I mean if I popped in and saw a notification that I won something I'd be redeeming that key asap, lol.

Sorry if this sounds weird or impatient or anything. I've only recently discovered steam (and steamgits) for myself as I never had anything close to proper hardware for games the years before. Still learning my way around everything!

Since I'm still a low level contributor, I can currently only create 3 giveaways. So far so good. One of my giveaways ended about a day ago, and the winner has been sent the key, and been online several times since but not looked at the key nor redeemed. If they hadn't been online (because holidays) I'd get that, but they WERE online. I would have loved to nudge them on here and be like, "hey, what's up, I see you are online but didn't redeem yet, is there a problem I can help with" but looks like I have no such option short of emailing them and I figured I should only use that option if there's trouble. The've been on SG longer than I (not that that's a hard feat) and previously accepted other keys so it's not like they wouldn't know what to do with mine, I think.

Is this sort of thing normal? I'd really like this giveway to be confirmed so I can start another one, I still have a few small giveaways here and there and what better time to do so than the holidays, but until that key is actually verifiedly taken, my giveaway counts as open and takes away a precious slot ;w;

And well I'd feel it'd be uncalled for asking for a new winner already when it's only been a day but it's just REALLY bugging me that the person was online and didn't have the 5 minutes to copy paste the key and verify. Why enter if you don't want the game... but again, it's not at a stage where I feel like I need to check with support. I'd just rather not sit on the key for a full week before asking for help either...

Or am I misunderstanding the online thing and it shows when you're online on steam and not steamgifts? That's probably not it but I'm just trying to figure out what the hold-up is XD And i'm just really dying to get those keys I'm probably never gonna use out there lest I forget about them, haha. It's really nothing personal against the winner, just... WHY. I wanna do another GA, please accept, k thx. XD

(Maybe I am impatient but it's Christmas and I am here sick in bed so I'm trying to get my mind off it by giving away stuff, what's not to like XD)

Cheers, and I hope none of you guys have to spend Christmas in bed, haha.

EDIT Thanks everyone for help this anxious gal out! You're all very nice <3

6 years ago*

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Yes. read the FAQ they have a week.
And i can show up online by being logged into a Pc I'm not using.

6 years ago

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I read the FAQ ^^ Hence I said it's not at the stage where I'd take action yet. I'm just hoping I don't have to wait the whole 7 days for them to confirm, haha.

6 years ago

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Yeah it's completely normal, although I understand it can be a bit annoying specially when you're waiting to get that slot back so you can make another GA.
But winners have 1 week to claim their games. Only after full 7 days have passed you can ask support to reroll due to "Unable to contact winner" or "Winner rejected gift".

Also just because somebody appears as online here doesn't mean they actually are. It might just be their bot entering more GAs (specially with low level GAs).

6 years ago*

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I didn't even know you can have bots entering GAs for you. I wonder what else I don't now XD

6 years ago

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Well, it's against the rules and you shouldn't but that doesn't keep lots of people from doing it anyway.

But there's probably other, legit reasons too for being online and not responding so it doesn't necessarily mean bot.

6 years ago

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I am barely getting started on SG and already the conspiracies run deep lmao. XD But thanks for the insight!

6 years ago

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Sometimes people don't redeem immediately. No matter what the reason is, they have up to 7 days, so you can't do much other than wait for that period of time to run out. Either they will redeem, or you reroll after that time has passed.
Welcome to Steamgifts :)

6 years ago

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Yeah, I read about the 7 days thing, hence I didn't take any action yet. XD It just surprised me!

6 years ago

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Cheers, and I hope none of you guys have to spend Christmas in bed, haha.

Depends on WHO you are spending the day in bed with. :P

6 years ago

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In prison it doesn't! You want to be alone in your bed :P

6 years ago

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Well.. that wasn't the kind of unwrapping I had in mind for today XD

6 years ago

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Think of it as a bonus if you are with your girl... Or guy if you are a girl.

