Don't know the guy but if hes having money problems then I'd just let him be. When hes ready to make it up to the winners as he states then he'll do it in time.
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He deleted almost everyone. He just had a lot of issues, and stuff. I can talk to him if you want.
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Assuming he didn't blacklist you: you can simply post in one of his (closed) giveaways and he will get a notification.
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Discussing this publicly, eh? After he made a thread where he apologized. Wow. Butthurt much?
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Not everyone are on SG 24/7 and OP didn't reference the apology topic in his post at all, could be that he's not very much active in the community and he's just being genuinely confused.
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He seemed to have done enough research to tell about of other details, but failed to see a thread that had a lot of comments and was visible on the website for a few days without searching for it on the lower end of the discussions board.
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His thread was made 4 days ago, July 11th about 11pm. The last post was 3 days ago about July 13th 5pm. So the thread wasn't even alive that long. And it's not like you can look up discussions by members or anything. (Unless I don't know of this feature.)
It was a little dumb to make it public, but at least he didn't have a freak out or anything. He did it quite well mannered.
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You can using Google. He might have been casual about it but a lengthy public thread denouncing someone over a giveaway is exaggerated and an overreaction. If llama wouldn't have a certain reputation and if the original poster wouldn't have won a AAA title this thread wouldn't exist.
I don't know llama, I don't know what he is going through but I stand by what I said 'cause this thread tells an aweful lot about the original poster's nature.
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The best you could probably do is to do a search for a specific username within using the advanced search feature on google or whatever other search engine you use, narrowing it down by time too.
The search on the site is really poor. Can't even search for words within topics, only titles.
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I did indeed delete everyone. I had nearly three hundred people on my friends list, with less than ten that I actively talk to. I have been rejecting requests recently so I don't end up right back there again. I did not even think to cross check if any requests were from my previous winners, Thanks for pointing that out. Most requests I get are from people just looking for free games, so I tend to brush them off.
Send me another request and I will add you as well as put you at the top of the list, I'll send your game to you tomorrow as soon as I get off work.
EDIT: But you gotta come back in here after you get your game and apologize for doubting The Llama.
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Ok, I'm just back from dinner and I was reading all the comments.
I'm sorry for all the drama! I did this mainly because of the blocking, and I swear I searched but didn't find that thread of you apologizing before. Maybe reporting was a bit exagerated, as some have pointed out; the "not received" is enough, so I canceled that report.
About the game, I don't think I should be put on top of those who won games before me :P
Thanks for replying, and again, sorry for all the fuzz, hehe.
EDIT: Hmm, could you please unblock me so I can readd you as friend? xD
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chairmankao doubts the reliability and trustworthiness of anyone who refers to himself in the third person.
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Hey! chairmankao only allows himself to be called "asscakes" by his dealers and his paid ... companions.
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In all seriousness, fuck the OP. It's one thing to be unhappy about not getting a win; it's something else to post in a public forum asking opinions on someone's behavior. He's clearly throwing shade. If you have to take the hit on your ratio anyway, just take it. The OP is one person I'd say doesn't deserve shit.
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He denied my request but I blame the booze.
I will drink to that.
It's Thirsty Thursday after all!
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You should close your user report, it's unnecessary. Marking it not received is enough.
Anyway, he came back recently and said he will make it right to the winners.
he would have been banned for scamming many weeks ago
what ? You haven't been scammed of anything.
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I don't think you can get banned if you don't send out games, but if you do it enough I think you can't create giveaways. Could be wrong though.
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as far as i know this thread is a calling out.
don't post usernames here to complain or anything no matter how many people we know that person.
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It's someone pretty known and popular, and 90% of the giveaways I mentioned we're public. More importantly, I didn't mean to call out, it was more like a thread asking "what happened here?" based on the good hsitory of llama. As I put up in another reply, I felt like I was missing something, and I actually did, his post some days ago, which I didn't find when searching in the forums :s
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I guess it's a bit late to point it out, but Oddllama posted a thread explaining the situation over there.
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Bond, do you not read through the thread to see if anyone else has posted something or not? :p
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If you point out this to ever user you'll have 9000+ more on your comment count.
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I'm only giving Bond a hard time because I love him. And because he does this shit a lot. Damnit, Bond.
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No, not really. Not every time, anyways.
Sometimes I'm too busy with something else to take the time to read the entire discussion before posting. I did look through the comments quickly, but I missed it for some reason. Sorry I guess. :P
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Lol, don't apologize, I'm just messing with you <3
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Nah, you made me realize that I tend to do that, which I hadn't before. I should probably read threads a bit more carefully before replying. ^^
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Has this became a contest? Damn, too bad I don't enter many giveaway. I could spam "thanks" in the comments and boost my comments count up! :P
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Sure, go ahead, be his friend, maybe you'll accept HIS Skype contact request if he sends you one >.>
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I had $3.00 left in my bank account so I bought you guys these: (cleaning out my account so I can switch banks)
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise Steam Key: 7VM7P-IPPGZ-[]LQHQ
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise - Master Level DLC Steam Key: 3838F-65DMK-[]PVJT
Cargo Commander Steam Key: LJI3Z-KVQX5-N9W7[]
Velvet Assassin Steam Key: 4P4XF-[]LGXM-Y2A2J
Roogoo Steam Key: 9F8VH-0Y72I-ZHP[]I
Dementium II HD Steam Key: 398MH-GNK4C-89NL[]
Legendary Steam Key: N0YB6-R8VXY-ND[]VQ
Rush Bros Steam Key: L3[]EV-07HQE-DNFK5
Stronghold 3 Gold Steam Key: FMKV5-[]KMHK-2ATNA
Insecticide Steam Key: B890F-[]5XW9-WL60I
[][] [][][][] [][][][]
EDIT: Hints: lamcymitti
Not in order
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I'm not sure what to replace it with.
