Yep wanted to ask the same;) And is it only here so slow as it's like 5mins and still not everything loaded
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I sure hope so. Thanks again for developing the site! ^^
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page not found for me. 404 error
edit: nevermind, creator just stated site is down
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Site is now back online. I joined a steam community of my country (Brazil) and the site is online with their site :D
Check it out!! (the coupon system still the same)
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A couple things to check:
Just a reminder: if you choose to "Show only coupons for wishlist games" when the coupons list aren't done, new coupons will appear on the page (even if it's not on your wishlist). This is somthing i'll correct on future releases
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Not really what I meant, since they have an online UI for search and filter too. I meant that they use a singular database where people send in the coupons and the staff handles the distribution, and yours seems to be an everyone registers their separate inventory so other can search and trade kind of thing.
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Yeah. The two should complement each other nicely, since it seems many people don't give away their coupons (as if they actually worth something). At least if people register at your site, there is a chance a little more gets into circulation.
Still, it may could be a good idea to contact the Dumpsters too. If you could somehow work together, more coupons would be available to the general public.
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Your site is very useful, I've been using it for the past days and it's amazing. Maybe a nice addition would be to receive an email message when during a new scan, it finds that someone has in the inventory a coupon for a game that you have in your wishlist and not only (I guess there should be a list of the games you want to be emailed of, by default this should be your wishlist but you should be able to add to it other games - for example you want to buy a specific game to gift it to a friend). It could be added as an extra tool for the site, like the Quickmatch is for SteamTradeMatcher.
Might take a bit to implement it though :)
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Yeah, i thought something line this, Luke a newsletter. But this need much implementation.
I'll change the way the site gets the coupons to avoid showing the game coupon more than once, and then show all users who own that coupon. The structure i'll need is hard do accomplish (i guess). Once this is done, the newsletter will be easier to implementação :)
Thanks for the help, you suggested some additional things to merge with my idea :P
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On the help page of the website...
"Idea" is misspelled where it reads "I have an idea for you to implement here!"
And in the place where it says "When I try to see coupons, it shows ERROR: This profile is private.", on the place where it says "To change your profile visibility click HERE Then change the inventory setting to public." The "HERE" link is missing a space afterwards, so it reads "HEREThen".
Just thought I'd do some proofreading. Terrific website by the way!
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Oh, yeah sorry, I meant terrific as in, it's awesome. :P
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Hi, I love the idea of the site :) I get an error when I try to list my coupons or search for them:
Fatal Error
Error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object
File: /home/steambr3/public_html/SteamCouponFinder/app/Controller/AjaxController.php
Line: 60
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D'oh! Yep, that was the problem :) Thank you for the help and the website!
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Found a bug - when you click for Battle vs Chess 66% off coupon, you always get an error: "Something went wrong. You should try click the coupon again."
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I cant check it atm, because there no more 66% off coupons for Battle vs Chess
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That error was only for Battle vs Chess coupon, I close window and click 5 more times, but still had error. I hope, it was temp bug.
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I see now Battle vs Chess 90% off coupon, same problem :/ So, I think, its not temp bug, check it please.
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I made a change on the code to this specific case. It should open the windows when clicking at the coupon. But, if another game have same error, the Battle vs Chess game will be showed.
Just a temporary fix.
You can see the 90% Battle vs Chess on this profile
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there is also this group and they also have a search engine for their inventory
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Yeah, but on their way, we need to donate them our cupons, and the search engine work on their inventory.
On the system i'm developing the search work with each user's inventory.
I tried to contact them to work together, but they banned me :'(
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Those guys are assholes tbh .
I asked for a Garrys mod coupon awhile back.
They said i already own the game , and i explained to them that i need it to buy a copy for a friend so we play together .
They told me to ask my friend to join their group , and ask for the coupon himself.
So i tell him to do that , he joins like 5 min later , makes a fucking topic to ask for the coupon.
~less then a minute later both me and him got Banned from the group for Quote : Multiaccount
So yeah , avoid like plague.
