Bumping for 100% solved. :)
That was some weird science.
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I'm probably an outlier, 300 games and level 7. I'm just not much of a game collector.
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Interesting study. Have you analyzed the numbers and % of bundled games?
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Further exploration of that aspect of this study would take considerable effort, as it will require the matching of 100 steam libraries against the bundle list. Not to mention the fact that the bundle list is dynamic in nature, resulting in the possibility of addition to the bundle group while the data is being analyzed. As a result, our group decided not to spare more resources on this issue.
Translation to non-science speak: Meh, that sounds like too much work. And I'm lazy.
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My lab is celebrating with a non-stop party!
In unrelated news, we are almost out of 100% EtOH (ethanol) for our experiments.
We have called every grant provider we know of to address this shortage, but we had difficulties articulating the problem for some reason.
Our request for some orange juice for the lab has also been met with negative responses so far.
Solve rate is at 36% - the puzzle shall remain hintless. Or is it really?
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yeah last 2 questions have got me and i've been mulling over this for a few days
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First, here are the answers to the quiz. Here’s where you can find them:
Some end-puzzle statistics: a total of 257 people attempted the puzzle, making 2865 guesses; a total 93 people solved it, which means it has a solve rate of 36.2%. Which is pretty impressive, considering barely any hints were given.
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While most of you took the “congratulations!” message and directly headed for the door with a wide grin and head held up high, some of you realized that I have THREE private giveaways going on. Solving the quiz only gave you giveaway #1. So where were #2 and #3?
Both methods are the simplest and most common ways of hiding giveaways; you can read about these and more complex methods in Zelgh’s Puzzle Guide.
Congratulations to the fabulous puzzlers, in alphabetical order: CopperUndies, m139, onk, Starlynk (who solved the entire thing within minutes of posting), dalikkus, nomecopies, Nordhbane, q00u, and Toff !!!
There may be others, but you left no trace on the giveaways so I didn’t account for you.
EDIT: we can add tevemadar to that list, making a nice, round 10 completionists!
So this is the REAL end to the puzzle. Thanks for playing and I’ll see you on the next one :)
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I did not comment into the 'root' of Salammbo (had it already), but have proof: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/kDnp0R7
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Nice statistics, so I'm on the elitist 3.89% of players who found all the giveaways. Cool.
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so what was the exact answer to the last question as i tried copy and paste methods as well as simple yes and no and variations of what you had listed.
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yes was my first answer maybe i had answered an incorrect answer to number 4 and then answered yes to the other one to soon but im pretty sure when i typed yes it said wrong answer, Maybe it was case sensitive.
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Contributor Level (CL, formerly CV) is a recently revised measurement of how much a SteamGifts (SG) user has given through giveaways (GAs) to the SG population. While often criticized as a poor measure for several reasons (mainly due to not considering number of giveaways won and not differentiating public, group, and private gifts), it has arguably worked well enough for most users of the site.
As a rule, users with higher CL have given more games (in relative monetary value) compared to those with a lower CL. This also gives them access to high level GAs, with higher odds of winning, which may result in them having a higher number of games. In this study, we seek to explore whether CL can be a predictor of number of games owned by an SG user.
Our hypothesis is that users with a higher CL have more games on Steam compared to those with lower CL.
For this study we used a cross-sectional model with the convenience sampling method. Several public giveaways were made within the same period of time and of the same length for levels 3, 4, and 5. From the entries, 20 names (an arbitrarily picked number – no sample size calculations were done) in order of appearance to the investigator were picked, with the following inclusion criteria:
We did not create level 1 and 2 giveaways in this study due to the associated risks and difficulties; instead, 20 samples each were sequentially collected from the users list from a random starting point with the same inclusion criteria.
Samples were then listed in a data table using Microsoft Excel 2007, a graph was made and statistical and descriptive analysis were performed using the same tool, the results of which are available below.
Results and Analysis
The results of the analysis can be seen in Figure 1 at the end of this article. Initially the graph shows classic linear growth from levels 1 through 4; however, it suddenly drops off at level 5. While it is tempting to make the very likely assumption that users at level 5, such as this one, are more tastefully selective in games, generous, and better-looking in general, this result is unfortunately more likely due to inadequate sample sizes. This is also suggested by the error bars, which are rather large, and proven by statistical analysis which showed no significant differences between all groups.
Our study did not produce any meaningful results, but we will try to skew and manipulate with the data so that we can net a sliiightly positive result and get it published. We also will use meaningless weasel words including “trend” “leans toward” and “somewhat” to mislead you, and use the classic “this study is a good starting point for further exploration into the subject matter”. As usual, our recommendations would be to replicate the study with more data points (i.e. give us more funding).
This study will be published in four days in the African Journal of Internet Behaviour.
This study was privately funded. Competing interest(s): author is a user of SG and actively participates in giveaways.
Continuing Scientific Education points can be earned from this article by answering this QUIZ.
Puzzle ENDED! Here is the SOLUTION
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