Something I always try to remember to do if I finish a game I won on SG is to post back on the thread and thank the giver for the game, letting them know I've played and finished it. Not that I finish many games of course; far more are abandoned short of completion or are still sitting on my backlog.

BTW, I'm not saying its right or wrong to do so and don't want to get into this whole thanks debate all over again, just curious if its common practice or not.

7 years ago

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Do You Post Back On Your GA Wins To Tell The Giver You've Finished The Game You Won?

View Results
No, they probably have enough spam to deal with
No, why on earth would I do that?
Sometimes, if I can remember

No I dont think they interested to know if the winner finish it or not all we want is CV to lvl up isnt that True? I know we also wanna make people happy too but the most important thing is CV i think

7 years ago

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No I dont think they interested to know if the winner finish it or not

From my experience some do and some don't. Without going and actually checking my judgement is that people who made the Ga I won & finished seem to care if its on a whitelist of small group but not if its a public GA.

7 years ago*

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What's the worst that can happen? They don't reply? Lots of people (incl me) would love to hear that the winner enjoyed the game they gave away.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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No, not usually. I did it a couple of times with games I reaaaally liked though.
I may start doing that though, there are quite a few wins which I'd like to thanks to giver one more time.

7 years ago*

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I try to, especially on games that I really enjoyed.
But I'm also very forgetful, so no guarantees that I'll do it every time. :)

7 years ago

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How does one finish games like Civ 5 or eu4? They are full of achievements. :P

7 years ago

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Some games I count as finished just when I've played them enough :)

7 years ago

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I haven't, but it's a great idea! Gonna go do some extra thanking now :)

7 years ago

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If i really enjoy the game,i personally contact them on steam.

7 years ago

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Just out of interest why do you contact them on Steam?

7 years ago

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Dunno,it feels more face to faceish then just saying thanks over steamgifts.

7 years ago

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This thread kinda surprised me. It didn't occur to me people would think it's annoying. I do it every time!

7 years ago

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Good for you! <high fives>

7 years ago

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I have done so. It depends on the title and how much I enjoy playing it. :)

7 years ago

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I've not finished Blockwick 2 nor Witcher 1 yet but enjoying both so expect a thank you soonish as I intend to finish both!

7 years ago*

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I... never actually thought of that. I am kinda socially awkward and shy... so just randomly going out and saying stuff like that is really uncomfortable for me. ^_^'
I guess you could say that I do that indirectly with some games by making tons of giveaways for them when they get cheap enough to be affordable by my pocket, but it's still not as bold as going and randomly talking to someone out of the blue.

7 years ago

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Sometimes I will. Did so a couple of days ago.

7 years ago

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Me too - no point in linking as for a Steam group but it was for Wait - Extended

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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No, our transaction is over so why would I talk to them again?

And no, I wouldn't want people to tell me either.

7 years ago

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Transaction? Is this an ATM? Should we call the site "Steam Transactions?" :-P
It seems very inhuman when you put it that way, and a bit sad. :(

7 years ago

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I'm here to game, not make friends. If I do, cool. If not, I have video games. lol

7 years ago

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I think it is pointless in 99 % cases because the 99 % of games are just random games from cheap bundles and the creator doesn't have a close association with the game so the creator doesn't care.

I just comment GSs of games I really like and then I write something like "Wow, what a great GA. I totally love this game. I recommend it to all RPG fans".

7 years ago

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I think it is pointless in 99 % cases because the 99 % of games are just random games from cheap bundles and the creator doesn't have a close association with the game so the creator doesn't care.

Things change when you've been on SG for a while and start getting added to whitelists and joining SG related Steam groups ;)

7 years ago

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I hope so, it would be great. Just a question - do you think it is good to join all the GA groups which looks the same? I mean groups such as aaa giveaways, top giveaways, bbb giveaways, and so on. Because when I check their announcements I always see the same - they just hsare links to the free games on gleem. Could you recommend me some good groups? I found just one good group and it is Marie Giveaways. She doesn't give just free games but a lot of coppies non free games and that's great.

7 years ago

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Personally I don't bother with groups such as aaa giveaways etc. for the very reasons you outlined above

It depends on what you are after from a group but some of the ones I've enjoyed so far, for differing reasons, are:
Another group?!
Arise Giveaway Group
Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire
Bundle Quest
Bundlelicious v2.0
Giveaway Outcast's
Hidden Gems Giveawaysâ„¢
New Giveaway Group
Positive Thoughts
RPG Treasury
SG Unlucky Gifters of the Dice
Touhou Giveaways

Most require an invite to join so monitor Group Recruitment.

7 years ago

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Wow, thank you very much. You are very kind. I will check it.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure. I think I've done it sometimes, if the game was really good.

7 years ago

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Never done it, mostly because I feel like I'd be annoying xD

7 years ago

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Some folks might think it's slightly annoying "spam." Screw them. Most people would love to hear they enjoyed the game.

7 years ago

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I've commented about a game I've won a couple times, but I don't usually. Partly because they tend to disappear into my backlog, and by the time I get done with my wins I feel so guilty about it I just silently pretend I played it sooner.

7 years ago

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Wow I never even thought about this, but it's a really great idea. I wouldn't care if the winners of my GAs didn't say something like this but it's a very nice gesture that I would appreciate. I would love for the winners of my games to actually have fun playing them (ie not just entering for cards). When I get around to playing the two games that I've won, if I remember I'll be sure to do this :)

7 years ago

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I did it for 2 games I had played through not long ago. One creator appreciated the comment and replied.
Edit: To the people saying "why should I?" you could also say "why shouldn't I?"
If it had been won and played through/ played at all in the recent past why not?

7 years ago

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I've done that a few times, haven't received any response, they don't have to, but it would have been nice to receive one :<

7 years ago

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I've only managed to finish (or finish outside of one achievement, grrrrr) two games I've won here so far. I posted in both giveaways to mention it. One person didn't answer, the other thanked me for a review since it was a developer-sponsored giveaway. I plan to keep doing it. I personally like to show that I appreciate the games I win.

As for people doing it in my giveaways, I've never had it happen. I don't care if it's lousy games that are probably only wanted by collectors for their library/card count, but for games that people have on wishlists or nicer ones I give away, I hope to hear back from those winners someday. =)

7 years ago

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My backlog is getting huge ;_;. Took me nearly 9 months.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Only if they specifically ask me to do so, which has happened twice. Otherwise, I just bump it to the top of my backlog, play it long enough to get a feel for it, and sort it into my "definitely play more" "maybe" or "never again" categories.

7 years ago

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How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

7 years ago

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I would love to do that to show appreciation if I ever beat a game...ever....

7 years ago

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