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And tested with me. Seems a game I won in the past isn't on my profile. Not cool.
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just a false positive, or is it actually missing? ^^
wow, quite a few games showing up for me. but they should all be false positives (like sonic games, serious sam, oblivion...). ^^
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Its a glitched game. When purchased, you get two items, but the game never counts as owned. I could buy it for myself right now. No one on my friend list owns it. :P
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i have several games in that list. for instance, TES Oblivion GOTY shows as not activated. but i have Oblivion with GOTY DLC. the sonic games show as not activated, because they really are just dlc for the sega genesis emulator. well, i think i'm good. ^^
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wow, i just freaked out and bought a copy for 2 keys, because i thought i really didn't activate it two years ago. seems i did. steam says so, when i try to activate it. fuck. xD
this is really interesting. the store page says i don't own it yet. but i obviously do. it would let me buy it again. i bet i could buy it 10 times in a row and activate it on my account every time. ^^
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Some games like crazy machines, sonic games and serious sam just seem glitched in general, some others have problems with editions... in your case for instance borderlands GOTY, oblivion GOTY, ... in my case Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe Edition
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And now I'm blacklisting some older winners. Shame I didn't have this earlier. :(
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i wonder if this will end in somethin like a report war or an inquisition situation form other bored users XD, seems also that Borderlands:game of the year and Arma 2 cant get checked buy the tool
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Yeah, I really hope if a lot of people notice the same user as problematic it gets grouped together or something... another problem is that you don't see if a user already was punished for not activating a gift, so he might get reported again and again...
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Can you only get punished for not activating a gift once? I suppose that after X time if you still haven't activated said game then you will get suspended again... and again... and again, until you get your sh1t together! ;]
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Thanks a lot SilentGuy and Joachim! ;]
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Suggestion : it should return a little warning icon next to "not activated" if something appears missing.
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I actually thought about something like that but had a few problems with it.
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SilentGuy has broken the silence on this script o_O
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Wow, one fourth of the people I gave games to don't deserve them =\
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First off: Thank you for putting your time into creating this. I just checked all my winners and have some things I want to share:
Two more false positives are Total War: Shogun 2 and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution.
A far more serious matter is that some games don't even appear on someone's Steam profile under the games tab even though they own it. I was able to check this because I am friends with some of them on Steam and I can see them on the game's store page under "Friends who own this game". A way to make sure this isn't causing someone to get on my blacklist I used an additional step to check for this mistake. If I wasn't able to find a game on someone's Steam profile I went to the game's store page. If I am friends with the person I can see it there as I said. If I am not friends with that person I go to the profile page of a friend who owns this game. If it isn't listed there either it's another false positive.
33% of the winners of my public giveaways didn't activate a game they won. :( Additionally most of them have given:won ratios of 1:2 or worse.
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Nice work :)
Incidentally, how does it handle private profiles?
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Do you know a way to point out the flaws of the script to his creator?
edit: I might have missed your sarcasm, but the author is marked as no other than... SilentGuy! DRAMATIC MUSIC
Anyway I just wanted to point out that it doesn't takes in account when people mark games as not received, it's a great tool tho!
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I'm the creator of the website that the script redirects to (and the one doing the calculations).
There is an official thread for the tool in this forum here. There is also a link to the thread in the tool webpage at the footer.
The bug with games not marked as received has already been reported, but thanks for the report! If I have some spare time today I'll try to fix it.
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Thanks for answering back! It still has its flaws but you are doing some great job, hope you have some time soon to enhance this amazing script
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Pls don't judge me for this D:
Doesn't work for private Profiles of course xD
But nice script :D
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I just installed this today and randomly checked about 30 or so profiles and already found several that haven't activated gifts. I won't be reporting them as I'm pretty sure that the staff has enough to do already. Looks like my blacklist is going to see some heavy usage now. It sure has opened my eyes to how many people here don't follow the rules.
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You need to use a program like Tampermonkey to install it. Once you install Tampermonkey you will then be able to install the script with that.
Google recently changed their policy on allowing scripts in Chrome. It must now be in the Chrome App Store thingy to be added without using another addon to install it.
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Thank you. This works great!
My blacklist is growing and also found a few serial regifters to report!
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As some of you might know, knsys extended his real CV calculator to also include a checker for unactivated gifts. Seeing how this is something I usually wanna do with people who win my GAs, I thought a link on all userpages would be useful. Add to this the fact that I recently started playing around with userscripts and you arrive at this little userscript that just adds some entries to the navbar.
I tested it using Tampermonkey in Chrome and Greasemonkey in Firefox and both seem to work... Can't really think about anything that should cause any incompatibility cause I'm only doing some very basic stuff.
Nothing impressive, but I thought I'd share it none-the-less... I thought about trying to get it added to SG++, but they use a weird framework I never heard of and was to lazy to research.
If you find any problems, have ideas what else could be added there, ... just drop me a line!
And just to reiterate:
It's hard to figure our which games are affected by this problem, from very personal experience it's triggers at least for
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
andTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition
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