So basically WB is now going to make some extra cash off one of Shadow of War's developers death with day 1 dlc supposed to be a tribute for the said developer EXCEPT most of the money instead of reaching developers family will end up in WB pocket. Watch the video , do the math.

6 years ago

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thanks, preordered

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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TLDR: Aside from the fact that only $3.50 of the $5 price of the DLC going to the family, if you buy the DLC anywhere outside the USA (and even then, several states are not included) none of the money will go towards the family.

6 years ago

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Thank you for the summary!

6 years ago

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Just FYI only the US will have their money go to the family with the exception of AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC. Money outside of the US will probably have their money go to WB. (Supposedly) :D

Just got to that part of the video, AND just read jiiga's TL;DR

I'll show myself to the exit now. lol

6 years ago*

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I don't see the problem. I don't know the history, but it sounds like they're donating $3.50 of every purchase within the US (excluding a few states). Had they previously promised that all sales worldwide would be donated?

6 years ago

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Yes , they wording implies that it will be from every sale they make of dlc. Then they put tiny tiny disclaimer written in almost unreadable font size on the bottom that it only applies to some US states and nothing else.

6 years ago

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Yeah, what Silly said. The implication that all sales from this DLC would go to the family is dishonest and deceptive. It shouldn't be in a footnote. Meanwhile, all sales from the DLC outside of the U.S. are going directly to WB, meaning they are exploiting a memorial for their dead employee to further DLC sales. It's just wrong.

6 years ago

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Saw it on reddit, people were praising it, i was puking

6 years ago

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Steam will get 30% from the buy so if i do the maths:
so 3.50 doesn't sound so bad...
Why they only donate from us is not clear to me... would think of a tax thing maybe...

6 years ago

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If that's a tax thing they could ( if they would only sincerely want to help his family,which i really doubt ) just take 100% of DLC sales but donate same amount to his family ,just not directly from the sales of DLC.

6 years ago

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Warner Brothers can go fuck themselves and their beyond blood-boiling hypocrisy

Forgey must be spinning in his grave, seeing how his death is being nickle and dimed by the guys who apparently loved him so much

This whole thing makes me sick in the stomach

6 years ago

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Warner Brothers at its best, exploiting the death of one of their employees... wouldn't be the first time in history though, they're in good company ÂŊ\_(ツ)_/ÂŊ.

6 years ago

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disgusting....... corporate at it finest isn't it

6 years ago

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I'm pretty sure WB is currently the shittiest and scummiest publisher around. Even EA and Ubisoft doesnt come close to their level of terrible.

6 years ago

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Dammit I actually have to agree with you for once.

Fucking shitty and immoral; to advertise as a donation when outside the us it's not and not even in all the u.s.

6 years ago

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This thread needs more traffic. Just found out about it myself and I had to do a google site search to find this thread.

Everything on my mind has pretty much already been said but if they, WB, was just interested in helping this family and not actually trying to promote their new game and garner some good will they could just have donated money without involving micro transactions in the process.

No shame

Edit: I'd really like to know what's up with those excluded states as well. Could it be they have laws prohibiting tax deductions and thus making WB actually having to spend, their customer's money, on the "donations" there?

6 years ago*

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When you think publishers can't underwhelm you anymore because you are already used to their #### ....

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Well that is the last drop. I don't care for the game anymore. This is horrible way of showing "respect". I will get Destiny 2 instead. Thanks for info Silly.

6 years ago

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Uh the TB video .... yeah i did watch most of that ...

Could not handle it to the end cause i got kinda angry

6 years ago

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I wonder how many people forget, that in steam forums of Shadow Of War is moderator, who defended pedophilia? Now WB tries play good guy, to honor one of thier employers who died year ago, what a bullshit.

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6 years ago

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just humble beings helping where they can!
(in a way that generates them the most profit)

6 years ago

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You need to tell them to not be silly

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 years ago

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...Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will instead make a donation directly to the Forgey family. The DLC will be withdrawn from sale and will be a free download for owners of Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Anyone who has purchased the DLC will receive a full refund.

I'm genuinely shocked that they made this right.

6 years ago

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I guess as much as big publishers feels untouchable they still need people to buy their overpriced shit so i think this is a victory to us,consumers :) Calling out shit helps,that's why some people dedicates all their time to do it.

6 years ago

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I feel this is a good use of those game tags on Steam

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6 years ago

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We need to wait for end-game reviews, now people gives thumbs up after 7h of gameplay.

I wonder if grind is really that strong here :P

6 years ago

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I don't doubt it's a good game. I was more referring to the "Gambling" tag :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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So edgy. Almost did cut myself.

6 years ago

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