Christ... I thought you were gonna share photos you took while in Paris, and now you made me feel sad and depressed. :(
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This seems to be an organised event, as there were multiple masked men involved in the shooting. Hostages are being kept in Bataclan, a concert hall in Paris. When the explosions occured near the stadium with an ongoing match, the president managed to get away and is now safe.
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Yep.. definitely coordinated and an organised event/attack. Definitely not 7-8 minor/mini/separate incidents happening all over the world paris... my question now is what or who will they strike or hit next.. or what or was their agenda.. I mean.. so far nothing very big apart from some hints or comments about syria as of yet.. haha lol.. :( :) (sorry ocd.)
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Man these things should not be happening... whats wrong with people?
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I understand that, however surely at some point you'd stop and think "naah this is ridiculous" instead of going on a killing spree
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Neo-Nazis are part of the religion of peace? (The person attacking children with a sword was a neo-nazi). I happen to live in Sweden (actually in one of the "worst" areas), and I can't think of anything worse going on here than a person going to a school and attacking children with a sword.
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Actually Fox News had a pretty solid coverage of this, CNN not so much.
The BBC and France24 coverages are still better but Fox actually surprised me this time...
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Islam has a real-world problem in that, while it publicly espouses peace and devotion to Allah, etc., it expresses itself in a vitriolic, violent, punitive, vengeful, oppressive, and murderous manner. And since religious Islam is the same as political Islam, its political efforts (political efforts are often violent) taint its religious efforts. Thus religious Islam IS as political Islam DOES, which makes Islam a permanently god-driven source of violence.
Islam is a detrimental entity, both to its adherents and to others.
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This is not the thread for this kind of debate, please if you wish to discuss things like this in a civil nature start a thread for it but I would advise against it.
Just my two cents.
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exactly some people dont know shit..
In the book (quran) for the muslims, you cant kill or murder. not even swear. its all against it. some people just dont wanna understand. some people use religion to there faults. tho, smart people know the truth! its individual thoughts from the terrorist. If all Muslims thought like this (the half of the world population is muslim) we would be dead already.
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I just heard from my National news and had a call to part of my family that lives in France: 18 dead, ten's of wounded and many hostages been taking and that the perpetrators are (again) Islamic terrorists.
Imho ALL so called refugee muslims should be denied entry in Europe as Islamic values aren't compatible with European values!!!!
Latest news: 30 people murdered by Islamic terrorist pigs and 60 people taken hostage by said pigs!!!!!
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By family members that live in France and heard on French news that the weapons, tactics, chants and prayers used by the perpetrators are (again) Islamic!
Remember Charlie Hebdo.
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Reports are coming in now from eyewitnesses that they were talking about Syria.
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Charliue Hedbo eh? Have you ever seen what they make? They even made fun about the tragedy of the russian plane crash. Its harsh to say this but they kind of deserved what happened. If my family member died in that plane crash and they make fun of it i might have taken a kalash too and go to France. Although still letting muslims into Europe in huge numbers is a mistake. If this will go on Europe will be done and a European Caliphate will replace it. ISIS already said they wont capture Europe by weapons. They will capture it by making lots of children inside EU. BTW Netherlands, Germany, France has already way too much islamic people. In a few years they will overtake the "native" people there. This is a way bigger crysis than it might looks. This could even lead to WW3 that noboddy wants but could easily happen if EU leaders keep up their beautiful work so far.
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Now I hear 40 dead and between 60 and 100 taken hostage.
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I would love to hear it's not this case... but unfortunately I have no doubts that will outcome later.
Muslims are assimilating with Europeans but in very small percentage. I have terrible informations how for example it really looks like in refugee camps in Germany.
It looks like too big diversity is wrong. We should help them. But mostly on their own ground and just giving money is also not an answer.
Also blame Obama for this what's happening in Syria. It's all politics, game of the greatest of this world. And simple people are suffering.
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Of course! That's one of my points. However we can't excuse their actions with this fact. Specially that it looks like some big guy is bullying other one much weaker in school and his way of solving problem is kicking butts of some innocent first graders.
PS. On Monday I'll be in Finland! For a whole hour :D.
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Maybe in a while, France and Germany haven't invaded their neighbours in a while. Then again that might come down so who knows... Maybe there is solution in sufficiently large areal integrations. As long as other areas don't meddle in when they shouldn't...
