Stop buying the burgers for once so you can get this :3
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Was waiting for a decent price, I'm gonna buy it and patch the hell of it. Frikken Activision.
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Are you saying that old games aren't good enough to be bought at $5?
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So what do you consider an old game? What year specifically?
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Lets say 10 years or more or just last generation titles. Unless it's re-relase of HD version like some PS2 games being re-released on PS3. I'm not buying old games. And vampires is activision game. I'm not supporting activision or EA, these are the worst companies in the market making worst games.
Of course there are some exceptions like everywhere else. For example broken sword series. That genre doesn't changed much in all these years so the game plays same as the new ones and looks almost as good as the new ones. but anyway i paid only few euros for the trilogy, would't pay more.
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But you said 10, it can't be bundled till next year, worth more now by your logic...
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So 10 years or generational, thats silly? Maybe they should do that with music to? Also movies, foods, and hell everything, French fries should be a quarter a bag for how old they are :-D!
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TOTAL SERIOUS! max serious go!!!
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When they were black and white maybe, IDK Remis is the expert.
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Like... 99% of Steam is a last generation title right now.
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So you pay for a game based on how new it is and not how enjoyable it is? Because of people like you the 'cod syndrome' exists. People shouldn't blame Activision and EA for their stupid gimmicks, they just want to bring money like any other company, it's the costumer mass fault for making such gimmicks possible to use. So yeah, thanks Remis.
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Check out what 'cod syndrome' atually means, I wasn't talking about COD. And oh, so older games don't desrve your money, just because they are older? Now you sound just plain silly trying to make excuses.
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I don't care about your sindromes, i'm not a fanboy.
Yes thats the point of waiting for the price drop, the older the game gets the lower the price becomes. I'm not stupid to pay high price for an old games, when i can get much newer and better games for the same price.
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What fanboism has to do with what I talked about, that's the result of not checking about stuff before you counter-argue them? Oh so that's how you think price drops work? they drop until the game becomes free? This is simply hilarious. Referring to 5$ as a high price, lol. And again with the same thing, the mindset of newer = better.
P.S; Irony = "I'm not stupid to pay high price for an old games"
Anyway, I'm not gonna bash you anymore, at first I thought you were a kid with the "newer = better" mentality, but I had my doubt, but after reading this reply, you dismissed all my doubts. (And no, I'm not trying to offend you by saying your a kid. In contrary, to say you'r an adult, but with such mentality and logic, would be the real insult)
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Newer doesn't always mean better, especially with RPGs (Planescape Torment comes to mind). I can't say there aren't any new games that surpass Bloodlines when it comes to vampire mythology but it's still a pretty epic game. Also, wouldn't even exist if people didn't care about old games.
If you don't want to pay for Bloodlines but still want to play it, fine, it's your right to decide whether you want original copy. But if don't even have intention of playing the game then I have no bloody idea why are we even having this argument here.
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I never said people shouldn't care about old game, i'm saying they should cost much less unless it's remaster with HD resolution. GOG prices are a joke. Never gonna use that shop.
Why old games costs same or even more than relatively new games? Look at skyrim, tomb raider, sleeping dogs, far cry 3, these are AAA titles with old or indie game prices.
So yeah i'm not paying 5$ dollar for some old game which is released by activision.
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GoG prices are pretty fair. A game should be priced based of enjoyment. A lot of those games on GoG are damn straight amazing. A game doesn't have to be remastered for it to be worth anything. If you think that a game has to be remastered for it to be worth anything then you're not a true gamer. I'm fucking 18 and I love classic games. I've purchased a few (At lower prices of course. I'm cheap as fuck) and I love them. In fact I find SWKOTOR 1+2 my favorite RPGs of all time. I still play them. I find more fun out of those games than a game like Skyrim.
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GOG specifically tells you what operating systems the games will work for. Many of the same games on Steam tend to crash and bug out and they don't tell you directly if it will work on your computer. Also, I think most people think that DRM-free >> Steam DRM.
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why do you telling me this? I'm not going to buy form GOG and i'm not interested in DRM free games. Why should i pay the price for some old game as for relatively new AAA title? GOG is overrated and the games are overpriced. Just look at those sale prices - to the moon 4,99$, i bought it on steam twice cheaper. Witcher 2 was 5 euros on steam. And with steam you get more than only a game.
