Update (2017-02-02)

I went through the replies to the application post, and counted 74 users who reported they finished games they played in the challenge! Great work everyone! Some of you finished several games, but I just counted you once, since one game was the only thing required to finish the challenge. Some might have finished games but not updated, or written about it in some other part of the thread, so the real numbers are probably even higher.

It's a shame I was away from home for much of the month and couldn't keep up with the topic, but I'm very happy about how many participated and played some won games!

Update (2017-01-04)

After 24 hours, I counted 92 replies to the application post, and it's great to know so many are up for playing some games won on Steamgifts!

If you replied with the game you intend to play in January as a regular reply to the thread and didn't reply to that specific post, add a reply there as well, since I won't be going through every page of the thread at the end of the month, I'll only check the replies to the first post when I do the end of the month count-up.

Original message:

Happy New Year everyone!

Now, most of us here have won some games on Steamgifts, and few of us have played through all the games we won. Some might not have played a single of the won games, so how about starting the first month of the new year with a little challenge, and try to inspire each other to play at least one game won here on Steamgifts?

  1. Playing games is fun (if you don't think so, isn't Steamgifts the wrong place for you? ;D)
  2. Some stranger you met on the internet (in most cases) was kind enough to buy a game for you, why not appreciate that gesture by playing the game?

Let's start out with a game that can be "finished" / "beaten". Games with a story mode, or even a simple puzzle game with a finite set of levels. The goal for the month is to play and finish this game. It's OK to play a game you have already started previously, but this time make sure to play the game all the way through.

Reply to this post with a comment about what game you intend to finish during the month. At the end of the month, reply to your own post, telling us about your progress. Bonus points for taking screenshots :) I'll try to add up how many games we managed to finish together at the end of the month. If you play more than one game, that's great, but only one needed for this challenge.

If you have limited time and want to know how much time you would expect to spend with a game before finishing it (to know if it's doable in one month) I recommend checking How Long To Beat.

If you can't remember which of your won games you have played and which you still have to finish, a good tool to use is this script by kelnage. Especially good to keep track of games with achievements, since it lists achievement progress for games, so you can see which ones you have started, not started, and likely finished, going by achievements.

I hope some of you will join in this month, have some fun and play some good games! Doesn't matter if you until now have played most of your wins or not a single one - every game played this month is one more game won on Steamgifts that got some love from its new owner :)

Advanced users who are ready to fight their backlog for real might be interested in joining BLAEO, a great tool that syncs your steam library and makes it easy to sort your backlog into lists with a slick drag-and-drop interface, accompanied by a great community and nice social functions, a real inspiration for getting a good start with playing one's backlog.

Since all challenge entries are posted as a reply on the first page, the rest of the thread can be used for discussion, maybe "suggest a game I should play" and whatnot.

Too keep the part with entry posts clean until I do the final count-up of finished games by the end of the month, I'll avoid replying too much to the entry posts.

7 years ago*

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I will try out Braveland Pirate. I won it 2 days ago.

7 years ago

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My list (for now):

Book of Demons - been playing it since last month, and definitely playing more.
Dead by Daylight - for when I feel like hacking some heads off.
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator - fun little game that can be played in small doses.
Mordheim: City of the Damned - going to try and talk Mully into playing (maybe Jim)
Concrete Jungle - cool little building/sim game
LEGO Jurassic World - LEGO ... 'nuff said.
Sacred Almanac Traces of Greed - HOG for when I need to chill.

... and probably a handful more. Those are just what I have installed at the moment.
Mully's inspired me to play more lately. :X

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah I need a break from The Black Watchmen.
This game is messing with my head (but in a good way).

7 years ago

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All the stuff i've won i've beat

7 years ago

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You're an inspiration to all of us!

7 years ago

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There isn't really anything I've won that I'm really interested in playing (most of what I've won is from those really big 1k keys giveaways) except Mortal Kombat X. I'm pretty sure you need a controller for that though (even after I get the controller, it'll have to wait in line behind Dark Souls 1 & 3).

If you're interested in knowing what I plan to finish from the games I got myself, first on the list is tomb raider. Then Hitman Absolution. idk if I can do both this month but definitely Tomb Raider. Let me know if you think that's too low of a goal.

7 years ago

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MKX would be an excellent choice. It has a pretty decent story mode, and much stuff to do in single player. Keyboard works well, actually better than a 360 controller. The game doesn't have any circular movements needed to pull off special moves, and instead often relies on forward/back/action button combinations, and that's way easier to pull off with a keyboard, since the D-pad on the 360 controller isn't precise enough (fast forward/back movements often end up with an unintentional duck or jump move)

I've seen more serious players using a hitbox controller, and you could map your keyboard in a similar way. I tried it, binding the space button to jump, and the rest of the keys in a similar way to the hitbox layout. It was a pretty neat way to play.

