ended. Meaning that a 10 buck game you bought and gave away is months later a 1 buck game, so it counts as if you gave away only one buck. (not talking about bundles, but the list price itself)
Should i be restricted from suggesting that change?
Ironically i could enter your GA a few days ago but not anymore, thanks anyway.
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Althought if your level didn't drop over time people who are at really high level 8+ etc would only give away games to get that high and then do next to nothing while still getting all the games that are for level 8+
That would lead to people that are level 8+ not giving away any games since they are at a level where they feel comfortable, instead as it is now they need to keep giving away to stay at the high levels.
Not that i have much to say seeing as i am lvl 1 myself :/
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That's a poor argument to be honest, translating into saying it's okay to devalue your gifts just so you keep giving to stay at the same level. Hell i way only level 2, didn't win a single game yet, and fell down to 1. For me it's about the principle and not SG ruining my happy camping at desired level to 'farm' giveaways.
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It never was my opinion, i merely said how it is right now and what would happen if it was like you wanted, dont pick on me please :D
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You see, that's not how the site works. When you're buying a game before it has been bundled and give it away BEFORE it appears ina bundle, the CV you gain for it will remain unbundled in all eternity.
Exceptions are if it has been so highly discounted that it falls under the 95% mark in certain countries (mostly Russia, sometimes South America).
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It's not really a problem on the short run, and absolutely not for me, because I can't afford new AAA games :D
Legendary Skyrim started out from 60, now only 30 with heavy sales. Arkham Asylum GOTY was 40, now only 20. Fallout 3? 20 to 10. New Vegas Ultimate from 40 to 20 If someone gave away a brand new game after release, apparently they lose half of the CV in about half a year, because the store price drops.
Not like it really matters for them (at least I'd like to belive in that), as if someone's after CV then can find much better deals than a 60$ game with 1:1 CV, but guy's point is pretty much legit.
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I can't afford new AAA games either (or almost any AAA game really), so i went with Gravilon, which was i think valued at 5€ at that time and bought 5 copies. Behold, it became 99 cents. So that's 20 bucks less on a cheap game, just like it would be on Skyrim.
Either if you buy AAA or low budget, you're screwed in the long term :)
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some games got 0 value. i.e. went free.
look up Dota2. best example i can think of is MuIIins profile ;)
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Thing can't really be helped, it would multiply the site's load.
Currently a certain game has full CV if the giveaway was made before adding to the bundle list, and 1/8 for afterwards - each one's base price is the actual store price.
If we would take price changes into consideration, then every single game would have as many different extra tiers, as many price drops it had during it's history, plus the ocassional artifically increased price we've seen before sales in the case of some games.
So imagine that an AAA game would have a 60$ tier, a 40, a 20, then maybe a 10 if happened, then if gets added to the bundle list, another one. Instead of the current price, the site would have treat at least 3 different prices and pair it up with the appropriate giveaways. And then multiple this with any game that had a price change EVER.
This is a non-profit site which already have issues with data loads, it simply couldn't handle - I don't want to find it out how many giveaways the site's actually tracking, but it's surely more than 1.25 million. Your suggestion makes sense, but simply can't happen with the funding the site has.
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I understand what you explained, but price changes are already in consideration / applied. You don't need to bother with extra tiers etc. Imo a simple price history log would be a simple solution.
Meaning instead of CONSTANT refreshing dynamic search system of "your given game is worth as much as the current full value steam price, let me check steam every day and calculate your CV based on that", it could simply be "save the current full value steam price at the moment this giveaway ended in your log, that's it."
I understand that's extra data, but SG already has a 'notepad' of your personal given games (obviously). Would adding a price number next to the name of the game in that log increase it beyond the budget? Then when doing the bundle deduction, instead of visiting steam price to calculate, it would visit the SG log directly and presto, there's your CV value.
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This would be the best, if Steam didn't have price glitches all the time. There was a recent bug in the API where a lot of games were reduced to 0p and it got fixed in a few days because of the dynamic system. There's also been cases where the price was ridiculously high as well. People would probably abuse the system, necessitating manual correction (something that I bet cg only has the power to do, since removed games give 0 CV) that will take forever to fix.
