So a lot of people are taking advantage of those alpha keys and well...we all know how this goes but this could be a first where a triple a game ends up in a bundle list before it's even released as a full game.

So before I start sweeping for people calling out fakes and such and handing out suspensions for such behavior please be ready for how this may get handled and warn your fellow users to edit or delete the comments that incriminate them as soon as you can.

I'm not deleting any alpha giveaways for now as there are full copies being given away among the alpha ones. The way this may get handled is that those who abused the keys might get zero contribution. If you see someone giving away an absurd amount of copies then this may lead to a suspension for exploiting a game and inappropriate behavior.

To the abusers, good luck out there.

To the users that follow the rules, thank you for your help and understanding. Much mew.

EDIT: The giveaways may be removed temporarily soon as may the cv but the winners will be fine here so long as they aren't breaking any rules such as trading wins away and such. This is a very delicate matter so thanks for your patience.

I'm also aware some of you were lucky enough to login without seeing the OpenID error. This will be resolved soon enough as we await the site admin's awakening from his hibernation.

9 years ago*

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Question: I believe I understand the calling out for fake rule, but I would like a little clarity since I have been here under a year.

Is it calling out if the user posts that it is an alpha key in the giveaway and then people post underneath that alpha giveaways are not allowed? It isn't making an assumption. I think you are supposed to just report it and not post, but I am not sure when the original giveaway indicates it is against the rules.

9 years ago

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yeah people shouldn't do that either.
ive seen users that even attack the giveaway creator calling them "retards" and even bothering to leave the same comment on their steam profile.
i hate those users even more

9 years ago

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I agree that insults directed at those giving away the game are real problems. I just saw a lot of "Alpha key giveaways are against the rules (Link to FAQ/Rules)." Those didn't seem to be calling out to me, but I have been told my definitions are wrong so I wanted clarity.

9 years ago

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it still is, they are assuming the game is fake/alpha/beta whatever, beforehand, there's a report button for a reason.
i dont really care about those though, most people dont even question or search the forum to know where the keys are coming from, the creators themselves don't even read the faq to know the rules.

9 years ago

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The report button is there for a reason indeed, but as far as I know, it's currently not working O.o
So at this moment... it's there just so you know there once was the possibility to report a giveaway, I guess :D

9 years ago

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It seems to work for me?

9 years ago

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My understanding is that the Report User button is what was broken. I could be confused, though.

9 years ago

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Oh, I just report the giveaway.

9 years ago

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Have they started the fire?

9 years ago

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It was always burning since the world's been turning.

9 years ago

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Yes. The fire rises.

9 years ago

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how about the dark knight?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Funny how you used "triple a" in the text instead of "AAA". :P

Now on a serious note, many of those giveaways clearly state on their description they're alpha keys. So, maybe those can be deleted without a doubt.

Good luck, poor mods... All that work in a saturday. :/ I'm afraid too many people reporting will lead to multiple reports of the same GA, which might take even more time from the mods to check them out..

9 years ago

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I'm afraid the track record for these things is nobody that actually go for it cares one yota even if you stuff the whole forum with threads about it.

BTW games that get abused this way don't end up on the bundle list, usually they are removed completely.

9 years ago

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just a suggestion:

why not just remove evolve until November 2 ends then bring it back again? the EVOLVE Alpha ends on November 2 right?
this way, the alpha keys wont be given away and wont work at all when the code is input.
the full game codes will work.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm on board with this solution. I can't tell whats a legit giveaway and whats an Alpha key. The few that I've reported (By pressing the report button that people seem to ignore in lieu of calling em out in the comments, people please...) are ones that openly admit to them being Alpha keys in the description.

Some don't have a description/too generic... which is all too confusing. I'd enjoy the chance to win the game, but, digging through all these for a real one is a bit tough. I can only imagine what its like for the mods.

9 years ago

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Sorry, but the Report button doesn't work currently. :( You have to open a support ticket.

9 years ago

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That's the report button on profiles for reporting users, not the report button on giveaways for reporting... giveaways.

9 years ago

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You're right, I thought all of them didn't work, but maybe I internalized this because of these reasons (both the linked post and the post below).

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It is likely it will get removed but I can't take it out of the list of games for giveaways. Very few staff members are awake :(

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1, because of the really short alpha period I was thinking about the same thing.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Is this ppl really getting PERMANENT banned? otherwise ill create 99 evolve alpha giveaways myself and get like 9999 dolars contribution LOL, if its only 2-3 days suspension?!?!

