So, it's not really a question about games you SHOULD not (morally) play. It's more like the kind of game you might like, but you're not sure you'll be able to get into

Not sure if it's so clear written like this, so i'll give an example.

For me, this game would be Rimwolrd. Everyone played it, everyone loved it And srtill it seems so rich and so compex, so i didn't dare try it . And i never did (but i still feel tempted)

obligatory Gas, protected by sg toolsended

And as you have been very interesting in your answers, have another one on the house ended

Another one for you here

top 5 dreaded games (and genres)

Game or genre People dreaded
Souls like 11
Horrror games 9
Rimworld 8
Rpgs 5
Yakuza games 5
2 months ago*

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Dark Souls or any game with that kind of camera, I can't play anything because as soon as the camera starts "spinning" i'm completely lost, no sense of orientation at all xD

They are Billions, love the setting but hate that we can't save the game, it's just stupid when developers decide to have that kind of stuff in a game, if someone wants to play without saving or only 1 save good for him, but doing this just stops lots of people to go and play their game.

2 months ago

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I agree with you on both points (and the spinning thing gets you killed very quickly)

I feel that sometimes the devs want to create an artistic experience by removing the quality of life features. I usually don't like this too, for example we had several games in the past (mass effect 3, Metal Gear Solid: phantom Pain, and many others) included a part where your character was wounded and walked VERY slowly to their objective. This probably to create an atmosphere. I despised that with all my soul.

2 months ago*

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I can understand that, it's just in this case i think it would have been better to give that option to the players if they wanted to start a campaign with saves or not, for instance today i started playing Darkest Dungeon, it's a game that only autosaves (and it's a hard game xD) but in this case i don't mind because of the type of game, in They are Billions you could lose 3 or 4 hours or more simply because you didn't see that is a hole in your wall (just because it's something that is impossible to notice) and a zombie enters your base and it's all over, i've read so many people complain about this but they don't care.

2 months ago

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This is really something i can't understand. Why ruin the experience of people when you can just add quality of life. Win win situation ! But yeah, some devs may be oblivious to this...

2 months ago

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It WAS Tales of Maj'Eyal, for years. So daunting. I tried several times and never made it more than a few minutes in. One day I powered through it a little longer.

Now with 2k+ hours in and it solidly my fav game of all time, I'm glad I forced it...

Balrum was another one, finally hunkered down and just did it. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment once it clicked. I put hundreds of hours in out of sheer enjoyment, eventually 100%ed it and really wish there was a sequel.

But I'm also currently in the same boat as described with Kenshi, Rimworld and Caves of Qud lol.

2 months ago

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How long would you say is the time required to get good at ToME?

2 months ago

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I... don't... know? I have given this question some real thought since you first asked it and the thing is, even with several insane difficulty wins under my belt in all campaigns (its now the only difficulty I play on), some wins also in permadeath mode I don't know if I feel good at ToME even now.

I'm certainly better.

But I also don't know how to explain what I mean because while I feel like I learn a new perspective or realize more things each run, even failed ones, it's not intimidating any more. In fact that's what keeps it fun.

Yet it's not like some impenetrable, vastly complex thing that's just work, either.

I'd say it was probably in the 10-20 hour mark when I really stared having fun, 30-50 hour mark when I stopped being entirely baffled and it hooked me. The 100 hour mark was when I thought I knew it all. The 500 hour mark was when I realized I didn't. Now I flop between a few of these things but I've never stopped enjoying it past those false starts that took several tries to overcome.

2 months ago

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I see. I probably must be somehow approaching it wrong, since in 400 hours I didn't manage to get a legit win (only exploration mode). Later I got so frustrated that I shamefully cheated by save scumming and most runs after that felt pointless since I wasn't unlocking almost anything. Should I reset achievements?

2 months ago

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You probably are doing something wrong because its pretty easy to do if you overlook or misunderstand something fundamental (like not realizing how vital infusions and runes are, opening vaults and sacks immediately, being stubborn and not running and regrouping when you should — not saying you're doing any of these things but that's probably 90% of early player deaths).

And yeah I can absolutely see how that's not fun, unlocking all races, spells, skills and cosmetic options was a long term goal for me, as was achievements when playing — and even now. I might set off on a run to do one certain thing for an unlock or achievement based. So I wouldn't have any fun at all with anything like that filled in for me already, esp a game like ToME that's really not meant to be 100%able.

