Sorry if a thread like this already exists and I couldn't find it - but I was looking through my stats and realized I haven't actually added that many people to my blacklist throughout my years on this site, so I was curious to hear what other people's opinions are. What makes you add someone to your whitelist, what makes you add someone to your blacklist? This is not a thread to single out or 'expose' individuals, so keep that sort of thing out of here, this is just to share general thoughts and opinions around blacklisting/whitelisting.

Oh also, here's a couple of level 5+ giveaways (ends in 2 days from this post going live, just remove BOTS from the links)

7 months ago*

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Whitelist: if they are particularly kind/helpful, people who give a lot, people who don't win a lot

Blacklist: people who are toxic on the forums, pad their CV with fake games with inflated prices, skirting the rules, really bad ratio.

That said, maintaining a blacklist is way too much work and just not possible with the limited number of slots, so I just give away in groups with active moderation.

7 months ago

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Blacklist:(alot of these come with a level minimum to... as no point for lower as you block them out with level requirements)
exclusively gifts to a small set of regions(eg, Russia only, SEA only, etc...) even on things that have no region locks, its one thing to match the restrictions of the gift... another to just exclude everyone outside of it...
exclusively gifts cheap porn games(I have no issues with this type of game... its just the ones you mostly see are bad ones)/shovelware/asset flip garbage(mostly so I can stop hiding every game they giveaway)
super leeches(gets to X level, never does a giveaway again(requires years of no giveaways(last GA 7 years ago, but you have hundreds of winnings spanning all those years...)), I don't care about ratios as much, more about giving when you can and not just taking.
people who blacklist me(requires me to catch it)
toxic/rude people
People I suspect of using bots/cheats/fake CV
People who enter SGtools protected GA's without a ticket(I don't see why they bother... they won't get the game even if they are chosen as the winner)

I haven't decided, I don't really do WL only giveaways, but an important factor is having played a fair number of their wins(at least the more recent ones(past year or 2's)). Someday I will come up with criteria and put it to work and make a recruitment thread for it... and do whitelist GA's then.

7 months ago

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Whitelist: mostly people I won from; but also a bunch of people which just seem to be very nice.
Blacklist: Nobody. Ever. I don't expect to have enough information to correctly "judge" anybody.

7 months ago*

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I usually whitelist people who are nice and helpful in the forums, who have similar interests or tastes as mine, and people who play the games I gave away when I remember to check that, I don't mind it when they don't or leave it for a later date, but I appreciate it when they do, and sometimes people who make giveaways for games that I played and really, really loved before just because that means they give the chance for someone else to also enjoy that game. This last one is rarer tho because I only see the giveaways from trains or forum posts since games that I own don't appear on the front page.

And for the blacklist, I really don't do that much, there are very few people there, and mostly ones that are rude for no reason or hateful on the forums, new users that only do giveaways with those extremely overpriced shovelware games and abuse the system, and one last reason. And also, I add those who win a giveaway, and redeem the key, but don't mark the giveaway as received even after the 7 days, this only happened to me once, and had to submit a support ticket to get it marked, but it was really annoying.

7 months ago

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It would probably take a lot for me to blacklist someone, my blacklist is 0.

People are different, we all come from different walks of life, have different expectations, situations, experiences. I'm happy to go toe to toe with someone in an argument and still handshake and walk away at the end regardless of outcome. We are here to be ourselves, not define who others are supposed to be and who they are doesn't bother me even if it's not within my belief system.

I'll leave the policing to the moderators.

7 months ago

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I whitelist nice people.

I don't blacklist very often. When I do, there's a good reason. I don't care about ratios or that kind of thing.

Bigots/Assholes are the main reason. And people who blacklist me.

Oh, and I might have blacklisted one or two people who took advantage of a mass GA on Discord, signing up multiple accounts just so they could give tons of keys away here. The dev at the time was like "this is disappointing, we're trying to do something nice for people in lockdown." They had to close the giveaway for a time. So... yeah, I blacklisted the worst offenders because they are the reason we can't have nice things.

7 months ago

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I only blacklisted someone who won a gift from me. He won hundreds and never gifted once. I sent him his gift that he won then I blacklisted him.
I don't blacklist people just because we don't think similar. Though if someone is very rude to people I might be.

I usually whitelist people who contribute a lot (doesn't need to be gift. Some people open usufell threads. )or I had nice conversation with.

7 months ago

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I only have 1 person on my blacklist because they have a blog where they claim this site is a scam, but they continued using the site for some reason. They haven't been here in almost 2 years though. Years ago I would blacklist users that had many hundreds or even thousands of wins that gave nothing or almost nothing away, but I realized that is pointless because there are too many users like that. I then decided to not create giveaways for low levels which is unfortunate for new users, but I feel like there are plenty of giveaways being created with no level restrictions.

