/>See her profile
/>15 y/o
/>Dont believe it
/>Sigh anyway
edit: dont know how to use reserved characters </8 (thats a cone of ice cream)
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Happy 18 days before your birthday :D i would edit that every day until it is your birthday, but i am way too lazy, so just imagine it
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I ask her for marriage, i had to discriminate a little xD, and yes, she is adorable :3
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What country is that train station in? I like the idea of having the glass fences.
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We have them also at the Metro C in Rome, it was built recently.
: )
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Plot twist, it's her twin.
Everyone here is just posting pictures of their twins and not themself
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Happy Cake Day!! c:
I'm not terribly regular, lol, but it's been really interesting putting a face to so many of the fine folks here, so I will do the share-y thing, too!
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Am I the only one curious about the build in the background? Specs?
I'm a hardware dork and I'm already married with 2 kids. These are the things I see in pictures now.
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Haha, not to worry, I understand. :) I love my baby; built her about 4 years ago and she's still going strong. Makes me so proud! lol
I have the speccy linked on my steam profile, but here, in case you never looked there
It's in a CoolerMaster HAF-X case.
At the time I had a Razor Blackwidow board, but it's since been replaced with a Logitech G910 that I got for Chrimbus. <3
Aaaand a RAT 9 mouse, whose batteries always die when I'm in a boss fight. Without fail.
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That's about how long ago I built mine and landed on pretty similar specs (3570k, 680, z68 based Asus board). I recently dropped $120 on a 2nd GTX 680 and it cranks through Witcher 3 quite nicely. At this point the 680 and 670 cards are so cheap it was hard to say no.
Graphically speaking it scaled really well, but the i5 3570K of course bottlenecks the scaling just a bit from an end to end view. I did buy the 2nd card specifically for running Witcher 3 though, which scaled from about 81-86% with the second card so I was really pleased. It might be worth looking at grabbing a 2nd 670 to add another year or two to your system for a pretty low price.
Here's the results I wound up with if you're curious: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RjnEDyh730p8ddDkUAxjg8lhtIxSC_TtWs87VhwGIsQ/edit?usp=sharing
"Austin" is a friend of mine's system running an i7 4770k and a GTX 970
"Cyclops" is my system (the "fresh install" column is after a clean Win10 installation running 1 card and SLI is of course with the 2nd in action).
Overall it put my system on par with his or significantly better at times. The only time his 970 really outpaced SLI 680s was in settings that really needed lots of VRAM (as my GTX 680 is a 2GB model...hooray for buying on day 1 :P).
Edit - looks like some 670s are going on ebay for <$100. As well as the HAF-X does with dual cards, you should easily be able to handle a 2nd so long as your PSU is up to the challenge.
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"To the blacklisted people: you are on my blacklist because you've broken the rules in any way, you've been exceptionally rude towards myself or the community in general or you've won a former giveaway of mine and didn't care to thank me for the game I gave to you."
hAhahhahahahha, you giving game away by lottery and want say thank you bu the luckybeggar ? omg.
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your point of view makes no sense imo, you are getting something for free, you won, and she gave you something, it is only polite to say atleast thanks
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I say thank you at each payment of my private lessons: in a working context payer and payed should thank each other, in my opinion, it's a trade after all.
I see it's different when you work in a company and the money isn't given by hand, without human contact.
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Nooo, he shut up, don't make him talk shit again. :D
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Oh come on, I've been away from the forum for a good while now and I can't even share some wisdom without your sexy ass coming at me for doing a public service and educating the population of the web?
I don't like you for you anymore, only for your body...
Deal with it.
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maybe you don't know what does "thank you" mean. if you use it too often it has no value. it is like runner which won race and saing "thank you"[that you are weak to win with me] to opponents. if you are saing thay you every day, every person you meet, sorry, you look like a cheater.
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It looks to me like you're the one who doesn't get the meaning of "thank you" if you perceive it as weakness
I do use it quite often and I mean it every time.
I use it when someone does something nice for me, when someone shows understanding, pays me a compliment, when a waiter brings me coffee and when he cleans my ash-tray. And a lot of other times too.
It means that I appreciate what they're doing and I'm showing that their actions didn't go unnoticed. It's as much about me showing appreciation as it is about giving "validation"/"positive reinforcement to another person.
If a waiter brings me my coffee and smiles he's just made my day nicer as seeing a bright person makes me happy, so why not thank him for being awesome and doing his job with style?
