So, it's not really a question about games you SHOULD not (morally) play. It's more like the kind of game you might like, but you're not sure you'll be able to get into

Not sure if it's so clear written like this, so i'll give an example.

For me, this game would be Rimwolrd. Everyone played it, everyone loved it And srtill it seems so rich and so compex, so i didn't dare try it . And i never did (but i still feel tempted)

obligatory Gas, protected by sg toolsended

And as you have been very interesting in your answers, have another one on the house ended

Another one for you here

top 5 dreaded games (and genres)

Game or genre People dreaded
Souls like 11
Horrror games 9
Rimworld 8
Rpgs 5
Yakuza games 5
2 months ago*

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I've wanted to try a slew of various Virtual Reality games, but the headsets are so darn expensive; it doesn't feel cost effective when I can just buy a full computer for less and play other games instead.

"Virtual Rick-ality"
"Job Simulator"
Just to name a few.

2 months ago

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Yeah, good vr sets are expensive. This and the motion sickness have held me back for the time being.

2 months ago

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Just get a Quest 2 for around $200 (assuming in the States) and a good wifi6e router (if you want to be wireless) and you should be fine to use that with PCVR. Virtual Rick-ality is their weakest title IMO. Try Job Simulator first and if you like that, try Vacation Simulator.

2 months ago

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I've played both, Virtual Rick-ality didn't talk to me much since I haven't really watched Rick and Morty but the game was pretty fun I suppose. I love Job Simulator, it is actually one of the best if not THE best VR game right after SUPERHOT VR. I was having so much fun replaying all the missions from start to finish, doing them over and over again and messing around with different modifiers. For what it's worth, buying a VR headset isn't quite cheap neither practical, since I only ever play every 2 months or so. When I do get around to it I will have a lot of fun. I'd say stick to console and PC gaming but I would say that the money is worth it, the experience in it of itself is so incredible. Hitman 2 in VR is so unfathomable to play in VR too, you can actually subdue the people yourself and it really screws with you actually experiencing being a hitman yourself, it is unnerving. Not something you would experience playing Hitman 2 on just PC or console.

I think VR games are pretty good cinematic environments too and playing some VR horror games is a lot more scary than just on PC. Word of advice is never play Star Wars Squadrons in VR, it is quite literally a motion sickness simulator.

Same thing with a racing wheel, it cost me a kidney and a leg and I only get around to play racing games when I feel like it and when I feel like I have the time to do so, I've got it pretty optimized and I can get the wheel on my desk in about less than 10 minutes. Yet again, racing games played with racing wheels is unmatched. The experience of actually using your strength to turn the wheel is so cool. Now imagine combining that with VR and you have something truly magnificent, or better yet, play a realistic car simulator like, probably the closest you'll come to a real life driving experience.

2 months ago

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I bought a VR device, a very humble one (Lenovo Explorer). Its initial price was kind of stupid comparing the other devices in the market, but when in 2018 I found it for just 150€ I decided to give it a go.

I don't use it very much but I am very happy to have tried what VR can offer. There are some interesting games with innovative mechanics. But I also want to point out about the anti-gravity racing games like BallisticNG and Redout 1, which offer VR with the base game and I have really enjoyed to feel like a futuristic pilot.

2 months ago

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Alien Isolation

2 months ago

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Yep, not doing this one either ! Eek!

2 months ago

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I guess the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises. I've only heard good things about both (well, not including Andromeda) and from little snippets/memes I've seen, both seems like they could be games I could get into. But still I've never taken the plunge, they're pretty daunting to tackle and I'm lacking the right sort of enthusiasm for it. There's probably some other games but right now can't think of any.

2 months ago

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Looking at the games you played, those are probably the type you would enjoy. Both are tactical games but Mass Effect is closer to what you played, Dragon Age is much more tactical.

2 months ago

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Mitsukuni has already nailed it. Gameplay wise, Mass Effect is probably better for your tastes.
But both of them offer a narrative that is very interesting to follow, but agin, the time needed to enter these is quite important.

2 months ago

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Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Witcher 3 reignited my love for 3rd person RPGs and I don't really hold age against games grpahically, or at least I don't think I do. But there's just something that keeps me from picking VTM:B up even though a lot of people I know have recommended it wholeheartedly to me. Part of it is my backlog but there's also the fear of its gameplay having aged badly after the nightmare that was Witcher 1.

