I am adding the name for each game in the next 10 comments just add +1 and your reason for +1 that will show that you are interested in that game and want to be selected in that Group
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I kinda changed my mind sorry about that. Any chance I could enter "Way to Go!" instead? It's ok if you say no though. I just love puzzles and didn't see it.
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Way to go! As it seems to be quite an enjoyable puzzle game with over 400 puzzles. That should keep me entertained.
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I'm gonna try for this one. I could use some puzzle goodness ^^
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Yeah, I thought it will give better chance to people who want to play the game, rather then giving it random winners or bots. Smaller groups and better chance of winning as well
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+1 - Love these sort of puzzle games and so does my daughter. Only problem will be keeping my daughter from finishing it first.
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Kindly select a different game voting is closed for this one
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+1 cause I have it wishlisted and it would be a nice addition to my library <3
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If I can still enter, I like to enter for Alter World.
I like platformers and it looks like an interesting concept.
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Thanks :-)
I found the key I am supposed to enter somewhere with high winning chance lol but have no idea where and how!?
Can you help stoopid/noob me out plz? :-)
I only see a link to Steam store page!?
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Open any giveaway link and check the address in the address bar you will figure out what you need to do, In case if you still need help do let me know
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I managed to find the giveaway, to enter ANd win! YAY
Thanks for this giveaway
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+1 Great Permutator. I like puzzles, I solve puzzles, puzzles are happy with me. Anyway I have understood that the right way was to write our comment below this comments you reserved to put the chosen names, is it correct? I think is late to do in the right way. Happy new year! And thank you.
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It reminds me of a game I played when I was a kid... I cannot recall which - and it's possible that that memory is a mishmash of others and/or totally fabricated (...the mind is amazing) - but it looks interesting and I would like to (try to) accept the challenge that such a puzzler poses. Also have had it wishlisted for a while (I think xD ).
Thanks darvesh!
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+1 for great permutator. love these types of puzzle games.
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First group in on the way. Need to fill the slots on the rest
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Bro, add +1 to the game of your choice in the above comments
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Voting already started, No going back. Damage is Done. But I can still figure it out as in the message tab it shows the reply for a pasticular message. So I can find out who is landing where.
lesson learned for next time though.
Thank you
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Honor system, people without honor will win nothing :-)
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Interesting idea. Good luck to everyone and maybe you'll have some too when the monsters come out to play again ;)
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buddy you did not mention the game you are interested in
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I'm not after any of the games personally, but like the idea itself. Way to go and bump! P.S.I've won like 5 games over last 1.5 years, which is roughly 1 to 24 ratio, so don't worry - you are yet to get some goodies. :)
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Only interested in Tera Incognita Chapter One The Descendant to be honest. Seems to have potential for an early access rpgmaker game, and I'm into those anywayz. xD
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Then if those people win, there would be a re roll.
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35 Comments - Last post 45 seconds ago by medion
4 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Raggart
111 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by mjy
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28 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by gus09
Hi Guys, its time to earn some Karma points, I think I have been jinxed, I have entered so many GA for my wishlisted games, and not even manage to win anything even with a pool of 10-15 entries. I guess GA Gods are not happy, so this thread is here purely for selfish reasons :-)
I have overindulged myself this winter sale, so I have these 10 games, that I dont' think I would have time to play with all the new titles added to the library. I am looking for a better home for them.
How will this go down.
I will need you guys to choose a game from the list and tell me why you want it.
I will select 10 people for each game and they will enter the GA for that Game.
So there would be 10 different Groups of 10 People for these 10 GA.
One individual can only enter 1 Group.
I will not be creating Steam groups for this because obviously I am too lazy for that, this will only work on honor system.
Anybody entering multiple GA's or entering anything apart from his group will be disqualified and will not win anything.
Don't worry I don't believe in blacklisting so no drama around that, no particular requirements as well.
Only Requirement would be Level 1
I will publish the selected names of the particular group here for each game, and will create GA's links for the same as well, GA would run for 24hrs so that everyone get a chance to enter.
Hope you guys and GA Gods like the idea, and I could set my Karma right. Here goes the list, Happy Hunting:
Great Permutator (10 Votes) Voting closed for this now.