Yes, I agree that you have to mean it, but why wouldn't you mean it? ;)
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but you don't know what i talking about. the "eeeev" (this thread creator) is giving blacklisted someone who didn't write "thank you" when someone won his gift. he want "thank you" for this gifts. it is annoying. ok i understand if it will be game like gta 5 and he will get angry because winner didin't even write "thank you".
i'm wondering about this site future - "didn't write "thank you" - 5 days suspension"
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Sorry to bring back the dead, but I have a very strong urge to say this ...
No, you are not right, not to most people here anyway. You, sir, are being an ass and a troll. You have been nothing but rude and obnoxious this entire time and no one here is going to stand for such childlike idiocy. So if you want to post your opinion here and open it up for opposition, you need to treat the other users with respect as, believe it or not, they are people too and many of whom are more well respected than you will probably ever be on this site. Now, if you don't want to act with respect, then please get the hell off of this site or, at the very least, the forums.
Thank you.
P.S. OP actually blacklisted you for the way you behave on the forums, not because you didn't say "Thank you."
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I actually say thank you even when I pay for things, because I'm grateful for the service that the seller provide... I just have more reasons to thank someone that gives for free.
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yes. i don;t care when i giving gifts that someone say thanks or not. blacklist for lack thank you is kid behaviour for me.
You should know by now (given internet experience and worldly experience) 9 out of 10 times it's a kid writing comments such as "kid this, kid that". Of course, it's only 9 out of 10, otherwise i'd have to paradoxically include myself.
But what seals the deal for me is the obvious mindset at display, it's grown all around the world, no offence to 'Generation X', every generation has its flaws, ours not the least of which. But manners have decayed over the decades for quite some time now and haven't gotten back up even remotely since its steady decay.
My godfather (who is in his 80s atm) used to say something back when i was still a teen, that always stuck with me and makes more and more sense as the years go by and that i believe is quite symptomatic of certain mindsets of nowadays and manners or lack thereof, to be more precise:
First, this country lost the simple Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening/Night.
Then it lost the simple Excuse me, Please and Thank You!
All else just came crumbling down ever since.
I would just add it wasn't just this country. It's pretty much all around sadly, but yeah.
P.S.: Answering to you, not the troll, don't want to give him more attention that he's gotten already, as per eeev's request. ;)
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I love what your grandpa said and believe that it's 100% true.
It's the small acts of courtesy that keep a society a community where one wants to belong, not the grand gestures, and once those go there's no reason for calling such a society a community.
I'm sure most of us would agree that SG is a community and we'd prefer to keep it that. :)
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*Godfather. ;)
Not my grandfather, even though he's old enough to be. :)
My godfather and godmother who are already a bit older than my parents (who in turn are barely old enough to be my grandparents themselves, being the youngest of my siblings and all... :P), happen to be good friends with my parents and so it came to be. :)
Which i'm happy about, not everyone gets to have sage godfathers/godmathers, i can certainly be proud of mine. :)
All my grandparents are sadly decesead for quite a bit, never really got to know them. :'(
Just know of them, through my parents and my older siblings. :)
But yes, that's pretty much my interpretation as well. Otherwise we'd just be lost souls wandering around. ;)
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Eh, sorry, misread due to the fact that it was 7 am, I had just woken up and wanted to reply to everything before starting to get ready for work.
Best thing about today- took a 45min bus ride (hot as HELL) to get there, got there, turned out I wasn't working today after all, had to wait for 2 hrs to get a ride back home... I won't even get into other, oh soooooo happy circumstances, that made the whole thing a real bitch but there you go...
A venting session. That's what you get for correcting me.
I bet you're not gonna make the same mistake again so easily, huh? xD
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Oh, i could vent all day.
You can't beat me at that game. :)
I usually joke that Murphy travelled forward in time, witnessed my life, went back and wrote Murphy's Law, inspired by my life's events.
Ever tell you about that day, back when i was in college, winter season, raining pretty much every day, cold as f#$#, etc., the works?
We sort of made our own schedules to some degree, because multiple shifts to choose from, etc. Which resulted in me cramming up my Mondays to have classes from 8 am to 8 pm to get the vast majority of that burden out of the way as early as possible in the week and have a clearer schedule for the remainder of the week (even had a class-free Friday as luck would have it that semester).