As for my whitelist, I mostly add users that give a lot more than they win in real CV. I don't create a lot of whitelist giveaways, but if I get the urge and find a good sale on an unbundled game, I will usually give it to my whitelist because they have been so generous. I may also add some users that don't have an amazing ratio for different reasons, but that is not common.

7 months ago

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I think I have read that blog post, which I regret.
Should have used my time better.

7 months ago

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Yeah, I wasted some time there and also some brain cells trying to have a conversation in the comments.

7 months ago

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If Someone is nice or does a great GA or even if just helpful,they find themselves in my whitelist.
If someone is a total idiot or unkind and not very nice or takes more than 5 days to mark a GA received.I put them in my blacklist.But that happens very rarely.
Overall,My interaction with the community is pleasant and my whitelist keeps growing.However,I find myself in a lot of Blacklists without any reason or very stupid reasons.E.g: Someone doesn't like a GA I did or if I don't agree with them on anything.My stats tell my about getting added on another blacklist the very next day.Not that I care too much(because they arent able to participate in my GAs as well).The only time being Blacklisted hurts is during Community Trains(Before I knew about Incognito way of skipping).

7 months ago

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I don't really use either of them, but to end up in my Blacklist you got to be some underhuman (rude, toxic, phobic).

Oh... and if you create 15 giveaways of the same game, starting & finishing at the same time... Waste of time and points - and even if I win, I had to put the points away 14 times, when I could enter different game.

7 months ago

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I've only been blacklisting for a recent period so...
I blacklist people who don't donate at all and yet win regularly unless they play their wins. I consider that not everyone can donate, not everyone can buy even bundles, but if they play the games they win that's fine with me.

For whitelists it's easier to my pov, those with whom I have a good feeling, those who participate on the forum, who have a good ratio or those who play their wins.

7 months ago

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Whitelist: People that bring positive energy to SG and the community (giveaways, community, helpful, informative etc.)
Blacklist: Don't bother with it. Not wasting energy on the negative.

7 months ago

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Whitelist : People that have given more games that they received, peoples given good games (games from the last bandai namco bundle for examples)
Blacklist : People that insult / been rude with others ones, people created suspicious thread (in general there are new created account, for a discord exclusive group giveaways / others link to stolen account / asking for trade, giveaways for twitch subs ...)

7 months ago

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I just roll a d20.

7 months ago

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my first year in here i was blacklisting everyone who i saw that had unactivated or multiple wins, every one that made giveaways from some free GMG games at the time and everyone with a slightly bad ratio. all that resulted in me filling up all 1000 spots and also getting blacklisted(many from bad apples but also some good generous people that didn't like my reasoning, yes i was a bit harsh) from a topic i made about it back then. some months after that i stopped making giveaways and removed everyone from my blacklist.
from 2020 that i started making giveaways again i fill my

whitelist: with people that i won games i consider really good and i want to give them a chance to win something back from me, some generous people giving many decent games in some groups i'm in, people they whitelist me first and i see some really good games from them.

blacklist: with people not following rules in some groups i'm in, having 0.2 real cv ratio or worst, giving away only 50P crap games or generally cheap crap i'll never enter, giving games only to their country but winning from everyone, generally people abusing the system in multiple ways and extreme leechers with thousand of wins and few games given. lastly the occasional assholes from some discussions.

because you can't add every bad apple to your blacklist i rarely make public giveaways if i do i make them lvl 6, for public and high number of members groups lvl 4, for community trains lvl 4(or lvl 3 if the max is 3), for my trains i usually use sgtools and lvl 4. the truth is i want to recheck my blacklist if i find the time at some point and remove anyone who changed behaviour.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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For whitelisting, until a couple of months ago I never really bothered thinking about it that much but have recently begun whitelisting back the people that I notice have whitelisted me, for whatever reasons. I know such reciprocity isn't required by the rules but I now think of it as a courtesy somewhat. It's all moot for me really because until my financial situation drastically improves I won't be able to offer up anything apart from IndieGala/LootBoy keys, which I prefer to restrict to the 2 groups that understand & accept that the key may be duplicates without anyone getting upset. Occasionally I get thrown a key from a former colleague but even then they aren't really anything special.
For blacklisting I have yet to come across anyone who truly irks me to the point of barring from any present or future giveaways. Sure I encounter people with whom I have differing opinions and world views but that's how the world is, and I was always brought up with different strokes for different folks and try to just passively accept that everyone has different opinions. Maybe if I ever encounter actual skullduggery on one of my giveaways by someone I might change my mind, maybe also if I ever get to the point of consistently giving away anything other than IG/LB keys (no judgement there, endlessly bundled they may be but there are still some good games that come through now and then), then I might become a bit more choosy.

7 months ago

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To me, I haven't used blacklist or whitelist yet.

People are always complicated that they may be suck in some ways but can be admirable in others. I can't judge a person only from what they say and do online, so I won't blacklist anyone.

