This is my fork of SteamGifts Plus. Disable that script before using this one.

Additional Features:

  • Bundle Filters & Highlighting
  • Broken Image added to bundle giveaway pages to easily identify them; feel free to contribute a better image. Looks like this
  • Locally stored wishlist; Allows for more than 25 items.
  • more...


Firefox: You have to install Greasemonkey to use this addon.
Chrome: You have to install Tampermonkey to use this addon.

Planned Features:

  • An auto updating DLC list (i.e. no need for someone to add games manually)
  • Ability to specify custom bundle image
  • Sorting by Group, Contributor Value, Win Chance, etc.
  • Ability to specify custom highlighting

Using the Server Side Script Alpha, there is no need to install anything. Just visit the link below.
Server Side Script Alpha: SteamGifts Addition
Known Bugs: (These are only for the Server Side alpha, the normal version at the top works fine)

  • Bundle Filters Don't Work
  • Locally Stored Wishlist Doesn't Work
  • Signing in doesn't work (Workaround below)
  • Logging out produces an error, but still works

Follow the steps below to sign in.

-----Removed for Security Reasons-----

12 years ago*

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LOL, I read "addiction"

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Well... Me too x'D

12 years ago

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... me too

12 years ago

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Noticed it's not addiction only after reading the comment :D

12 years ago

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same :I

12 years ago

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I read this as adiction, realized it was addition, left, came back, read it as adiction again, and realized it was addition again. :P

12 years ago

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Wow... same here... weird~

11 years ago

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wtf me too lol!

12 years ago

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No offense but sounds like you guys are having problems :D

12 years ago

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11 years ago

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Broken images? No thank you, I would never do that on purpose.

12 years ago

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It is just a picture of a broken image. This image
Looks like this
I chose that because I am not an artist and wanted to easily identify bundles. I made these modifications for my own use and thought others might like to use them as well.

12 years ago

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I guess, you should have asked permission from original author before modifying it.

12 years ago

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Have you read the MIT License?
That is what the original author released the code with. It allows anyone to release modifications. I also released my modification with that license.

Also, I submitted the early changes to the original author to include in SteamGifts Plus, but they have not been added. I understand that time may be a factor and I'm not complaining. I just thought I would make a fork with my modifications for others to use.

12 years ago

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My (uneducated with coding) cursory glance is that you can use that code. The proprietary use of said code remains proprietary. ie you can use the code but not SGPlus? Or did I totally miss it with my glance?

12 years ago

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I believe it means you can use the code that was released under the MIT license in any proprietary software in which the code is not open source. So, in this case, OP did nothing wrong.


12 years ago

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Indeed. I also released the modifications under the MIT. Therefore, the changes can be merged back into the original code if the author wants.

12 years ago

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Ok so he doesn't need the MIT codes permission (the whole point of the code) but he doesn't need SGPlus either. Seems weird to me but I'll go with those who know more :)

Edit: Confirmed he now has permission below. Cheers!

12 years ago

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Thanks for clarifying it. :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Does it prevent future update of Steamgifts Plus ?
Does it replace it or is it a separate extension ?

12 years ago

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since it doesn't include auto-update meta-tag, it will not update automatically.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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1 & 2. Thanks for the verification

  1. I updated the code base just moments ago. It is now based on the latest version. I will keep the base code merged as necessary.

If you implement an adequate API I would be interested. Let me know more about it when you start implementing it..

In short for any potential users: If you use my version there is no need to worry about missing new SteamGifts Plus updates. I will keep my version updated to the current SteamGifts Plus version.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I am wondering if anyone is using this. If so, is everything working correctly? I haven't gotten any feedback at all. I have an upcoming feature planned also. I plan to implement the ability to add games to a locally stored wishlist. This is useful for packs which can't be added to the wishlist on steam.

12 years ago

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I really like the idea but I'm waiting for it to work as an addon for SGP

12 years ago

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It has all the same features, so you won't lose anything by switching for the time. When the API matures more I will work toward implementing it as an addon.

12 years ago

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no feedback is probably good. people would complain if it didn't work :)

11 years ago

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I would like a way to store/read the filter list from a specific file. This would make things a lot easier to have the same filter on different machines. For example read it from a file saved in the user's documents folder (but needs selectable/changable, as I would then just use my dropbox folder to share it with other pc's). Online is probably not feasible as that requires storage on your end and it will require us to log in.

That's why I still hope that SG as a page itself will include filtering. Then it is stored on the site and will be the same everywhere, even on the mobile version.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion. I think I could implement a opt-in upload feature as well. This seems like a good idea.

EDIT: On a side note, when I have some free time I plan on making a mobile app with filtering as well.

EDIT 2: You can achieve this by using dropbox on your browser profile, but you may not want the entire thing synced.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the mod, but I can't use this on Google Chrome, it keeps asking if I want to read the changelog on every reload. Also if I press Ok to view it, the changelog opens and I can't close it

12 years ago

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That's weird. The base code is the same. Let me know what version of Chrome and Greasemonkey you have and I will try to fix it.

12 years ago

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That's what I thought. Tried removing every script related, cleaning cache and those things but the same happens. I'm on Chrome Version 25.0.1364.97 m and using Tampermonkey 2.12.3124.14.

12 years ago

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same problems here. Chrome 24.0.1312.57, Tampermonkey 2.12.3124.14. Another problem: the filters listbox isn't working. instead of opening, it reloads the site (which gives me yet another changelog-messageBox^^).