6 years ago

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Why not both?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Suddenly prison seems a lot more appealing XD

6 years ago

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I usually wait (maximum 1 day) with the activation, because most of the time I notice that I won when I am at the school (and I only have mobile phone with me) or
in the bed at evening when the last steamgifts check (with mobile phone) is happening.
And because I cannot activate keys with mobile phone, I have to wait with that the next afternoon, when I gain acces to my computer.

6 years ago

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If you can log in to your Steam account on mobile browser, you can redeem keys here:

6 years ago

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You were faster!

6 years ago

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It is amazing, it is working, thank you. I didn't know that before.
Merry Christmas :)

6 years ago

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For some reason I was unable to do so on my mobile. When I clicked on "Continue" nothing happened. Don't know if it's the browser or if it doesn't work on mobile at all.

6 years ago

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I tried it, and I succesfully activated a game.
I used an android phone with the chrome browser.

6 years ago

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Something else then. I'm currently stuck with a Windows Phone.

6 years ago

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It's not unusual, especially at this time of year when people may be away from home or logged in while doing other things. It can be frustrating when you first get going, but you'll soon start to gain new giveaway slots.

Welcome to SteamGifts, by the way! Sorry to hear you have to spend Christmas ill in bed. Hopefully those keys will be marked received for you soon :)

6 years ago

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Is it unusual that I sang the beginning of your first sentence?

6 years ago

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Coming down with Tom Jones fever?

6 years ago

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That song is probably imprinted in the DNA of many generations xD

6 years ago

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Haha thanks. I'm still learning my way around and English isn't my first language, but I do think I understand for the most part, haha.

Now here's to getting healthy again.

6 years ago

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They might have went to Steamgifts on their smartphone, which would show them as being online but they wouldn't be able to redeem the game.
If you want more slots you could contact support and request more slots.

6 years ago

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No, it's okay, I'll wait my turn properly. I was just feeling iffy about it XD Guess it just means my GAs will be more spread out, maybe that isn't a bad thing.

6 years ago

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maybe its holidays and people have other things to do than immediately activate a won game, despite the other reasons ppl told you.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I legit didn't even think that hangover could be a possible cause. Now I feel sheltered lmao.

6 years ago

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There is no logical reason to wait with activating a won game, since its compulsory according to site rules. Therefore, any reasonable person will activate the game as soon as it is physically possible for him or her to do so.
However, you have no way to track whether a person realistically is capable of activating it based on tracking information on the site. Not unless you have a personal spy camera monitoring that person 24/7, that is.
Therefore, you are partially correct, but you cannot complain (at least not until 7 days have passed) because you don't know the person's real life situation.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I just wanted to check if this sort of thing is to be expected or if I ended up with the odd one out in one of my first GAs. After all I haven't had the time yet to see if this is the norm! Although I do hope I'll be around for a long time to come, haha.

6 years ago

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Generally speaking, by my experiences, a delay of 2 to 4 days isn't uncommon for either winners or GA creators. The majority of the time things get wrapped up on both sides within 2 days, but- regardless of what any site is showing you- stuff can often interfere, especially this time of year (or during any major exam period).


In my case, I often just don't have access to Steam Community or Client when I check the site, and then I'll end up getting busy with errands, sleep, etc. So it can take me a day- more if life is being lousy and distracting- to be able to grab a game. (Other times, Humble gift links just bug out, and it takes me a couple of days to get order resender to work properly.) Likewise, if I can't send a game out right away, then it typically takes me 2-4 days before I can send games out, due to my only typically having reliable free time on Wednesdays and Sundays.

I found the limited gift slots combined with seven day delay bothersome early on as well- but as you build up giveaway slots, and start to appreciate the mutual benefit of the 7 day wait period, you may come to find the design a lot more agreeable, as I did.

