What is your strategy regarding this bundle?
Do you have a job? Cause if not, I will totally hire you. Attention to detail, punctuality, creativity, friendliness, hard working.
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Hehe. I have quite a few jobs.
Full time college student, administrative and program assistant at a Center on campus, Peer Adviser for the Global Poverty and Practice Minor on campus, caseworker for The Suitcase Clinic, and unofficially, a bundle poster on SG :D
Thank you for your compliment!
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Wow, some time ago I thought you're a bot automatically posting all these news, nevermind then lol, thanks for helping us all! ❤
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I am not a bot >< lol. You are very welcome! Have a great day!
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Damn Rachel. How do you manage to still get notes taken in class >.>
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I usually have to post the bundle thread before class with a bare skeleton list of games ... then after class/ break / work/ lunch break / or whenever I get home, I update the thread
Or sometimes the bundles come out right at the hour, so in the few minutes before class starts, I get a thread up and if I can, do a speedy 3-5 minute chart-making session.
But ... Sometimes the bundles come out when I'm working out at the gym .. so i make posts while running or lifting weights ^^
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Why are there so many new bundle sites popping up lately? And no, I'd rather buy some snack for this money than to waste money there.
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I'm going to include a PSA note and a link to another thread with lots of community input on the risk of HRK!
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I am interested in your personal opinion about HRK, Rachel.
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I actually had a personal conversation with the HRK rep, and am planning to create a new post in the general announcements section with our conversation. Would you be interested?
After our conversation earlier this morning and talking it over with a couple friend, I am still very uneasy. I definitely understand a lot more about how the who key/game market/distribution process works, "where" HRK obtains their keys, why their pricing is so low for some games compared to other retailers, their explanation for using G2A, relationship with other retailers/distributors, and game developers, and HRK's algorithm to choosing winners in their pay $2 get a chance at an AAA game contest.
I still have to wonder though ... what exactly are these "authorized" sellers they are getting their keys from? Aren't Indie Gala and Daily Indie Game and Humble Bundle also "authorized" sellers? How is it all the games in their build a bundle look so familiar to games included in previous bundles within the last month or so?
I used them on two occasions to build a bundle. Keys worked fine. My huge problem with them is the g2a shield protection service that they use for consumers. I didn't know their was an opt out option when I was paying via mobile phone, so a month later, I got a bill renewing my "subscription" with the g2A protection service ... What? I didn't receive any notice about this! Perhaps it is my fault ... maybe I skipped that part of the text when paying, but still, why is it so hard to remove a protection service when you've had your site running for a while, I assume, and if your keys are legitimately from authorized sellers and not bought from the grey market?
Idk ... some of these questions are questions that other users have brought up to me, so I just decided to ask because it got me thinking ...
I was initially wary of posting this thread, but then I decided, you know what? People deserve to know and be informed about what they are getting into. I went back and forth for a while, but I think it's best that more people become aware of all the new sites popping up and we can all weigh in our opinions. My experience is totally different or similar to someone else's, and it would be nice to hear from others what they think.
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Yes, these are good questions to ask and while I certainly have my own theory about this matter, these questions should really be answered by the people behind HRK.
After all if there isn't anything they need to hide, answering these questions shouldn't be any problem for them and it would only help their business to debunk some bad rumors if they are a legitimate service. You said you had a conversation with them, did they answer all these questions or simply avoided them? If they did answer them, I would certainly like to know what they said.
From what I understood, that protection service is provided by G2A, not HRK and you can disable it before you make a payment by unchecking the checkbox. If it's not visible on your phone for some reason, then I would suggest you to use that website only on your computer.
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The rep was very talkative and informative, which I found quite nice. I am making a thread right now with that conversation, so I'll update this thread once I am finished typing and formatting.
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Keys are acquired from the publishers in case of HB and IndieGala, yes. Usually they make a contract of a set number of keys for a set price (these are the limited bundles), or more often one where they buy X number of keys with a return clause: so after the bundle ended, all unused keys are returned to the publisher untouched. This protects the bundle site though since if the bundle is unsuccessful, they don't have to sell the leftover keys in their store. (And many of them don't even have a store.)
Also, keep in mind that the main idea behind bundles is the same as DVD or television airing rights, where you put a few lucrative products into a package that is only sold as a whole: this way less successful titles also get sales and increase their presence in Steam stats. (Since most stats only deal with number of people owning a title, they never see the percentage of those who spent time with it, especially since card farming is a thing.) These numbers can also be shown to investors or potential new publishers. (After all, self-publishing rarely works, but the other side is that the indie scene is full of hyena publishers like the infamous Xing.)
HRK and the like differ in the sense that they buy keys from bundles and other sites, so they are selling keys sold from people who were in contact with the product owners. Hence why G2A is always more expensive than the cheapest available price or why HRK has an insane profit of asking 2 USD for keys that were sold for about 12 cents in 1 USD bundles. The profit rate is enormous this way, and since they spend a good part of it on advertisement, more poor sods fall into their trap and buy for a higher price than they could have elsewhere.
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Thanks for your explanation. It helps as a consumer to know what's going on behind the scenes and why things are done a certain way. Bundles are a great way to promote certain games that may not be doing so well, as is the case with a lot of the IG and Groupees bundles.
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If I wouldn't pass because of the games I'd pass because of the site.
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How do you know that HRK is an unauthorized seller??? Go ask the developers and publishers that have their games on HRK Bundles and you can clearly see that all of the games were supplied directly by the publishers and game developers. This is really crazy that you guys think everything that comes from websites like HRK were supplied illegally and from the gray market...
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While that may be true of their named bundles, the build-a-bundle is predominantly a mish-mash of keys from IndieGala Friday/Hump bundles with some from DailyIndieGame thrown in. When the 12 game friday/hump bundle goes on happy hour (12 games for $1) those games magically appear on their build-a-bundle some days later, which I think makes it clear they are bundle keys from other sites.
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Since you are promoting that site in every single one of your giveaways do you mind me asking in what relationship you are with that site ?
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47,318 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by misterhaan
7 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by AureasAetas
134 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by wigglenose
6 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Mayanaise
371 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by LhorXhor
27 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by tobiasreich82
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374 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Mayanaise
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29,658 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by maximilyn
6 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DeliberateTaco
I created a post regarding a conversation I had with a rep from HRK earlier this morning. If interested...
View this post here
Many users have expressed their aversion to the site because they may be a grey market for keys / unauthorized sellers. They are also partnered with G2A. If you have any problems or concerns, I would advise you to NOT buy from this site, and comment below on your thoughts about HRK (and any other site that may not be safe to buy from).
I post this thread not to encourage you to purchase from scammy/suspicious websites or to promote unauthorized sellers, but I want to give you the opportunity to decide for yourself whether or not you wish to take a risk. I care immensely about the people here on SG, and I strongly believe keeping the community informed and getting the word out about potentially risky sites will help save a lot of us in the long run and prevent others from having to go through strife.
Please read the comments below and here -http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/mKxM7/hotrandomkeys-aliens-vs-zombies-bundle to find out what other users have been saying about HRK. Here is another discussion thread about shady websites/sellers
Click here to view bundle.
Pay $2.49 for 7 Steam games
Battle Group 2
Imperial Glory
Post Master
Skilltree Saga
Movie Studio Boss
Farming World
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