Full Metal Panic series. Fumoffu was really great. Less of a fan as far as Second Raid goes.
RahXephon was good as well.
Chrono Crusade is worth it.
And last one is S-CRY-ed.
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Wow I've actually watched all of these amazingly. I'm nowhere near an anime expert but I did enjoy these.
In addition, I really enjoyed Hunter X Hunter and Yakitate Japan
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people are saying hunter x hunter, but dont do it. the writers abandoned it and its now a cliff hangered dead anime/manga.
if you like the authors work on hunter x hunter, watch his old school anime "yu yu hakusho" or read th emanga to it "ghost files"
BEST anime ever other then DBZ and One Piece
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RahXephon is one of my all time favorite animes. It was everything Neon Genesis was supposed to be.
I love Cyberpunk, so everything Ghost in the Shell (except Gits 2.0). But it all depends on your preferences. It seems like you watched Psychopass. Season 2 is half a season but so very good.
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+1 Ghost in the Shell
+1 Neon Genesis Evangelion (After watching series, you need the movies to actually end it properly)
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Right I need to check out all these! I'm going to have no life xD
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I am neither a Japan or an anime fan. But after watching Death Note I couldn't stop admiring it's quality, tension/pace, intelligence. It felted like a game of chess to me.
I said "I am going to give it a try and watch other animes after that". But alas, I tried to watch some recommendations, some of them there were even compared to Death Note, but unfortunately I couldn't find something to keep me hooked.
If someone thinks that there is one that can be compared to the quality of Death Note, please let me/us know :)
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Hmmmmm +0.8 Chrono Crusade... I liked it, but I think I've liked other things a stretch better (or you know, maybe I don't remember squat :D)
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Angel Beats!
Ping Pong the Animation and
are my current top favorites.
Feel free to check out my anime list to see if there is anything else you may like.
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I tried Stein;Gate, but I just can't get into it! I gave up after episode 9 :'(
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Steins;Gate is like Homestuck.
Slow as hell to start with, but at a certain point, shit suddenly gets real.
The hard part is waiting for the turning point. If you aren't really feeling it before that point, it's a chore.
I saw it through, enjoyed it, but still feel that the first-half setup was just... I dunno. It missed the mark for me.
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Ohhhh recommend me some animes! it can be animes I've watched already
I need to finish the Tokyo Ghoul manga :O
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Loved Full Metal Alchemist (still need to watch the movie though ...)
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The one for the 2003 series.
I don't know much about Brotherhood, some say it's way better, some say it's absolute crap. The only thing I know about it is that it's supposed to follow the manga.
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I was just pissed off that in the 2003 series that ...
Lust died ... I loved her ... no pun intended!
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Not an anime, but I'll have to +1 that one.
Terrific animating.
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Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo has some life lessons in it imo and I liked it a lot, the style and colors of it is very lovely. Crunchyroll
Kokoro Connect if you wanna ever know what's it like switching in another body like since you're a girl.. if you ever wondered what's it like being a boy. Crunchyroll
However with Kokoro Connect, I felt the second half (the second part of phenomenon things) of the anime got really stale, but the last 4 episodes (Called Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- gogoanime for last 4 episodes) picked up the interests for me again. but that's just me.
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Don't watch if you care about being spoiled 19 seconds of Episode 2.
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Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo is a really great anime, even if it's (at least in my opinion) a little bit depressing.
Kokoro Connect is also really great, with interesting characters. It totally is one of my favourite animes.
Really good recommendations :D
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+1 FSN,
Also recommend Kara no Kyoukai. Series of 7 absolutely stunning animated movies set in the TYPE-MOON universe.
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+1 to Beck. Interesting, repeatable characters coupled with incredibly music from many different genres.
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Also, some anime movies
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+1 to Madoka and Summer Wars
Especially Madoka. Seriously, watch that. If you watched Psycho-Pass and rated it that high, then Madoka is made by the same author.
