Did you like NOLF games ? Which one?
This probably highlights on of the biggest problems facing video games in general. What do we do when the publisher/devs lose interest in an ip that we love? You can go and buy old movies/books/etc. but video games are tossed into the abyss as soon as their respective platform dies unless the copyright owners care about it.
Retro gaming will be a nightmare in 20+ years unless something changes :/.
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I played the first one a while ago. I really liked it, didn't get to finish it tough. I would gladly buy if there happen to be a remake. Also i didn't heard both the remake plan and cancellation of the remake. Thanks for letting me know that, I would like to join your cause, comrade!
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EEEEAHH!!!! WROOOONG!!!!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but the best single player FPS of all time was, is and most probably always will be Bioshock(since not even an illustrious spiritual successor made by the same producer could top it).
And just to be really mean, i can name at least ten other FPS games which are a lot better than your anemic little NOLF: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Call of Duty 2, Doom 3, Painkiller, Far Cry, Half Life 2, F.E.A.R, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl, Bulletstorm, Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite, Shadow Warrior.. Look at that: I gave 14. Just out of the top of my head. And I put them in chronological order too :D
But yeah: NOLF is a lot better than some other games which are considered classics in the genre, such as: Halo, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Battlefield series, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Crysis, Goldeneye 64, Clive Barker's Undying, Serious Sam The First Encounter. But its campy 60s spythriller elements just couldn't compete with the rebirth of the genre that started with Half Life, was consolidated by Return to Castle Wolfenstein. and later got competition from games which proposed a return to the old ways, but were actually much better than the old FPSs they were trying to homage. Games like Serious Sam and Painkiller. NOLF is somewhere in between , but is really nothing special, just an above average game.
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I'm not asking for your taste of FPS ; but if you have ideas for bringing back old great games that aren't in digital store, be my guest.
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I never said it's not a welcome initiative. I just wanted to correct you on that statement. But it's your opinion after all. Maybe I shouldn't have. I myself still cry every night that Red Alert 2 doesn't exist in the Origin store. Well, actually it is in the C&C ultimate collection, but it's a little too expensive... I'd like to see it alone.
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Well, Bulletstorm and Bioshock Infinite look really nice and have beautiful outdoor environments in which you get completely lost and mesmerized. Even though they're made with an engine that doesn't have half the capabilities of the Cry-engine, the engine that Ubisoft used for Far Cry 3 and whatever the hell Rage's engine is called. So they have that going for them. But they're also crazy fun, being satisfyingly violent(albeit in totally different ways), having main characters which are total bad-asses and possessing novelty game-play elements never before seen anywhere else. In one you can kick opponents in the face and throw them into giant cacti or shoot them in the balls and make them beg for mercy, just so you can kick their heads off like the sadistic monster that you are (that being just the tip of the iceberg). And the game rewards you for this. Remind me again...how is that not awesome?
And in the other one you can ride on suspended roller coaster tracks (without the actual roller coaster) and then jump down and kick an opponent in the face. After which, you can break another one's neck with the wheel you used to ride the sky-line and feel like fucking Errol Flynn You have to be a really jaded prick to not enjoy things like these(as I've heard some people say Bioshock Infinite has a way too vanilla, boring game-play...RETARDS). Oh, and Bioshock Infinite has the added bonus of having one of the best stories ever told in any video game(not just the FPS genre). Not as good as the original, but hell...there are Academy Award winning movies that can't match Bioshock in that department.
Yes, Bulletstorm is not nearly as well endowed in the story aspect(in fact, it's a downright stupid, idiotic game), but who cares? Its IQ goes perfectly with its atmosphere. You'd really want an intelligent and serious story in a game where you throw people into giant cacti or feed them to giant man-eating plants?
Doom 3 is pioneer game that managed to SUCCESSFULLY blend the FPS genre with the survival-horror and create an experience which is truly unique to this day. Without it, games like F.E.A.R and my personal favorite of all time, Bioshock, might not have existed. Sure it doesn't make much sense that a space marine's assault rifle doesn't come equipped with a flash-light, but it was a game-play element that truly elevated the scare factor to new heights and I damn well liked it for its balls. I will always defend this game, no matter what. Not perfect, by any means, but its contribution to the genre is immense, same as the original Half Life's. I just happen to like it more :-p.
As for Borderlands 2, have you ever seen anything like it, except the original?(ok, there is Destiny, but it came afterwards and...FUCK Destiny, cause it sucks). Short answer...NO WAY IN HELL. This game is basically Diablo with guns. Explain me a universe in which that isn't awesome. Why it and not the first one? Because this one also has a really awesome, fun and most importantly, FUNNY AS HELL story. And given how seldom humor is well done in this genre(or in the triple A gaming industry, in general), I gotta give it extra-points just for that, especially after Gearbox and 2K's previous attempt at such a game just a year before (we do not mention its unholy name).
And I typed in caps as a JOKE, ffs. Like in a game-show... When the buzzer goes off when someone answers wrong. I guess you have no sense of humor. No wonder you don't like Bulletstorm and Borderlands 2.
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I would not mind playing the original or a remake on Steam. I am certainly not against the idea.
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Yes! NOLF 2 is my favorite FPS of all time! Please!
