As the title asks... Do you believe in aliens? Do you believe there's something else out there or are we alone in the universe?

9 years ago

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Do you?

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Of course, it would be stupid to think that we are alone ^^
ty for the train :D

9 years ago

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Sure thing !

9 years ago

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Technically, it is impossible for us to be the only ones.

9 years ago

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It's technically improbable. Not impossible though.

9 years ago

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There's no scientific basis for that claim. Technically, there's no way of predicting the probability of life in the Universe because our planet and local solar system is the only known instance of it. Predictions require a pattern and multiple instances to draw a meaningful conclusion. Statistically, it's impossible for us to predict whether we are the only life in the Universe.

9 years ago

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We will see in 2018, when Webb's Telescope will give us outta-this-world pictures :P I'm very hyped of it, and hope nothing will go wrong.

9 years ago

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I seriously doubt even Webb's Telescope can provide meaningful evidence of life outside our solar system. Even if it did, there is the possibility of the scientific community or local governments suppressing the information to prevent the inevitable chaos that would ensue from such a revelation.

9 years ago

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this is not a hollywood movie. i doubt there would be any chaos, if we found out that life outside our solar system exists. that's just so far away, most people wouldn't even really care, i guess.

9 years ago

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This has nothing to do with Hollywood movies and I don't know of a single movie that even deals with the consequences of discovering life outside our solar system. The revelation that life outside the solar system exists, especially intelligent life, would have huge implications on multiple levels. If they're more advanced than us, are they our superiors? If they're still primitive, are they our inferiors? Is it just to claim either? How does intelligent alien life factor into the majority of humanity's religions, most of which are anthropocentric? Do these aliens possess rights? What are their rights? Do they qualify for personhood? If they visited Earth, do they need passport of some sort? Do we undergo rigorous tests to ensure they don't unwittingly bring alien microbes that could eradicate all life on Earth? How do we communicate with them? What are governments' policies toward them? Should an "Extraterrestrial Affairs" department be established, similar to Foreign Affairs? Some of these issues are already being explored, but they are not a priority. If humanity discovered the existence of real aliens, a rearrangement of priorities would be an understatement.

The New Age spiritualism movement would explode, as would UFO religions such as Scientology and Raëlism. There would be an insurgence in belief of UFO stories and other execrable bullshit, such as "ancient aliens". The United Nations would deliberate to decide whether to attempt contact and weigh the consequences of doing so: are they hostile? Do we even want contact? Should we wait for them to make first contact? International legislation would be implemented to prevent any country from contacting them first. Space technology would boom.

This is, of course, neglecting the impact such a revelation would have on the public conscience and the far-reaching effects it would have for philosophy and the philosophies of countless people across the world. The discovery of aliens would likely prompt a collective existential crisis.

With all due respect, I think you grossly underestimate the implications of such a discovery. In order to keep order, some governments may suppress this information and deliberate in secret to decide when, if at all, the information should be disclosed.

9 years ago*

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In short, nothing much would happen. :)

Really, unless the evidence of intelligent life will be a few light years from Earth, it will be pretty much to people who deal with mindfucking to do some more mindfucking.

9 years ago

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In short, you apparently didn't understand a lick of what I said. You are aware that the potential impact of extraterrestrial contact is a widely-discussed and exigent topic among futurists and philosophers?

Perhaps you disagree with how big an impact it would make, or just don't realize it. Considering how the revelation would have greater implications than the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prophet Mohammad, or the Buddha; the invention of the television, Internet, or automobile; or the vast majority, if not all, of events in human history; I find it absurd to assume that the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life wouldn't have a large impact just because it's far away.

9 years ago*

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futurists and philosophers

I know I called them 'mindfuckers', but I still feel that's the way to think about them. I'm sure that there would be a lot of brouhaha when the discovery is made, and it would die pretty quickly. Religions will find a way to incorporate it in, philosophers will continue to philosophise with this extra data point being simply another one to discuss, and so on.