I wish I could help more with the "this is the thing! if you x instead of y, you'll see a big difference" but it could be any number of things.

Edit: I can win a lot these days, lose a lot too but! That first win was a long time coming. You not winning yet I don't think is super unusual. Its something where after you do it once things click and it can start to become consistent.

2 months ago*

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I don't think I have much problem with early game, but I often found it easy until it suddenly wasn't. Like when you get surprise hit by gunsnake or worm that walks. My best attempt was with paradox mage (who seems to have crazy strong defense) but the final bosses were healing faster than I could damage them. Since you mentioned runes/infusions, it made me realize that I probably should try spending category points on rune slot rather than unlocking category and spreading talents too thin.
Edit: Yeah, I might have a problem with not retreating when I should.
Edit 2: I tried a new (normal adventure) run with stone warden, which I didn't play before and won this time. Then I got one-shotted by Linaniil and tried fighting hypostasis, but didn't even get it to half health before I ran out of lives. I guess I sometimes died because I forgot to keep track of debuffs.

2 months ago*

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You know what, i didn't know the Tales of Maj'Eyal, i looked at it a bit.....

And now i have another game on which i'm hesitating :p

2 months ago

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I'm so sorry, LOL. I completely understand that but it really is a masterpiece.

2 months ago

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I guess that would be Kenshi for me. I like the idea, I like the brutalness about it. But I gave up on the controls part and shortly after refund it.

2 months ago

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Kenshi if i remember well, was one of the first 'greenlight' period on steam. it was eagerly awaited by many, including me, and i finally bought it. Maybe one day, I'll have enough time to try it.

2 months ago

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Yeah, seems it's a very unique game and many people love it. I would love to like it because it looks like a game I would enjoy, but sometimes you don't like one or more parts of it and that's enough to continue your life without it.

2 months ago

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Any of those franchisees that currently has like a dozen games, I don't know where to start, like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, a lot of japanese stuff

2 months ago

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For Final Fantasy, pick a random number and go. :3
They're not related story-wise.

2 months ago

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Final Fantasy games are separate stories except for direct sequels like FF X, FF X-2

2 months ago

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I usually find those the most appealing, but it's because i'm here for the story, and these games usually deliver.

But there is a price to pay in terms of time and money

2 months ago

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Skyrim. I feel like if I put a toe in there, I'll be swept up in it for years.
Also, I don't have the time to put in the hours it would need.

2 months ago

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All (good) Bethesda games swallow you whole.

And should you not have the correct amount of time, it's probably too difficult to drop it, and then resuming it after a while.

2 months ago

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I'll get on it eventually I'm sure. After all, I managed to stop playing Mass Effect after three times straight XD so there are indications I'll be able to stop playing this also.

2 months ago

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Mass Effect games are really time consuming, even if's not exactly the same as Skyrim. Both have many things to do, a huge universe and a long potential playtime, but the gameplay core is not quite the same.

Then again, i lost myself in both, so who am i kidding now :p

2 months ago

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Then again, i lost myself in both, so who am i kidding now :p

Heh good times!

But yeah I get it. Skyrim is already pretty huge but also has so many mods, it's like stepping into a wardrobe and entering a whole world.

2 months ago

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I would have to say the Final Fantasy series - the MMO game I played and wasn't a fan of, but looking at some of the games in the series... I'm confident I would like them but due to the sheer size of the stories and complicated backgrounds, I would have to play them in order - and I'm not willing to really invest my time into that when I don't need to for other games.
(According to a benchmark(?) test, I would also need a hardware update, but I've never had a problem with literally any other game I've played so I've got no incentive as I'm not behind the PC curve at all.)