Of course, as noted above, bots- while either less present or less obvious in other giveaway formats- are a major issue within low level public giveaways. Given how many open indications we've had [ie, the posting of scripts with automated entry features built into them, users openly admitting to using such scripts, users who manage to enter a slew of giveaways within the same second (specifically, the second the giveaways were posted), and so forth], there's no doubt auto-joining is a major, and quite real, issue. How much of an issue, now that cg has started cracking down on it, is unclear, but it- and other rulebreaking- has historically been rampant on the site, with the core of those issues being encountered when making public giveaways (with those issues most reliably being found in level 0 and 1, and to a lesser degree, level 2 public giveaways).
If that's the kind of thing that troubles you, then you'll find that group or sgtools-filtered giveaways (or even just giveaways restricted to higher levels) provide a much smoother site experience.

Personally, I'm content to not have anything to do with low level public giveaways ever again- but the lovely thing about the site is, you have pretty open freedoms as far as being able to post giveaways in accordance to your own preferences. As such, you may want to play around with the various giveaway formats and level ranges, and see what approach works best to your own considerations. Perhaps, like many, you'll find the ability to give away to new users of the site worth the high risk of encountering exploitative users within lower level public giveaways.

It's worth noting that if your winner has any active rule violations (the most easy to check being game non-activations and multi-wins, both of which you can check through sgtools.info, with handy SG-embedded links via this script) they'll get suspended for those. If they're suspended, or have been suspended within the past month for any rule violation related to game activations, then you can get a reroll on their giveaway win, regardless of any other factors.

I've found that this and this are both also very convenient scripts, though there are plenty of scripts out there for you to consider, as per your own tastes. Just do us all a favor, and stay away from the enter-from-giveaway-list and automated-entry scripts, yea? :)


In short, delays can happen; you can minimize that by avoiding low level public giveaways, but otherwise, try and assume the best of us when we cause you delays- and we'll return that courtesy to you. :)

6 years ago*

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Like people above already stated, the person might be online on SG but unable to activate the key at that moment (login from their phone, not having immediate access to their PC etc).
Also I leave a tab with SG open in my browser while being AFK or playing games or whatever, that most likely shows me as online too (but I wouldn't see that I won because I'd be busy with something at that moment, you see) :)

Anyway, I always get nervous if my winner takes more than a day to activate their win, makes me paranoid that the key's not working :D

6 years ago

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I'm naturally anxiety ridden so I always wonder if I messed up big time thinking the error is with me when something goes awry, haha.

6 years ago

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If it is just about slots, you can make a ticket to support and ask for more slots.

E.g. "Still have 10 more games I want to give for christmas but people are not redeeming my GAs fast enough".

But not sure about the response time over the holidays ;->

PS: Wouldn't do that for 1 or 2 slots ;->

6 years ago

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Yeah I don't wanna open a can when I just joined a week ago or so. I was just curious and nervous all at once XD

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Du kannst auch in einem alten öffentlichen GA Deines Gewinners eine Nachricht vermerken. Oder auch auf dem Steamprofil des Gewinners, falls dort Kommentare zugelassen sind.
Aber gerade jetzt während der Feiertage würde ich den Leuten ein paar Tage einräumen, unabhängig vom angezeigten Status. Und wie andere Leute schon sagten, bloß weil man online scheint, ist man das längst nicht immer.

6 years ago

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Aha! Auch eine gute Strategie. Schon allein dafür lohnt sich dieser Thread haha.

6 years ago

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Sooooo, uuuh, guys? After reading some nice info in here I went to check their profile again and they're suspended for a month? Do I still wait the 7 days in that case? Since a month is arguably longer than that so I am guessing they wouldn't be able to pick it up within those 7 days anyways?

6 years ago

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And of the 6 GAs they previously won, 2 got removed. Sounds... dicey XD

6 years ago

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Thanks everyone for your help. I'll try not to get too anxious, haha. Ticket filed, now we hope for the best ^^

6 years ago

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And done.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! Time to grab some keys <3

6 years ago

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Make a support ticket and ask for a new winner.

6 years ago

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Go ahead and ask for a reroll

6 years ago

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Honestly I am often online without the ability to redeem the key - When I don't want my points to "overflow" I appoint them from my mobile phone but redeeming by it is a pain in the ass.

The person who has won the key may be on vacation or something :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Kijame.