Edit: Zelg wrote a response 1000x better than mine
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you were answered already, but here are my 2 cents:
1c: don't buy the game at launch or something. wait a year at least for the price to be "stable". and even than, only on sales (yes, i know)
1c: forgot the second one while formatting the first. sad i know
yes, 1c+1c are 2c ;)
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oh, it was already suggested. i think several times in varying formats... check the sugg forums ;)
more money = more gibs! gimme gimme
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devaluation over time as a motivation to keep on giving is just an excuse in truth. SG simply calculates your CV based on store prices - as it's the easiest way plus it's the least stressfull for the servers. Game change base prices all the time - old games become cheaper, while some shady devs for example rise the price before going on "sale" to look more generous. As it is right now - SG has to simply pull current prices from Steam and easilly calculate your CV and level based on them. For your proposition to work it would not only require to pull the prices - you'd also have to store them, prices can change at any time - not only at specific time of a day - so let's say game A is 30$ at 8AM and 15$ at 8PM. If we store data at 10 PM and someone made a GA at 6 PM - he'd pay 30$ and got 15$ value, so it would still be unfair. So how often should SG check all the prices? Every hour? Every minute? Every second? Then it would store the whole history of these prices in it's database - already generating a lot more of useless data. And then Value for each user would have to been calculated separately - for each GA Sg would have to query DB for the date to get the price from exact moment while now you can get all prices from a single DB withoiut worrying about date.
Also Steam API is shit and it ofter reports wrong prices - for example if there's a pack containing a game on sale and it's cheaper than the game itself - API will report pack full price as game's full price. For example during Daedalic pack sales separate Daedalic games were all listed for price of packs - 100-150$! With your system anyone making GA during such a sale wqould get 150$ Value instead of 10-20$ Value. Then there are also common API bugs when it lags and report some games as worth 0$. With your system anyone creating GA during such a bug would get 0$ Value. All these errors would have to be tracked and repaired by hand by cg and staff - which would require a lot of work-hours and put even more stress and work on Support that already has not enough members.
So all in all - while your suggestion may sound valid and would be awesome in a perfect world, where Steam API works flawlessly, gives no errors, SG servers has infinite capacity and we have more than enough Support members to carry on any nice idea - in the reality it's sadly not possible to make it work.
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Thanks for a well written reply and putting it in perspective, much appreciated. I was not aware of such high errors in case of Daedalic packs, in such case it would clearly be unfair and the system wouldn't work. I guess there's no clear win scenario.
Lesson learned: I should probably find a friendly group and whitelist the nice people (starting with this thread) than care about levels and CV.
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it's not just Daedalic Packs - they were just most recognizable because of the amount of Daedalic bundle games and the reason that when this error occured there was also Daedalic bundle somewhere so people were making a lot of GAs - so there were a lot of bugged GAs and that's why it's most famous case.
But basically it can happen to any game - if the game is also included in some pack this pack will be featured on Steam Store page for that game. Now if this pack goes on sale and the game itself doesn't and the pack end up being cheaper than this game itself - API will always bug on that game and report wrong price. Just as it is now - everything will go back to normal the moment pack sale ends - SG will correct bugged values automatically the moment API stops derping ;)
Anyway - main lesson to be learned is that you sure make GAs for the sake of making GAs - to make ppl happy, to interact with your groups, to make puzzles, to get rid of your leftovers - whatever suits you best, but not for the sake of getting levels. Levels will come along the way, but if you focus on levels as your main priority you will always get frustrated that something seems unfair in your case, that something dropped in price, that it got retroactively bundled, that you didn't get enough entries, that you bought it in more pricy region and so on and on - just make GAs, visit forums, have fun and treat levelling up as a bonus reward but not the sole purpose ;)
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Indeed, well said in the last paragraph.
I started off simply getting rid of games i like but had spare copies of, and i wanted those in the hands of people that wished for it. The fact i wanted to level up was to get out of the 'leech zone' and actually have a shot at games i have wishlisted, since i don't enter anything i wouldn't want to play. Looks like the general SG practice is 'enter everything', you can always idle for cards. I have no intention to grind levels.
Cheers zel, even though i don't have much to offer yet, welcome on my whitelist.
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I've just stopped repyling to all those great suggestions. If nobody bumps them the threads will quickly dissapear into the depths of the forum.
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but people do reply. sometimes in order to "educate" sometimes to annoy or something... that's the point
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Yea, I agree, im new, but I definately think noobs should take at least a week to learn how things work. But welcome new people:D
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Welcome MarineCommando.
only thing you need to know is Potato
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Yes, we have no democracy. Don't allow them to talk, imprison them, laugh at them, etc. :B I really hope you're kidding.
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this is off-topic cause not really. i'm ranting about the past few weeks of new users who think they know it all
read all the way to the end of my rant
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Yes, I read it already. In the end, you're saying that some new users think they know everything, so you are confirming what you said before. xD
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Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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I actually suggested once to make it possible to subscribe to a user...
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yes, there are some new users, who are great and really want to improve the site, but for god's sake. spend a bit of time here, learn the people, learn the mechanics.
don't start improving until after you've seen it all.
i'm glad you read the FAQ, i really do. but that is like the most basic stuff.
you won't expect anyone else to try and improve a system without them knowing nothing about it.
this is off-topic cause not really. i'm ranting about the past few weeks of new users who think they know it all
and no, i hardly know it all, but i do there is GA hidden here (ENDED)
Edit: NEW GIB TRAIN!Comment has been collapsed.