As I said, unless the alien evidence is within a distance would be truly relevant at more than a philosophical level, I don't think it would end up being hugely significant. I'm sure it will provide a boost to space research in the short term, but in the long term not necessarily.

In any case I doubt if we'd really be able to detect intelligent alien life unless it gets here.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not to mention, would having sex with an alien be legal?

9 years ago

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Because you can't get some with humans :[

9 years ago

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If they're more advanced than us, are they our superiors? If they're still primitive, are they our inferiors? Is it just to claim either? How does intelligent alien life factor into the majority of humanity's religions, most of which are anthropocentric? Do these aliens possess rights? What are their rights? Do they qualify for personhood? If they visited Earth, do they need passport of some sort? Do we undergo rigorous tests to ensure they don't unwittingly bring alien microbes that could eradicate all life on Earth? How do we communicate with them? What are governments' policies toward them? Should an "Extraterrestrial Affairs" department be established, similar to Foreign Affairs?

Meh, we'll probably just nuke them regardless. Problem solved!

9 years ago

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If they are advanced enough to enter our solar system, they are probably advanced enough to eliminate all life on Earth with relative ease. Contrary to the anthropocentric underdog movies like Independence Day, a nuclear weapon would probably be ancient technology to an invading alien species. There would be no contest.

9 years ago

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I wasn't being altogether serious :p

9 years ago

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I know, right, religion and stuff it would all go to hell, who knows how would people react to evidence of aliens :P
But who says there is no God when there are aliens, Bible is just a book written by men, God had nothing to do with it.

9 years ago

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IIRC, part of the protocol that SETI has to follow is: Even if they're 99.9% sure, that the singnal they received originated from an alien civilization, they cannot (themselves) give the information to the public. They have to consult with the government first.

9 years ago

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I thought this, too, but not exactly:

Principle #4:

A confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated promptly, openly, and widely through scientific channels and public media, observing the procedures in this declaration. The discoverer should have the privilege of making the first public announcement.

9 years ago

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well, not only our planet, simple life allready was found on meteors and on Mars allready and Venus was like Earth several millions of years ago before too much CO2 got produced there which not allowed the sun heat leave the atmosphere.

9 years ago

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That's why I emphasize "extraterrestrial intelligent life" or "life outside our solar system" because bacterial fossiles may have already been found within our solar system (though this is still disputed). I think the big discovery would be finding life outside our local system, since that would imply independent abiogenic evolution.

I have only heard a few claims about Mars and as far as I'm aware, the mystery of Mars' past has not yet been cracked, though some assert that, at one point, both Mars and Venus had similar atmospheres to Earth. Venus does show evidence of extreme runaway greenhouse effect, but whether it was like Earth in any is still uncertain. It probably had an Earth-like atmosphere and might have held life, but there isn't really any evidence outside of some predictive models that suggest a runaway greenhouse effect and the educated guesses of some scientists.

9 years ago

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exactly, I get tired of reading crap along the lines of "jeez, you'd have to be stupid to think we're alone"

no, it's rational because there is no evidence that we AREN'T alone in the universe. It's just that the thought is unsettling; all those stars, in a lifeless void.

9 years ago

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Well the universe is infinite, so there are infinite chances of everything.

9 years ago

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Hmm, not really. It's quite finite, albeit huge. So, perhaps it's just stupidity that's infinite, contrary to the well-known saying.

9 years ago

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How can you prove that it's finite?

9 years ago

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Everything that has start has the end, but what is outside the universe, who knows.

9 years ago

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Does pi ever end?

9 years ago

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I'm not a mathematician, but I'd say it has to end because circles are not endless. You know, there IS a number that describes the ratio of circle's circumeference to its diameter and so it can't be endless. It is a huge ass nubmer, but I'm not sure if it's infinite.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Yeah I never could fit that into words, but I always say ''infinity'' of pi is just us who can't divide it correctly due to weak computers.

9 years ago

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Your argument of endless circles is completely wrong. Even if you can divide something with infinite precision, it doesn't mean it has to be endless in first place.

