Hello fellow gamers!

i'm searching people for a steam group i just created and would love to give some of you the chance to join it! Keep in mind that most my giveaways will come from humble bundles or other type of bundles. So in case you get those anyways, there is probably no need to join, since we probably share the same games.

now the rules, cuz the group is closed off.

1) Don't be a d*ck

2) Follow steam and steamgifts rules

3) Be level 3+ on steamgifts [www.steamgifts.com] (or know me personally/well online)

4) Actually play the games you win.

5) Be rather active in overall steam (see in the info below)

6) If you don't follow rule #1 be aware to be kicked out faster than you can think.

Also, be aware that maybe not everyone will be taken in, and i dont want to add more than 250 people for now. Maybe 500 if alot of people join. I want a rather small group to give a high chance to people to actually win!

1) Follow the rules and join the group -> https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mahrysgiveaways
2) tell me your favorite animal and why
3) let me know a passion/hobby of yours
4) name a game you love and one you hate (the "hate" part will not limit your chance, dont worry!)
5) the last/best book you ever read
6) tell me a funfact about ANYTHING!

Info: Once i have at least 50-100 people i will start a group only GA! i will try to keep the more valueable/popular/expensive games to the group GA instead of the open ones.

3 months ago

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1) Follow the rules and join the group

Done :)

2) tell me your favorite animal and why
will be cats, because they are juste awesome and always had one in my familly, and also platipus because come on, this is just the more incredible mixe of animals that exist in a living creature !

3) let me know a passion/hobby of yours

I collect rocks ^^ semi preciopus rocks, i amm amazed by wat nature create, the natural shapes and colors are amazing

4) name a game you love and one you hate (the "hate" part will not limit your chance, dont worry!)
I love Mass effect 1 (and 2 and 3), i love the univers, i love the characters, i love to explore, i want more !

I hate Mass Effect 3 because, come on, they have successfully ruin everything with that ending !!! its the worst end I reach, mostly because i loved the rest so much i guess.

5) the last/best book you ever read

not the last but the best, will be Ender's Game (and allllll the books in the same univers)
loved it so much i have the nickname ever since ^^

6) tell me a funfact about ANYTHING!

Platipus, beside beeing the most funny looking animal on the planet is also one of the most venomous ! don't hug them !

hum... and i would join the group if possible :D Thank you ;)

2 months ago

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I will let more people in after the 2th of april, since the currently running GA ends there. But don't worry, so many entered that one, that I probably will give it away again.

And feel free to still enter a comment, i will look through them and decide next week!

2 months ago

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ok, have a good day.

2 months ago

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1) о7
2) Tigers, they're cool as fuck, if we're talking domestic, then i can't really choose between cats and dogs they are equally dope :D
3) I do be drawing
4) Love BG3, hate any game with heavy micro-transaction
5) last is "checklist manifesto". Hard to choose best, i'll go with "the dip" from the ones i read lately
6) Most ginger cats are male apparently (3:1)

2 months ago

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What's BG3?

2 months ago

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Bad girls 3, really NSFW game, famous for scenes with bear.

2 months ago

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What is wrong with people Jesus Christ

2 months ago

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Baldur's Gate 3, xka is just trolling me :C
There is a thing with a bear, but personally not a big fan of it (the bear is not the game as some people make it, it's a lil' part of it :D)

2 months ago

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I was worried for a second.

2 months ago

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you have to enjoy some "Hentai pussy 7" though, the plot is not as good as in the 6th one, but still a solid fps shooter with great storyline

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Hi. Thank you very much for doing this.

  1. Follow the rules and join the group.
    Yessir. I just sent a request!

  2. Your favorite animal and why
    I adore cats! I think they’re the cutest.

  3. A passion/hobby of yours
    I have several, but the most prominent is video games, for obvious reasons. I fell in love with them at a young age, and I’ve maintained that passion and enthusiasm for twenty years.

  4. A game you love and one you hate
    I love all Remedy games, as you can tell with my profile picture (Jesse from Control). One game that I truly love is Max Payne. (It ranks number one on my top twenty-five list.) It transformed the way I think about games, writing, and creativity in general. As for a game I hate, nothing comes to mind, really. I tend not to hate any games (or stuff in general). If they’re not for me, I just steer clear of them. Online games, for example, I simply don’t enjoy. I know what I like, so there is no point in hating something that isn’t for me.

  5. The last/best book you ever read
    I think it’s a tie between Frank Herbert’s Dune and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. They both changed the way I look at myself and the world.

  6. A fun fact about anything
    Here’s a piece of trivia about one of my favorite films of all time, The Godfather: Part II. Robert De Niro spent four months learning to speak the Sicilian dialect in order to play Vito Corleone. Nearly all of the dialogue that his character speaks in the film was in Sicilian.

