Is this a good idea?
Sounds like a good idea. Could be worth trying out the very least.
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Yes this is a very valid idea. I just yesterday saw a discussion thread by a guy who got suspended because he won the same game twice and marked them both as recieved. His point was he recieved the keys so he marked them recieved.
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That's less of a problem, because you can go back and change received to not received if you need to.
(This could matter if something causes the game to be revoked by Steam, say - eg. if there's some sort of payment issue, you might need to go back and set a game you previously marked as received to not received. In fact, there's no limit to how far back you can go and set previously-received games to not received, presumably for that reason.)
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changing that won't help at all, it's already covered in the FAQ/GL and regifters don't care about them (you know how they think when they complain about the site rules).
users have 1 week to mark as received and also activate the gift, they aren't tied together. they could mark it today and redeem it 7 days later (or backwards).
Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?
You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration. If a friend is interesting in joining giveaways, they'll need to register for their own account.The winner has not redeemed my gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them. How do I proceed?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using e-mail and Steam after seven days of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of e-mails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.
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Yeah, but the effect could be that they regift it, and don't mark it "Activated", since they didn't activate it.
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But if you call the feedback activated, it doesn't make a lot of sense to blame someone for not marking their win activated, if they really didn't activate it.
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But if they don't click it, whoever made giveaway will get interested why they still didn't get their CV, which will allow faster finding of regifters/sellers.
It's not like you can't change feedback to proper one. And that feeling when you just found and get rid (at least for some time) one of those cancer-people on SG, it's great.
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it's the same situation now. anyone not activating their wins will end up suspended, even if it takes months.
you could change the button to "i swear i received and activated this gift on my account and i won't regift it or break any other rules", and exploiters/cheaters will still do whatever they want.
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It's not a win, since that would require more action and wasted effort by support.
Someone who hits "received" on a game that they didn't redeem on their account is an open-and-shut case - it can be more or less handled automatically. One person saying "I didn't receive the game!" and the other person saying "I sent them the game!" is much more irritating, because it requires actual time from a staff member to investigate.
Even if the person who received the game doesn't lie and is like "oh I didn't realize I had to activate it", it's still going to waste more of support's time vs. the current situation, where they just need to say "did they hit received? Is the game absent from their account or did they win it twice? If so, timeout."
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I see your point. But those who would ignore the Activated button would be regifting it anyway while renaming would probably still lower the number or regifts. And any less regifts is good, imo.
Also, maybe there should be a popup message or sth for everybody who won the game for the first time that all wins have to be activated. They would press agree and hopefully that would prevent any misunderstandings for new users.
EDIT: There, I made an example:
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I'm not sure the trade-off is worth it. At least currently these giveaways are marked received, so it doesn't really cause any issues for the gifter (other than the feeling of seeing your game being regifted).
One of your arguments is that people who don't know about the rules would be reminded they have to activate, but more likely they would think it's alright to regift it and not mark it "Activated" (I really wouldn't be surprised by that). And for those who know about the rules, they simply don't care , whatever the feedback is called is not likely to affect them.
maybe there should be a popup message or sth for everybody who won the game for the first time
That's something we could consider. We actually have a similar message when an user creates a giveaway for the very first time.
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I guess you're right. So combining both our arguements, the button should be named "Received and activated" :D
This would probably still work better than the current naming, though.
About the message, I'm glad you're considering it. I'm sure it would prevent misunderstandings for new users.
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This is better.
There is room for "Received and activated".
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Excuse me, Sir.
I would like to ask a question if you don't mind.
I requested a re-roll nearly 2 days ago.
Its unusual for the support ticket to get reviewed more than a day.
Its there a malfunction somewhere at your side?
That's all. Thank you so much for your time.
Have a great weekend & Happy New Year, Sir !
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Re-gifters will re-gift, there's nothing you can do about that. Changing the button from Received to Activated wont have "a better psychological effect" on them. They're rotten people and they don't care about things like that, they just do what they want to do, not caring about any rules.