But who knows? Maybe one day I'll pick it up and be surprised...

2 months ago

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It's really tough to enter Bloodlines now. There are good unofficial patches and mods that make the game playable, but you still need to be lenient.

However, i still think about this game and the part in the night clb is forever engraved in my memory!

2 months ago

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Maybe it would get a remake if the new Bloodlines sells well?

2 months ago

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eh, i don't feel this will be a great game alas :x

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Or play Redemption. Older, but runs better than Bloodlines.

2 months ago

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That's very true. And the story of Redemption is one of the best i saw in Vampire like games

2 months ago

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Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a masterpiece just install Unofficial Patch with it it fix and enhance game a lot (also unlock some hidden features) the community is (un)alive to this day!

2 months ago

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Concers bad fur day:) but its so expensive...

2 months ago

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I fsearched a bit about this game and then i found offers online for 500 bucks or more! What made this game so rare?

2 months ago

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I believe its because it wasnt made many copies of the game <:)

2 months ago

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new game for me to look at 🐿️

2 months ago

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somewhat similar fashion to Sno1, but im going with Bloxworld Blocksworld.
was for ipad and steam but the bad parts of the community shined a little too bright and got it taken down on both. if you have it in your library its unplayable as servers are shut down. there is current version called Bloxworld Blocksworld Wool which allows you to link your old in-game steam ID or make a new account with unlimited resources and plenty more mods.

edited typos and inserted links

2 months ago*

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I never heard about this one either :)

Are you sure about the name? When i searched with Wool , I found the name Blocksworld.
Which led me to the steam page of the initial Blocksworld game, which led me to this

View attached image.
2 months ago

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i had roblox on my mind lmao, fixed it

2 months ago

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Fortnite, Apex legends, Valorant, all those hero based shooters.

I feel like the internet just wants to show me constantly how much fun i'm missing out on, yet i know all i would have for my time is my getting my ass kicked and continual reminders about how i would be doing much better if i just put in more money and time, but instead i just get a belly full of anxiety.

2 months ago

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Ah, i'm afraid that for me , that ship has sailed. No longer have the time nor skill to manage any of these. And i feel you about the anxiety.

As i said recently, if gaming isn't fun anymore, it becomes work (the bad kind of work)

2 months ago

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I hate porn games. Theres a called Wedding Witches it is mix of porn game and vampire suvivors. (I would also say rimworld its a liitle complex for me)

2 months ago

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Wedding Witches it is mix of porn game and vampire suvivors.

I thought it was a joke at first! The two genres are so different ! But no it definitely exists :p

2 months ago

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Interesting right? I was going thru the new release section and found it. Cool concept not fully porn but sprinkled in between every part of the game

2 months ago

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Thanks for the tip! WW straight to the wishlist

2 months ago

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Once in a while go thru the New and Trending page you'll be blown away

2 months ago

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I check it from time to time and i see half of the games are pr0n and i'm not interested in them in general, but i'm a fan of rogue-like/lite games and WW seems like an interesting title

2 months ago

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For me its 50/50 ish sometimes its porn game sometimes its bannishers ghost of new or its a mix like ww

2 months ago

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I have that feeling with every Souls-Like games

2 months ago

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Know you're not alone in this :D

2 months ago

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me too. i have never played souls like games

2 months ago

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I'm too casual for them

2 months ago

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Honestly, Souls-like are not for everyone, especially with how stressful it can get, that's why I'm in the same boat as you people.
Also Happy Cake Day!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Happy cakeday !

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Happy Cakeday!

2 months ago

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Thanks You!