9 years ago

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What about people who won them? Will they get suspended for not owning evolve when alpha ends?

9 years ago

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well.. you always can set it back to not receive later anyway

9 years ago

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Ah forgot about that

9 years ago

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But will people remember to do it before the SG lurk police finds them and reports them for "not activating won gift"?

9 years ago

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if not, the worse they can get is just supension for 2-3 day.. not particular several really

9 years ago

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Winners won't get punished here unless they're part of a boosting group by trying to fake giveaways and such. Not exactly easy to do now anyway since there are certain...obvious ways to tell lol ^_^

9 years ago

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Indeed, but it still sucks to get punished for doing nothing wrong while the opposite party "gets away".

9 years ago

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the people who made the Evolve giveaway that they won can report them to add more salt to their injury...

9 years ago

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What constitutes a AAA game nowadays, especially for games that aren't even out yet?

9 years ago

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release by a big publisher, well cover from media, hype, costly as hell, shinny to look at....etc

9 years ago

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Production cost, usually?

9 years ago

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AAA is just another word for blockbuster.

9 years ago

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So people who give away an alpha code will get to keep the CV boost?

9 years ago

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As long as support is made aware of the GA being incorrect (i.e. alpha key was given), then the user will not receive any CV. I'd also be sure to mark it 'not received' since it's not the correct item as well. It depends on the winner most likely doing that.

9 years ago

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The winners are liable to get punished too when the alpha game dissapears from their library.

9 years ago

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Unless they mark it as not received.

9 years ago

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Ok, I'll correct myself: they'll get the CV unless the winner marks the game as Not Received.

9 years ago

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well, problem is - people DO mark it as received

9 years ago

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apparently this psa is kinda useless.

quote: BEWARE it's a two ALPHA keys for somebody who want to try the game, please dont enter if you are already have it, I would check it before sending. Moderators allowed to giveaway it, so I hope it would be useful for somebody

9 years ago

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It is amazing at the reading comprehension of this giveaway maker... Quoting the link and not understanding what it says.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank you Raiden, Shobo, and the other mods who are dealing with this mess. We appreciate your time and effort in keeping SG a nice place.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Just ban everyone making Alpha giveaways or disable Evolve until monday.

9 years ago

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^ this

9 years ago

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BTW, it says "evovle" in the title instead of "evolve". It might make a difference when using the forum search function.

9 years ago

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banhammer incoming!

9 years ago

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I really think people shouldn't be able to make Evolve giveaways until after all this free alpha/beta stuff is over. The number of actual game giveaways compare to the number of free key giveaways is just too great. I like the extra points and all, but this is getting pretty stupid. Same goes for other stuff available as a free giveaway, like Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi, and Borealis.

9 years ago

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+1 Many of them even state that it is an alpha key, so it would be nice to just disable Evolve until the weekend is over.

9 years ago

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Except so far there has been an alpha, now we have the big alpha, which may be followed by a beta, big beta, holly crap is this a huge beta, gamma, another gamma, then it will be released to full version. May as well wait till they're done with all the free testing versions, the stated release date is 10 Feb, 2015 after all.

9 years ago

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I foresee many "omg I never got cv from mah Evolve GA" threads in the very near future...

9 years ago

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I can see a bunch of people getting banned in the future for "not redeeming" their winnings, as the alpha will disappear from their steam account. But the win will remain on sg. Do yourself a favour and don't enter these giveaways. Report any that state they are alpha as it is still against the rules. Report anyone trying to give you an alpha key if you win, and mark it as not received.

9 years ago

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When the giveaway description clearly says it's for alpha keys, I don't understand how you can justify not deleting them....

Edit: okay, I guess they are being deleted now

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Is this ppl really getting PERMANENT banned? otherwise ill create 99 evolve alpha giveaways myself and get like 9999 dolars contribution LOL, if its only 2-3 days suspension?!?!

9 years ago

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go on brah i'll stand for you!

9 years ago

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You won't get any CV for it as soon as the winners or SG find out those were alpha keys.

9 years ago

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dude, ppl are DUMB, they say "thanks" for a alpha key giveaway, once they enter the code on steam and it shows "DOWNLOAD EVOLVE" they will mark as "received" for sure! My question is, ARE THESE PPL GETTING PERMANENT BAN OR NOT?

9 years ago

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Never reported that many giveaways. I don't any of them are for the full game. Just ban them all!

9 years ago

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