Watch Madoka
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+1 for D.Gray-man I should really catch up on the manga ^^u
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Sidonia no Kishi (Knights of Sidonia)
Also Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu based on the gif you posted. D:
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Oh my god yes, I was wondering where I had seen that gif before <3
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Sorry for multipost! I took a look at your MAL I also recommend these:
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Natsume Yuujinchou
Aria the Animation
They're all personal favorites. Surprised nobody has mentioned these D:.
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Mecorx is very smart: Watch Hale Noche Guu and try to not get that damn theme song stuck in your head.
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Love fucking Tropicana \o/!!!!!!!!
PS: Hale+Guu reminded me Excel Saga and Seto no Hanayome
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I'll be cursing both our names when I try to fall asleep tonight and these start popping into my head.
Might as well just pull an all-nighter now I guess.
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I'm a little old school, I guess... :P I haven't watched anything in a while...
Scrapped Princess
Aa! Megami-sama! (This one has a special place in my heart)
Rurouni Kenshin
Anything from Studio Ghibli
EDIT: Lupin III. :P
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Hmm, let's see...
First off all, I'd like to start off the list with my all-times favorite, Steins;Gate.
As a fan of (potential spoiler, just the theme of the anime though) time-traveling and alternate dimensions, this amazing anime was and still is my favorite. Also, the dub is great.
Second, I'd say that Code;Geass definitely didn't disappoint. I expected mechs, mechs and more mechs. Damn I was wrong.
Angel Beats! was my first real anime (before that, I've watched RWBY, really good but not really an anime at all), by Visual Art's/Key, a great anime studio. I must say, it really got my attention and I couldn't quit it until I had watched all of it.
You've probably already heard of Clannad and Clannad: After Story. Both are very good "slice of life" "school romance" anime which should be both watched in the correct order. This one is also a Key's production. After Story is considered a feels generator, be warned.
Next on the list is another one of Key's works, Little Busters!. It's fairly decent, but well, less story-driven than most anime. It's more like the story about the daily school lives of a group of friend, their problems and how they solve them. Little Busters: Refrain is the followup to the story, and man... It really surprised me. It reveals certain little details from the previous anime which first seemed to be unimportant and overlooked, but once you've watched it, everything suddenly snaps together. Pretty "shocking", I'd say. :P
Next up! Mirai Nikki. This one is slightly more "mental", gory and "deadly". It's dark, bloody, and immensely interesting and engaging.
Moving up, we have a very widely known one, Sword Art Online. "What makes it great? It's over-rated!" Yep, it is. But try not to be expecting a masterpiece while watching it, and it kinda grows on you after the second-ish episode. I personally watched the first episode, then dropped it completely.
One day some time later, I didn't know what to watch and was very bored, so I gave it another try. Surprisingly, I realized that it was actually pretty decent, and watched it entirely. All I can say is... The whole "death game" thing and the fact that it's gaming-related very very entertaining, but as soon as it hit episode 15-ish, it all screwed up. Don't even get me started on SAO2.
Spice and Wolf. "Yay, a medieval trader and a wolf in human form! That sounds like something good!"
Sarcasm aside, it's a very good anime, actually. If you like medieval era, bartering, trading, folklore and wolf-girls, than sure, give it a try. I personally liked the setting (medieval anime isn't something I had watched before).
If you can read fast enough to understand elaborate detective theories is subs, Hyouka is an okay anime about a school boy with a knack for investigating. It's definitely not an extremely engaging anime, but yeah... It's okay.
/list end
I've watched more, but I think I've listed all that I think you'd want to check out. Also, it's worth noting that I didn't check your MAL list. Guilty of laziness. :(
I'm currently watching Attack on Titan. Haven't seen much yet, but so far, I love the quality of the animations and effects. Heck, even if the story ends up sucking, the art will keep me around.
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Wow! Thanks for the recommendations! I've watched Attack On Titan (sooo amazing).
But yeah I've watched 9 episodes of Steins;Gate and just can't get into it. People say stick at least until 13...
