Hi ^^

I'm a multimedia designer and a gamer (like almost everyone here I guess). Microsoft's offer gonna end in about 6 days. I wonder if I should Upgrade to win10 or not. I'm afraid of compatibility issues.

7 years ago

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From Win7 Ultimate to win 10 or Not for someone with a lot of old games?

View Results
do NOT upgrade

I've upgraded from Win 7 myself about 6 months ago. I am yet to experience any compatibility issues. You may have problems with older games. I like Win10. It feels very similar to Win7 but with some new features.
The only thing you will giving up is your privacy if you believe you still had any :3

P.S. It's free and you can roll back to your old OS if you don't like Win10.

7 years ago

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I'm willing to bet all that stuff was snuck into Win7 anyway. Heh.

7 years ago

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I think in today's day and age what we call "privacy" is just an illusion anyway. =\

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Very much this. If you really want privacy, you need to go to a room without windows and electrical stuff (and even then there's a small chance it's not entirely private).

7 years ago

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Yep. A lot of the privacy things people complained about were also in updates for older versions...

7 years ago

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That "stuff" is in fact present even on Windows 7, but it's easier to disable, as we can select which updates to install.

7 years ago

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Tool to close off windows tracking crap. Same company that makes Search & Destroy anti-spyware.

7 years ago

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Very interesting tool. I want to try it. Is it safe to use? :o

Edit: seems like it is. thanks for sharing :)

7 years ago*

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I use it, myself, and trust it enough to recommend it to others. The company behind it also puts out Spybot - Search & Destroy, which is a well-regarded anti-spyware, malware and adware program.

Edit: Which, uh... Raulfin already mentioned. Yeah, I can read today. :3

7 years ago*

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Sounds good to me. Downloading it now D:<
Thanks :)

7 years ago

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I have no issues with Win10 from upgrading from Win7, but I've heard people saying that a fresh install is better than just upgrading.

I haven't tried to play many older games since upgrading, but I used to have problems with older games not running on Win7 anyway, so I don't imagine it being any worse.

EDIT: The main reason I updated was because Win7 Home didn't support my 32GB of ram, and having had Win10 on my laptop already with no problems, I just did it.

7 years ago*

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How good are you with PC's? And how full is your HD?

If you can make a full backup, you can upgrade and if it doesn't work just restore the backup.

BUT: After the upgrade, your PC will be registered with a W10 license. So if at a later time you upgrade (again) or do a clean install, just skip the 2 places it asks for a serial and after installation it will retrieve your license from the Microsoft server :) (but make sure it has it's W10 license before reverting!)

Compatibility issues you need to check on a piece-by-piece basis. Does al your hardware have W10 drivers (also external like a drawing tablet or a printer). For software just check the manufacturer website.

But easiest is just try. Maybe buy a new HD, make an image on it from your current HD and try the upgrade.

Good luck!

7 years ago

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If you plan to upgrade hardware - it may be a good idea, cause new hardware may not supprt older windows. Otherwise there is no reasons to switch to Win10, it's not better in any way.

7 years ago

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If you have Windows 7 Ultimate, you'll be able to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, AKA the version that allows a small semblance of control over updates.
The best course of action would be: upgrade to Win 10 to validate your hardware, then do a clean install afterwards.
Your Win 7 key should still be valid, so you could use it on a virtual machine if compatibility issues arise.

7 years ago

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i would least of all fully upgrade it to get the free license, then if you decide you do not like it or it does cause you compatibility issues then drop back down to whatever you are currently using. that way even if its a couple years from now you can still use that free license when you feel its more appropriate.

7 years ago

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iam upgraded on release and for me i havent any issues. i like win 10 more than 7

7 years ago

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Search Windows 10 in the forum. Pls

7 years ago

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If you want to switch to Win10, I kindly advice you to do a fresh install. Maybe they fixed the upgrade bugs, but for me it resulted in conflicts between drivers and some other minor problems (twice). But I did clean installs for a couple of laptops and desktops and they work really well (including my own).
Personally, I find it a great OS, and the user experience is great. It has lots of nice features, but there are also some minor problems in terms of some processes that have to be managed in order not to overload your PC (there are some 100% Disk Usage problems for some users). But all these things are easy to get by.
Also, as dkny stated in the first comment to this thread, there is this thing about privacy because you don't get to choose which updates you install. I do not know all the insights to that thing, but personally, it doesn't bother me so much.