2 months ago

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As Shanti said :

Final Fantasy games are separate stories except for direct sequels like FF X, FF X-2

So i think you could try your luck with one, to see where it leads :)

2 months ago

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Honestly I'm pretty sure you'd be able to run the first 9 FF games on a potato (can't really say for more recent ones since I never went past the 12th) :x

2 months ago

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Fighting games in general, specfically tekken. The reason I really wanted to play Tekken was cause of King.
I used to watch wwe a lot as a kid. And honestly in my country, wwe was really popular. Both my dad and I would watch it so much. We used to think Undertaker and Kane were brothers etc. So like seeing King fight using so many wrestling moves is just pure hype for me. In tekken 8, King even does rko, pedigree and he already did powerbomb. I think even a casual wrestling fan would enjoy watching King combos in tekken.
So why I do not dare? Sadly, I have the habit of button mashing a lot. And this is something I do regardless of the game I play. I don't have the precision. And doing the same combo from both left and right side of screen with different level for blocking, along with combos, it's without a doubt beyond my ability. And also I don't really play multiplayer games that much. So it would not be proper experience if I just play story mode vs AI.

2 months ago*

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That's a bit weird and also very moving to read this story. I can feel a great deal of emotional investment.

That looks like a story a character would tell in a movie to explain why he became a hero :)

2 months ago

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big rpg's. I want to get sucked into them, but real life always gets in the way...

2 months ago

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Life can be harsh, for sure, or at least requires a lot of compromise.

Between job, family, and kids, it's really complicated to find enough time.

2 months ago

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For me it's probably vintage RPGs like the old Wizardry and Ultima games. I'd probably like them, but they sorely lacked quality of life features in the 1980s and 1990s.

Console ones, too. I think I played half of the original Phantasy Star.

2 months ago

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I feel you, the more you play modern games, the harder it is to back...

2 months ago

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I like retro games, but a number of strategy, simulation, and RPG games haven't aged well. A lot of NES platformers or action games are entirely playable all these years later.

2 months ago

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I think hardware limitations had a lot to do with it, to be honest: back in the day, there was only so much on a game that could fit on a cartridge, so if you wanted your audience to feel like they'd had their money worth, you'd better make sure the game was so hard that they would spend 50+ hours finishing 5 measly levels because they died all the time, whereas modern standards wouldn't really tolerate a Mario Bros (1985) situation... Nowadays, if I'm gonna spend 50 hours on a platformer, I want it to be because there's 50 hours of content to explore, not because I have to start everything all over again every 10 minutes...

I think my most typical example of that is trying to play the OG Prince of Persia some 3 or 4 years ago. The whole game has a timer, and just as if it was not challenging enough in itself, you have to finish it in less than an hour, or you straight up game over! SO brutal.

2 months ago*

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Oh, how i would like to play even Ultima VII, or some older ones! I liked these a lot! But i fear that today it will be too difficult for me to enter in. But i clearly feel you here,

2 months ago

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Half-Life: Alyx. I bought it and everything, I even downloaded the environment and spent more time than any reasonable person would in there, but I don't think I can handle heights and jump scares in VR.

The Yakuza series. I did jump into Yakuza 0 and loved how over the top it is and how much fun I had in the world, but the first boss gave me finger cramps (I did not know that was even a thing). I fought very unskillfully and it took an awfully long time and many many attempts to beat him. I knew I wasn't good at beat em ups, but I did not know it would be this brutal. Now I don't dare to go back. I'm afraid I would fall in love with the game but not be able to advance.

2 months ago*

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VR is also a good example of what we might not dare to do. Personally, I'm rather attracted by this technology, but I'm afraid it won't suit me when it comes to my inner ear. (I get terrible headaches and nausea when I have the misfortune to go and see a movie in 3D).

About Yakuza, that's a feature that is true in nearly all games, apart the 2 recent ones (Like a dragon, and Inifinite wealth) that plays with turn based combat. That will allow your fingers to rest a bit!

2 months ago

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For me, the ultimate "double-edged sword" genre is horror, especially survival horror games. I think gaming is the best form of media for the horror genre because the interactive component makes it scary in a way that it never is in a book or movie, so I'm often reluctant to play such games, like I think to myself, "Do I really want to put myself through this?" On the other hand, when I do decide to go for it anyway, this is also what makes it so exhilarating to play them, because it really is an adrenaline-pumping, simulated/vicarious experience of terror and repeatedly cheating death that is far more intense than any other game genre.

2 months ago

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As usual, the horror games :)

But you are able (while I'm not) to overcome your reluctance and keep that a good experience, i like that.

2 months ago

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The Final Fantasy series for sure. Even though I know in my head that they're all separate from each other, it still seems like a HUGE mountain to have to climb. And on a similar (ish?) line, the Atelier and Tales Of games. They all look like something I'd enjoy, but they're such imposing and intimidating monsters.

