Shovel Knight (Steam)
Shovel Knight (GOG)
Shovel Knight (Humble; $9.04 with Monthly discount)
$10 sale ends March 2nd for any place they were able to get them going.

DLC#0: Shovel Knight becomes Shovel Knight Treasure Trove (most likely to distinguish it from the rest of the added DLC, but mostly to advertise it as a complete package I GUESS)
DLC#1: Plague of Shadows is already released.
DLC#2: Specter of Torment releases in April (?) unless delayed.
DLC#3: Shovel Knight: King Knight’s (name TBD) releases sometime in 2017

Announcement article

All owners of Shovel Knight on all platforms will automatically own Shovel Knight:Treasure Trove instead and will continue to get each of the planned free campaigns and features via updates. It will work exactly like how Shovel Knight was updated to include its first campaign addition, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Don’t worry! *


Around the release of this new campaign, all existing versions of Shovel Knight, on all platforms, will become Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove! With three full-fledged character campaigns, Challenge Mode, local co-op, Body Swap, and somehow even more content on the way– Shovel Knight’s adventure has expanded considerably since the original release. Along with the change, the price of Shovel Knight will increase to $24.99 in March.

this means all DLC, the unreleased Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows and Shovel Knight: King Knight’s (I think this too?), are free if you own it before April (but the price goes up to $25 in March)*

oh yeah

If I buy this as a gift, and gift it to someone (let's say a year from now) will it be as if they are recieveing THIS current version, and thus grant them access to everything (like current owners have & will get)?

The answer: yes
(oops. I had the wrong question)
I don't.. know!! The publisher or dev (?) might respond on the Steam forums, so lurk this and wait for an answer. I looked this up just to see, but I don't have any answers that aren't in the article. I don't want to give possible false information is all.

Here are better details for Shovel Knight and the DLC for free. Basically, you get it if you own Shovel Knight.

7 years ago*

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View Results
I'll wait for the price increase
Guess I'll get it now..
Already got it
oh yeah.. here's a giveaway

Shovel bump!

7 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway. ^^

7 years ago

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Thank you for the share and the info Jiseru.:)

7 years ago

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digging up the thread~

7 years ago

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look what else we dug up

7 years ago

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oh hell YIS :b

wonder if it'll be randomly generated tunnels this time most likely won't, ᵏᵉʳᵒ thinks and if we'll get to see what Rusty became :vつ
and hope it'll be on steam q_q

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Shovels are pretty nice.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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who can truly say if $25 is really pricy for a game and 3 extra campaigns. That's $6.25 per part of a soon-to-be fully expanded game if you look at it that way. It's $10 now, so everyone who is aware of the price can choose if it is.

one day lef for the salet, so whoever wanted the game still can pick it up if they wanted

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It sucks that nintendo switch owners have (right now) exclusive access to a game that was a kickstarter funded game. Nice business practice nintendo. Let the people fund and take risks, and when it's a sucess, buy it.

I really don't care that it's a month or two. I think it's a kinda dissapointing.

7 years ago

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What does Nintendo have to do with that decision? It's not their game. If you want to criticize someone for that then it should be the developer. Assuming Kickstarter backers don't have access to a DRM-free build or alternatively a private Steam build of the Specter of Torment campaign then I can understand your point of view, but at same time I also understand why Yacht Club Games would prioritize launching on the Switch first as it is a new system and they wanted to be there at launch (which is today).

7 years ago

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I think that both are to blame, It's sort of a shitty attitude towards the backers. Like a dirt spot on a previously clean window.

7 years ago

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Please do explain why you feel Nintendo is to blame. As I said it is not their game so I don't see that they have anything to do with it. Your reasoning, whatever it may be, seems irrational.

7 years ago

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I think that big companies are being lazy and greedy. Nintendo is releasing the Nth iteration of their known franchises to death. This is the same in other art forms, like movies, TV series and books. No risks (or moderated risks), and profit.

They often reject, don't dare to fund or even shut down anything edgy, innovative and original.

So this kind of projects have to seek other sources of financiation. Kickstarters, independent funding, even their own money and blood. Independent funded games, have been a breath of fresh air in the industry. Not everything is brilliant, but it's nice to see all the new things that they're trying.

Then you have this game, that was a total surprise, turns to be a great hit, so the big N, buys it, new console, have exclusive content in launch, and we have to see that from far away. I'm a PC gamer. I have no interest in the Nintendo Switch, and I have to wait two months to play a game that maybe wouldn't exist if it weren't for the backers, most of them PC owners.

It's legal, it's a business model. I think it is an awful model. I hope I explained myself well, english is not my first language.

7 years ago

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Is there an official statement outlining some sort of exclusivity deal signed for the Switch (although only 1-2 months makes no sense to me)?? How do you know it's not simply a case of the developer not having enough time to finish it for the myriad of other platforms, so instead they chose to focus on this one to squeeze it in for the launch of the system?

7 years ago*

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Perhaps the devs only had enough resources/time to finish the switch version for launch, and couldn't complete it for other platforms in time. Knowing this, they decided to make some extra money by offering Nintendo a short term exclusivity deal.

7 years ago

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Treasure Trove and Specter of Torment are now live for PC platforms.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I find it hilarious (in my uniquely German way) that everybody who bought this **** in order to get the extra standalone titles as well now ... doesn't get the extra standalone titles, just the same content as part of the base game.
Y'all have no idea how many angry game collectors are shaking their fists.

7 years ago

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Anyone who bought it expecting the standalones is dumb and deserves it as it was made clear what was happening.

7 years ago

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If it had been 'made clear', surely there wouldn't be so many confused people confused by it.

If it had been made clear, a link would have appeared swiftly, pointing to a previous announcement of what exactly was going to happen. Alas, no such things happened, and eventually a developer replied, but without any notion of this having been "made clear" beforehand.

In other words, source pls?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Apparently that is the equivalent of a public riot in the eyes of some people, lol. Generalising ftw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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First, I didn't promise angry collectors in that thread, I promised confused buyers.
You can have an angry buyer:

Right now though, the threads I link look like a lot of posts have been 'disappeared'.

P.S.: I have angry collectors in my friends list, but I'm obviously not pasting you private chat.

7 years ago

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I've checked the discussion forums on Steam and there's not much drama going on there... It was a strange move and technically you do receive Specter of Torment, but not as a separate game. Not sure why anyone would want to buy Specter of Torment for $10. when you can buy the "full experience" for $25 (or less if you wait for a sale).

7 years ago

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Angry entitled misunderstanding game collectors, that is. This hilarity just made my day. (Emphasis mine.)

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7 years ago

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at least it didn't go the cliche way and get bundled in a $1 pack, i have to respect devs for not throwing their games at card idlers.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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You realise professional card idlers buy for between $0.01 and $0.05. Admittedly BundleStars amusing $1 rebundle of previously cheap trash games now even cheaper fits that range.
(And BundleStars introduced a whole new generation to SG trains, so that's good too, right?)

7 years ago

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