So, that one day, i wake up, all north-pole-like dressed, massive trenchcoat, umbrella, the works, walk out the door, and i feel this hot blistering sun on my forehead... I look up, it's like a summer day. Just like that. I walk a few steps to get a clearer picture, not a goddamn cloud to be found anywhere near. I think to myself... "Uh, no, not going out like this, to be sweating like a hog all day"...
So i go back, drop the trenchoat, drop the umbrella, drop one additional layer of clothing (from the waist up - i had 3, trust me, it had been really cold) and walk out the door, all happy at that nice weather.
I walk 100m (no more) and i get a single drip of water on my forehead. I swear to god, knowing my luck i immediatly think "Uh oh, FACK, no way"... I barely have time to look up at the sky to see this massive concentrated DARK as FACK cloud just on top of me. And then it's like the sky unloads a super-size bathtub upside down on top of me. I mean, it just went from Drip... to pouring like there's no tomorrow. It was like Noah's Ark kind of pouring, i run back, by the time i get inside, i'm already soaking wet.
I had to fully undress, wipe myself with a towel, get a fully fresh set of clothing, trenchcoat and umbrella again, and there i go, knowing at least the 8 am class is gone.
It's pouring, it's windy, it's chilly, the sun is nowhere to be seen anymore, and i'm trying my damnest not to have my umbrella just break in 2 or fly away without me, i walk 100m, i get to the exact same APPARENTLY GODDAMN MAGICAL spot... and all... the goddamn rain... just stops... and the wind as well... and the clouds are all gone. I think "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and proceed moving to classes.
It didn't rain a single drop the rest of the day, i kept sweating like a hog for the most part of the day, we're walking in to the last shift of classes from 6pm to 8pm, and this friend of mine asks "Are you mental? What's with all the clothing and the umbrella that you're dragging along? Hasn't rained all day and it's been hot as fack. How can you not have noticed it?"...
I swear to god, i wanted to go POSTAL on him with the umbrella. :3
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Hahaha, that's no reason to vent. Trust me, if you lived in my town and went to my university that would be just a normal day. Umbrellas? AHAHAHHAHAHA
There's a saying in Croatia about my town and umbrellas, and in my town about umbrellas and people who aren't from this town... That should tell you something about my view on silly people who carry umbrellas when it's "windy" xD
I could explain further but you never know who's out there and if stalking might be occurring for real, and if I gave any more info anyone could waaaaaay too much info on me xD
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It's pouring, it's windy, it's chilly, the sun is nowhere to be seen anymore, and i'm trying my damnest not to have my umbrella just break in 2 or fly away without me,
What I was trying to say is, in my town, during the winter, it's not a matter of timing when stuff like that happens, it's a matter of a regular weekly occurrence you learn to make peace with xD
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Actually, it goes like this:
What's yours is ours, what's ours is also mine, what's mine is mine.
You can't even imagine how much I hate that "joke" as my father said it to my mom once and she thought he was kidding but, in the end when she and I left him, we really ended up with nothing.
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No, I wouldn't, however I would thank the guy that hands over the prize (if there is any), who acts as all lottery management representative.
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I agree, it's not a must, I do it because I feel really thankful (and on second hand I want to be polite, that is not actually a must for everyone).
Anyway people can dislike this behaviour and blacklist you for that, this counts for any behaviour that makes people upset (someone could blacklist, who knows, because you don't like raw eggs), that would be still alright, a blacklist is personal.
Personally I blacklisted you because of the immotivated offense in your reply to DownwardConcept; I don't mind too much what others do in the thanking matter, I just wanted to share my opinion about it.
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Because I had you blacklisted first. How does that prove your point?
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Who gives a shit, you've only given away 12 games and mooched 56.
On the other hand, maybe you'd care to know that I have blacklisted you permanently.
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16 games? "For everyone"? I think not. You have 3 restricted giveaways, and 3 group giveaways. That makes it 10 giveaways open to everyone. If we don't consider DLCs as "games", then that makes it 8 games you've given away open to anyone.
While it is true that I mostly only created private giveaways, I have no idea why you even mentioned "closed groups". Go check again, this time carefully, and you'll see that I barely ever create group giveaways.
My giveaway are private giveaways, for everyone who uses the forum frequently. I post the links in my threads, so that anyone who checks out the forum may enter it freely, with some exceptions, like scumbags like you.
Have a good evening.
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Welp, there you go again talking about non-existent group giveaways.
I fail to see how public giveaways are in any way better than private giveaways for the forum users here on Steamgifts.
It's simply a matter of preferred entrants. I'd rather have people from the forum entering my giveaways, while you prefer people from the front page of Steamgifts to enter your giveaways. Understandable.