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I talked to them. I hope I convinced them to put the link of your tool into the coupon-related link gallery they have on the main page. But next time don't go in anywhere on the Steam forums posting links to your site, go there by saying "Hi, I have made this thing that does this, are you interested in working some way together?". Knock, before you barge through the door, or however the idiom goes. :)
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Yeah, I entered the group and commented about the system. I was kinda "rude" with then :/
But nop, living and learning :P
He put a link do the tool there (I can't see since I'm banned, but the CD leader told me he put it there)
Thanks talgaby! I really appreciate your help with them :D
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another i dont know why the site cache the coupons, but from what i see every coupon discovered on the list coupons he show, its not better make something like array to get all coupon then show in 1 time ?, its always faster.
Se quiser que explique melhor me adicione :);
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É q assim, a cache da lista de cupons que um usuario possui tem 2 dias de vida, após isso, a lista é atualizada e a cache tambem.
Se eu simplesmente pegar a cache e mostrar, não atualizaria as caches. O q da pra fazer pra ficar mais rápido é: diminuir o tempo q o javascript espera entre cada requisicao ajax.
Pegar tudo de uma vez nem dá, além de puxar muito do servidor (+ de 500 listas pra processar) nao atualiza a cache
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Talvez faz Rotinas Diferentes para cada situação, não entendi bem como está funcionando, mas poderia ser:
Rotina de Atualização de Cache dos Usuários feita a cada 2 Dias em horários diferentes para cada grupo de usuários para não sobrecarregar o server. e após cada atualização armazena as informações em um BD que vai ser usado para gerar as listas, algo assim.
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Funciona assim: por exemplo, to com seu ID, ai eu mando pegar a cache dele. Se a cache expirou, eu pego seus cupons via Steam e salvo na cache de novo, ai retorna essa informação pra pagina e ela mostra os cupons. Isso acontece pra todos usuarios cadastrados no site, um de cada vez. Desse jeito, cada pessoa tem uma hora de expirar a cache, fica bem dinamico e sobrecarrega menos o server.
Eu vou ter q mudar um pouco a estrutura de como o site funciona um dia, pra mudar o jeito como os cupons sao mostrados. Aí talvez compense fazer com rotinas diferentes
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"RED coupon price means the game already have discount. Since coupons are not accumulative, you can't activate the coupon on the game right now"
É que os cupons geralmente nao sao acumulativos com jogos que ja estao com desconto. Quando um jogo ja ta em desconto, o preço com o cupom é mostrado em vermelho, pra saber que nao da pra usar o cupom no momento
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Notice (8): Undefined index: games [APP/View/Home/coupon_list.ctp, line 10]
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP/View/Home/coupon_list.ctp, line 10]
Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object in /home/steambr3/public_html/SteamCouponFinder/app/Controller/AjaxController.php on line 60
Fatal Error
Error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object
File: /home/steambr3/public_html/SteamCouponFinder/app/Controller/AjaxController.php
Line: 60
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/View/Errors/fatal_error.ctp
Is that for using IE? Clicking list coupons.
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I like your idea, but I don't know how could I use this site. Let me explain - if I'll add someone to ask for a coupon they could think that I'm a beggar. And, if I just send the trade request - they could also think that I'm a beggar. I don't want people to think bad of me(
So, may I propose to add checkbox in site settings, something like "I'm willing to giveaway my coupons, feel free to send trade request". And show this message for user's coupons when someone have found it, so that they know that coupons are up for grabs. Or, maybe, a text line instead of checkbox, so one can write a comment by himself.
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Yes, this is what I want. I hope people would use it...
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Hey guys, i'm here to invite you to take a look at a system i developed. I call it Steam Coupon Finder (sugestive name).
You can find coupons from other players and ask them for the coupon if you're interested.
The site is available in 7 languages and support some currencies.
You can search coupons which will help you spare those cents on your wallet and farm the game's cards :P
The more people accessing, more coupons will be there to trade! Invite your friends to use it :)
If you're afraid of scam, you can access the steam group page (, read comments of who's using it on this topic and here:
Just to show you the basic of the site, here are two pics:
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