There was just a thread posted about a group for people playing their won games, but it got closed due to the group getting the required amount of members. The discussion was still interesting, but it was missing a poll, so here it is. We can continue the discussion here as well.

Do you play the games you win here on Steamgifts? Do you enter giveaways only for games you know you want to play, a little of everything, or even games you know you won't play?

We were discussing the case where people don't play their wins, not only because of backlog, but entering for/winning games they know they won't play. From what I've seen some users here do it for either card farming and/or Library +1. Some people feel that they are "robbed" from games they would have played by these users. What's your opinion? Are you one of those who enter/win games you'll never play? What's the deal with that? I'm curious.

I only enter for games I know I want to play. Up until recently my statistics were quite good for being a fairly new user here: I had played (completed single player campaign) 20% of my wins, and had gametime in a total of 40% of my wins, and I was getting closer to 40% completed. Recent good luck has added more games to my backlog and made the numbers a bit worse (now I'm maybe at 15% completed, 30% with gametime), but I'll have lots of fun playing my wins during the holidays and next year. I will play all my wins with time.

8 years ago

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Do you play/plan to play all the games you win/enter giveaways for? In this case play = complete single player campaign or play a significant amount of hours in endless/online games. Play 1-2 hours in games much longer than that = Try.

View Results
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played all of my wins so far.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played most of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played some of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.
I only enter for games I know I want to play. I haven't played any of my wins yet but will as soon as I have the time.
I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming), but I've played some of the the good games I've won.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I haven't played any of my wins yet, but might do some day.
I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I won't play any of my wins.
I haven't won anything yet.

I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played some of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.

Uni is taking way to much time for me, good thing we will have week off in few days and I have just won This War of Mine

8 years ago

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im trying to play (until complete) all the games that i won, but i only enter on the ones that i would like to play (some multiplayer exceptions, that i will play when i find time + someone to play :p) voted for this: I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played most of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.

8 years ago

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I enter mostly for my wishlisted games, or the games I know I will play. I won only 15 games so far, but haven't played anything yet, because of the Fallout 4 =) But I know I will get to them eventually (except Bad Rats, maybe) - I put them all into "To Play" category. I try not to enter giveaways for the games I have minor interest in, even if it is something like Just Cause 3.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I also picked

I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played some of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.

Lately I haven't even been entering all the wishlisted giveaways since I've been trying to work on my backlog (and by trying I mean just playing witcher 3, mostly thanks wany <3)

8 years ago

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Nice topic, I've been thinking of asking this question myself and whitelist people who play their wins. I'll keep an eye on this thread :)
As for me, I've played/tried more than half of my wins, I must admit there were some games I didn't like and one I couldn't get to work. I generally enter for games I know I'll play, wishlist or "that one game in the bundle" you won't buy the whole thing for.
I'm not particularly happy when I have a winner with 2000+ hours in CS:GO or some other multiplayer with many indie games which were obviously idled for cards. Now that we have SGTools I don't have to check manually for activations anymore so I'll never know.

8 years ago

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I play most of the games I win, I only enter for games I want to play so if I win something then it's most likely that said game it's gonna be the next one to play for me ^^

8 years ago

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I've finished almost all of my wins, I'd not join something that I don't wanna play.

8 years ago

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I played or at least tried all the games I won here, and I can think of only a few I really didn't like. I admit, I sometimes play in offline mode so not all my progress can be seen. Also, I'm not into achievements nor cards (I still have some games I lack cards for :P).

PS I just got my first Booster Pack. I don't trade cards so I guess I should open it? It's not for a game I'm fond of btw. Some advice appreciated :D

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8 years ago

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I only enter GAs for games either I intend to play or my wife or eldest son will play - we use Steam Family Sharing so when I am out at work my wife or son may access my Steam library.

However, I only play games until I get bored of them or stuck so playing more than an hour of any given game is pretty good going for me. I simply can't tell from a description of a game whether I will like it (and the Steam demo videos I find pretty useless along with the reviews). Some games I have thought I'd really like I've abandoned after 10 life sapping minutes .. I have no interest in achievements or finishing a game for the sake of it.

I work full time and have my hands full with a couple of young sons, an old Victorian house in need of improvement and an allotment so my time playing games is fairly limited. Games I think I will really get into and need a lot of time to play (e.g. Darklands) I save for either xMas or when my wife takes the boys away on holiday.

However, I currently seem to have a massive backlog of SG games having won 35 in the last two weeks ..