If you really don't care about my giveaways, then you surely don't care about me blacklisting you. Thus, let's leave it at that. I don't want to fuck up this thread with a pointless discussion about who has the biggest e-peen in Steamgifts giveaways more than you (and partially I) did.
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Not at all. If you haven't realized yet by my wins, I don't enter public giveaways. Like, non at all.
I win private giveaways, I create private giveaways. Seriously, what the fuck did you expect me to do, start crying and beg of you to remove me from your blacklist?
Sorry buddy, won't be happening. :P
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Nah, not luck. I just don't bother entering low odds giveaways, so the few I enter, I have a fairly high chance to win.
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...What the fuck?
Are you serious? I've just blacklisted you for being a jackass earlier in this thread. Even if I could, you're the last person I'd want to invite to any group.
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Yeah... No.
I don't see why I'd do that. As far as I know, light swearing is fine here.
Besides, sorry, but you're definitely in no position to tell me how to behave on this forum.
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why? .-. if you dont care about being polite and thanking why should you care about doing private/closed group giveaways?
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Actually, it has been ages since I argued with someone on Steamgifts. Sometimes some people just are so shitty that I consider them worthy of my time to argue. :P
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So many sexy people!
I certainly looked better hiding my face. I'd rather post a old picture, but I thought I'm honest and take one right now. The stain on my shirt comes from a drip of coffee I had in my 'stache while putting it on just for the picture. You owe me a shirt. :P
Ah, fuck it, here's thin good lookin' me (here used to be a link) from 2012.
Below is me a few minutes ago. Everybody loves a chubby dude!
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It's because of that burger you were eating in 2012. It also gave you a bigger beard and some tatoos.
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That beard was way longer at times.
edit:removed image
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I'm jealous. I can't grow a proper bear.
I guess I'll never live like a man
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Me neither. It's all about keeping it in shape, which makes it look thicker. :D
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I can barely grow it as long as the hair on my arms, it's never going to look anywhere close to thick
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If you need some help, I can give you some bear growing tips.
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Great beard/stabiler Bart - läuft!
btw. Sieht nach einer Dachgeschosswohnung aus, (falls ich mich nicht täusche)
bin selbst in einer Altbau Dachgeschosswohnung - stabile 37°C - 24/7 :D
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Regen ... REGEN!!!11 wär was, bis dahin stell ich
mir einfach vor die Hitze zu genießen - hilft really.
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Oh mein Gott, das ist ja mal die derpigste Katze die ich je gesehen habe, hahaha.
Ganz ehrlich, was ist los mit den Menschen die im Sommer super gut gelaunt sind? Ich schwitze zu tode, ich will Winter. :D
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Wüsste ich auch nicht, schwitze selbst auch schon beim nichts tun :D - liegt sicher am Klima, welchem
man sich Jahre-/Jahrzehnte lang angepasst hat - the nordic-white-cracker-genetics-curse.
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You can see 3 tattoos on the picture, or guess that there are, and 3 more that are covered. So 6 total.
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I'd have to show my super sexy upper body for this and I don't think anyone's ready yet. Maybe when I'm drunk sometime I will do that. When I'm drunk I'm using every possibility to show those off anyways. :D
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'Ne Sturmhaube. In dem Kontext eher 'ne Räubermaske.
Nackte Tatsachen aber wenn ein Typ das sagt ist's schlimm. :D
Ich bin aber echt chubby. :3
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Das denken Leute immer deswegen wollte ich es direkt klar stellen. Vielleicht ergänz ich das um es klarer zu machen dass es eine stehlende Diebin ist. ;)
Wie gesagt: Alkohol = Topless.
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Schlafenszeit, wenn der Thread mich nicht wach halten würde.willst du mich direkt abfüllen?! :D
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I moustache you a question: you single, beautiful?
Haha, but seriously, awesome beard! Beards are the coolest, I wish more people would grow them as awesomely as you have. Plus, nothing wrong with chubby dudes (they have the perks of joining you in eating large doses of candy on a daily basis without worrying about the consequences haha).
I wish I could grow a beard but yeah. One of the downsides of being a lady. sad smile
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Awesome response :D
Can't help it if you have an overly cool beard, though.
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Okay, seems like I can't get you to acknowledge my personality, so I will accept that you reduce me to my beard...
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Haha you know I think you're funny. Everyone here does. Seriously, you're cool!