Group Memebers selected below
(Zaugr, GPTrixie, Caligo, nonplusultra, Tynon1221, kretonbadge, Heeroo, Ekaros, DarkCobra86, isaacbee Here is your Key rGrFx)
(We have 2 entries in "Hall Of Shame" can I name them here or would that be against SG policy?)
System prevails and we have our winner Caligo Congratulation !!!
Nihilumbra (10 Votes) Voting closed for this now.
Group Memebers selected below
(m139, Sykon, AnnieBolton, Geralt28, mugknight, KennethAdrian, rclbob, Greensword, bonesof87, jashjacob Here is your Key Pb9gB)
(We have 1 Entry in "Hall Of Shame" can I name them here or would that be against SG policy?)
System prevails and we have our winner Rclbob Congratulation !!!
Back to Bed (10 Votes) Voting closed for this now.
Group Memebers selected below
(Graymatter, Navaro, Rejn, i2apier, Pinacho, Razoroz, paradoxum, Raeven, devil92, jims9350 Here is your key SKEay)
(We have 2 people in "Hall Of Shame" can I name them here or would that be against SG policy?)
System prevails and we have our first winner Rejn Congratulation !!!
Alter World (1 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(cheshirecatgirl Here is your key K4OdW)
we have our winner cheshirecatgirl Congratulation !!!
Way to Go! (4 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(JustinSane059, acolis, LemonDrops, KingCalifornia Here is your key dOC9j)
we have our winner acolis Congratulation !!!
Hacker Evolution (5 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(doonz, Chris1am, M8lordz, JohnnDoge Here is your key WLtAv)
Tera Incognita Chapter One The Descendant (2 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(radagast82, KKCryptic, SrDos Here is your key bUqkh)
we have our winner SrDos Congratulation !!!
Flesh Eaters (1 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(Amuot Here is your key 8bs6I)
Star Chronicles Delta Quadrant (3 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(BoeMonkey, Parrafin, serperga Here is your key 2mwYw)
we have our winner BoeMonkey Congratulation !!!
Crystals of Time (3 Vote so far)
Group Memebers selected below
(20thgirl, Kushiel, ultrahobo Here is your key jA75s)
we have our winner Kushiel Congratulation !!!
Due to lack of participation in other games, I have decided that we should give more chance to people participating in the thread so, people who fail to win anything in completed GA's can take part in other GA's as well, but condition of 10 participants remain. So vote fast to secure your position.
Update 2
Finally the jinx is broken and GA Gods Smiled on me. I Won though the chances were 100% as there were 10 copies with 9 entrants :-). But a win nonetheless and for the game I really wanted Saints Row 3
Update 3
Ok guys, I think I have given enough time to everyone to participate, I guess people are not interested in the rest of the games. It will be unfare of me to keep other folks waiting who actually voted. So I'll create the giveaways with the available Votes and Invite people who are interested in the GA above.
Final Update
Congratulations to all the winners, I hope you will enjoy your gifts. Overall I am satisfied with the event, though participation was low still it went well.
I was 80% successful with my attempt and their were 20% variations in the result. 2 Draws were drawn to strays but they have been re rolled and should be corrected soon.
Hope I have done enough to make GA Gods Happy and tilt the favor in my direction and I hope you guys are happy with the outcome and way the event was conducted.
Thank you for all your participation and Support . Until next time!!
So as you guys know there are 2 giveaways which did not end as expected, and there were people in hall of shame who entered those. I met a nice guy from them and he agreed for a re roll and understood what needs to be done, but I also met another guy who has no honor and did not agree to re roll, Instead he asked me to use the whitelist next time instead. The whole purpose of this event was to check if people can work on honor basis or not. So clearly that douche has no honor at all, and he won both of those giveaways because of the re roll.
However I'll stand by my word and I am ready to loose 6 GA spots rather then handing over these games to that ***.
I am not trying to make a big issue out of it, its not about the games worth or anything its about honor and I will stand by my word.
I am still not blacklisting the guy because that will again go against my philosophy, but I am sincerely want to make a exception there.
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