As for whitelist, I think other people will feel abandoned if I use a whitelist. And whitelist will also block the chance of a mysterious event...There always are cute strangers who will surprise you. I never thought I will receive feedback from one of my games' winners half year later. He/she played my game seriously and even summarized it which made me think maybe I was the one who got the gift :D

So, I think will never use blacklist or whitelist. (Mysterious voice: This person lied, she is just too lazy to make them...)

7 months ago

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Only my black list are:

  • 3 no activated win
  • too lazy to click "received"
  • false "not received"

I not BL because someone post something on forum

7 months ago

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Haven't been here long enough to figure it out, and judging by your question and responses here, it seems that I'm in good company...

I've been whitelisted and blacklisted a few times, and apart for two whitelists that I applied to in the whitelist recruitement discussions (yours included), it all seems rather random to me. I've decided not to apply to whitelists anymore, basically because (to me) it feels a bit like begging for keys.

Whitelist: all my giveaways are public apart for several giveaways on the recent communtiy train and (my first) puzzle train (which, IMO doesn't really count as being private). I use the giveaway level as a way to mostly avoid freeloaders, and I started checking winners on sg-tools after I heard about the site. Hadn't had to reroll even once, so maybe this works.

Blacklist: I black listed two users that posted offensive (to me) giveaways, but I've since removed them. Currently I just hide games that I'm not interested in for any reason, which, for me, does a better job than blacklisting. At some point I considered blacklisting winners who don't thank me, but decided against it - being thankless is punishment enough, and I'm definitely not here to educate anyone.

And thanks for the giveaways!

7 months ago

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it feels a bit like begging for keys.

Welcome to SteamGifts ٩(●ᴗ●)۶

7 months ago

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This thread is really good for checking how you are viewed by other people here, as I checked everyone who mentioned their reasonings, and only been blacklisted by 4 of them.
My whitelisting habit is that its totally random. Sometimes I add someone if the profile picture is something I like, or if we talked for more than 2 sentence, or announced a game that became free. I got 58 whitelists people on my list.
As for blacklist, I only got 3 of those, one gave me an unfair suspension, and I was afraid that he might do it again. The second was just really rude with me, adding me on steam and telling me how much of a piece of shit I am. The third one was just spamming advertisement that irked me, but he got suspended anyway

7 months ago

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Whitelisting is a fine feature, as I'll ocassionally do a whitelist+group giveaway. Generally, I whitelist those that have whitelisted me (incentive!).

Blacklisting, is essentially irrelevant, as those that engage in regular practice of blacklisting are often those that exclusively do private/group giveaways, with 10 entrants or less, or no giveaways at all and are just here for the forums (for some odd reason). These are the ones that are essentially killing off the site to begin with, since they automatically remove themselves (and their cronies) from the public pool.

I'll ocassionally blacklist the radical Marxist here and there, just for funsies. The ones that label anyone and everyone they don't like with some conjured 'phobe' word, and likely have most of the users blacklisted already. (They like lists)

7 months ago

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Whitelist: Nobody really as I don't know anyone here. Also I haven't put up any new giveaways for a long time due to some personal issues.. will do at some point again of course.

Blacklist: Practically only those that abuse the points system by sharing those 100 € "games" designed for money laundering. And some fanatics, but very rarely.

Funny though, I seem to be myself on quite a many blacklist and I'm not sure why. At least once I was blacklisted for winning a giveaway...

7 months ago

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I seem to be myself on quite a many blacklist and I'm not sure why

The combination of not having done a giveaway in 4 years, having won more than 3 times the amount of games, CV and rCV of what you have given and still entering giveaways seems like a very probable reason.

7 months ago

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Whitelist: I don't use this a lot yet, but mostly Friends. People I end up vibing well with in community posts or a positive giveaway experience. People who whitelist me or take a positive initiative my way.

Blacklist: People who complain too much on bundles/pricing. People who put the same meaningless thank you copy/paste message in every giveaway. People who just post negativity all the time. Notorious resellers/lowballers from the trade community. People who make me reroll giveaways because they don't read a small description before entering (e.g. don't enter this complete edition giveaway if you own the game, check if you own this dlc before entering)

7 months ago

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here's a new one,
i got blacklisted 6 times yesterday, and received at least 6 jester award on my profile and reviews from 1 person,

what did i do?
well, someone asked for a recommendation for a game with lgbtq characters, and i suggested two highly recommended games, that's when i noticed i got one or two new blacklisted,

the other comment
on cg's post about the new content guidelines, i said it's ok to have "civil discussions" from both sides about their beliefs, and you cant ban topics for example because someone is being hateful towards gay or black people and spamming hateful comments in related topics till they get closed, and apparently me asking for civil discussions made me according to one of the replies "an inclusive radical" because god forbid you talk respectfully about minorities or your own beliefs.

7 months ago

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