There was just a thread posted about a group for people playing their won games, but it got closed due to the group getting the required amount of members. The discussion was still interesting, but it was missing a poll, so here it is. We can continue the discussion here as well.

Do you play the games you win here on Steamgifts? Do you enter giveaways only for games you know you want to play, a little of everything, or even games you know you won't play?

We were discussing the case where people don't play their wins, not only because of backlog, but entering for/winning games they know they won't play. From what I've seen some users here do it for either card farming and/or Library +1. Some people feel that they are "robbed" from games they would have played by these users. What's your opinion? Are you one of those who enter/win games you'll never play? What's the deal with that? I'm curious.

I only enter for games I know I want to play. Up until recently my statistics were quite good for being a fairly new user here: I had played (completed single player campaign) 20% of my wins, and had gametime in a total of 40% of my wins, and I was getting closer to 40% completed. Recent good luck has added more games to my backlog and made the numbers a bit worse (now I'm maybe at 15% completed, 30% with gametime), but I'll have lots of fun playing my wins during the holidays and next year. I will play all my wins with time.

8 years ago

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Do you play/plan to play all the games you win/enter giveaways for? In this case play = complete single player campaign or play a significant amount of hours in endless/online games. Play 1-2 hours in games much longer than that = Try.

View Results
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played all of my wins so far.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played most of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played some of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I haven't played any of my wins yet but will as soon as I have the time.
I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming), but I've played some of the the good games I've won.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I haven't played any of my wins yet, but might do some day.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I won't play any of my wins.
I haven't won anything yet.

I mostly enter for games I know I want to play, but sometimes I enter giveaways of games I know I wont play and have ended up winning from the later category only.

8 years ago

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I think this option is the one that fits me the best: I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best. I don't like to search a lot about a game before playing it. I like the element of surprise. The game I won from you, for example - Dishonored. I didn't know a single thing about that game when I entered the giveaway. I just went for it and ended up having an amazing time. I don't like to ruin my first experience with a game by digging information about it in order to know if I want to play it. I'll find out if I want to play it when I play it. :P

About playing my wins: I try my best to play all of them. I recently started a backlog cleaning marathon to take care of that.

8 years ago*

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that the only way to test a game, it's not because like it that you will like it too, and when you have 400+ game, well you need to wait before to play your won game cause well, 400+ game is a lots, but way more a lots than what pp with 50 game and less think lol

8 years ago

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Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. But 400 games really is a lot of games, which is why I'm already taking care of my backlog now to prevent it from becoming any bigger.

8 years ago

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i meant the only way to know if a game is good is by playing it by our self

and pp tha have 400+ game like me, well, you need to finish your back log and sequel first so it might take time before we play the won game

8 years ago

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Well, I started out a bit less discerning than I am now. I've always been interested in playing the games I enter, but as I won more and my backlog grew I've chose more carefully. Lately I've been hiding a lot of stuff I have previously been interested in trying. So far I've completed a couple of wins and played at least a little of more than half.

8 years ago

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I used to get games only for the +1 and cards, but then I thought...
"Hey... maybe I'm taking a game from someone who really wants it."
Now I only enter giveaways of games that I really want. There are some games that I really want, but I don't enter anymore, cause my PC died and now I only have a potato with toaster abilities.

8 years ago

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I always intend to play the games I enter for, but my backlog is now imposing penalties on me. I have games installed that are taking up precious gigs of my nearly full HDs, so backlog priority goes to anything I already have installed, and the larger games first. The games I won but haven't yet played are all small in size. This is my justification. Even when I'm hungry to bite into Banner Saga, I still have to finish Metro Last Light-

8 years ago

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hmnh... i never won a game before, but i only enter games that i definitly play...
so, i mostly play RPG/ oder survial games, why should i enter one thing that rotten in my libary? ....
Also i would never enter a game where i hate the grafik :D
And another reason in my opinion is: When i enter a game, that i will never play, then i would take the chance away for someone else, who really like to play the game ;(
(Sorry for my bad english)

8 years ago

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I want to play everything I put in for. I mostly play Path Of Exile, so I'll give the games I've won a chance when the current challenge league ends.

8 years ago

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I picked:

I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played most of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.

However, it's not quite like that. The thing is; I enter only for games I know I want to play. Sometimes (although rarely) I'll be wrong. Either way, I'll at least give the game a try when I have the time and "resources" to do so.

"Resources" because, my GPU is shit. Most games I didn't play/barely played is because my GPU couldn't run it, or I know it can't run it. Yes, a bit of a dick move to enter for giveaways of games I can't run, but I'm "stocking" up. I know I'll play them when I get a better GPU. (Come on, I want to play Shadow of Mordor, Just Cause 2, WatchDogs, etc... ;;)

As soon as I refill the financial hole I'm currently in with money, I'll be able to put some aside to get myself a nice (well, decent and affordable, I guess) GPU. Until then, yes, I enter giveaways for games I really want to play in the future, unless the creator specially requests not to enter unless you can play it right away. Heck, what are the chances of my winning Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Far Cry 4, Mad Max or GTA V anyways, right? :P

8 years ago

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I don't enter a GA if I have zero interest

8 years ago

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I only enter for wish listed games now though there was a time earlier when I entered for everything.
I have played some and do plan on playing all of my wins as soon as I get the time. Which is gonna be difficult because it's my last semester plus my computer is having issues.
Out of 65 wins I have 31 played (47%) and 14 completed (21%)

8 years ago

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Two games unplayed for me; one I'll start this week, the next is scheduled for January, after I get back home from the holidays because it is a very huge game that I don't want to stop mid-way through. Otherwise I usually bump up my won games on my queue and play them within 8 weeks.

8 years ago

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I need more time in my hand xD

8 years ago

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