Since the other option is "Not Received" I prefer having "Received" as the first option instead of "Activated". That's just my OCD though, so I'm not against your suggestion but I don't think it will make any difference when it comes to re-gifting.
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Good idea, Receive button sounds like they can receive it and trade it later
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I was about to post the same thread yesterday so yeah, I think it's a really good idea.
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My first thought was "not necessary", my second was that it's good to make sure the code is valid anyway, so "activated" tell two things: that the winner tried to activate it and that it worked, thereby validating both sides.
So in short, I'm for it.
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It's deeper. Regifting means that somebody joined a giveaway for the game he is not interested at all, which means he didn't read the rules, but also didn't get the whole point of the site as well. I do not have any trustworthy statistics as well but I have nearly the same opinion, site doesn't explain well how things are organized here, it doesn't explain that you're supposed to join giveaways for yourself, and that you must activate them on your account. Sure, it's in the rules, but I remember myself being confused when I first arrived here, so I don't even want to know how others feel.
Yes, I know it's obvious how everything works for frequent members, hell, I could explain every SG detail currently, but it's not so obvious after you completed your registration.
Probably all of that could be explained better by showing e.g. big red banner after guy wins his first giveaway that it must be activated on his account, not re-gifted, not traded away.
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My thoughts are similar, as I shared below.
I also think it's an omission that the FAQ doesn't have a question "I won a giveaway. What do I do now?" or something along those lines.
Why do the obligations for the giveaway winner have to be explained under the unrelated question "Can I enter giveaways for a friend?"
And there is no mention of the winner's obligation to activate under the more relevant question, "If I win a gift, when can I expect to receive it?"
Maybe it's just me, but when I go to a FAQ that I've never read before for a site or whatever that I'm unfamiliar with, I will skim over the questions that seem completely unrelated to my queries. For example, if there's a question, "How do I appeal a ban?", I'm not going to read through a paragraph about it, especially if the full FAQ is already over 3 times longer than my average high school essay.
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While neat in theory, it wouldn't do a thing.
Already plenty of people don't mark it outright.
And I'm sure that anyone that intends to regift will do so regardless of what it says.
Likely under the guise of "My english bad".
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Because you have 1 week to activate the game / mark it received. It's two different things. I reported a user who marked them received but hasn't activated, and as it was in the 1 week period, he couldn't be punished for it. Similarly, even if you activate the game, you have 1 week to mark it received.
Btw fully automated banning linked to a button that can be pushed totally accidentally is a terrible idea. We need a person to make this decisions.
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I think it's a good idea. Many seem quick to point out that people with the intention of abusing the system won't be affected, but there may well be users with good intentions that just aren't aware they have to have activated the game when they click that button.
Language and the meaning of words can be very important in things like this. If I'm ticking a box that says I received the gift, that seems entirely consistent with it sitting in my inventory. Obviously I've been here long enough to know it works differently to that, but when I was a new user it was not so obvious.
Even now, going back to the FAQ, the place where this rule is stated is under a seemingly-unrelated question. If I'm wondering whether I have to activate the gift straight away or can trade it to a stranger, why do I have to refer to the question, "Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?"
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I agree nice idea, but it would also be ok if they want us to be more thorough with the status to supply both options. two checkboxes. One received. And one "activated in steam" or something.
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Good Idea Bump™
Game | Free Key |
Dungeon Journey |
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thank you so much for a chance I got it and already aivated it:)
there is something you might like to read ;)
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Seems like there are quite a few people out there who think that if they press Received, that means that they received the game. Which they did. I know that activating the game is obligatory by rules, but renaming the button to Activated would have a better psyhological effect on people who planned to regift it as they would not be able to give excuses. And for those people who didn't know about the rules, this would remind them that they need to activate the game.
I think this would lower the number of regifts and it's a pretty simple fix as well. You guys think this is a good idea?
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