2 months ago*

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Would like to let you in! but I would ask if you are okey with opening up your playtimes to public, else i cant see if the won games are played. Or have to hope you get achievements during paying (since I can see those)

2 months ago

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I feel honored! Thank you. I just made my playtime public. Personally, I’m very picky about the games I play. That’s why I’ve only played about 200 games in my twenty years of gaming. (There’s a list of all the games I’ve ever played, going back to Sega Genesis and Famicom, but I digress.) I have the same approach with giveaways. I only enter those I feel most passionate about playing. And there’s a high chance I’d be going after the achievements because it’s likely a game I’m going to enjoy. So even with my playtime hidden, like you said, you’d be able to see the achievements.

2 months ago

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2) favorite animal: DOGs, I love my pets, and I have dogs, thats why...
3) passion/hobby: play games in my free time, share moments with gf
4) Love: Batman Arkham Series & one you hate: JRPG genre for the time consuming, but I have played a few ones
5) best book: Damien: Omen
6) funfact: (my english is basic, so I google this one): Sliced bread was first manufactured by machine and sold in the 1920s by the Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri. It was the greatest thing since…unsliced bread?

Request send

2 months ago

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favorite animal - guinea pig because they can do a move named popcorn. Fckn hilarious
hobby - gaming (didnt surprise you did it?)
game I love - Dark souls 3
game I hate - Dota, I cant stop playing it
the last book I read was The Gods Always Travel Incognito
funfact - Doom was installed on more computers than Windows 95

2 months ago

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2) Tell me your favorite animal and why. I'm in love with cats.
3) -cinema-football
4) NFS Carbon
6) Elephants use the skin folds on their backs to crush mosquitoes.

2 months ago

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Ma favorite animal is always my current animal, for now a 17 years old adorable cat. I love all animals, always had at least one (dog, cats, rabbits), could not live without one.
Hobbies: hockey, astronomy, stand-up comic
Game I love: Dark Souls
Random game I hate: Postal
Best book: Brave New World
Fun fact: Snakes actually sleep with their eyes 'open', as they don't have eyelids to close their eyes. Instead, their eyes are covered with transparent scales which protect their eyes and stop them becoming dry – these are called 'spectacles'.

2 months ago

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3) Streaming & content creation
4) LOVE: The Battle for Middle-earth (tm) (my first ever pc game) HATE: LoL (worst game ever)
5) It was a harry potter book, dont remember tho
6) Fun fact: Many Cats Get the Zoomies After Using the Litter Box

2 months ago

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  1. Requested to join
  2. Animal: Quokka, because they look like they are always smiling (and because they are so rare. They can only be found in the south of Western Australia)
  3. Hobby: Dancing Brazilian Zouk
  4. Game I loved: Marvel's Spider-Man, Game I hated: WRC8 (just couldn't control any vehicle)
  5. The last book I read was "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferris (still reading)
  6. Fun facts: (1) birds don't pee, (2) hippo's can't swim.
2 months ago

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how can i follow rule 1 when my name is richard..

2 months ago

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i just joined the group

i'd say my favorite animal is a female human, the reason i love this animal is that she was a fast machine, and she kept her motor clean.

My hobby and passion is art, the digital kind, meaning anything graphic design related, i'm always in photoshop or illustrator or something like.

My favorite game is Kenshi. I haven't played in awhile but i keep thinking about it. I read an article in rock paper shotgun all about how much the Gameworld of kenshi doesn't give a crap about you, and how badly it will kick your ass. And i was not disappointed. Classic kinda rpg.

A game i hate: castlevania lords of shadow. Only game i ragequit and uninstalled after i couldn't beat the final boss of the DLC. I will though, the game is still on my account. I glare at it sometimes, i swear to god and jesus i'll be back for my revenge against that QTE- spamming son of a bitch.

The last book i read was killing pablo by mark bowden, about the late scumbag pablo escobar.

A random fact: Scientists regularly use a laser to bounce off retroreflectors stationed on the moon, just to make sure it ain't going anywhere.

2 months ago

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2) My favorite animal is a cat because they're so easy to play with.
3) My hobbies are videogames and coding. I am currently studying Unreal Engine so that I can develop my own game in the future.
4) My favorite game would probably be Monster Hunter World. I haven't played a game that I hated yet since I mostly like to play popular titles.
5) the last/best book you ever read - The best book I've ever read is Uzumaki. The book's story and great visuals make it a really great book that everyone should try.
6) In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.

2 months ago

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Sup! I'll share some info :)
I love red pandas and foxes, I like coding and playing videogames, speaking of which I'm a big fan of the AC series (Altair to Edward series is the best)
I'm currently watching the witcher saga books, lend from a friend.
Also, fun fact, Geralt of Rivia is actually not from Rivia. master Vesemir made young witchers choose their surnames. As his first choice, Geralt chose "Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde", but Vesemir denied that, so the name "Geralt" was all that remained. "Of Rivia" is just more practical, Geralt even went to adapt a Rivian accent to appear more authentic.