2 months ago

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Someone already said The Witcher 1, 2, and 3. I played 1 & 2 all the way through, but I didn't like the second one as much, so I haven't put time into 3 yet. I wanted to play it, so I bought it at release but then I got too busy with Overwatch competition and VR gaming and just never went back to it. Now, I just dread playing it because I know it'll be dated and lengthy and if I play it on-stream, someone will undoubtedly try to guide me through it despite me saying not to. lol

2 months ago

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Witcher 2 (that i personally loved) did not please everyone for sure. One of my best friends gave it up along the way. I still feel you could enter the 3rd, as they've 'recently' updated it with HD graphics, making it look even nice now . It may be dated on some mechanisms but not so much. Lenghty.....i think that can't be avoided unfortunately :D

2 months ago

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What if you just close the chat? 😆

2 months ago

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May as well not be streaming then, Francky. Streaming is all about interacting with your chat and hanging with them. I do put the nobackseating tag on my streams to be fair, and if they do it, they get a warning before they inevitably get banned from chat, but people often can't help but be nosey and jump into chats without reading the room/rules.

2 months ago

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Well, now that you mention it, it is a bit embarrassing actually... I used to avoid getting Rimwolrd for a long time because I didn't really have countless hours to sink into it (and also becausee it hardly ever went on sale), and now that I have it, I have just played it once, the tutorial mostly, but still when I think of starting an actually colony, I look at my ever-growing backlog and usually choose something that I can finish within a sizeable amount of time. Rimwolrd is not really a game you can "finish" in that sense, so I still don't dare touch it despite owning it for some time... There are a few other large games that are also on the list, but Rimwolrd is definitely unique.

2 months ago

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The circle is complete, we're back to Rimworld.

What you say is very true, particularly when you know you only have a limited period of time to play.

Thinking about all the discussions we had on this thread ,I'd like to see a group SG where some players help others to discover games (or overcome their fears).

This is probably already existing a bit in PAGYWOSG and POP, but it"s not exactly the same thing.

2 months ago

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For me, it is the fear of spending too much time on one game while the same amount of time could have covered several games, so not sure others can do much to help. In the end it doesn't matter as long as the time is well-spent, but due to growing backlog, covering more games often seems the better choice.

2 months ago

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Ah, i'd say that sometimes, people's advice has helped me to go through the wall. For sure, time consuming games can be overwhelming, and i am still to begin some of these (3 yakuza games for instance).
And clearly for this kind of games, you can't play 20 minutes and then resume that 1 week after.
I'm currently struggling with BG3 (and if you plan to play this one, i'd advise you to be really ready) so i know how this feels, but bit by bit, I'm getting near the end.

2 months ago

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On top of that, several times it has happened (with Witcher 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance, etc) that my PC broke halfway through and I didn't feel like reinstalling these again immediately, and they were gradually buried back into backlog... so now I try to "finish" a game as much as possible before moving to others, which results in the aforementioned fear of large games... One reason why I didn't get BG3 yet

2 months ago

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If even you hardware fights you, it's becoming quite complicated indeed. I saw your profile on Blaeo website, and i find this website (and the community) very useful for managing your backlog. Does that help you also?

2 months ago

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I specifically joined there recently to tackle backlog, deciding not to buy more games until I handle a few more games... :) I even ignored a great sale on Jagged Alliance 3 recently for the same reason... :(

2 months ago

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Disneys Dreamlight Valley. I was waiting all of last year for it to be free2p, only for it ending up being rather expensive. I really love most things Disney so it seemed like s great game for me. But now that ift cost money, my doubts are showing.

Will I play everyday to make it worth the money, will the characters be someone fun for me to do stories for etc…

2 months ago

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Oh this one I'm very anngry about.

First, this is a real good game. I had already played for quite a long time. Graphics are nice , activties are a bid grindy but okay, and it's nice to see so many characters from the Disneyverse.

But the economic model!!!! And the fact this changed along the way!!! it infuriates me!

So it's a very good game, but i'm not sure it's worh it.

2 months ago

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In fact, I backed Rimworld on Kickstarter.

I have started the game 2 or 3 times. The game looks interesting, people say it is nice... But everytime I start it, it seems a complex game. I have not much free time nowadays, so I tend to pick and play short games from my library. I know I might love Rimworld if I try it properly, but I don't know when that will happen, because apart from all this, it isn't one of my more played genres.

Anyway, I backed it because the concept seemed interesting. I didn't expect it to habe such a nice success, in that regard at least, I was happy to help.