Also, any Soulsborne game. I tried Bloodborne once and spent something like 4 hours trying to get past the first 20 minutes or so. I just don't have the mental acuity at my age to really 'git gud' enough at them to make playing them worthwhile.

Oh, and the big fighting games like Tekken, MK, and SF. I LOVE Tekken 3, SF 2, and MK 11, but I'm just not good enough at any of them to really get into them anymore...

2 months ago

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Even if they're separate, you can't complete any of them under a huge playtime, higher than 50 hours.

About souls, i feel these games too punishing (but again, maybe i just suck at them)

2 months ago

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Bump :)

2 months ago

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Witcher 3. Too big of a game

2 months ago

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I loved Witcher 3. But when i reached Skellige, i hesitated to go further. I already played à lot, and yet this Land was so big, With so many quests to felt as if à New game was started

2 months ago

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I'm a daring soul. What I do find prohibitive though is my gaming schedule and the obligations I place on myself. For example: it's hard to find time to play Cyberpunk 2077 when I recently won Chained Echoes and don't want to let that gather dust, and while I have a couple curator titles I also need to give a fair shake to (which in this moment include Azarine Heart and Umbra Fields). And so Cyberpunk keeps getting pushed back.

2 months ago

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Yeah, i have the same kind of issues. My backlog grows up more and more, even if i try to play my wins here first.

Cyberpunk is taking dust in my library, I played it at launch and thought it was better to wait. I probably should not have done that :D

2 months ago

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Well, what I want but won't play can easily be summed up in 3 groups.

Firstly, as mentioned multiple by multiple people already, are horror games. I'd love to play the entire Resident Evil catalogue for example but then I'd not be able to sleep cause I'll be jumping up at the smallest sound. I already have an over reactive amygdala that perceives nearly everything as a threat, add a horror game/movie into the mix and it just goes into overdrive.

Secondly it would be any game that would require a public multiplayer lobby, especially if it needs VC. The recent fads for example with Among Us a few years back or Lethal Company lately. Both look very enjoyable but they do require a group and fast paced communication where a text chat isn't sufficient. Tried Phasmophobia solo but it became boring very quickly(and no, I don't actually consider this one horror. It has very clearly defined mechanics that make everything but a small number of "possible" jumpscares very predictable and manageable). You could argue you can play those with friends but my social circle is predominantly non gamers and even the few that are have very different tastes from one another.

The third and last category is games with absurd prices/dlc counts. I'm not talking about cosmetic DLC or multiplayer games that depend on sales to keep public servers going(i.e. digital board games like Armello) but primarily single player games that end up x3-4 the price when you include all gameplay affecting DLCs. Some examples would be the Cities Skylines franchise, the Two Point franchise, Civ and wouldn't you know it, Rimworld. I'll still pick those up if there's a good bundle or a deep discount(like Two Point Campus was on a recent Humble Choice, ofc with no dlc) but won't buy them outright like I'd do for most other games.

2 months ago

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Sorry, another missed message, my apologies for the late answer !

Horror games are definitely the top dreaded genre.

But Multiplayer games were not too much discussed. I find your view really true, as MP games (particularly the ones requiring VC as you said) are probaly a stopholder for me . Being not so perfect in english, it's very hard to have quick and precise communication vocally. If it's written i may save face.

Your 3rd category is clearly 'paradox games' (and Rimworld, again :D) , i purchased Crusaders Kings 2 a while ago when a bundle of like 40 dlcs and the base game was at a correct price. And then i saw this was only HALF of what existed. I gave up not playing (and i regret it a bit)

2 months ago

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the kind of game you might like, but you're not sure you'll be able to get into

me everytime there is a visual novel tag

2 months ago

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nows the time w plenty of them on sale, worth giving the popular ones a go

2 months ago

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Wow, i saw i did not reply to you. My sincere apologies for that!!!!

Vns can be diffiicult to enter in, because you sometimes just have to click to make the story go further. And some are real time sinks

But some of my favorites games are VN based (there's danganronpa for example, paradise killer (a "hybrid" vn)

But i feel the same as you for some VNs , Stein's gate for example. Could not enter it 1st time i played it, and now i have 3 or 4 games on the serie i may not finish because i do not dare to resume....

