My blacklist is filled only with regifters and other rules breaking scum - yeah - i don't wanna see their GA's. :)
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I think the desire is more to have an option to block that user, rather than have your name be put on their blacklist.
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Yeah, maybe a better alternative to my proposal would be just the notification, then when you get blacklisted you'll know and be able to blacklist said person.
Blacklisting is something you can't know until you try to enter a giveaway, right now - and that allows for abuse of this function.
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aww...I'm using firefox so have no clue what to do except contact script writer abt chrome issue.
you can still use steamgifts++ for chrome. It has user tagging feature.you can tag blacklisted people with reasons why you blacklisted them..
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I think you have to install "tampermonkey": https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo
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litte solution this way you would know, if you enter a GA of someone who ist blacklisted
ps: oops ok the magic kraken mentioned it , so i alter my tag to "he is magic"
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I support this. I'm tired of Rude, Intolerant, D-bags ruining what is otherwise, the best experience I've ever had on the Internet.
I really love this site, and I'm sick and tired of certain people Treating me like $#!T, just because they can.
I don't even want to know these people Exist.
They've verbally attacked me, and I don't even want to let people in the same Group with them enter my GA's.
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Using a Script written to automate the Steam Summer Monster Summer Sale Mini-game.
I genuinely tried playing the game, but I spent like 3 days straight, playing for 12 hours at a time, and never got past lvl10k, then I used the Script, and then next day, the game was at lvl300k, on the 5th day I hit lvl10Mil with the script, and so on.
I never got into a game that went all the way to 100,000,000, but I still got a pretty decent score.
At first nothing happened, then about a week after the sale had ended, and I had removed Tampermonkey, I started up Chrome, and it started acting weird, every time I hit a link of any type, it sent me to an Ad site, totally unrelated to what I was trying to do.
So I did a Virus scan and uninstalled a bunch of my recent Downloads.
That's when the thing Turned Nasty.
It started to Lock up chrome on a webpage advertizing one of those BS Malware security Programs, and I could'nt get it to stop.
Finally I Totally uninstalled Chrome, then reinstalled it with the latest version, and it revealed an extension I had never agreed to Download, called VeilDuck.
Well, I've Deleted VeilDuck twice now, and I'm waiting till I get paid to take my comp in to Geeksquad to have it "Cleaned".
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I won't be happy until somebody with Real experience go's in and totally cleans out my Registry.
I've already compiled a list of Programs and Processes that I'm going to ask be removed in specific.
There's a Couple weird ones on my "Launch at Start Up" list, that I have no idea what they do, and if they are'nt helping me in some way, I want to get rid of them.
I've already disabled them from Running, but I can't find their Root Files.
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That announcement was about the possibility that, even though there was nothing hinky in the source right now, someone might CHANGE the source and put something nasty in it, and since the script was set to self-update you'd get something nasty on your computer.
Which was mostly just scaremongering, because Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey ALREADY update scripts.
And although nothing bad came out of the Summer Game scripts, the fact remains the same: You either trust your scripts, or you don't. It's true of all Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey scripts, unless you manually turn updating off.
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It sounds like it was something in your recent downloads, rather than Tampermonkey.
It is extremely difficult (if not impossible) for any Tampermonkey script to get out of Chrome's sandbox.
It is extremely easy for a free downloaded program to install ad/malware.
Are you running Essentials as your anti-virus? I'd recommend grabbing Malwarebytes and Super from Ninite, along with Essentials if you don't already have it (all three are under the Security column). A good scrubbing by those three take care of most ad/malware infections.
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I am running Essentials, but I'm also behind a Firewall that's built into my Modem, on top of windows Firewall.
I don't blame Tampermonkey, it's an excellent program for people that can't write code, it's the people that Wrote the Scripts that I'm certain put something in them.
Mostly because I've never heard of Malware like this having an incubation period of longer then a Month, and the only thing I downloaded other then Tampermonkey and those Scripts within the last 3 months that was'nt from Steam was a game from "Manga Gamer", and I don't think that they'd allow Malware through their system, since they'd be liable for any damages.
I'm pretty certain that it was one of those Scripts, and VeilDuck appears to be a Program to Hide your ISP, so I'm thinking that maybe there's a Keylogger, and it's trying to Hide the person who wrote it, by downloading and running VeilDuck.
Reinstalling Chrome and Disabling all non-essential processes, seems to have put a stop to it for the moment.
Whatever the case though, I'm gonna have to Redo ALL my Passwords after my Comp gets cleaned.
That's gonna be a real pain. T.T
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The scripts are open source.
The entire history, every version of every script, remains on github. Anyone can look through all changes. Nobody has reported finding anything suspicious.
While it's possible there are unknown exploits, I know of no way for a javascript program to get out of Chrome's sandbox at the moment.
Thousands and thousands of people used the scripts during the Summer Game, but there aren't thousands and thousands of people reporting malware infections.
It seems to me, given the evidence, that it was probably not a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script behind the infection.
(And there are definitely Malware with MUCH longer incubation periods than a month)
People will logically and reasonably look to the most recent change for causation, because of the human belief that "After this, therefore because of this". And while that may often be true, it probably isn't in this case (even though it is still a reasonable line of thinking).
That is to say, it is reasonable for you to think that Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Scripts are behind the infection, because that is the most recent change. What I'm trying to say is that, because of how those work (and how Chrome works), it's likely NOT the cause, despite the fact that it's the most recent change.
Am I making sense? It's late here, haha. My brain might be going to sleep on me.
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Perfectly, except, I did'nt access all of the Scripts through Chrome.