If you want a game for the challenge (SG win only, the one you bought yourself won't do, sorry), the story mode in MKX is just 5 hours or so, if I remember correctly.

7 years ago

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I can't help but think that there's some sort of reward at the end for whoever does the challenge.
Is that the case?

7 years ago

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Playing a good game, isn't that rewarding enough? If not, breaking free from the SteamgiftsProfitzCrew™, that should be a good reward :D
The infamous, now banned Steamgifts user konrads6 once did a thread about only winning games for "Profitz" (not playing the games, only idle them for cards), and that was not well received by the community

7 years ago

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I'm sorry, it's just that the way u were speaking just gave me the feeling that there might be something.
Seeing as Mortal Kombat doesn't take that long to finish, I'm installing it rn and will probably finish it by this month.

7 years ago

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I'm hoping everyone does this for the reasons in the main post (fun, and appreciating the gifts they have won), and not for any rewards.

Good that you're trying MKX. I won it on Steamgifts myself and have played it for almost 40 hours, it's a lot of fun. One of the best fighting games I have played.

7 years ago

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The thing that kept me away from it tbh ws all the negative reviews it had when I got it (now it seems to have bounced back up). And at the time, I used to enter any giveaway that seemed interesting and that I'd have an ok chance of winning. Now that I've won MKX and my gifts won:sent ratio has been screwed over, I've learned my lesson and only enter for games on my wishlist.

But now that ur telling me u really enjoyed it I'll definitely give it a shot.

7 years ago

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Most of the negative reviews were for:
1) Bad netcode for online VS mode (now fixed)
2) The XL update not being available for PC (now available)

Few of the actual reviews for the game itself were negative, they were negative votes for lacking features.

7 years ago

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Would of been nice if steam had a separate option for reporting bugs in games rather than leaving a negative vote. Bugs can be fixed as time goes on but it's much harder with a bad game. It's also what turned me away from getting Arkham Knight (now I know that the bad reviews were only because of the initial problems on pc and that it's fixed but the sale's already over).

7 years ago

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Progress has been a bit slow on MKX because of exams but will most probably still be able to finish it by the end of the month.

7 years ago

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I've won The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav 7 month ago and i've started to play it only this morning.
I'll finish it for sure in the week ^^

7 years ago

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Bump for a great idea! I'm hoping to finish a third of my wins this year, so according to my calculations, I need to finish ~12 games in january!

7 years ago

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Whoa, then you have a lot of games to play, but I love the dedication, keep that up all year through :)

7 years ago

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already finished too many in the past 2 months (35), i'm gonna take a break and play co-op games and replay some.

7 years ago

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You're excused. That's a lot of won games finished in two months. Good job, hope you had fun.

7 years ago

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I'll finish Doom after the third try, since my save got corrupted T_T (if I can get a rig that can support it since my current one is dead)
Oh wait, I'll finish Star Wars KotOR, maybe I can support that till I get a new rig ^^

7 years ago

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I didn't know this website, thank you.
It seems accurate. It will be useful in order to decide which long game to play.

7 years ago

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Why do you do that? Why do you stay at your home, sit on a chair and play games? Go outside and do some modelling!

7 years ago

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Obviously you were talking about me. /blush

View attached image.
7 years ago

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It's too cold to go outside. Modelling?

7 years ago

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Tso, forever the BLAEO spokesperson :D

7 years ago

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Of course, I get a percentage of the ad money ;)

(spoiler for those of you who didn't understand that it was a joke: BLAEO has no ads, so getting a percentage of 0 = not getting paid, so no, I'm not affiliated, and I don't get paid for linking to it)

7 years ago

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I don't have anymore games to play, I should try win some more ;)

7 years ago

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Sounds like a good plan! Someone who has already played through all won games deserves some kind of Steamgifts Golden Ticket™

Hope a few more of the games you enter giveaways for go to you, and a few less to those who have hundreds of wins but not a single game played.

7 years ago

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Won Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver just a few days ago an started plaing it

7 years ago

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Soul reaver 2 to be honest

7 years ago

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Congrats on the win, nice to hear you're playing it. Add it as a reply to the comment linked in the main post if you want it added to the challenge. I'll only go through those posts when I do the count-up.

7 years ago

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I won MadMax ages ago & intend to play more of it, I probably won't finish it but I will give it a good go.
Happy New Year.

7 years ago

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Iam playing stardew valley nowdays

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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Why did you have to use that gif?
Glenn. ;_;

7 years ago

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Idling for cards. konrads6 style.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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A more serious reply: looks like you're doing a pretty good job at playing won games! Way better than what I guess the Steamgifts average is. Keep it up.

7 years ago

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I wanted to finish Long Live the Queen ... i REALLY wanted to ... i tried my best .... but god damn chocolate ... fucking elephants ... its just .... so ....fucking....hard.... D:

I did actually finish ... lets see.