8 years ago

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I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I haven't played some of the the good games I've won, but might do some day.

8 years ago

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I usually only enter giveaways for games on my wishlist, but if I see a giveaway for something I think I'll like I enter then add it to my wishlist.

8 years ago

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I only enter for games I know I want to play. I've played some of my wins and will play the rest as soon as I have the time.

Unfortunately - I am entering for 90% available games... :(
And for the time I can play and 100% complete 1 average-long game, I would win ~30 another games...

To be honest, I am a little bit scared of people insulting me not playing my wins / entering when I started to be busy.
But I like to be here.
It makes my happy.
I can choose in a very wide variety of games.
My GF is playing few hours a day now :) - from my shared library :)

I am entering and participating in events, because I can win a game, and keep it ♫ forever ♫

I regret nothing and most importantly - I want to spread as many giveaways as I can ;)

8 years ago*

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An interesting question, I actually had a very similar idea (which I haven't executed yet).
I'm aware I am not a saint, I would probably be the following:

I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best.

Sometimes, I don't even enter giveaways that I know I'd want because most of those giveaways are for my favorite groups and I don't want to take away from them.

I actually went through phases when I joined Steam Gifts.
I started off as a

I enter for games I know I won't play (library +1 and/or card farming). I haven't played any of my wins yet, but might do some day.

Because if people are giving away free games, of course I'm going to oblige.
I took me a while to realize I wasn't even interested in some of them and that I could potentially take away from others, so I became a

I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best.

Before, I would watch the trailer, and if it seemed like something I would try out, I would enter.
However, this doesn't guarantee that I would like the game. Sometimes, I'd even enter a game because of hype, without realizing that not all super hyped games are to my liking.
I eventually realized that I would still be taking away from people that would have really enjoyed the game, so I changed my ways again.

I have now reached a stage where I know I will probably never complete my backlog, so I refrain from entering many giveaways, except for those I would guarantee that I would play.

8 years ago*

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I should point out that the word "play" here is being used in a way that I don't like. The word I use for that is "beat." My definition of "play" is 1-2 hours, and "try" is shorter than that. As such, I voted "I enter for all kinds of games, even ones I don't know if I'll like. I try all my wins, but end up playing the ones I like the best."

If I really want to beat a game, I've probably already bought it or am just waiting for a better sale/bundle. The games I enter for here are mostly the ones that look neat and that I want to try out without having to buy them, or the super generous giveaways from people who are giving away games that haven't had a good sale yet. Of my wins, I have tried all of them and have beaten or intend to beat 12 of them. Most of the rest are in the "I might play this again" category, with very few that turned out to be not fun.

8 years ago

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TBH only join wishlist games
soon I will giveaway to people I really like or priv groups/WL
I usualy scroll through maingibs and if it's 10-20p giveaway and I like the description I join.

PS: Alcohol is humanity's best friend

8 years ago

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I only enter for games that I am interested in playing..some of them it turned out sucked, and I never bothered finishing it and uninstalled it with only a few hours on it..others I haven't had the time to play...but both of those cases also applies to games I have bought. If I enter a Giveaway, it's for a game I would be willing to purchase if it was cheap enough on sale at some point.

8 years ago

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I definitely play all the games I win, but some of them are just so bad I can only play them for like 20 minutes

8 years ago

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I had played 23 (~54%) and completed 14 (33%) out of 42. I'm planning to complete them all someday, besides one... One time I win the game I don't want because it has similar picture with one I want... I made a mistake :(

8 years ago

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I used to enter for everything in the beginning but for the past few months I've only entered stuff I would normally buy. Haven't played most of my wins and I already have a giant backlog (40+ games according to my list) but instead of finishing my it I keep playing a free to play mmo during my free time which just happens to always be during events/seasonal stuff in the given mmo lol.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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when I was new, I enter all kinds of gibways, but now I mostly enter games on my whishlist or games I will probably like.

8 years ago

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I only enter for games that I want to play or games that seem interesting. So far I've only played the first game I won for several hours, but I put it aside to collect cards and achievements from other games. I plan to eventually play all games in my library. I just need to find the time and the disk space.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I only enter giveaways for games I know I will play. I would feel way too guilty entering and winning something I'm not that interested in, knowing there's someone else who could enjoy it. I've seen too many people winning games multiple times and regifting, and I know how annoying it is, as I would have loved to play those.
Sadly, I'm always busy doing something, so I haven't gotten to playing everything I've won so far, but I have played most, and will definitely play them all at some point.

8 years ago

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