Try adding this series following the pattern:

1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + ... + 1/(2^infinity)

Do you get infinity? Of course not. You get 2. proof

9 years ago

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Well, as I said, I'm not good at math at all :P And yet, in math infinity does exist, but in real life, not really.

9 years ago

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You know that mathmaticians can die because of such statements? :P
Despite the fact that math is a huge framework of real life there are singularities like the big bang and black holes.

9 years ago

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I know :P

9 years ago

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It has been measured, several times, as you can see, for example, here.

P.S.: That is of couse if we are talking about the universe that was supposedly the result of the "big bang", i.e. stars, planets, galaxies and so on. We still have no idea of what's beyond that.

9 years ago

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It's actually still uncertain whether we live in an infinite universe. Our universe is boundless, in that there are no boundaries, but that does not imply spatial infinitude. Regardless, infinite space does not translate into infinite possibilities—the possible number of phenomena in any given system is defined and determined by the behaviors of that system, not its size. An infinite universe is not necessarily infinitely exhaustive—there can be a finite number of instances of a given phenomenon within a spatially infinite system. As such, life may indeed only exist within our solar system and nowhere else.

9 years ago

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It is speculated that our universe could have infinite space to expand, however there is likely a finite amount of energy and mass in the universe currently expanding. But anything we say here is speculation, because we really do not know for certain.

9 years ago

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In Perrolijo I trust!

9 years ago

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Thanks Rauchen^^
I also trust in SpaceCat :3
Let's invade this world together!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Now THIS is a good idea! :D

9 years ago

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Did someone mention destroying another's world?

I'm in!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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The army is growing stronger than ever!
Let's proceed with the invasion!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I believe in Shrek, not aliens

9 years ago

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missing option "I'm an alien"

9 years ago

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So am I! At least that's what they call me in Murrica!

9 years ago

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yay immigration jokes

9 years ago

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theres no aliens, theres no god, its just us slowly killing each other until theres nothing left.

9 years ago

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The hell has god got to do with alien life? considering the size of the universe and thinking "nah, there is nothing out there but us" is just wrong on all the levels.

9 years ago

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given that one of the definitions of alien is 'A hypothetical or fictional being from another world' i'll leave my comment as is.

9 years ago

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one of the definitions of alien


9 years ago

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An alien is any creature not originating from the planet Earth.

9 years ago*

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Then what if this creature already life on planet Earth?
We can still naming them Aliens or rather call them monsters?

9 years ago

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Thanks for pointing that out, I edited my post now.

9 years ago

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alien derives fromlatin alienus, meaning stranger. foreign.
In law it is a term for a person in a country which is not national of this country.
so you could theoritically call every creature (human or not) that's not native to where you live an alien.

9 years ago

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considering the very precise circumstances that have to occur in order for life to begin on a planet, it might not be as likely as you think. you can't judge something like that just by the size of the universe alone.

9 years ago

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But it have happened with our planet. And if something happens once then it's possible for it to happen again, especially considering the size of the space.

9 years ago

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we are not talking about the possibility, but the probability. and to say the universe is pretty big, so it's totally probable that there are other intelligent lifeforms out there, is just a tad too simple. you also have to calculate the probability for a planet to generate life, and put that in relation to the known count of planets.

9 years ago

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I don't disagree, but it would be hard or impossible for us to calculate the probability of a planet generating life. We can only make assumptions about the required conditions for life as we know it, carbon-based, but life might not necessarily have to be carbon-based.

9 years ago

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it would be hard or impossible for us to calculate the probability of a planet generating life

true. i was just arguing that the statement "the universe is big, so we can't be alone" makes no sense. it's just not based on any facts other than "the universe is so fucking big!". ;)

9 years ago

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Going by probabilities, somewhere out there there must be other planets where intelligent life has evolved.
But if we assume they're as unsuccesful in developing space travel as we are, the odds of ever coming in contact with them are close to zero.

