This is a list of the "Are you a real Adventurer"-Puzzles

In most of the threads a solution of the puzzle is also available. If you are stuck in a running adventure, it might be usefull to take a look in the previous one. You can take a look into many different kinds of information-hiding and might get a sense how to interpret my drawings.

Adventure Description
regular Adventures  
Are you a real Adventurer? ith first one with Point&Click-Adventure Screenshots
Are you a real Adventurer?>reloaded< ith second one, with parser+gfx-Adventure Screenshots
Are you a real Adventurer>redrawn< ith first one with drawings/rebus-similar
Are you a real Adventurer >redrawn II< ith drawings + extra part with a flash-game annoyment :P
Are you a real Adventurer >redrawn III ith-drawings
Are you a real Adventurer >redrawn IV< ith-drawings
Are you a real Adventurer >redrawn V< ith-drawings
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn VI revenge of the Osterhasi) ith-drawings, some kind of story
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn VII the Frog fights back) ith-drawings, story of VI continued
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn VIII you have to ..... ) ith flashgame-task + drawings and 50 minute movie included
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn IX froggylosophy ) ith-drawings + 20 min froggylosophy movie
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn X, frogitude and pigtrepidity) Hero-Theme-ith+scout-ith(shorter version) some general puzzle tips in the tour afterwards
Are you a real Adventurer(redrawn XI,clues for cookie monsters ) ith-drawings+scout-ith ,cookie-monster clip
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XII, Knights & Castles ) Adventurestory with several kind of puzzles and ith-drawings
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XIII, Girls-Edition!) first appereance of Kara. A lot of comics in this Adventure about "female protagonist" in Games
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XIV, Detective & Crime) Start of a four Episode Quest with Kara, Comics with several puzzles within and ith
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XV, face your fear) Episode 2 of Karas Quest, with fear and horror -theme
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XVI, jump, run & fun) Episode 3 of Karas Quest, with jump & run theme live
Are you a real Adventurer (redrawn XVII, pixel & classic) ᅠEpisode 4 of Karas Quest, with a classic pixel-theme
ᅠᅠAre you a real Space-Adventurer (Episode I, pigs in space) first space-themed Adventure ith-drawings, all about space
Are you a real Space-Adventurer (Episode 2, the wrath of frog) space-themed Adventure , all about space
Are you a real Space-Adventurer (Episode 3,to the moon and beyond) complete Kara-Adventure story with pictures, several kind of puzzles and ith-drawings
Are you a real Space-Adventurer (Episode 4) interactive spacemap
Are you a real Adventurer (ride the sled-edition) flashgame-task ith with a small story behind
Are you a need to be an Adventurer mini-puzzle
Do you know my famous Adventurefrog forefathers? three artistic-picture puzzles with the frog, showing three different ways to hide links
onkfrogs Adventurer Training Camp easy ith-with drawings, and many background information how to solve adventure-puzzles
onks second Adventurer Training Camp ith-with drawings, how to handle details
Onks spooky Birthday Adventure! spooky special with ith and clickable picture-collage

*drawings= sometimes completly handdrawn, sometimes mixed with other pictures, picture aragements and so on

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9 years ago*

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Closed 9 years ago by onk.