it's exactly what I mean....sincerely.

that one word precisely represents the gratitude i feel to you.

i realize for some, after giving away hundreds of giveaways, that "thanks" begins to look generic after a while, but please understand that there is no other word that means what i am feeling toward you as much as that one.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I say Thanks, or something to that effect, if I win. Also if asked to in the description, or if asked to say/do something else there I do that.
Occasionally I'll say it in a giveaway if it's a game I am really itching for.

But in general I don't, it's hard to not look like a script just saying the same thing over and over, and it fills up the givers inbox which at least I personally find annoying. That said I never say don't say thanks, I just don't read them and only scan for questions/comments above and beyond that.

8 years ago

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i agree that if someone has a bunch of GA's they may not want to receive 20 x "thanks," so I will say "thanks for all of these"
i do also abide by the poster's wishes out of respect if they wish not to hear it or want a picture instead.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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well, 20 x isn't too bad, but there are also people who make so much GA's that they receive hundreds of them. That is really annoying, as it makes it hard to spot something else among them. But I have no problem with people saying thanks.

8 years ago

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+1 It's much like I do, reading the giveaway thread, saying thank you for all your giveaways when there are multiple giveaways by the same person and posting a thank you if I win in the winning giveway thread.

8 years ago

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I'm not a robot!

No matter what you do. Someone is gonna blacklist you for one reason or another. So don't worry too much.

8 years ago

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Blacklisted for being reasonable!

8 years ago

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thanks :)

8 years ago

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You beast... Yes

8 years ago

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thanks :)

8 years ago

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thanks for the thanks of thanks in thanks thanks

8 years ago

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My bot makes mistakes..on people think it is actually me expressing my gratitude. True story.

A simple "Thank you" is more than enough dude, don't worry about it. I don't mind if people don't say thanks because they kind of in a way express their gratitude by entering anyhow.

8 years ago

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It's just good manners and how I was brought up, as far as I am concerned.

I've actually encouraged people to comment on my giveaways in the past (not so much lately, as I've been in a hurry to get them up).
A thank you comment is always welcome, but never required, and especially appreciated from the winner. :)

8 years ago

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Well, in my opinion if you win something, you kind of have to say thanks. That's the least you can do. If people don't say thanks after winning, I tend to blacklist them, as in my eyes they are being ungratefull. You get a game for free, so the least you can do is thank the person that gave it to you.

8 years ago

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I always say thank you when I win a gift. Perhaps my phrasing was unintentionally ambiguous in that regard.

I don't, however, expect it from others, though it's always appreciated and I don't blacklist if they don't.
I do believe it's extremely rude not to say thanks, however

8 years ago*

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I also always thank people when I win, but I kind of expect others to do so as well. Maybe it's because I'm (usually) very friendly and think it is just how one should behave. Luckily I only had to blacklist for that reason once.

8 years ago

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to quote an upstanding user of this community:

this site is a lottery, you don't need to thank others! :O

you won it by lottery. "thank you" is not necessary. your pointof view you should say thank you your boss every each payment. it's very stupid, when you work hard for it. You have low self-esteem?

no need to thank me for this valuable lesson :3

8 years ago

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That quote isn't really aplicable here I think. You work for your payment, but here all you do is enter a GA to win something. That are two entirely different things (at least in my opinion). I'm not saying you need to thank the creator, but I don't like it when people are that rude and ungratefull, so I blacklist them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As someone that doesn't like an inbox full of thanks, I don't say thanks when I enter, I say thanks when I win.

I also sometimes include a sarcastic comment about how i'm certain that the person chose me specifically because they liked my name/avatar... because we all know that's real, right?

8 years ago

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anyone not saying thanks will be blacklisted.

just don't say it too much or i'll also blacklist. :3

8 years ago

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There must be a balance, huh

8 years ago

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funny thing, I never read your thanks as generic one.
the big difference is that some users we know that they don't care at all.

8 years ago

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I don't really mind if anyone that enters my giveaway didn't say thanks or anything but I do mind if the winner didn't say anything at all. To me, it's just plain rude. Someone gave you something for free and you can't even bother to spend 5 seconds to say thank you? Inexcusable.

8 years ago

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Same here. If people don't thank after winning, they are just being ungratefull and selfish.

8 years ago

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i disagree. it really depends. for instance, if someone has a ratio of 500/50, and he doesnt say thanks after winning my game, i don't think that is inexcusable. i think this guy has given so much already, he deserves the win, no matter what.

8 years ago

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Yes, he did give out a lot and he definitely deserves the win but that doesn't excused him from showing a little gratitude to the GA creator, no matter how crappy the giveaway is. I mean, like, it's really not that hard to write "Thanks" in the comment section after the giveaway ends.