I mean, look at us. We've been around as a species for several thousands of years and we still haven't figured out how to get to the next planet. Let alone getting to the next solar system. We know there's planets which could suitable for our biology out there, but we won't be getting there anytime soon...

9 years ago

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In my opinion saying that we are alone in the Universe it's like saying that Sun rotates around Earth.

9 years ago

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Chances pretty much confirm there are alien life out there. I seriously hope so, because humans are kind of... retarded. Waging war over religion, killing because they feel like it, and not even being able to understand how human rights must always come on top of any ideology.

9 years ago

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While it's possible that other life forms exist out there it's also possible that we are the most advanced ones so far.

9 years ago

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Albeit really sad in a way, I hope so ;)

9 years ago

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And you think other intelligent life did not experience such conflict or struggles, or still don't, assuming they even exist?

Chances pretty much confirm there are alien life out there.

What chances, exactly? As far as I'm aware, there is zero established evidence for intelligent life outside our solar system and there are no means of accurately predicting it because our solar system is the only known instance of life in the Universe.

9 years ago

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I've always wondered: Many movies and games (and overall Science-Fiction) describe a race of aliens that is entirely based on the idea of conquering other worlds and always being in war with everyone else (they can't stop fighting with everyone for too long). It's always "those evil aliens".

What if... we are that race? What if most other alien civilizations are peaceful and (maybe) don't even know the idea of war? What if WE are the race that, for some absurd reason, can't stop fighting each other. What if we're the only ones who are capable of destroying ouyrselves completely in the matter of hours (nuclear weapons), but we can't stop killing everyone who doesn't agree with our view of the world?

9 years ago

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Yes. We might have already come in contact with them in the past, as there have been ancient writings protraying them.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't believe it's necessary to believe in them. :-) The same way it's not necessary for me to believe in the flowerpot on your windowsill. It may or may not be there, but most likely, we'll never have a chance to meet. ;-)

9 years ago

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I do believe in other lifeforms somewhere, but they are too intelligent to contact us :)

9 years ago

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+1KKK Now people are stupid ( not all ) War War and War ,, World at war ,, A simple question: another lifeform visit Earth, what stupid people will do ?
New tyle of : Ultra wepons, alien s.e.x, drugs, religious war and at the end they will attack Aliens
SOooo better for us if they not contact with us.
NOT now ;)

9 years ago

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Or they're not intelligent enough to contact us. It's possible that even if other life forms do exist that we are currently the most advanced ones.

9 years ago

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The Fermi Paradox :)

9 years ago

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Yup, there's aliums, we might even be them. Or the octopi I read about 2 weeks ago...hmm, let's see where I read that,...

alien octopus

9 years ago

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yes, I do. Other life in our galaxy probably....other intelligent life in our galaxy right now....maybe not.
Other intelligent life right now in other galaxies, probably.
Conclusion: Civilizations life spans are short, distances even for communications far to we will have to stay lonely

9 years ago

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are you wearing spacepants, cos that ass is out of this world.

9 years ago

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I bet you tell that to all the guys!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Such deep! Very awe! Much impress! :o

9 years ago

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This is probably the only defensible position anyone can take on whether "aliens" exist.

9 years ago

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I think they are, but in games, lovley to kill ^^
as Hostile Life Form :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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lol, dont cry when they come and possible ppl die :-x
remember every men and is own idea :)

9 years ago

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Do I believe there may be life elsewhere? In this vast and Infinitesimal Universe, there has to be something like what we call life somewhere else.

It's a statistical Probaility that there is life of one kind or another out in that Vast Universe we have yet to Explore.

Now, as for, do I Believe in Little Green Men? Why yes, I do!

They make some great games ;-P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Loved that one! :D

9 years ago

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Alien choo-choo! Of course there's something, somewhere out there. Or will be. Or has been. Or all of the above.

9 years ago

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I want to believe.

9 years ago

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I'm open to the possibility of their existence.

9 years ago

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If there are no aliens, how do you explain THIS?!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Nightshifty.