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I loved the games too. Especially the sequel with the mimes and the super soldiers. It was a complete experience from start to finish. So yes, I would seriously enjoy seeing them on Steam one day.
Anyways, we can't get angry at the owners because they don't want to re-release the series. It's their time and money that gets put into it and at the end of the day, game development is a business.
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But as written by Kotaku, Night Dive Studios tried to simply do all the work and just wanted to pay them for a licensing deal. The publishers just don't want to move their asses and find the piece of paper to find who has the rights about the IP. They just want to wait someone to do any move and prosecute anyone who's doing a single error... This is not for video game business or the beauty of their work, they don't care about the games at all, this is only for being greedy and sue a competitor.
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Yeah, great game too :(
It was on GOG few years ago...
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Really sad that a game/series can get stuck in Legal Hell like this.
I'm still wondering if it's not possible for Monolith (through Warner Bros) to reclaim the rights - being the original creators etc. Then at least the "maybe Fox or Activision are still entitled to something" argument can be put to rest.
Hey, if they're worried about the cost, they can run a Kickstarter to source the funds directly from people like us who want to see the game back in distribution. If enough people are interested, that should be a succesful campaign in no time. I know I'd back it, even though I could just re-install the games from physical disk.
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TLDR; => @Activision, @WB_Games: bring back #NOLF games!!!
First, sorry if I have a bad english writing, I'll try to be as clear as possible.
Secondly, if nobody knows about the "No One Lives Forever" (NOLF) PC games or the story about trying to resurrect the franchise, I suggest you to read sereval subject about it. Especially this little thread on SteamGifts forum, or this 2 articles by Kotaku which resume everything :
For me, NOLF 1 simply was and IS STILL the best solo FPS of all time. I enjoyed very much the sequel too, and even the spin-off "Contract J.A.CK." which was an attemps to do a more nag and brutal FPS on the NOLF universe (released after the 2nd one, very short and without gadgets or infitration), for me it was a solid game.
So when I heard that the company Night Dive Studios (responsible for bringing back on digital stores several old great games like "System Shock 2", "Shadow Man" or "Tex Murphy" adventures) tried to find a way to re-release all of them, and more by remastering it for recent PCs, I was very excited and enjoyed... like a lot of other gamers I presume.
This guys of Night Dive Studios put a lot of effort to push for this, and the assholes (I don't find any more relevant qualifier, sorry) of Activision and Warner Bros Games (maybe 20th Century Fox have responsibilities too) destroyed everything. It's really understandable that a not really known franchise like NOLF can possibly not bringing a lot of money from digital sells ; but clearly as described in the Kotaku last article, all attempts were sabotaged... only for great profits I presume.
I just discovered this old news few days ago, and I'm really pissed of. I still have the original retail games in my shelves, so I still can play the originals. But just thinking about the possibility to not have a polished version, for the last PC configuration, the last Windows version, the widescreens, and the Steam achievements... AND CARDS DAMMIT!!!
So guys... We are legion! :D
I don't want to be a leader of anything, but I'm asking for help, ideas, suggestions, initiatives... I just want to be the first match of a big fire, coming from all of us: we, nostalgic gamers, what can we do for reversing this situation? Maybe I found the solution: I simply imagined a big big wave of messages coming from the social networks, especially Twitter. Activition and Warner Bros have Facebook and Twitter accounts, so why not sending them exactly the same message, at the same moment, at the 2 publishers social accounts with the tag #NOLF (or something like #BringBackOurNOLF :D)? By giving the link of the last Kotaku article and giving all the credits of Night Dive Studios (maybe by giving their Twitter account too: @NightDiveStudio) and giving them the chance to continue what they tried to do?
We must be sharp, we must be clever and determined, but most of all: let's try to do something absolutely not negative. The goal is not to put a finger on them and calling for insults (even if I did it few lines ago... even if it's the truth :P) but trying to reach their community managers inside their flesh, like an arrow on their knee, trying to tell them that there are a lot of gamers interested in a simple remastering of the old games... and why not maybe the coming of a 3rd game! Monolith Productions showed us that they still can do great video games if they have the motivation, like their last production "Shadow of Mordor".
So let's resume this: can we be able to tell a maximum of gamers (by creating thread like this one on really important video games websites : IGN, Kotaku, PCGamer, Penny Arcade...), asking anonymous or famous (guys like TotalBiscuit or PewDiePie... even Gaben), to try a very big social networking online action: a way to create a tsunami about #NOLF, adressed to Activision and Warner Bros Games publishers. The important thing here is the time: we need to do a "coordinate attack", for making this unforgettable for them. Let's try to make a change to their stuborn position and find a way to consent to and to give Night Dive Studios a chance to accomplish the noble task to bring back to the current and future generation of gamers a real masterpiece of the video game history.
To finish, the last hope of all of this came from that Tweet at GDC 2015, and this article of PCGamer :
Maybe we can try a little kick to their nutz, to be sure that this single glow of warm light can transform to reality. Too much pain was done, and I'm out of crying :'(
Thanks for reading, thanks for your suggestions, thanks for Skyrim. Now, let's talk! ;)
Edit : this is the Twitter accounts of Activision and WB Games :
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