12 years ago

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It seems to be an issue with the bundle list updating. It throws an error before it can save that it has ran the updates, including the notification. I will work on a fix.

12 years ago

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Chrome issues should be fixed. However, tampermonkey is required because of the method of retrieving full wishlists.

12 years ago

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Thanks! I'll try

12 years ago

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Now it's working ok. Thanks for the quick fix :)

What I have to do to use more than 25 items on the wishlist?

12 years ago

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Now it's working ok. Thanks for the quick fix :)

What I have to do to use more than 25 items on the wishlist?

12 years ago

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Go to the preference panel and under Giveaway preference make sure the Sync Full Wishlist is checked. After that, sync your account. It should just start working after that.

12 years ago

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It was checked and synced. Tried syncing again but doesn't seems to work (at least they aren't highlighted)

Edit: Seems a Chrome only problem, it works on Firefox

12 years ago

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Alright. I will have to look into it some more. I never use chrome unless I'm testing my scripts. I am a dedicated Firefox user.

12 years ago

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It was the same issue as before, but in a different implementation. I should have it fixed in a few minutes.

12 years ago

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It's fixed now. Please uninstall and reinstall it. The fix was needed in the install script, so it won't work until you do this.

12 years ago

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I`m using it on FireFox.. ^_^ Ty.

12 years ago

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You're welcome. Let me know if you run into any problems or if you have any suggestions.

12 years ago

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Does this update like the regular SteamGifts Plus?

12 years ago

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Yes, but if the regular one has an update, I have to update the code base before everyone using it gets the new stuff. In other words, if Kaitlyn makes an improvement, my version won't be up to date until I apply it. It will be automatic for all users once I have done that. Any of my updates will also apply automatically for all users.

12 years ago

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Do the Chrome issues seem to be fixed?

12 years ago

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Everything seems to work ok now. Thanks!

12 years ago

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Good to hear. Let me know if you run into any problems.

12 years ago

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A new update has been pushed. Check the changelog for details. Let me know if you have any issues.

12 years ago

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I was having some issues with googlecode timing out when loading my script. This lead to the script not working every time. Please uninstall and reinstall if you are experiencing this issue. Also, I have implemented an auto update of the install script as well. This should prevent any future need to uninstall and reinstall.

12 years ago

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This is awesome. I'm loving it.

Thanks so much. Much much much better now.

12 years ago

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Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

12 years ago

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I'm very happy to see how helpful Kaitlyn has been to Liboicl and how easy it seems for them to work together.

Thanks to Kaitlyn for the wonderful extension and to Liboicl for what seem to be good improvements.

12 years ago

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Absolutely. With the proposed API it should get even easier. Thanks for the comment and let me know if there are any other improvements you would like to see.

12 years ago

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Actually, I'd like a much more obvious bundle image. I'll never notice the white square (with tiny marks in it) currently in use. A big red X or something else that stands out would be nice.

Also, I would very much love to have the comment box for giveaways at the top of the thread instead of at the bottom. That would make things simpler/more efficient for me.

12 years ago

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On the first note, I am not an artist, but the comment gives me an idea. I think I will make it where the user can specify a custom image. If you would like to recommend a default image that would be nice too.

That sounds easy enough. I will try to implement that soon.

Thanks for the suggestions.

12 years ago

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Here are some poor image replacements that I prefer to the current one.

12 years ago

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derp. ok that time the bump was me

11 years ago

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I just wanted to mention some planned features.

  • An auto updating DLC list (i.e. no need for someone to add games manually)
  • Ability to specify custom bundle image
  • Sorting by Group, Contributor Value, Win Chance, etc.
  • Probably a few other small things
  • ...Your recommendations

I don't usually have much free time, but I plan to implement most of these in a relatively short span of time. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions.

11 years ago

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Another planned feature.
I plan to implement this script on a server-side based webpage that acts as a proxy to steamgifts. In other words, it will be possible to use this without any addons. This will be mainly for users who are not allowed to install things. It will likely be a bit slower, but it should function at an acceptable level.

11 years ago

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A test version of said site is live. Expect many bugs. Please test and report any bugs on the googlecode page. Thank you.

11 years ago

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What happened to the idea to have an addon for SGP instead of a replacement?
The API Wiki page doesn't seem to have been updated for some time..

11 years ago

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Yeah, Kaitlyn doesn't seem to be updating it. She seems to be busy. That's understandable. What is keeping you from using this one as opposed to the original? I would like to know, so I can improve it.

11 years ago

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I think your time is better spent improving/expanding your work instead of having to sink time in making sure that your version is up to date. For me as enduser it's also not very transparent if or how up to date your version is related to Kaitlyns. E.g. your current build is slightly out of sync, it doesn't contain 'bobofatt' in the staff var.

I like the bundle feature, although I'd prefer to have them not highlighted but on the contrary to downplay the bundle giveaways. As is, the chosen bgcolor in the result list is quite aggresive and steals the focus away from the other elements of the list.

Haven't tested/used the wishlist related changes.

11 years ago

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I keep my version number the same in an attempt to make it easier on the end user. That patch was put up right before the base changed, so it got overlooked.

On the feedback, I will probably make it where the user can specify the color. The wishlist was a highly requested, and useful, feature. You should test it out sometime.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Bump. Just letting everyone know this is still active.

11 years ago

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good add

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Liboicl.