Well, the movie is coming out soon The movie is out, go watch it folks!

Please do not post spoilers in this thread.
In fact, bobofatt has a thread for it.

What are your thoughts about the movie?

8 years ago*

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Are you watching it in theaters?

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Nah maybe I'll just wait and pirate it instead
Will wait for the blueray release

Where is the option for "Watch it in theaters, then pirate it, then buy the BluRay?" :D

8 years ago

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I know I watched the prequels but after seeing some stuff from them in youtube videos I noticed now much I had already forgotten/repressed :-P

I'm not sure if/when I'm going to see it, so far I'm not involved in any plans to see it, to lazy to coordinate any friends and not lonely enough to go without friends ;-)

8 years ago

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I just came back from the cinema, I'm definitely planning on going seeing it again in a few days.

edit : yes, I think it is definitely better than the prequels, and on par with the original trilogy.

8 years ago*

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To be fair very few things are worse than the prequels

8 years ago*

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I want to see it in the cinema but I probably wait because I don't want to see it alone.

8 years ago

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U r never alone. The force is with you <3

8 years ago

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I'll probably just wait for the bluray release, i don't want to sit in a room filled with SW fanboys
In fact, if it wasn't directed by JJ Abrams i wouldn't even think about seeing it
EDIT: and by directed by JJ Abrams, i mean as opposed to George Lucas

8 years ago*

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I actually liked the sequels. I don't have high hopes for this movie, I'm fairly sure it will be unable to meet the fans expectations. However, I am not really a fan so I hope it will be good to me. I wasn't planning on watching it, but my Grandparents git tickets for Thursday and I want to spend time with them which I haven't been able to do for about the last month and a half.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

8 years ago

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Don't trust early reviews, the people who saw it before release are in bed with Disney and would be committing career suicide if they gave a negative review.

8 years ago

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What about the random people who paid to watch it and have an opinion outside of Disney's influence ?

8 years ago

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Give it a week, everyone who bailed out of work is going to be a fanboy with mob mentality. If you look back to the launch of episode one you'll see a lot people saying how it was the best of the series, and then over time people realized it was just hype.

8 years ago

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I'm sad to see you can dismiss my opinion because of either "being in bed with Disney" or "being a fanboy with mob mentality".

I like Star Wars a lot, that doesn't disqualifies me of being a being with critical thought, able to see the flaws in it. I found The Force Awakens smart, very entertaining, and somewhat artistic at times. Unfortunately I must be a paid shill or a brainless fanboy.

or a droid

beep, boop

8 years ago

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I didn't even realize you posted in this thread prior to this, I wasn't trying to attack you personally. I was trying to convey that most of the reviews from yesterday are coming from people who are people who were hired by Disney such as the people and families of those who made the movies, as well as professional reviewers who were invited by Disney to the pre-release screening. All of which have a vested interest in not pissing off Disney. Which is why no matter how good the movie is, the review score will inevitably drop over time from then.

8 years ago

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I understand, no offense taken :-)

8 years ago

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Not surprising that most of critics are paid by Disney.

8 years ago

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Where's the option for wait for it to appear on terrestrial TV and watch it? ;)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm not really interested, episode 1 was pretty good child's movie, but rest is pretty meh.

8 years ago

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I just saw it... Very awesome movie!! :)

8 years ago

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How everyone see it doesn't come out till 12/18/15 this Friday . I already have my ticket

8 years ago

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Some places/theaters have advance or midnight showings.

8 years ago

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The movie came out today in The Netherlands and I was at the first showing at 11:00 am. :P

8 years ago

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I didn't disliked the prequels, but they were boring as hell. It was life i was being forced to watch it just to comprehend better the original trilogy. The only thrilling moment was the last 20 minutes of the Episode III. And I'm quite hyped for the VII, looks so awesome in all the trailers, cant wait! ^^

8 years ago

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What are your thoughts about the movie being better than the prequels?

It's not exactly a difficult feat to accomplish. While the prequels were not necessarily terrible films, they somehow failed to capture the magic of the original trilogy. I'm cautiously optimistic about the new one, but I will reserve my judgement for until I've actually seen it.

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8 years ago

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Actually, that was because if they went chronically, nobody would care about "I'm your father" scene.

8 years ago

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I found it interesting that if you watched them fresh without ever hearing or knowing about Star Wars before ; you would like the Prequels more as it's your first introduction to Star Wars as well as be shocked to find out Palpatine is Darth Sidious and then later find out Darth Vader is Luke's father. Most fans that watch the 3 prequels go in knowing who Sidious/palpatine is and everything and just seeing how it went to lead to the OT.

8 years ago

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Not sure if anyone can see prequels before seeing 4-6: people who love SW will just show you "best movies" first.

But then, there's this "machete order", where you watch 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, allowing you to see "I''m your father" scene, then you get 2 and 3 as one big flashback how that happened, then 6th for ultimate victory.

8 years ago

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I don't even remember much of the movies, I need to watch them again before watchin Episode VII :P

8 years ago

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No movie theatres here, I'll have to wait an home or pirate release

8 years ago

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Me and my friends already bought a tickets for Sunday.

8 years ago

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I don't know when I can go watch them, because a friend of mine whom I planned to watch it with is out of the country and only back for a few days and during those days he's skiing for most of the time :O
And some people annoy me with spoiling stuff...stupid internet.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day

8 years ago

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it will probably be better than the originals since they are outdated.
the prequels weren't that bad, the same amount of stupid characters were present in ep 4-6, but magically no one remembers C3PO or the ewoks, only jar jar.

since i liked the new star trek, i expect to love the new sw by jja. <3

also, critics are useless.

8 years ago

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You really seem to need to watch that

8 years ago

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Ewoks didn't have a big chunk of story focused around them and were not important characters with a lot of screen time. And they didn't talk ;p
And I personally find C3PO well made comedic relief, especially in R2D2-C3PO combo, which it opposite to what Jar Jar was ;p

8 years ago

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Also they acted like robots, while in the prequels there's even a Joke where r2d2 tells c3po is naked. It just doesnt feel like them
As for jar jar, alot of his jokes are shit, i'm not insulting it, it's literally poop jokes
Like jar jar steps on Poo, monster farts on jar jar face And so on

8 years ago

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to each its own, i find ewoks and c3po super annoying and unfunny. :3

8 years ago

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Have you watched it recently? Ep4 is a bit stupid but never to the point of ep1
Aside from all the racial stereotypes, it makes no goddamn sense.
Like theres this queen, but she isn't a queen because she was elected.

The fights are way better thought that hardly compensates For the rest of the movies

8 years ago

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i still don't see any racial stereotypes, that's made up by the media and everyone keeps repeating it. you could find stereotypes in almost anything if you want.

8 years ago

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Even in "a galaxy far, far away" everything must be politically correct. :X

8 years ago

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Média? It was the média And all the crítics who hyped the prequels so much.
Every text at the time was how amazing the movies where

8 years ago

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Not hyped at all tbh, which im surprised about, might just wait for the inevitable collection in 2019 or whenever :P because if I am gonna watch 1, I gotta watch them all

8 years ago

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Remember when RT listed Avatar at 98 before it hits theatres?

I do.

8 years ago

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Where's the "I don't care about Star Wars and might watch it when it's on TV if I have nothing better to do" option?
I guess I'll take the "No" option as the closest one.

8 years ago

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I have to wait til Saturday, exams end on friday..

8 years ago

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Oh... Yoshi seems to be one of the few who hasn't watched any of the movies.

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8 years ago

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Just saw it, really nice movie ! it was a good restart for new star wars movies, can't wait for the next ones

8 years ago

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