2 months ago

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New ga added in the initial post.

I saw very interesting stories, but also ways to approach difficult games, so i'll continue to read and comment on your games :)

2 months ago

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I always wanted to play Dragons Lair and Monkeys island, but i was too "young" when it was new and too old now that i can play it IF i had the time, in the end all my game time goes to co-op games or Civilization/Cyberpunk, some day maybe?

2 months ago

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Dragon's Lair was a pain! It was beautiful, but i think it was the first time i was so disappointed in a video game. So diffcult, I'm not sure i would be able to play it now either

However Monkey Island was remastered some years ago. Did you see it?

2 months ago

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Yeah i did, it look nice but every time i think about it i remember Dragon's Lair and kinda forget the two right after. I'm kinda addicted to Civ and in the rare chance i can run from it i end playing dense single players like CyberPunk(before was Witcher), i hope Civ 7 can burn my love from it but you can always play Civ V and VI so it will be hard haha.

2 months ago

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Games with 50+ GB size and require SSD

2 months ago

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This alas, seems to become the norm for all big AAAs (or poorly optimized games)

I miss the days where a game could be in just ONE cassette(or disk(or cd))...

2 months ago

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1 hour left before the end of this GA for those who missed it

2 months ago

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I never got into the Assassin's Creed games. I know they're good games and I've seen plenty of gameplay but I think it would time sink me to death and I would have to 100% everything so I'd OCD never finish frustration myself.

Also Skyrim just never seemed like something I could get into without modding it which I felt like I would become obsessed with due to the complexity and sheer volume. There was an overwhelm and not any really good guide. I have nothing against the game, but it's definitely something that seemed like a lot of setup.

2 months ago

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If you wanted to 100% AC games, i'm not sure one life would be enough, particularly for the more modern ones. There are so many collectibles, camp to raid, enemies to kill, stuff to's endless.

Skyrim can be a pain too, as there are ways to create a character completely useless, unless you're used to old bethesda games. Better take your time to enter it smoothly.

2 months ago

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World of Warcraft. I played from Classic until Cataclysm. I don't dare get hooked into it again.

2 months ago

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Tell me about it, i played WOW a lot since vanilla until Battle for Azeroth. I logged on here and there until the last expansion, but now i feel i'm cured of my addiction at long last. This game is dangerous.

2 months ago

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As an achievement hunter, I think games with too troubling achievements make me not want to play them, because I really want to do everything the game has to offer but I feel like some achievements are too hard and too demanding to enjoy. Games that have like these 'play for 1000 hours ' achievements are just RIDICULOUS. I don't really like games with difficulty achievements either, like 'complete the game on ludicrous difficulty' is just too obnoxious, I play games to have fun not to focus and concentrate too hard to complete them. I believe collectables are fine as long as there aren't hundreds if not thousands of them, they are just a waste of time with no real fun behind them, unless you do something to attain those collectables like a challenge or mission.

I don't know what I am even saying anymore, I just like games. That's it.

2 months ago

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I can understand the completionists that love to finish completely a game. But having fun in games is the only achievement that matters. Otherwise it's work.

So i feel you are very right in your approach.

2 months ago

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Nothing better than the prestigious star of honor on your profile when you finish a game. The feeling is overwhelming.

2 months ago

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How would you approach The Longing ? Knowing that there's an achievement for waiting 400 (rl) days?

2 months ago

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Cry myself to sleep every night, waiting for the day to come.

2 months ago

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Don't we all do thar? :D

2 months ago

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Sigh...I miss Marvel Heroes. It was ran by the most incompetent studios to have existed, but I still miss it.

2 months ago

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Did not play it , but I heard a lot about it . I saw that an emulator for it was released last year. But, if it probably allows you to play it, i assume lots of things are missing (everything that is scripted probably)

2 months ago

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Haha, figured you played it. Your avatar is from it. Didn't know about the emulator. Thanks!

2 months ago

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Nope, i'm just Cyclops' (probably only) fan :)

2 months ago

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Swordoffury lore

2 months ago

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Cyclops and Colossus were always my favorite. Especially in video games.

2 months ago

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I played Cyclops on an arcade machine long ago (this was a fihting game, but i can't remember the name) and i clearly have fond memories of both him and Colossus, they crushed everyone else. Good times :)

2 months ago

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