Which is when I went to the library to buy more copies. Good idea Valve. :D

But serious question, assuming others have had this done to them, how long do Valve make it last? I'm expecting a week, should I worry about longer?

10 years ago

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They IP block you for buying price error games now? Wow, dick move Valve

10 years ago

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At this point Valve might as well just region lock everything or remove trading/gifting.

So many restrictions and bans for even minor things.

10 years ago

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They don't IP block you for buying price error games. They IP block you for buying one multiple times. You can buy one for yourself, and maybe even a friend or two, but too many people and they determine you're trying to profit off the price error and stop you from taking advantage of it.

10 years ago

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Its still new to me, never had it happen with Dark Souls for example.

10 years ago

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They've probably tweaked the number for the point the system kicks in recently, given how much they've been doing to try to restrict trade with measures like the region lock across all games.

10 years ago

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yea this sounds true. I'm sure Valve has some respect for genuine gamers..... After all, it is them that the company flourishes on.

10 years ago

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I-Im pretty sure they cannot legally do that...

10 years ago

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They have the rights to refuse service. Unless they take your money first then leave, then I don't see any legal troubles.

10 years ago

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They can legally piss in your mouth leaving you with no choice but to keep it open in process. They can use SSA however they need.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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price error in au/nz steam store?!? Did I just miss another Dark Souls for 19c again? :(

10 years ago

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If I remember correctly it was the new Dragonball Z game Complete Edition and normal one mixed up. So 40 bucks instead of 70. And apparently just in NZ. So probably nothing you have to feel bad about missing. ;)

10 years ago

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Nope, though I thought so until finding out the AU prices. They had US$70 for the base like us, but US$97 for the bundle.

10 years ago

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its not price bug,its just different prices.Try to go VN store

10 years ago

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NZ only price error, seems we now have separate prices.

10 years ago

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Wow I thought we had the same steam store. Still $40USD is quite steep.

10 years ago

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Must have been recent

10 years ago

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While most prices are the same, there have been small differences for years. Trine 2 and well as DLC for LA Noire and some of the Total War games come to mind.

10 years ago

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Valve is just trying to help you, they don't want you to spend that much money on games

10 years ago

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Especially games you've already bought 5 times ;d

10 years ago

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double post protection, sort of.

10 years ago

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or preventing stealing money, so maybe its just not on price error but all games

10 years ago

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the gap with origin/EA is getting thinner :D
no clue on how long it lasts, hope it'll get sorted out soon

10 years ago

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Are you really sure that it isn't ye regular ol' hour long block on purchases? (after 10 purchases)
It's been around for ages but noone ever noticed it besides the Russians, I incidentally noticed that it even happens to EU accounts during last winter sale.

10 years ago*

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It was 14 purchases in two days, and 7 hours after my last purchase that I was IP blocked.

10 years ago

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Oh, wow... I bought over 40 copies of TWD:SI within a 48 hour period last year. Didn't even hit one of those hourly limits Russians used to complain about. :/

10 years ago

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I have with the game, but I was getting bulk purchases from MisterXYZ and another user. I made a lot of money. :P

10 years ago

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what game had price error?

10 years ago

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Dragonball Xenoverse

View attached image.
10 years ago

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From a legal standpoint, I'd read the ToS, EULA etc as to how long do they have the legal right to bar you from using their services. If you have not violated any of their rules then they have no right to block you at all, so it might be a short term block only (a few hours in my opinion)

However if you've violated their rules they have every right to block you for as long as they like. I'd contact the support if the IP block persists and ask them to lift the ban in good faith. (usually Valve's rules are formulated in a way to be open-ended in terms of interpretation, you could convince them by stating that you had no knowledge of the price bug, or you could just explain that you were not aware that their mistakes in pricing should prevent you from purchasing licences in whatever amount you wish)

10 years ago*

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I intend to contact them if it is around in a week. Given how long they take to respond, I prefer to wait assuming its a week long purchase block.

Personally, if they want to stop someone from buying a price error, prevent purchase of that game is better.

10 years ago

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They have no proof that you were aware of the price-bug, and they haven't clearly stated that a price bug should imply responsibility of you abstaining from buying multiple licences to the said game....