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What are you talking about? Games on GoG are $5 or less a piece or the same as steam and the money goes to an indie game dev company (owners of GoG) while money from steam goes to a company that can't support their games correctly. Have you seen the servers on CSGO? They're total shit.
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Baldur's gate 2 complete edition on steam is an extra $15 and comes with the same thing. Oh wait no it doesn't because the GoG version comes with wallpapers, soundtrack of the game, manual and more. Go and buy it now or never insult GoG because I just pointed out an old game steam sells and yet you pay less and get more from GoG. Everything you will say against GoG for the rest of your life is invalid.
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Dude, completley agree with you. A game devalues with time, people who say the opposite, would you pay more for a 2012 car model or would you rather have a 2015 or 2014? Also, you cant just charge a 2014 price on a 2012 because it has the same horse power as a 2014, same with games, even if it is fun as hell time has passed and it's lost value, also if a company sucks you generally look for a way to give them the least amount of money possible. +1 from my part Remis
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You are so hypocritical. You own Final Fantasy VII on Steam and have placed 13.6 hours in the last two weeks. That is a Playstation 1 era game. That is a very old game and the base price on Steam (ding ding ding) $11.99 (unless you bought it on sale).
Fable - The Lost Chapters, GTA Collection, and so many more of the games you own are considered old by your previously stated remarks. Why then all the hate for games the are higher in price, when you make a few exceptions it seems, and say that all higher priced older games are too overpriced. You can not say one thing and do another.
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Hrmm not super interested in anything so far except maaaybe The Cave. Thanks for the heads up, though!
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it's a good enough game... especially if you like Satanic and Vampire stuff.
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Hmm DVG's eh?
Thanks, but I prefer non-Digital video games....
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Gathering intel on where I can locate some analog video games. "AVG's" I've seen "AVG" on the net a lot, but no success so far.
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I think I'll pick up the Walking Dead DLC finally. I've been waiting for it to drop to 75% off.
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Excellent. For $1.24 I can't go wrong with TWD:400 days
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The game was rushed horribly, after the publisher demanded it.
Developers worked overtime, without pay, just to finish the game.
After that the development team was fired.
You can find more about it on the internet.
And you can see how much was the game rushed, when you reach Chinatown.
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I've beaten the game 4 or 5 times already and I know the whole drama about idiotic publishers rushing devs.
Simply if you're asking people not to buy the game, cause money goes to the damned publisher - I agree with that.
But not to buy the game, cause it was rushed and still unfinished - not anymore with Unofficial Patch.
Use the unofficial patch to get rid of all bugs, to get all missing content restored and you'll be praising this game, as it's a wonderful RPG and one of the best RPGs ever made.
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I agree, the patch is great and so is Clan Quest and Final Nights mod for a second playthrough...
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Finally going to buy The Walking Dead: 400 Days :) I loved the game, looking forward to playing again!
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I know you guys hate Origin, but Crysis 3 + DLC for $12.99 looks pretty good.
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Not bad, would add it to the deals in the main post, just bold ORIGIN near it or whatever so people don't get confused.
We don't all hate Origin, as a program I don't mind it and it works well.
We mostly hate EA for the crap they pull and how they tend to muck up certain series of games, close down servers, etc...
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I bought Max Payne 3 on Amazon some time ago, i am from Germany and was able to activate it.
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BTW, weekly sale is some junk warframe DLC or something. Bleh.
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Alice Madness Returns is 5$ Sadly it's Origin only and i don't know when will it expire...
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But... it was on sale on Steam just a few days ago.
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For most who pay in euro it will be cheaper for sure lol. It's still priced 50 euro (without discount), just like Shift 2. :/
Still, it's origin so => AVOID! :P I don't think the game is locked so (ab)use a friend and get it on Steam for $5 (once on sale) :p
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Yes, and no Origin sucks. Are you gonna try to change my mind? Good luck. After your skyscraper and SSD talk it's hard to take you serious :x
My backlog is big enough, I don't miss those origin exclusives (most are riddled with bugs anyway) and EA games aren't what they used to be, they already ruined BF, MoH, Simcity and many more :p. They make it easy to live without them but when they release them on Steam I may reconsider buying some.
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