2 months ago

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Rimworld will definitely be in the top 5 of gamers' most dreaded games :D

And yet, it still sounds appealing. We'll eventually get to it one day i suppose

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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skyrim xD

2 months ago

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Skyrim is also one of the most nominated games :)

At least, this one i finished, so that's one less thing to worry about :D

2 months ago

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Thats an easy one for me. Elona. Its an open world sandbox game played like a roguelike. The original stopped being in development a long time ago but the community kept working on it since they released the source code so over the years A LOT of quirky/silly/funny mechanics got added. The tutorial for example makes you eat raw meat which makes your character throw up, equip cursed equipment which you cant unequip and find some "super expensive gold" which turns out to be fake and worthless. If you carry too much you take damage and can slip and die from the falling damage (especially when near to stairs), you have to pay taxes to the government, you can get impregnated by aliens from drinking water from a well in a town, children throw molotov cocktails at your house if you dont have candy during halloween, prostitutes that can give you diseases, marrying anything in the game like your bear pet or your motorcycle and so so so much more. Its a great game and im so happy i started playing it but the first 2-3 years where I knew about the game I tried playing it but after like 5-10 hours dropped it again because it was too complex with too much to do and pay attention to. I had to try and get into it about 5 times throughout those years before i got the hang of it. And thats with me being used to roguelike controls already (you press A for attack, C to close doors, G to get items, D to drink potions etc.) so I cant imagine how someone completely new to these games would be overwhelmed by everything. It is really an amazing, unique and fun game that many people would love to play i think but damn the learning curve is so steep lol

Little edit: Thats also me not even mentioning the 100+ hour main story line and late game mechanics like gene manipulation where you can "frankensteins monster" your pets and yourself however you want with multiple hands,legs, heads etc. XD so much in that game and it keeps getting more and more the longer they work on it

2 months ago

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What have you done!!! I was struggling with some games already, and now you add another one (which looks really interesting furthermore) ?
I'm not very satisfied of you, i will make some research about this game, but you sold it well.

2 months ago

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XD sorry im not sorry. Can't suggest the game to people enough. It's not a game for everyone and can be really hard to get into but its so worth it. If you want to try it out, it can be a bit tough to get things started for new people. Like I mentioned the community makes the game so there are many different versions of it. For a start go with Elona+ its like the "unofficial official" game and the largest, most fleshed out. Also getting the game can be a bit tricky since its made by japanese people and then translated into english so you might have to go to a japanese site to download the newest version. If you need help getting started (or even playing the game, beginner tips and stuff like that) feel free to ask. You can add me on steam too if you are really interested in it.

2 months ago

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I may just take you up on the offer, because it feels like a game i could like to play !

2 months ago

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For me, its Postal 3. I even bought it but i just never install it. Not even if im thinking abt playing it lol

2 months ago

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Sometimes I see Postal games given away here and I always wonder if I would like them or not. Never been able to decide until now.

2 months ago

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I tried Postal 2 and it is very funny, would recommend. I am also getting Postal: Brain Damaged from the recent boomer shooter bundle and trying that, from what I've heard is that Postal 2 and Postal: Brain Damaged have been the better titles, the later ones didn't seem to catch the charm the previous titles had.

2 months ago

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That's good to know, i'll have to enter postal GA then ;)


2 months ago

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2 months ago

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It's been on my mind for years now. Literally everything about it is right up my alley, but I know I would become addicted and not want to play anything else.

2 months ago

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I also hesitate for this one, it seems very interesting gameplay-wise,, but the economic model (F2P with paying DLCs)and the fact it seems mostly action oriented have held me back for now . It's probably for the best, as i see players with hundreds of hours played for this. Seems really like a big timesink.

2 months ago*

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Huge time-sink for sure, but from what I understand it's one of the most reasonable F2P games out there. Having said that, the words "free to play" send me running for the hills 99.5% of the time. But yeah, I would definitely become one of those players with hundreds of hours put into it, especially since I wouldn't want to spend much money, so it would take forever to progress (the only reason I would spend any at all would be to support the developer....I'm a big Dark Sector fan, and if Warframe is great, they should get some coin out of it).

2 months ago

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I can understand. Clearly when devs do their job without setting a paywall, it's completely fine that they get money for it.
What i don't like is to have to grind endlessly unless i pay something. If that's not the case for Warframe, I'm positively impressed.

2 months ago

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Shameless last bump. Today is the last day for the GA , for those who would have missed it

2 months ago

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