I've seen Mirai Nikki and Sword Art Online, although I will check out the others you have suggested <3
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Sweet. I really hope you give Steins;Gate another chance. It's reaaaally great.
Then again, tastes differ. Perhaps you won't like it. ^^
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Yes, I really love Key's works. Both amazing story, characters and art.
Can't wait until Charlotte is done airing so that I can watch it (without having to wait for episodes as they release... ughhh).
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Yeah I remember talking with you about Key's (or Maeda Jun) works xD
But just be prepared... Charlotte uh for me not as good as those three
Well but let's see until it finished
Maybe it'll become like Little Busters.. The 1st season so light..
Then 2nd season just *BAM
Lol yeah I do that all the time
But if I can't it's Gintama xD
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From the little I've seen of Charlotte, I guessed just as much, that it didn't look just as good as the other ones. It's probably similar to Kanon or Air, both were really good but not as good as Clannad, Angel Beats! or Little Busters! / Little Busters!: Refrain. I don't think I'll be disappointed nevertheless.
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I'll recommend several anime that haven't been recommended here yet.
I'm currently watching Hibike! Euphonium. Haven't seen much yet, but so far its animation seems great.
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+999 for Zankyou no Terror :3.
Edit: Subsequently recommend: Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
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The Breaker - first season is 72 chapter long, http://www.mangahere.co/manga/the_breaker/
The Breaker: New Waves - second season is 201 chapters long, http://www.mangahere.co/manga/the_breaker_new_waves/
(currently waiting on 3rd season to start)
super good manga, only problem is, it might be a boy manga i mean the males are attractive so maybe you can find love in that lol. but its pretty much a brute force fighting kind of thing,
i have a weakness for manga/animes that start with a normal kid who is in the right/wrong place at the wrong/right time and gets a life thats exciting and gains powers/fighting skills lol
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But they are webtoons...... But I must say pretty good. There is still "Noblesse" and "DICE The Cube that changes everything" with incredible good arts in some pages.
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Webtoons are more creative maybe that is why for you they are superior to the manga. But for me it doesn't matter if they are colored or not ;p
But if i had to choose between manga and webtoons I would choose the second one. Even if they are uncomfortable to read because artist likes leaving lots of space between scenes (and some of them like to make a recap at the beggining of every new chapter <point at DICE>....). They are more fresh (have something new) compare to manga. If I would have been better at english I would explain this in better way >.>
I'm reading only from time to time because is hard for me to finding something interesting. I don't like or i should say I hate typical and schematic anime/manga. Most of them are like that. I just feel like watching/reading a clone of another clones. Maybe at the beggining that was fun (like everything new) but after some time it's very boring and annoying. And what's worse most of the manga/anime are like this. Not to mention (for me) incredible annoying scenes that you can often find like main pratagonist is losing but then he magically from nowhere is getting power (often thanks to yelling or some words from somebody) and he is winning.
Why Japan like so much schematic? One time I tried read some ecchi. Many (if not most) of them are harem with brainless main pratagonist.... It was even easier to find interesting hentai than some intelligent or i should say normal ecchi ಠ_ಠ
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Redline (I'm shocked this doesn'r get mentioned more in these threads)
Ai City - Don't know if this ever got a non-VHS release
The Parasyte anime is fairly decent
Wings of Honneamise - slow but the incredible ending justifies all the bullshit the characters go thru.
Obligatory vote for Evangelion
Story of Ricky - the anime's just as fun as that fucked up live action gorefest we all know and love.
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You've got some good animes on your list already. Log Horizon, Beelzebub, Hunter x hunter, Bleach (though there is a really boring filler arc around ep. 80, don't remember the exact #). Not on your list... Kyou Kara Maou, Ouran High Host Club, Level E, Slayers (an oldie but a goodie) Skip Beat! Mentioned above... Yakitate Japan, DanMachi, Pandora Hearts, Shakugan no Shana, Zero no Tsukaima and D Gray-man (All awesome!)
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