But, your mighty fine personality aside,
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Now you're exaggerating, but I certainly like all the kind words :3
Thank you! I'm not at the PC anymore but I have an idea for a Gif! Keep the beard touching in mind, will do that tomorrow! :)
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Ok, then "most people here do" might be more accurate, if you want the boring reality instead of the amusing alternate timelines (;
But I'm not going any lower than that! You deserve the praise.
I'll keep the beard touching going on and check back tomorrow, then (:
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Ev, did you stalk a little and find the other pictures from that shoot?
Ich gehe einfach mal davon aus. Ich lächel für Bilder selten, wie die meisten Kerle hier, aber Maurizio, der Blogger, stand vor mir und meinte: "Stell dich dahin und fixiere einen Punkt. Noch besser, schau mich an." Und der ist ungefähr 1,60 groß, schwul und einfach super süß und ich musste so lachen, weil wir uns so ernst angestarrt haben. :D
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Warum fragst du dann überhaupt nach meinem verlorenen Lächeln? :D
Danke dir, ich hab's hier schonmal gesagt, aber gerne nochmal: Der Thread verteilt so viel Liebe, es ist unglaublich. Danke dafür! Heute war ein richtig guter Tag!
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That's a painting from Tomoo Gokita. You should check him out if you're interested in Art. He's among my favorites. Since I can't afford his artwork I can at least use it as a profile picture. :P
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Not my type of art, I prefer literature, but some more conservative people say that there is a thin line between art and cool ideas which were not developed enough due to laziness or artist being too full of himself called, of course, avant-garde.
PS: Don't be upset on me... "that's just like, my opinion, man."
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Just saw your comment. Thanks man! But Imma tell you a secret.
Might be born and raised in Germany but the genes are 100% polish, since my parents came here from poland. So welcome to the team :P
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But genes change after what we eat, drink, what we breath with and all. Those are usually a DNA changes which are given only after copulation to kids, but there is a small chance that evolution would work fast enough for me to, just like you said, give me bigger nose, or at least other hair color :P
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Of course, I wasn't even suggesting any geographical difference between Poland and Germany, but my own disremembering made me wonder about that. Of course changes do not occur that drastically, but I think it would be really visible if we could warp in time. I would love to see a photo of me raised somewhere else lol. We will find out how fast evolution is after we send people on Mars and they procreate. With a bit of luck even I will be able to see that ^_^
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And the joke has been made before. I was mad at you at first, because you commented on everyone without posting a picture yourself, but now you did. So it's cool.
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Whaaa... no way. :3
It's not enough that Tempete ninjas all the puzzles, someone ninja'd that from me? Where? Permalink, please? :3
Btw, warn ev as well, everytime you 2 start ranting in deutsch, i'm gonna butt in with Achso? or Genau! just to pretend i understand more than jack sh*t, seeing those 2 words fit in almost every german conversation. :P
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At both the achso and the fact that kukee and i actually found your first pic resembling of Drogo. :D
I swear to god (dunno how), but i missed kukee's comment when i wrote mine. Well, that was uncanny, but at least i wasn't the only one seeing the resemblance. :D
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Thanks for the GAs! My profile picture is me so there you go lol :-)
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Hey I'm a master of blowing stuff up but I didn't cause that!
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I sucked at art until I took art class. My best friend was worse than me until he took art class ... now he's way better! xD
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Art classes are great for learning techniques and for seeing how the pros roll!
You'll have to show us your drawings some time (:
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That's what I'm afraid of, so make it all white please and let me keep the bit I have left :D
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Oh, I do! I have like 2 white hairs in my beard, but I need MOAR!
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That's actually what I currently have because I can't be bothered to shave
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I do sometimes but I always give up on it because I hate wearing beard nets at work. Working in the food industry sucks for... hair ^^
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At least you can grow one! I had to keep mine in shape and trimmed at my old job. Now I can let it grow and don't have to worry.
Don't you wonder what you would look like with a long full beard? I do!
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I was disappointed with not getting it. My uncle went all-white, looking very distinguished. My other uncle went all-silver, looking even more distinguished. As for me, mine is sprinkled throughout and almost invisible. P
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I blush a lot when complimented too, so no need to feel bad about it hahah
I love taking silly photos! They're great after party laughing material :D
Love that Finn pic :3
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Happy cake day! :p.im not in your wish and is the only game i want :p. LOL :p
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Hey Eduelmago, I noticed you around lately being helpful and friendly and all, so you'll get your chance for that game.