Proteus . Shan Gui , Fez , Life is Strange , Labyronia RPG , Beach Bounce , and well i played Sorcery on my Tablet ( that counts right D: ? )

I do intend to play most of the other stuff i won ... but tbh i finished games that i won over 7-8 months ago .... when i had no job :c

And i did win some shitty games in the past just for the +1 :|

But everyone is like OMG Free stuff lets leech all i can , when they first come here right :P

7 years ago*

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I have no experience with that game, but too bad if it's too hard to finish!

You have several excellent wins that could be good candidates if you want a good game to play and finish.

Maybe Ori and the Blind Forest would also be in the "too hard" category? Otherwise a very highly rated game that can be finished within not too many hours (10 or so?)

I recently played Shadowrun Returns, and liked it a lot. No voice acting, but pretty well written, even if the story was super linear. 10-12 hours. I'm continuing with Dragonfall, which is supposed to have less linear progression, but also a lot longer (25-40 hours from what I've seen).

Fallout 4! Maybe too long to finish in one month, but you need to play it. A win like that shouldn't be left unplayed for long :D

Mad Max is quite nice for a one month playthrough. I finished it in 28 hours. Did some side stuff, but not close to everything. 50% maybe. Great game for screenshots!

Life is Strange - still unplayed after 1½ year? That should perhaps be your top priority, 96% positive reviews on Steam and only around 15 hours long.

7 years ago

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I finished life is strange actually . Played it offline when i had no internet :P

Ori and the Blind forest is something i look forward to playing for sure , i just really want to do it in 1 go and i havent had more then 3-4h spare time in a day for months :|

Shadowrun series look fun , and i need to dip into them since many friends suggested them ....

Fallout 4 is reserved for my spring vacantion :)

Mad max is for.... after im done with fallout i guess >.<

I also need to play Tales of Zestiria ... Massive Chalice , Titan Souls , annas quest , Tomb rider , Rogue legacy ....

Like almost all my wins aside from the 5k/10k copy giveaways are stuff that i intend to play .... someday :D

I guess i make it my goal to finish ori this month tho !

7 years ago

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Oh, you edited your post adding more things, I'll reply again to the new stuff :)

This thread was about finishing one game in January, it's great if you already have some games finished, but think about if you have any won game you would be able to finish within the next 26 days.

I recommended Life is Strange because I thought it was unplayed. Your Steam account shows 2 hours gametime and 0 achievements, so it looked unplayed to me.

I have won 0 shitty games for the +1, and I came here to give away spare keys (but then got addicted and started buying games just for giveaways), and I tried to only "leech games" I wanted to play, not as much as possible - so not everyone ;)

7 years ago

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But everyone is like OMG Free stuff lets leech all i can , when they first come here right :P

There's almost a sharp quality difference between my first 100, and last 100 wins. Being new here and for bundles, joining a GA-group - it really shows on my starts, I plan to take off a few shorter, and not terrible games from that list.
(Just to give a flavour about what's bad: I won Uriel's Chasm, Daikatana, Curse: The Eye of Isis and some other games that became free not much later...)

7 years ago

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Already installed and played a little of Dishonored 2. Fantastic game although with my current PC it doesn't run so well even on lowest setting ;_;
But I will definitely play This War of Mine and Seasons After Fall.

7 years ago

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Lucky you winning Dishonored 2 ;) Too bad about your pc though

7 years ago

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Thanks! You too have fun with horror games :P

7 years ago

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Won slender the arrival and started yesterday. Creepy shit though xD

7 years ago

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i just finished Dead Island today,i won it 7 months ago,i don't know why i haven't finished it earlier,started playing,but just stoped ,i guess there was games i was more interested in.anyway better late than never,right? now i'll be playing Duke nukem forever which i won 1 month ago

7 years ago

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after i finished borderlands 1, 2 and pre-sequel at 100 %, i can play other game now :D

7 years ago

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I'm playing Borderlands 2 now, going for 100% there too! Great game. Need to play the original Borderlands on PC too, I have it with the DLC on Steam, never played the DLC, so that's going to be a lot of fun as well :D

7 years ago

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I will definitely be playing Bit Trip Runner 2 this month (just waiting for a controller I ordered to arrive). The only other game I've won was Squake, which I played for a little while after first getting it, but about a week later I went to play it again and there was no one else online to play against :T

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I won Eador Genesis from SteamGifts and nearly up to 200 hours and I think I'm about 75% done with the campaign. All this gametime from ONE playthrough! I haven't even played an evil playthrough yet!! That'll probably be like over 400 hours!

7 years ago

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Wow, nice to hear that you're enjoying it so much! Strategy games tend to be easy to put a lot of hours in and forget about the time :)

7 years ago

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I think i'll finish Zestiria, already put 40h on it
Haven't finished it tho

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by tso184.