8 years ago

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well, i think it does. i think saying "hey, you did so much for us and spent so much money for giveaways, but you forgot to say thanks this one time, so now you're blacklisted, buddy!" - doesn't make too much sense to me. ;)

sometimes we should just be able to forgive smaller things. for me it really depends on the person. in general you're right, people should say thanks after winning something. but if someone doesn't - and especially if this person has proven himself to be a good SG member - i am not really angry, and i don't make such a big deal out of it. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, you have a point but still... If that truly happens, a good contributor not doing the most basic thing after winning, that would be a shitty day on SG for me. This is just my opinion though and I hope that day will never come :/

8 years ago

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sure, you can handle those things like you feel is right. was just stating my opinion on this. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for creating this discussion!

8 years ago

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I post 'tha' as a down-payment when I enter.
You'll get the 'nks' when I win.

8 years ago

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Your comment needs a "thumbs up" button.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago*

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I think I'll never get used to this! When I was a child I was told that the appropriate word to express gratitude is "thanks"! Also in my culture is rude not to say thank you when someone gives you the chance to win something, especially when that thing is wished. I can understand that lots of "thanks" messages can seem like spam, but there isn't another way here to express gratitude! :|

8 years ago

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Post an interesting factoid. Thank them for a chance by making them learn something.
Just make it obvious that you put an effort into writing your message. When it's hundreds of the same "thanks", it gets dull and annoying fast. And some people might think you are using a script.

8 years ago

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I think a possible solution could be a simple button to say thanks but without notification.

8 years ago

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For those of us who believe gratitude ought be meaningful, that's quite a disagreeable idea; in fact, it exemplifies the very attitude that some of us take issue with in the first place.

8 years ago

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But I think it'd be a way to avoid generic thanks! Whoever wants to write a personalized message can send it like until now, with a notification to the creator of the GA, but whoever only wants to say "thanks" can click the button and the owner of the GA wouldn't receive any notification for that, and maybe it could be showed a list with these members in the GA page.

8 years ago

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I'd personally view it as an insult and blacklist anyone who does it, but, y'know- difference in perspective [and social expectations on proper use of the phrase].

Of course, that can be avoided by just changing it from "thanks" which has certain implications, to more casual phrase, and making it more similar to a typical forum's "+1" or "like" system.
Do that, and it should appeal to most users on both sides of the spectrum.

Hell, you really want to shift up site dynamics, implement a capcha to use it.
Bam, instant not-a-bot validation AND an expression of gratitude. :P

Only problem I see with that would be that a lot of people'd start making it a mandatory requirement for not being blacklisted [perhaps rightly so] and that sounds like somewhat of a nuisance in how it'd shift the atmosphere of the site.

But yeah, if you wanna push it by cg- go with Appreciation:
"57 users have expressed appreciation for this giveaway [View List]"
Simple 'nuff. :)

Personally, I don't much see the point, as I'd still only pay attention to the people who bother writing me actual messages- but, y'know. It won't necessarily bother me if that's implemented, so if it appeals to you, go for it.

8 years ago*

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Sincerely I like more the idea of expressing appreciation with the button than the idea of saying "thanks" with it (sometimes I can't express myself in English as well as I'd like u_u ). But I wouldn't like that anyone would be blacklisted because of the button, I've only suggested use it because I think it could be a way to avoid generic thanks! =)

8 years ago

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Nah, the more I think about an 'appreciation button', the more it seems a good idea for all involved- ought theoretically cut down on spammy messages, and make the ones people put effort into stick out even more.

8 years ago

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Most of a times I don't "thanks" for entering, but I do thank for winning.
Sometimes, when I'm inspired, I leave some "thank you gif or similar". But never just generic thanks.

8 years ago

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blacklisters gonna blacklist. As long as you are kind to everyone, you shouldnt care much, ofc it hurts when you find out that a stranger blacklisted you for no reason. I thought "why do they hate me?" ;_; but well they are free to gift the games to whoever they want. I don't think much about it. There is nothing wrong on being thankful imo. But we know that we arent all the same..

8 years ago

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Thanks matey that was overdue!

8 years ago

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thanks for Skyrim

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Sklurb, I'm sorry but I don't find that " thanks " is generic. I've seen you in my giveaways and I do appreciate your thanks.

Also I leave it up to those that enter to say thanks or anything else or nothing. There's no reason to blacklist in there speaking about me personally.

However I do appreciate a simple thank you in the giveaway thread by the giveaway winner. Appreciating a simple thank you isn't me being a megalomaniac it's just basic manners 1 0 1.

Saying a simple thank you isn't rocket science, it's basic manners, it's painless, it's costless and it doesn't take more than 20 seconds for a giveaway winner to post a thank you in his winning giveaway thread.

Not doing so is not only very rude, it's also has a feeling and a veil around it that points in the direction of someone that's too entitled or someone that thinks it's beneath their person or their position on SG to say thank you. I even had a winner that didn't want to say thank you because he didn't like my Steam profile.

When I win a game on SG the very first thing I do is post a thank you in the winning giveaway thread and if I have already done that I'll post a thank you again.

Also I have noticed in several of my giveaways that some users don't care or bother to say thank you, users that should know this out of common sense and out of their education but also users that have been a long time on Steamgifts. No matter who they are I blacklist them, permanently.

For the newer users I try to explain this to them, but those that are already some or a long time on SG, they should know this already.

8 years ago

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