I am looking forward to see what you decide upon.

7 years ago

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Upgrade to get the license, then download the install DVD ISO from MicroSoft and do a clean install with it. Upgrading Windows to a newer version/kernel has never been a good idea, but a fresh install works wonderfully for Win10.
Otherwise it takes a day or two to get used to it (for example, they separated the Control Panel into two for some reason), and it has a terrible tendency of removing drivers when Update tries to get new ones from MS, but otherwise it is the best Windows yet.

7 years ago

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With the control panel it's like they are trying to give some backward compatibilty, but the modern choice lacks a lot of options and is actually pretty useless :| Same with Edge, it hasn't a bookmark all tabs button :| wtf The Music and Video apps are also pretty shitty (WMP instead is greater than ever)

Alt+X it's the greatest windows shortcut ever :o and the cmd has full screen support now :D

7 years ago

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Well, as for Edge, I think most people start by downloading a real browser. :)
The new control surface isn't that bad, but it can be weird. Some aspects give better control, some now need registry editing or external tools. (Funny enough, they changed the Control panel a lot in WinXP as well back thenโ€ฆ and I think in WinVista too.)

7 years ago

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Upgrade. Win10 is better than older versions.

NOTE: be prepared to spend about a day configuring and changing settings. you also want to spend a few days getting used to it.
If you don't, you'll be sorry.
I originally upgraded, got frustrated, downgraded. Later, when I had the time, I tried it again, but put in the time and effort. Yeah, it's good

7 years ago

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I haven't had any compatibility issues with any of the software that I use and I upgraded a few months ago. I'd take advantage of the free upgrade while you still have the time left though. :)

7 years ago

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I upgraded recently. Had some strange bugs crop up the first day, but I got everything sorted out the next and its been fine. You might as well upgrade and give it a shot. You still get a timeframe to downgrade if you dont end up liking it.

7 years ago

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0 issues so far

7 years ago

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Hello buddies

THANK you all for your help. I guess I have my answer.

Right now I have a 1TB in my laptop with two OS: 700GB for win7 and 300 for Linux. the main 700gb is shared in two parts: 500 for disk C(os) and 200 for disk D. Disk C currently have 51GB available and 18 on D. I have 4 external hard drives but their all are full (less than 10gb at best). I can't unfortunately buy a new 1TB to clone this one because it's quite rare here (at least at the moment).

All I can do now is to take the risk with the upgrade and prays it won't screw up. About my other devices I didn't even think about it so thanks for pointing that out. I'll check if they all have drivers for win10 and if there are issues (especially with my graphic tablets).

Wish you all a wonderful day ^_^

7 years ago

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All I can do now is to take the risk with the upgrade and prays it won't screw up.

It probably won't screw up. I honestly have not heard of anyone that lost all their stuff.

7 years ago

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You can revert to Windows 7 within a month. Of the 5 PC's I've upgraded to 10, I reverted one. Twice. Once because network didn't work, I went back, then found custom nForce drivers, installed them, upgraded again, used it a little until I found out Hauppauge Capture wasn't stable, then went back again. The upgrades and reversions went fine.

7 years ago

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I am in the moment doing the upgrade
Hope everything goes ok. =)
and this post makes me more relieved

nice day to all

87% progress ...

7 years ago

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Thanks ET3D I'm gonna hope it works well for me too so I won't need to reverse.

Khayolin: good luck mate ^_^ .

7 years ago

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thank you
well my ethernet connection does not work i havent found why ...
but my wifi is ok thanks to my tiny usk key
but it is obvously not the same speed connnection ...

Good luck to you LordMystirio

7 years ago

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thanks ^^ I hope you'll find a way to fix the ethernet connection

7 years ago

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30 minutes with changing the DNS and the IP of the network card
cutting my antivirus my windows firewall .... =D

Found the solution
Shutwon the PC
reboot my box (/modem)
Reboot the PC

Windows and the box were probably in conflict

7 years ago

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yeaah ^^ GG

7 years ago

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and you ?
everything is fine ?

7 years ago

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still downloading ... 39% so far.