Apart from my whitelist I'd like to recommend KTSnyder's group to you, you meet all the criteria. It's a bunch of awesome people.
Check them out! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KTSnyder
Also thanks alot for your pictures. You look like a guy who likes to cuddle :)
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what is cuddle? give hugs? :p
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hey you look great! (i thought you were younger in those pics)
in a lazy sunday morning like this, i'd propose you to take a ride on the bike to the town and have a good big sandwich and beer after sweating under the sun, which is what i'm doing in a bit myself :)
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Jesse Hughes is that you!? if so, please marry me </2
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Ikkebott, you look like a really cool guy.
I was visiting your profile to check where you're from and it tells me you're Russian. It's hard to believe as you look like a guy we'd call a 68er around here. Does a thing like that exist in Russia? That late 60ies generation that smoked a lot of dope, celebrated free love, and tried to establish a movement against confromists and traditionalists?
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The term "68er" got me googling.
Welp, the first definition I got from urbandictionary and got me confused... Guess every country have those, but I'm on the wrong side to say smthing 'baut that, lol. =:D
As for the second one about generation (sorry, my Deutsch wasn't used for like 10 years, but I caught a glimpse, I guess): yeah, we have those, mostly in Moscow and St.Petersburg. In my region we are more worried about what the heck our neighbour Norway and our agriculture ministry doing with fishery, lol. =:) And my look is quite common for fennoscandian people, I think.
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Well I never expected this XD. Also, it was no big deal for me really. I'm pretty sure I've shared much more personal info about myself online anyways (probably more than I should but w/e). Anyways happy cake day!
P.S. In the spirit of this event, here is another pic. I should stress that I just took this at work, on my cell, at 5am so if I look like shit, you know why XD.
-edit- Adding a few more pics though a few months older since I am too lazy to take a selfie atm.
Edit 2: Bye bye pics
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I gotta say, I am very bad at imagining what peeps look like in rl XD. I have been wrong with everyone who has posted a pic so far and some I have been way off.
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Just catching up on this thread (which has gotten crazy big) and yup, I'm just bad at this guessing stuff. XD.
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Added a few more pics to continue this madness >:D.
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The one from work? I took it while I was on break and what you see is the entrance window from the dining area. Wifi doesn't reach the break room and since the manager doesn't come till an hour before my shift ends I just hang around there.
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891 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by nhahtdh
32 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Ekaros
11 Comments - Last post 24 seconds ago by Mikoy7
37 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Boson
76 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Begum
120 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by schmoan
111 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Mortvie
4 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by zzzwlagga
93 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Vasharal
It was my cakeday, I made some gibs, posted a picture of myself and asked other people to follow my example. Much to my surprise they did!!
[Because I'm a lazy bum and didn't update the OP for cough cough let's say .. a long time cough cough our dear Fnord started a list, sorted alphabetically. Please go here, pro stalkers!]
A mosaic of all people Per3zat made for us: http://mosaically.com/photomosaic/d2e6cf6c-1d58-4c96-a0bd-7e5af112ec39
Now with everybody ;): http://mosaically.com/photomosaic/9693a069-c350-4f87-9d94-c1d3d72e2eb4
By popular demand now: The brave SG users who participated (in order of appearance)
I linked the usernames with their first posted comments and added all pictures they spread across this thread.
Larren101: looking like a space cadet. hurr durr
PrinceOfJerusalem: picture - on a boat - less like a villain
Yazael: picture
SexyBudgie: the left one
AuthenticZac: JUST DO IT
Kathleen: dreamy - TerrorMieze - horrornurse - fuull body horror nurse
zelghadis: before he became fat and (more) ugly - nowadays fatass ugly zelg1: nowadays fatass ugly zelg2 - nowadays fatass ugly zelg3 - unhealthy skinny - 1st from left
Yzil: picture with husky
hustlayo: guy in the black jacket - Aye 2
Ruaben: Ruaben's haircut
ZemunBRE: picture
Fnord - getting ready - hiking - with collection
MuahahahaMeow - picture - after going outside - Because why not
olfox1 - :3
vinirockman - HOG - recent
Idiosyncratic - brave selfie
heavenhairsixes - very serious - the young hhs
Bombaklats - on the beach
Sundance85 - smiling
Quisty - brave
Sugicloud - picture
deguzmanricardo - in the dark
DownwardConcept - click the link
CoralineCastell - happy smile
leonidas56 - with dog - @ hackaton - in da club - zombifiey
YunieRozier's dog - Bohème
AboveAverageJoe - with friend
MysticAarrgg - unshaved
coezo - with hat - with longer hair - ♥ - lion's mane - captions - spooky coezo - killing with forks
keohookalani - it's keo!
