The behavior is simple. You write a comment and click submit, the page refreshes, the comment is not posted and there's not a single trace you ever wrote anything. I suspect the server is either busy or for whatever reason it discards the submission due to a bug or a concurrency issue. It's rather annoying, to say the least, especially when you write an elaborate answer and everything is lost upon submission, thereby having to start from scratch.

It happened lots of times and I usually CTRL+C the content before submitting anything but I'd much prefer having it fixed on the system's side than having to proactively take actions against it.

I recommend fixing this by making use of the local storage and reattempting the submission until the server responds with a success message, unless there's a bug in the system that needs fixing to stop this from happening.

5 years ago

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Has this ever happened to you?

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Just passing by.

Never happened to me but I wouldn't doubt software being wonky. I'm on a 128kbps connection for the record.

5 years ago

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This happens when the topic (or just the title?) is edited during the time you spend writing your post.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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If that is true, then this looks like a design flaw since the title should have no implication on the submitted content. The only thing that should matter is the unique code associated with each thread, like in this instance: CHWIW.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yep, and it's been that way for a looooong time. Not sure why this isn't being solved.

5 years ago

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And I thought I was going crazy...

5 years ago

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Nice, thanks for the explanation! :)

5 years ago

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Thanks for the notice, this was resolved in an update today!

Fixed an issue that would cause a comment not to be posted if the name of the discussion, ticket, or giveaway changed while the user was writing their comment.

5 years ago

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I know this problem all to well, and it can be extremely annoying depending on the length of your posting.
The only workaround for me is to copy the post in clipboard in case it fails to post properly. ;)

5 years ago*

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I've been doing the same but from time to time I forget to save it and it happens to lose all the content. If bludshade is right about the reason then this seems to be very easily fixable. Again, you shouldn't be required to take proactive actions for basic usage mechanisms.

5 years ago*

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Yea right. Maybe CG can fix this.
Thanks for bringing this to attention, I think many SG users are affected by that. ;)

5 years ago

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To be fair, I've had the habit of copying stuff before submitting if it's more than a sentence long for a while now in every website I use. I believe it's because I lost a 10,000 character private message I wrote a few years ago. It's a good habit to have, regardless of a bug like this existing or not.

5 years ago

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Happened to me like 20 times in the bidding/spamming event.

5 years ago

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It would be nice if this was fixed, but as it's apparently been around a long time, chances are not high... ๐Ÿ˜…

In the meantime, ESGST has a fix/workaround (Option 3.3)

5 years ago

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Happened to me at least 5 times since Friday. 5 that I noticed. I'm guessing Touhou's event might be an extra load on the server and things will just go back to normal.

5 years ago

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