7 years ago

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it took me 1-2 hour to get back tio the new window login

7 years ago

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thank you ^^

7 years ago

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Best example to me why it's been a great idea to switch to Win 10 is BLOOD (By Monolith Studios). On Windows 7, I could never get it to run properly. But on Windows 10, right after starting the game, Win 10 asked my if I wanted to enable Legacy-Support for games. Which I did. And you know what? BLOOD runs as fluid as ever.

Just my two cents.

7 years ago

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It's pretty nice and useful, I really liked a lot, but something in the amd driver or windows itself makes my computer freeze after X minutes. In win7 I don't experience any of that problem :|

7 years ago

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My impressions after a few days so far is that this feels very much like beta software. This is a brand new PC I just built and installed clean from a USB drive. I first installed to make sure I had all of the drivers I needed, to run some burn in tests and to play around. The damn start menu quit working after the second day. Go to Google and type "Windows 10 s" and "Windows 10 start menu not working" should be the 3rd entry if you have suggestions turned on. I tried everything suggested and couldn't get it to work. One time it randomly started working, only to stop working a few hours later.

Searching in regedit is broken, Google that one too. Apparently it was working in earlier builds, but an update broke it almost a year ago and MS hasn't bothered to fix it.

I don't like not being able to disable Windows Update from installing hardware drivers. Initially I was using the built in Intel graphic, and manually installed the latest driver downloaded from Intel. The next day I put in my GTX 970 and disabled the Intel graphics in the BIOS. A couple of days later it automatically downloaded and installed the Intel graphics drivers from Windows Update even though the hardware was not there.

The Start menu tile thing is stupid and I hate it. Win10 is not all bad, there are a few improvements and things I like better than in Win7.

I just re-installed a few hours ago to do more testing, and if everything works out I'll re-install one more final time. I was poking around and trying stuff out the first time, so maybe I did something I shouldn't have that caused the start menu to stop working. It was just a test install and I was going to re-install anyway. I used a Windows 7 license to "upgrade," so I still have the option to go back to Windows 7 if I don't like it.

I'm not sure now if I'm going to upgrade my other two machines. One of them is my old gaming system that this one replaced. It will become the family PC and the old family PC will be retired. The other PC runs Windows Media Center for recording and Watching TV, and that doesn't work in Win10. I had hoped to check out some alternatives to WMC and upgrade it, but I've had to spend some extra time getting my new PC up and running.

7 years ago*

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Thanks for all those details. From what you and other guys said it's more about luck than anything else but at least when it works most of you seem to love it. As I can't clone my current system to have a backup, I'll simply wait and hope it goes all fine and if it doesn't I'll revert to my beloved w7. I'm currently downloading a few steams games so when it's done, I'll start the upgrade. Will let you all know how it works.

7 years ago

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Old games not working on win10 is a myth

7 years ago

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no, it's a fact that old games with safedisc/securom don't work.

i'm still all for windows 10.

7 years ago

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use a nocd crack then or buy the game from gog.

7 years ago

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yeah, i know what a crack is. doesn't change the fact that windows 10 will not run certain games that win7/8 can run. that's like saying x64 windows can run 16 bit programs, because you can use dosbox. ;)

7 years ago

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At least with workarounds its possible to play very old games.... try that on a potatostation or potatoone console :P

7 years ago

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sure, but some people wouldn't see a crack as a proper workaround. ;)

7 years ago

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Many old games will NOT work on Windows 10 anymore, because the old CD-DRMs are removed in Windows 10 and cannot be installed again. For example, Mafia 1 will not work on Windows 10. Also, while Windows 7 can still play pretty much all games that supported Windows XP or newer, Windows 10 can not.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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I dont want that... I mean- I got the original CD laying next to me. So why should I download something illegal that might also contain virusses? I rather just not update to 10 in near future and still enjoy the games without problems.

7 years ago

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I second Eddy. I have no intention downloading no-cd crack while I bought the legit thing.

7 years ago

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Just install W10, get your hardware ID on their servers and go back to W7. That way you can activate W10 later on whenever you want for free.

7 years ago

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Actually it is usually due to not having the older DirectX Dlls installed. Here is an update that does have the older DX8 and DX9 dlls https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3081424

7 years ago

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I had Windows 8.1 and upgraded yesterday to 10... Notice the store and gui type program list is gone....

I didn't use those things much tho...

7 years ago

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