Edit: Got it. Thanks!
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Too Many Activation Attempts
Well I at least got to try all numbers ^^' also, thanks for sharing :)
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Not really. I genuinely already considered the game lsot, but was a bit woried about the sudden events (The removal, the blocking after resending the friend request...). It didn't match the llama from before, I just wanted to know if something had happened before jumping to conclusions (Although I jumped to reporting him because of all this, which was dumb)
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stop being an ass
it's obvious he put a lot of thought into his post
he showed a lot patience and was wondering what was wrong
trying to put the blame on him now is just wrong
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Please. The OP is just acting innocent. Read again and realize that he's soliciting opinions and expressing that he thinks llama should have been punished for "scamming". Valid questions, and I can completely understand that he's disappointed, but this is not something to put to a public vote.
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Don't take it personally.
Llama removed me too.
Clearly, he didn't remember who I was.
In all seriousness, he's very reasonable, and he did promise to make it up to the winners in a previous thread. No need to worry.
Sometimes shit happens. Shit happened to him and he just dropped off the grid.
I'm just glad he's alive.
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well you held events for him?!!
you can't blame us. We are innocent (& greedy but no matter)
We are Innocent all the blame is to the person who created that shitty situation for OddLLama. (I bet he n AdamZombie, SexyJesus went on binge drinking before it happened)
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Can I add you to my friends list just so I can remove you later?
The removing would be so much more gratifying than the adding.
Also, that's not a haiku.
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For future reference don't post these things. This is calling out and will get t you a suspension.
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Done with the asslicking already? Look, the two had an argument, OP wanted some feedback from people that know oddllama and from the other people that didn't receive his last gifts. Basically, he needed some more information about the community from the community, and as oddllama said, it's a rather fair move.
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we learned againwhy we have no-calling-out rule
OP could just create a topic without naming person, without telling bad things about him and he wouldn't have to apologize in the end for jumping into wrong conclusions. He also wouldn't left bad impression of him being entitled brat.
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Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.
Please use reports or directly contact a user if you have issues with them. Do not create threads about the issue.
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EDIT: It seems I didn't notice the apology post he made a few days ago, I didn't see it when searching before making this post. I owe llama an apology, I overreacted a little bit, mainly in the report. (That came mainly with the rage from the blocking) It's good to know he's okay, and that's the important thing, nothing else. Sorry for all the drama, hehe.
Citing the comment from UraniumFalconPunch:
Well, hello everybody. I'm not a very active user on SteamGifts, I mainly enter(ed) for giveaways and puzzles, I never really got into any discussions on forum (only once, replying with a joke begging... it was a short experience).
Anyway, I'm making this post because of a never delivered giveaway (Actually many, but one not delivered to me). The user oddllama seems to be a pretty known user over here, with no prior issues to be seen other than some fragments of a discussion with an user, although I couldn't get much info from that. All other posts and comments showed him as a pretty active and beloved user.
3 months ago, he made many big giveaways, not rare to his many previous ones. some we're closed to a group, and some were distributed through a puzzle, like a Witcher III in a Pi Day puzzle. I, as many others, managed to solve it, and entered it. I happened to win, which was an amazing surprise, and as you can imagine I was very happy.
I added him and we chatted almost inmediately. He told me he would get me my gift in the week, I assumed he was waiting to get some offer or something (it was on preorder and some sites where offering good discounts on it for some reason). I waited a few days, then a week... Then 2 weeks passed, and still no game. I talked to him a few days later, once he finally connected on steam again, and he told me he was having some money issues, and would try to give me and the others our keys ASAP. Fast forward 2 months, all other giveaway winners marked their prize as not received, and I still had a little hope. Sadly, llama had been offline for almost 15 days, so maybe in the next few days I would be able to talk to him. I never got to see him connected at the same time I was (this is understandable, different time zones most likely)
But yesterday, I noticed something. He was gone. Not on my friend list anymore. I figured maybe he bulk deleted many people, and forgot about the game. I just casually added him back, and expected him to accept so I could remember him about the thing.
Today, he had not only rejected the friend request, but also blocked me. I've already marked the game as not delivered and sent a user report.
I know I was probably extremely optimist about this, but I thought he was something that would eventually fulfill his compromise. Either that, or he would have been banned for scamming many weeks ago. So, I ask the most active people over here, is this guy someone as trusty as I though he was, or has there been situations like this one in the past?
Also, if someone who hasn't been blocked by him can ask him why he blocked me, it would be a huge favour :)
Thanks for reading.
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