missmewx - okay
Aseed - he's the guy
DracoGriffin - trapped
MuIIins - click the link - Christmas!
xarabas - seducing selfie - not actually drunk for once - 30+ hours of no sleep - Some camping trip - Ruining perfectly good picture with crappy camera filters - hiking trip - quite dissapointed for some reason
MagnificentOne - the day gravity decided to give my hair a miss - with headphones
IgotElbows - Elbows!
MrWubbleStein - work photo
SpankyPie - Aaa
kraken9 - Hello SG - fancy photo edit
Dustmop - picture
cmiddlebrook - profile picture
Nightshifty - Top Gun costume
Pesmerga - at a wedding
Eduelmago - garden - cupboard - bed - kissing teddy
JustDucky - eating crab claws
Tort1 - picture
Ikkebott - with graffiti - right now! - without beard
xScreaMx - headphones
Luxy - peer pressure succeeded \o/
murk3 - cosplaying Yeliena - just being cute - beauty in the corner - with hat - in the "snow"
kukeemon - in better times
XyazanX - bert
BrekkeKktus - profile picture
cifudux - while competing
tristetea - few years back
RaPtUrA - picture - with his 5 year older sister - ready for Oktoberfest
Wallister - boy, not a grill
FameTaker - him - his dog - together
zibo86 - picture
drewmb10 - with his wife
Paxnit - in his younger years - now
Elunes - black & white beauty - part 2
bludshade - male equivalent of resting bitch face
lforlazy - cat! - purple
andreadandrea - on vacation
Misskpavd - classy - opening door - with parrots - video with parrots
Mattereye - one year ago - in space
SilentGuy - not a totally new picture
DominusFerrus - yum
JustinSane059 - third from right
Kaesestange - a silhouette - a hat - finally
Nemurenai - out of bed - very happy
LevTaylor - recent - older pic 1 - older pic 2
Extinox - needs love - slim and happy
NaztyFox - bold soldier - smiles
Fyantastic - grrr - parrot - dat hairdo - I'm so beautiful - true love - real true love - air guitar - is that a sombrero? - Fyan's love - ready to die
Winthorp - with his love - with is wife
KonOkami - Too smexy fo his shirt
Argyle31 - Crown Prince of Darkness
PHAZE7 - on stairs
Milliare - playing - working
cloudfan - pretty face
borsdy - holding a holographic wolf picture in the rain
LordVampyr - cute smile
VyleKillius - damn hot
Wissaul - okay, he's in
mushclone298 - forgot to shave
Abaction - not his real ribs
Undac - yum - on an airport - in the army now - something stinks - or does it? - with long hair
jbondguy007 - still not posting a picture
JoaoWho - groans - still cute
PsychoClown - so
cutehorrible - on Halloween - part 2GhostZ - thinking
Angel9RakouCobra - smiling - flirting - happy - a true lady
m139 - the man
IronMaiden666 - blurry
tankerbell - the "i" was taken
AJIam - y so grumpy?
FoxCunning - tiptop
TheZooZ - 2 years old
aurorable - natural beauty
AnnieBolton - a fairy
CarlEric - bank robbery gang
s1N - BoringDay - pouting
HiroHiro - wild party
atb85 - butterbeer
Kabdzsi - with his cousin
Tyler889 - omg, he's hot
Venhiem - find him! - true selfie - with manly beard
kataztrophik - with his twin
Monukai - a nice guy
anktejp - you're not Bob Ross!!!
Khazadson - the baron's beard
jbondguy007 - handdrawn selfie
Oppenh4imer - the left one
Futome - smile!
CrystalSoulSpear - at work
Khalaq - young him - old him
ShinNoChikara - Que?
