If you don't have much money - save it for you.
But it is good to hear that you are starting to get better :)
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Congratulations for your new job and for overcoming your harships!
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Glad to hear everything is on the right tracks! Let us know how are you going!
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Oh my, I felt like I was reading my own story... My hearth grows when I see it's going all good way for you, my friend :). And it's really impressing that you can be open about it. I have still problem with this... actually I'm surprised that I am writing it at all. I might delete it later, it happened many times. Maybe it's also because I was ashamed that I need this feeling of secure in the way society demands it? I rather hoped to find my own way but had to subordinate to the rules. Eh, still it sounds like a problem for me. And that I'm maybe to weak to overcome problems without outside factor. Damn.
Yet! I try to find it as a step. And step by step, after feeling a little more worthy and secured I will be able to fight again :). Hope so at least!
But sorry about writing about me too much but I find your story really so similar... Will be crossing my fingers for you mate, hope you will grow inside and left behind all those dark clouds from inside! ^^
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It's the first time I've been open about it in public, I have told my friends obviously but even that took months of me dodging questions about where I am.
I felt like I was weak, everyone else was fine so why wasn't I. I think you have to try and share your experiences of coming out the other side so others in the same situation know that there is a way out, because a lot of the time you honestly can't see an end to it. You are not weak, you are strong, keep believing and get better :).
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I have a chronically depressed family member. Glad to read you're shaping up :)
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Thank you for your giveaways!
It's good to hear times changed for you for the better. Depression is something underrated and by some seen as something that's your own fault and that it's something childish and that it only happeneds with weak persons. Been there (school bullying) so I don't negate depression and what havoc it can cause nor the aftermath of a depression.
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I was a very loud and in your face kind of person. I had always been part of the "popular" kids at school and such so I never really had any experience with bullying. Then suddenly it hit me and got worse and worse because I ignored it until it got to the point of no return. I think peoples attitudes are slowly changing now with regards to mental health issues, which is a positive step forward.
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I think you might be right, In my country there's legislation passed to counter bullying in school and on the work floor. In my case friends went to the school management, to the teachers and they were laughed at as being pussies and liars. But they delivered statements to the police and then the same school management and teachers fell out of the sky saying they didn't know about the bullying. In the end the bullies and 2 teachers got suspended and sent from school for ever. I'm disgusted that I needed the police and a lawsuit against the school to have a little bit of justice. TL DR about this situation in school: The higher the position the higher the chance on extreme cowardly, backwards scum of a school management. Also I will hate those 2 specific teachers (in this case you can call them cowards) forever for deliberatly turning their heads the other way to have it easy and not to offend the school jocks/bullies.
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Congratulations mate, life may not now turn out how you had originally planned but keep moving ahead as best you can. I was depressed for a few months while failing university, barely left my room for a month and tried to avoid talking to tutors, parents, fell out of contact with friends. Still feel like connecting with people is harder than it should be and not should be making more of myself but past that at least.
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Social interaction with strangers especially I still find difficult but I've started to overcome the problems which is a massive improvement, everyone can do it, just at their own pace and time. It's important to understand everyone heals at a different speed.
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Ah, you changed your icon - that's why I didn't recognize you.
I remember you being more... purple, but I thought that user name looked quite familiar.
Yes, I do remember you. :P
Glad to hear that you're on the road towards recovery.
This community helps a lot. I'm so glad to be a part of it.
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Yeah I was in a pretty bad way I think when I was talking to you, solving puzzles and generally being around the community a good 4-5 months ago. So thanks to you and that crew for the help at that time! :) You where whitelisted loooong ago, sure i'll be dumping whitelist giveaways further down the line so keep one eye peeled for those! :)
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Haha, you are welcome, I think I spent a good few days on puzzles and Llama's giveaway threads in some low days. You where a face knocking around back then. There's a few names that popped up now and then when I posted which spoke to me and probably don't even remember me but just general friendliness was a nice way to break up my day and give me a little bit of happiness.
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133 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by andremarques971
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Hello there! I was toying with how I was going to do this and when, now seems as good a time as any!
For the last year or so, I have suffered with serious depression, without going into too much depth It has kept me confined to my house and unable to work for quite some time. Having no money has meant that I have relied on as many "free" sources of entertainment as I could fine. Sometimes I would spend an entire day on SteamGifts because the hope of winning something new was just as enjoyable as playing something new. I have won a lot of games in my time here, I have always tried to give back how I can(pretty hard not having a steady income) I've relied on Tremor/Bundles/Money leftover from Christmas and Birthdays.
Well, there IS light at the end of the tunnel, I have been on a steady road to recovery for a few months now and have recently landed a new job. During my time with depression, I was a trainee teacher in his final home stretch before being fully qualified, depression ruined that. However luckily I have managed to get a very well paid job with the qualifications I do have in a completely different career. I started 2 days ago.
So as a small thanks to every person who's GA I entered, won or just spoke to during my time here whilst I've been ill, I want to give back what I can. At the moment, I'm still on next to no money, as soon as that first wage comes in expect to see the GTA V type giveaways. However I couldn't wait any longer so In the meantime here are a couple of GA's to tide you over for a month before I resurrect or start a similar new thread with the bigger games in there.
Thanks again! Anyone else who suffers please feel free to speak up, I know there was a similar thread about not being alone a while back but the sticky thing about depression is you don't always feel up to talking!
EDIT: Ok so I wasn't prepared for such an overwhelming response so quickly! I will try and reply to people when I can, some people have said some lovely things and I would like to extend my thanks to them by replying, give me chance guys! Thanks again!
EDIT 2: Wow, so many responses, I really wasn't prepared for so many! I want to give a blanket thanks out to everyone who wished me luck in my new job and shared their well wishes. I am trying to reply to everyone but time is a premium at the minute with the new job so it could take a few days! Please don't think I'm ignoring your kind words! Peace!
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