(to put it more simply: you cannot be penalized for using a service (within it's legal limits) that is available to you)

10 years ago*

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Just because it's not listed in the ToS/EULA doesn't mean they don't have the legal right to do it. As long as it's not an illegal form of discrimination they can pretty much do whatever they want, legally.

10 years ago

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Legally anybody can do anything, it's just a matter of proper reasoning and a convincing argument.

10 years ago

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The sooner everyone learns this; both consumers and companies, the less people will be pushed around.

Depending on where you live what Valve is doing could be considered illegal. It is their mistake and to punish consumers for their mistake is a blatant attack on consumer rights.

10 years ago

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Finally a sensible post. It concerns me greatly how many people just either blithely accept valve and other companies doing things like this, or even worse, justifying it for the corporations. Next thing you know we'll have people claiming corporations are people!

Oh wait...damn...

10 years ago

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Do we have any source for that? A screenshot or some type of proof?

10 years ago

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I don't have any screenshots from my cellphone unfortunately, but I did cap my trade earlier. I'll find and edit names from the photo then upload.

Edit - Here we go, one photo below. Get that with any account at home, Steam wallet or Paypal, while I can still purchase from the library with Steam wallet and the shown account.

View attached image.
10 years ago

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That's been happening to Russian/Brazillian traders for a while, before Valve decided it's time to put them into a ghetto.

10 years ago

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I get that error almost every time there is a sale and I only buy a single copy. :/ I wonder if I'm blocked, though it sas my account is "In good standing" with VAC.

10 years ago

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VAC is related to online game services and i's a system to keep out cheaters out of these. It has nothing to do with market and store limitation. You may have shitload of VAC bans and you will still be able to use store/marketplace normally, you may have 100% clean VAC record and receive a trade-ban or community-ban anyway. These things are in no way connected.

10 years ago

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Ah, I see. I thought they were connected somehow, but I guess not. Still, what causes the error? I actually got a message saying "For the protection of the account holder, your purchase has been declined. Your purchases will be temporarily limited." which kinda sucks because I didn't buy in over 20 hours. :/

10 years ago

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You can buy the same game from the Steam Store 10 times a day.

Are you sure you are not having only this problem? It worked always this way.

10 years ago

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I can confirm it isn't that. It was 14 copies over 48 hours, and I hit the total block after I woke up. It had been more than 7 hours since the last trade.

10 years ago

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How do you tell when they IP block you?

Edit: nvm, I see your post above. How long have you waited thus far?

10 years ago

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Only got it earlier today.

10 years ago

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This will very negatively affect during big sales, you won't be able to buy stuff in you approach a price error :(, also if you change your IP by resetting router/modem the block lasts?

10 years ago

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Not sure, set IP here. Still, library IP worked, so resetting could help.

10 years ago

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Wait, is it account block or IP block? IP seems like a really bad idea if that ISP uses dynamic.

10 years ago

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I agree with that. I've had experiences where I've been on dynamic IP, and sometimes craigslist has said my IP is blocked/banned and I have no idea why. Must have been somebody else's use before the IPs rotated.

10 years ago

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Not account block. At home, neither of my accounts can buy stuff, but once at the library, it was working perfectly. Its weird they would do it this way. Perhaps testing new methods?

10 years ago

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Could be some hardware lock too.

Still, it's stupid to not ban account and do this weird stuff.

10 years ago

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It will be even more stupid banning account for a simple reason like this.

10 years ago

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I don't mean ban as kill-account.
Just, you know, if they ban him from purchases, why bother with some IP locks instead of just freezing accounts purchase abilities.

10 years ago

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I don't see the problem here. They don't want consumers to profit off a genuine mistake. I don't think this is trampling on anyone's rights. They're protecting the publishers' interests. It's not like they're stopping you from buying it at all. Am I missing something?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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I can understand wanting to stop people from buying a price glitch. But fixing the price might work better than preventing me from using the store.

10 years ago

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My bad. I read it a couple of the replies and was projecting their outrage onto your post. Yeah, if you get locked out for an extended period of time, that does suck. Luckily this hasn't happened during a major sale ... yet. I'm assuming this is a poorly written algorithm, otherwise the fix would have been implemented.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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is there a specific error message that you know that you were ip block? screenshot?