2 months ago

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2) turtle because they are green
3) D&D
4) love alien isolation. hate all shmups.
5) best hyperion
6) elephants cant jump

2 months ago

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Animal: Tortoise - they have a protective shell and are generally likable creatures
Hobby: Running
Game: Dead by daylight & Silent Hunter V (you can guess which is which) :D
Book: All kinds of tech books
FunFact: Signs of successful brain surgeries go as far back as the Stone Age

2 months ago*

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  1. Yes, done.
  2. Favorite animal is owl. Great night hunters and have amazing hearing.
  3. Hobbies- Watching anime and reading books.
  4. Game I love - Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. Game I hate: Marvel Snap
  5. The last book I read was The Tsar of Love and Techno.
  6. Fun fact - The Loudest Sound In Recorded History was The Krakatoa Volcanic Eruption Of 1883
1 month ago

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Sorry for everyone waiting. Had to kick a few people who would grab games but actually never play, so i will be extra cautious now of who to take in. And will probably add not more than 80 or so. Once i have the head again to let in more people, i will go through you messages again, i did not forget about you. I just had some issues! Don't worry, you don't need to post again, i check every past message.

2 weeks ago

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Requested to join.

Birds, in general are my favourite, but I also have a dog and dogs are very cool also.

Hobby - gaming, been a gamer since I was old enough to hold a gameboy!
Don't like anything that is button mashy like fighters (Tekken), or bullet hell. Favourite genres are RPG, puzzle, strategy (Baldur's Gate, originals and the new one).

Dune books are great, LotR books are great, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is my favourite though!

Fun fact - Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people!

2 weeks ago

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1- done
2- my favorite is dog it follow me everywhere
3- love playing football ( soccer )
4- i like chivalry, game i hate : dirt rally 2.0
5- the sea and civilization
6-shrimp's heart is in its head.

2 weeks ago

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  1. Ok! D:
  2. Favorite animal: I could say all the animals, but i really love Dogs. Why? Because most of the best memories from childhood are with the dogs in my parents house.
  3. Hobbie: Gaming and roleplaying. Passion: I love writing backgrounds for all my characters sheet, i take a lot of inspiration from books.
  4. Game I love: Saga Frontier 2.
    Game i hate: Endless Space
  5. The last book I read: The Primal Hunter Vol 5.
    The best book i read: The Commonwealth Saga by Peter Hamilton (I really really really love this saga)
  6. Funfact - Instead of a generic fun fact from google, i will share a personal funfact. My pets Freya and Elektra (Mixed breed dogs) collects plastic bottles, both ignore bones or wood and only chew plastic bottles and love to play throwing them in the air for the other to catch it.
2 weeks ago

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  1. From what I meet, these dogs are wonderful intelligent animals who know what loyalty is. But stews also seem cool to me, although I have never touched them.
  2. I do marathon running, play games and hang out on SG.
  3. I've been playing good games lately, it's hard to pick one, but my favorite childhood game is the STALKER game series.
    Atomic heart really pisses me off.
  4. "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" by Patrick Suskind
  5. I don't know why, but the first thing I remembered was that wombats have square stools.
2 weeks ago

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2) Penguin - who doesn't like an animal in a tux
3) hobby : video games - surprises no one
4) love - Fallout 2, "hate" - dota 2
5) Last - The Philip K. Dick Collection: Science Fiction Short Stories from the Master of Speculative Fiction
6) Apparently, in France, it is possible to marry a dead person

2 weeks ago

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  • I love an armadillo

  • I've been getting back into lego lately which has been awesome, it's way different than when I was a kid since I'm technically an adult with a disposable income now

  • A game I love: I won Orbital Bullet from a SteamGifts entry, and I've been obsessed with it. It's a wonderful little platformer that just feels satisfying to play.

  • A game I hate... I don't think hate is the right word. But I am so, so disappointed with Starfield. I've been ride-or-die for Bethesda since I was ten years old, playing Morrowind but too afraid to leave the cities because the Cliff Racers scared the shit out of me. So seeing this bland Sci-fi release representing their first new IP in twenty years... It just hurts. But who knows, DLC, patches, and modding support are on the way. Maybe it'll still be a great game some day. I hope so.

  • I just finished Jonathan Hickman's X-men series last night. So fucking good.

  • Did you know, only humans and armadillos can catch the awful disease leprosy?

2 weeks ago

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1) Check!
2) Cats! i dont know why they are just Cute
3) Im a volunteer firefighter does that count? otherwise I Only sit infront of my pc playing games
4) I love all Batman Games (some of them are really bad!) and i hate "SCUM" weird game, i dont like it
5) Harry Potter and the weird stone (I dont know how its translated)
6) Eggplants contain Nicotin (Have you tried smoking one?)

1 week ago

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Closed 1 week ago by Mahry.