Shenfara - sandwich
Teliko - blonde facial hair wasn't mean to be
Yupy - picture
nellyneko - in a hut - where's my food?
malabagaa - 2014 - it's in my nose! - 2013edition - 2012 - 2008/2009
Rauchen - cute with cat
zombiehug - he's shy - summer
OsakaMilkBar - Maverick - PewPew
gweedo007 - badass mofo - with his wife
tso184 - best friends in Berlin - those eyes - zombietso - In Oslo
jbmccune - as a kikd - today
Jonex - working - needs a haircut
taytothief - very British
Zomby2D - fresh for us
Spectre359 - topless & bold
Yirg - in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Foxpile - needs a mirror - eompile
TheChack - TheChack!!
ulvercarvalho - lightning tricks
BluewolfCA - in the car - on the deck
LinustheBold - playing Poins
rachellove - recent - freshman year in Chinatown - cold sophomore year - forgot - with biscuit (and father) - getting festive - Prom Queen 2013 - Prom Queen2013 - 2 - in the gym
fateshaper - big smile
HBNayr - picture
MBcoder - VR
MrWoodenSheep - Longer hair with beard - Shorter hair - Shorter hair while playing drums
Quaestio - when browsing SG - standard selfie - pikachu!!
SquireZed - prepared for an interview
Bonsai393 - skeptical bunny - fucking loser
Eisenzange - omg, a naked man! - now with shirt
Sighery - cute and happy
xMisiu - picture
JonathanKalo - Pre-larp photo - Post-larp photo - Philosopher edition - Did-you-finish edition - I'm-gonna-do-something-stupid edition - Cute pic with his pet
ndx8 - an industrial - metalhead ~20 years ago - part 2
EsE - wearing a DIY "princess crown"
VovanVV1982 - loves Pandas
reasaurus - profile picture - cute with puppy
darveshpreet - profile picture - with his better half
deadxobbit - person on the left
Shaide - him - on Halloween
Shannara55 - Is she a fairy?
srcross - two years ago
silencium9 - pretty girl - more prettyness
SSJBardock - wearing his majestic hat
mariganza - (not) too much light?
Ville - sleepy
NotableSilva aka TheSnake - on a bench - in a lab
SweetDalilah - lady's got style - sparkly - sassy - more sassyness
littlekuillyboo - taken two weeks ago
Tzaar - couple years ago sexy mofo - clean cut tamed Tzaar
missmewx - ain't she sweet?
paVVin - From Russia with love
MrBron99 - innocent - handsome
robocub - with his boy
unfuurl - beauty in the snow
Mehamatica - shy girl
Fleder - profile picture
Dnomyar96 - devoted musician
HA66 - my persian prince
Triisken - true beauty
Lemistio - a gamer and believer
InquisitorAles - on a trip
lxlt - dollface - is she real?
HardeKak - friendly smile, warm eyes
ndx8 - "too many sales this winter" edition
KatAwhYeah - weeeee, redhead curlz :D
Dianatrix - Le Halloween daaaamn, you're hot - Le Christmas
SadisticChicken - Christmas 2015 - Before going out for a meal - Going to see Bruno Mars live - Easter 2015 - I like bunnies heads - natural hair on an alright day - maybe 2013? - Prom Day in 6th year - late 2012
Draconis79 - April 2009 - driving - March 2010 - December 2015
Silent62 - a real gentleman... - ...without a beard
elmerenges - before long hair and beard - after long hair and beard
Olarte - smiling - bald - with cat - with flowers - Halloween - without PC - with stickers - tuxedo
hyperxduell - amazing blue eyes
bonesof87 - all dramaatic and shit
Mullins drunk
TinyPurple - tongue out - drunk again
Fnord - cool in the park - partylion
fateshaper - on the hill
leonidas56 - 2016 - 6k celebratory pic
tso184 - in the desert - posing - portrait
Voidy - serious
numeron - all dressed up
eldeezo - pokerface - junkfood overload - DJing - mighty beard - mightier beard
ozo2003 - rare selfie
keksinator - no smile - smile
Cerint - yo, sup?
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - he's fly
Tewam - GoT
Jonex - hair?
MBcoder - big scarf
Tzaar - in the bathroom - still not smilin - half smilin :)
gothrana - smirkin - with beard
SillyScream - bumpin
Dianatrix - introducing her avatar - singing with kitty - on a trip - several pics
JoaoWho - beary
Lemistio - thinking - [teatime]()
CrazyGuacamole - huh?
ProgDroid - intense
noonemakesnoise - does that count?
Soulflyr - smokin - with random chick we all know who that is :P
geogllitch - @ Gamescom - in Iceland - foxcuddlin
Asperyules - with Luna - with headphones
anthracis1 - first and last selfie
Fistrake - so cool fail
MarineSloth - young sloth
tso discovered a thread of similar nature from a few years ago! Pro stalkers go here: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/EQjD3/
Comment has been collapsed.