10 years ago

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Nope, just the regular message. However, I can't buy it at home. Client, Firefox and Chrome, main or alt account, Steam wallet or Paypal, I get the error.

Go to the library, my cellphone can make the purchase just fine. Same account, Steam wallet.

10 years ago

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What do you mean by regular message? Like when if you're going to checkout, steam just says unexpected error please try again later?

10 years ago

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Your purchase has not been completed. Please contact Steam Support.

10 years ago

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Interesting, I've been soft banned before for activating multiple "correct" cd-keys in steam and I only got this error saying unexpected error, please try again.

10 years ago

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that error happened to me when i purchased some borderlands 2 dlc.. i just waited a couple and hours and i keep buying them.

10 years ago

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Still happens for me. Its now working for personal purchases at least, but gifts still aren't an option.

10 years ago

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For what it's worth, I've been blocked from the store for brief periods of time (longer than an hour, shorter than a day, but one time a whole day) for buying "too much" or "too fast". What constitutes either is apparently not set in stone -- I know the block isn't as simple as blocking you only after 10 copies, for example, because I've once gotten blocked while trying to purchase 10 copies of something. There may be a "clevar" inscrutable algorithm at work here that marks you as suspicious, and I suspect it has nothing to do with the exact nature of what you're buying -- ironically, I have yet to be blocked while buying multiple copies of a pricing error.

I've had this three or four times now. II only contacted Support once about it (because it was during sales), and they were predictably useless with a canned reply. The block went away on its own the next day.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I had a block before, during sales. There the reason was obvious. I used pre paid VISA cards back then, and all the switching was bad.

10 years ago

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That would be a good reason -- but I've always used the same CC since I've opened my account. If they don't trust it by now...

10 years ago

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Sounds like they are trying to deal with fradulent creditcards. From same computer to multiple purchases in sort time could be indicator of some wrong doing...

10 years ago

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Perfectly understandable, except that I haven't yet discovered any method to it. That and the fact that none of my purchases have been fraudulent... but you never know when some malware has taken over, I suppose, so Valve might be doing this for my protection. A heart-warming thought.

10 years ago

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Wow.... That sucks :(

Hope it gets resolved soon, bro.

10 years ago

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Ehh, I'll live. If not for the error, wouldn't even have spending cash. :P

This just stops me from earning even more spending cash.

10 years ago

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At least you got your own copy in first.

10 years ago

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Yeah. :P

10 years ago

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Aye sorry to have that happen to you but geez, they're really trying to crack down on this.

10 years ago

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Is it over?

10 years ago

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Actually seems to have just ended with my last try. Bit less than 20 hours at most.

10 years ago

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Never mind, try to buy a 49 cent DLC for Trist, get the ****ing message again

10 years ago

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Not necessarily for price errors. Generally having a high number of store transactions within a short period of time will cause the IP block. It usually happened to me after 30-50 purchases, and the block could last up to a week or maybe even longer. Simply switching your IP address allows you to continue purchasing.

10 years ago

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I did a little over a dozen in about 48 hours, I've previously done more in an hour alone, though over two accounts. :P

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Complain to this. If you have a case get a lawyer. End of.

10 years ago

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source ? or gtfo .

10 years ago

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read or gtfo

10 years ago

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Vale is getting super dick. first with trades, then the captcha, and now that.

10 years ago

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Yeah right, why should you purchase games for the real price. Why should valve protect theirselves for credit fraud with a week untradable time. Why should valve protect steam users for scamming bots with a captcha code. SCR€W YOU VALVE

10 years ago

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No, Valve are literally fucking Nazis because we can't price exploit anymore.

10 years ago*

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How much time did it last anyway ? Wasn't able to get since I'm short on steam wallet :< also , I've noticed valve's decisions for punishing people who do what they dont want are becomming really , really bad.

10 years ago

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Just make a new steam account with a different email address and wait 15 days. Then have someone give you an old Dead Island Epidemic Beta key to unlock trading.

10 years ago

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