Surely no one knows me. I'm not active in forums or anything. Regardless:

My older child was diagnosed with leukemia today. Parents, hug your kids. Kids, hug your parents. Hug your siblings. Make phone calls. Things like this are scary.

I'm sorry for the downer post. I suppose it's a coping mechanism.

Edit: It was a rough night, but I woke up in a great mood, in good part due to the messages from friends and strangers alike. Thank you all. I truly appreciate the kind words.

Edit 8-10-18 pm: Surgery 2 in 2 days went well. It should be his last, aside from spinal taps, for the foreseeable future. He's getting his kicks by destroying everyone (dad, grandma, nurses, whoever) at Mario Kart. Little brat is getting good! <3

5 years ago*

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Hey brother. Shocking news for sure, but unfortunately it is part of this fallen world we live in. I wish you and your family, with all my heart, much unity, strength and Peace in this so difficult moment. May God bless you greatly and be present in your life. Better days will come.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Indeed, thankfully treatment is much more advanced now than a decade or two ago so don't give up pushing through it!

5 years ago

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I'm so sorry to hear that, this is devastating news.
You have a tough journey ahead of you, but fortunately treatment options are very good nowadays.
Best wishes to your child, you and all your family. Stay strong, you'll overcome this. ❤

5 years ago

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I am extremely sorry to hear this news and I know it is extremely difficult for you to hear it. Never apologize for posts of this sort because they are "downers." Thank you for letting us know--we will keep your child, you, and your entire family in our thoughts and prayers. Never give up--God can do what seems impossible to us. Rely on Him.

Thank you for the reminder of how precious our families are.
May God greatly bless you and yours in the days ahead. Keep your chin up and remember to keep a positive outlook: it is okay to be sad and scared, and to express those emotions, but after you have been that for a while, force yourself to smile--I can vouch that it really does help with keeping a positive & hopeful attitude. No matter how bleak the day is, try and find something good about each one. I hope it will not be long before we can learn of the improvement of your child's health.

5 years ago

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I can't imagine anything harder to hear as a parent but stay strong, brother. I have two close friends, now both healthy adults, who got the same diagnosis as kids. Fear is the enemy. Keep strength and hope in your heart and your kids will feel it.
I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts.

5 years ago

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All the best to your kid and your family, keep fighting and never give up.

5 years ago

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It might not make much of a difference, but I just wanted to write that there is another person here sending good thoughts and wishes.

5 years ago

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Thanks for posting this and good for you that you're open about it. Stay strong. :)

5 years ago

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this is not "a downer post"; Dan.

stay mighty, bud.

5 years ago

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The good news is that there is a cure.
The bad news is that we need to pray until we find "bone marrow donor".

If there are more donor registrants, chances of getting better will increase.
And there may be people who fit within family and relatives.
I hope to find a conformant.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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don't feel you're a downer to the others. ask for support freely, you have all my support even if at distance. your family and you will overcome this for sure. a big hug to your kid! <3

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Hope they get well, it's a bummer.

5 years ago

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My thoughts and prayers will be for you, bud. Stay strong.

5 years ago

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Good luck.

5 years ago

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It's not a downer post.
I am sorry that it happened and hope that your child will get well again

5 years ago

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Hug you

5 years ago

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devastating news, be strong and good luck.

5 years ago

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Best wishes for you and your family!

5 years ago

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be there for your kid now, dont worry about anything else

hugs you tight i pray that everything goes well

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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This is why being kind to others and showing affection and care to your loved ones is so important.
You never know what the other person is going through or might happen next.

I hope your kid gets better with time and treatment. :'(

5 years ago

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I'm very sorry to hear this. Please stay strong. Wish you and your family all the best.

5 years ago

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Sorry to hear that, stay strong man! and pray for your kids, i will pray for them.

5 years ago

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