Yeah, no, I meant; The basis for what you're describing was already touched on, it just never gave you a rich experience like you're describing.
Or rather, what I'm saying is: The idea you're mentioning DOES look like it could fit within Star Wars lore fairly easily.
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But they are not good. Mix fighting game with fighting game. Wow. Or Fighting game with characters from different franchises :/ It's not enough and it's not innovative. But Imagine Hitman game in Star Wars universe. You arrive on Hoth, seak through Empire base, kill some soldier, take his suit, board AT-AT, wait untill you will be on safe distance from said base, and kill machine commander. Or Need For Speed with GTA style. Explore on foot and in car, take a part in races with arcade physics. Between races do jobs to gain money for tuing, be it stealing cars or working in some garage. I'm talking about mixing different styles.
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Or Need For Speed with GTA style. Explore on foot and in car, take a part in races with arcade physics. Between races do jobs to gain money for tuing, be it stealing cars or working in some garage.
I'm confused how that's significantly different from San Andreas, which had plenty of races to offer :P
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Congratulations, great to hear that! :>
I just want to point something out, because you wrote about getting a gym prescription and because working out changed a lot about how I feel about myself and life in general.
So hear this: don't wait for the money! I always thought one needs to go to the gym to get a good physique, build muscle and stay healthy, but I like to stay for myself and a gym is one of those places where I just don't want to be :>
There is no downside for working out at home, you really just need a set of dumbbells and when I started, I even substituted these for bottles filled with water. Of course, for some people it might be the right place to get their sh*t done, but just because not having a gym prescription doesn't mean you can't work-out.
There are plenty of video guides on the internet to build your own work-out plan or what excercise you could do. Sure - there are also a lot of snake-oil sellers in the fitness industry, but some research and you'll know what will work and what not.
Jeah, my 2 cents, maybe that's not what you initially meant - it's just something that was really important for me and I thought I should share that again so.... jeah... :D
I hope you have great start into your new job - all the best for the future!
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I know that, I even workout a little at home but, well... hmmm... how to say that - I don't really have a good atmosphere at home. Also I have a limited space to do anything and while I have to agree that you can workout without equipment I don't feel like it's helping me enough. With equipment, at least at start, I will have a much needed variety, and I will be outside the home, which is important for me since I was rotting in my room for almost a year.
Sometimes I can be easily distracted and things that should take few minutes take me ten or even twenty minutes. Not to mention that I would like to talk with some dude or girl that work in gym to create my own workout plan. Sure, it can be all found in internet (I even found a really good forum) but since I know almost nothing about excercises I can't filter good advices from bad ones.
You know, I'm just tired of my room and sitting in it all the time. I need to finally walk outside and do something, met new people, all stupid things like that. Also, on gym there will be only me, equipment and music, without someone who will come to my room to blame me for all stupid things in home that broke because they were old :P
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congrats, and good luck... wait someones knocking on my door...
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Kartyl FOR THE WIN! Congrats!!!!
I'm happy you accomplished something so awesome! I know how hard it is to cheer up when you feel like this and I admire your strength. I wish everybody can get out of the gutter, including myself. Once again, congratulations!
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I know that feel too well. Sometimes it help to listen some mood music but recently I had one, very stupid way to fight with my weak moments - I forced myself to listen to simple, happy songs. Surprisingly it actualy helped few times.
And thank you :)
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Aren't Digital Homicide like two dudes or something like that? :P
Anyway, at my training some people told me that it's annoying when company work for some devs that don't really care about game breaking bugs. Reviewers asks 'where was QA?' but it was right there, working :P
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I read your story. Nice that you found a pretty job that suits you.
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Congrats on the new job and thanks for the poorly hidden GAs!
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There is update about ym first day under the original wall of text ;)
Yo! Do you remember my previous thread about ditching much needed job in hope of getting something better?
We have a new game tester and his name is
John CenaKartyl!It seems like it's worth to take a risk :D
I will work as a game tester and maybe one day, you will see my long surname in some AAA game credits :D
I would write something more, actually I want to write so much things, but damn I can't. I'm excited, nervous, happy... There is a lot of things happening right now in my head :D
I will start tommorow, which is kinda weird since it's friday, but when girl who called me asked me if it's okay I was only able to say something like 'emm, hmmm, yeah' :P
It probably won't be easy but finally there will be some progress. Some english classes to master this language, driving license, if money will let me also a subscription on gym. And, of course, last but not least, I will go back to university next year (classes start around September).
You know I like music? Like, a lot? I also heard that you like stories so why not mix it?
For the last year I had moments when I thought that I am like that dude from first verses of that Hopsin song. I thought that it might be to late to start over, but I realized something. I'm still alive, which means I will survive. I'm rebuilding, I'm still a work in progress. I have decided that I have to change my attitutude. Right now I want it all, and I want it now. And when I will get it, and belive me I will, I'm going to have myself a real good time.
I feel alive so don't stop me now.
I would find tens of songs that would fit but you know - five songs, five giv... Oh, I think I've said too much, I set it up.
If there are some people who are struggling right now - it will be better. It might sound naive but everything in your life will eventually lead to something good. Even if you feel like nothing right now, just gather little strenght to keep your head just above water and please, don't stop fighting for better tommorow.
Thank you friends for nice comments! I didn't replied to all of them, but I read them all and I want to say, one more time, thank you! :)
First day was kinda okay. I was overhelmed by ammount of knowledge I am suppose to gain. Well, I learned few things and it should be a little easier now ;P I basically played one level all day, over and over. I found few bugs (all of them, but one, was already found) I reported one, not that I actually knew what I was doing but I guess I did okay. It took me too much time, but after all it was my first day. Too bad I wasn't much of help for dude that was explaining things to me but I will be better. After all, life is just an RPG with skills tree and stuff like that :P
Since monday, I will work on other project, so new people, new game and probably new device. I only heard name of the game, and I wanted to check in internet what it is, but then I realized that there aren't any infos about it yet :P Well, good, good, I like surprises.
I'm still somehow unsecure about my english, or more about my grammar, but I plan to read some english novel tommorow, maybe finally use my learning software so it will only get better :)
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