Chrome refused to allow me to install them, so I downloaded them using Explorer, and Manually installed them in Developer mode.
It's entirely possible that the Scripts, which I downloaded from a Different site using Explorer, then Manually installed into Tampermonkey on Chrome, may have come with a Small passenger.
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I don't mean to keep pestering you, by the way. It sounds like you already have a plan (after payday, pay someone to fix the computer). I just get frustrated when I see people pay for things that they could fix themselves, even though it doesn't affect me in any way. I bet this is exactly how my brother feels when I pay someone to change the oil in my car instead of doing it myself, haha.
What do you mean by a "different site"? The scripts that I saw were on Github. Are you saying you got a script from somewhere else instead?
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No, it's fine, I'm happy to chat anytime. I just went back through and removed Everything except Games from Steam, that one from Manga Gamer, and the rest of the programs all have trusted Certificates, like "Microsoft" or "Hewlett-Packard", which was the brand the computer Tower was when I bought it and the Software package it came with.
So, if there's anything left, it's hidden.
As for paying money, I actually already have the "Geeksquad" full service plan, because I'm lazy, and the only reason I'm waiting is that my coverage runs out in 2 months, so when I take my Tower in, I'll buy another Year or 2 of coverage.
I know it may seem like a rip off, but I've had a good experience with them, paying like $12 for their replacement plan for my Razer Headphones that Cost $200, and when they wore out in under a year, I took them in and got a Brand New pair, and payed another $12, and I'm pretty sure that these ones will wear out within a year as well, so, i'll go and pay another $12 and get both a Brand New set, and Coverage for the next ones. ^.^
Considering all of the Technical support they Offer, I actually feel like I'm getting a good deal, especially since they offer a free year of AVP or Trend Micro or whatever is currently the most popular Anti-virus program, along with their service.
Sorry, I don't know the Site, the 1st thing I did was Erase all my Cookies, in case that was where it was coming from.
I suppose I might be able to find out by looking at the History in Explorer, but frankly, I'm certain that the reason I got a virus is that I downloaded those scripts from a site Recommended by a guy that Runs a Channel on Twitch, that's an Elitist Jerk who does'nt care about who gets screwed, as long as he Profits. I'd complain to Twitch, but they don't seem to have any avenue for doing so.
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I suppose if this was a Worm, it could've been set to activate at anytime from as long as a year ago, when I had the computer last "Cleaned" by an experience technician.
I wish I could remove them myself, but last time I tried that, I ended up causing my Hard drive to become Corrupted, because appearently, your not supposed to simply "Erase" certain files, they have to be removed from your registry, or they can cause problems that lead to uneven wear on your Hard drive disk, due to it being unable to write over those registry entries. T.T
I think I may have brought a Bazooka to a Gunfight, because I used a DoD approved program that "Overwrites" any file about 30 times, with random garbage, but does'nt do anything about the Registry entries.
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You are correct about bringing a bazooka to a gunfight, haha. A DoD wipe is definitely overkill. That's why I recommended the three programs that I did: while they won't necessarily prevent or fix all malware, they also won't mess up your computer. They lean more towards "Do no harm" as the first rule.
I'm concerned about your statement regarding "uneven wear on your hard drive disk". I'm concerned because whoever told you that was a thing may be misleading you. While there WAS a time when uneven wear was an issue, that time has passed.
In any case, it's definitely not something the end user needs to worry about.
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It was in fact a Solid State HDD, it was several years ago, and none of the programs available at the time could "Remove" the Malware, so I brought out the Heavy gun, and had my "Overwriting" program, Erase the Root File, but the Registry remained as a Null Registry Error.
I remember seeing the Disk as well, It was pretty well worn, I'd had it for about 5 years, and Had sucessfully gotten rid of a number of Malware infections by Deleting their Root Files, and for every registry error, there was a circle on the disc that was shinier then the rest, because it had'nt been being overwritten due to the registry errors.
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Thank you for your help. I finally got around to getting my Computer Fixed, and even got some nifty new Security Software called "Webroot", that looks like it will protect both my Desktop, and my Phone. :-)
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I'd really want something similar, but I'd much rather want a block feature. Not every user I blacklist are necessarily people I don't want to see comment or post on the forum.
However, I have a certain, er... Naughty duck, spamming "false" group giveaways. As in, they add lots of big groups on their giveaway, such as S.Gifts, Steam Trading Cards, and whatnot... And they advertise their crappy group in the description of these giveaways.
For that reason, the giveaways appear in my "group giveaways" tab, although the giveaways have the same odds as public ones. It's an obvious strategy at getting more attention from users like me, who only browse the group/whitelist giveaways section.
I have the user blacklisted, and I simply do not want to see ANY giveaways by the scumbag user. Please just give me a block feature... :'(
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He recently started adding S.Gifts to the eligible groups of his giveaways. And yes, the same user happens to be the only one I'm really annoyed to see daily - especially that he has long-running giveaways, and a few happens to be even on my wishlist, so he's even on my wishlist page... yay :D
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Wouldn't mind at all. I don't want to enter a giveaway from someone that blacklisted me and vice versa.
Plus I always get blacklisted anyways when I blacklist someone, so it would make things easier for both sides.
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When I put someone on my blacklist it is because I want nothing to do with that person on this site. I don't want them entering any giveaways I make and I also don't want to see theirs in the giveaway list. At least give a tick box option in settings that lets us block giveaways from people on our blacklist. As it is now my blacklist is small but as it (inevitably) grows it will be harder to remember the name of everyone on it and avoid giveaways by those people.
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