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Most of these refugees are not really refugees but people thinking they are coming to paradise, complaining about the free food and free shelter. Also they complain the Wi-Fi is too slow and the free clothes look out of fashion. People who are supposedly fleeing from war should not worry about their Wi-Fi speed and for this reason should not even get asylum IMO.
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Here we call them golddiggers and cloths and food donated by the local inhabitants are thrown away because they are not cool enough and they are not Halal!!!!
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Why the fuck keeping them? (once again it's not about those who really need help and who is interested in it)
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"Most of these refugees are not really refugees but people thinking they are coming to paradise, complaining about the free food and free shelter. Also they complain the Wi-Fi is too slow and the free clothes look out of fashion. People who are supposedly fleeing from war should not worry about their Wi-Fi speed and for this reason should not even get asylum IMO."
I am sure this is all true. No racism at all.
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The only goal of Islam is to assimilate all others so that at the end only Islam remains and I reiterate that Islamic values are not compatible with european values! Denying this is denying the light of the sun!
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Generally true.
However it's not like we are not capable of living as neighbours. Yet too quick assimilation progress is not giving any good result. Since beginning of Spetember I'm in Norway and it helped me to see this stuff better. From the good and bad side. Pros and cons. I'd love to treat everyone individually. There should be will from both sides, not only ours. Sadly we should say massive farewell to every other refugee that doesn't accept it.
On the other hand look how many fantastic Muslim people you can find on this site.
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I'm desisting from arguing with you but I have read a translated Koran and you should check up on words like Sharia, Jihad,Taqiyya, Tawriya, Kitman and Muruna.
Here in my country Islamic refugees will have to sign a declaration that the government stands TOTALLY ABOVE THE ISLAM, that there is FREEDOM OF RELIGION (In my country it's TOTALLY OK TO BE A JEW); that there is a TOTAL FREEDOM OF PRESS, that there is TOTAL GENDER EQUALLITY (Girls and woman are equal here to men and not treated like they are cattle); that it's TOTALLY OK TO BE GAY, LESBIAN OR TRANSGENDER, and that ISLAM IS TOTALLY BELOW THE LAW AND CERTAINLY NOT ABOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Also my dad is Dutch and my mom Is French and I have family in Paris and the lastest I heard from them is that they are safe, thank God, and that French news says that the perpetrating terrorist pigs are/were chanting allahoe akbar!
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Btw French news now reports 60 dead by ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!
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Your logic is flawed. There are Islamic Terrorists out there, and yes I agree I too hate them. But just because some idiot extremists do some bad things don't describe a whole religion, it doesn't describe its people. And yes these terrorists are pigs, but the Muslims are not.
With your logic West Boro Baptist Chuch means that all Christians are evil and hate Gays and freedom of rights. With your logic all white people are KKK.
I understand that you are pissed off, but the extremists don't even know how to read the Qur'an, nor can they interpret hadith properly (Boko Haram Leader cannot Source: CNN).
At this point everyone should understand that these extremists aren't doing it in the name of Islam, they are doing it for power. Just look at how much land ISIS controls, ISIS is quite literally worth millions of dollars. And they have a large sum of land with a lot of power. ISIS uses Islam in order to cover themselves up, and holy shit is it working well. Quite litterally everything ISIS does is directly forbidden in the Qur'an. Even if ISIS believes that holy shit this has nothing to do with Islam, they won't reveal themselves. They have indulged the media into believing their decieving cover and holy balls is it working well! People are turning against Islam due to ISIS, but they have millions in money and even more in land. Sorry to say this, but sometimes you have to open your eyes a bit more and look not just at Islam, but at ISIS's foundation itself.
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It's your logic and wishfull thinking that is flawed as I state again that according to sources like the UN, diverse European Governments, etc that 90% of terrorist attacks in the whole world are done by Islamic terrorists.
I just hear that 2 Islamic terrorists are (thank God) shot to pieces and that now 70 people are executed by these Islamic terrorists
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I just explained this.......they aren't fighting for Islam, they are fighting for power and control. You are stating a fact that I clearly contradicted to, read the last paragraph that I wrote again. I too am happy that they are dead, but "according to sources like the UN, diverse European Governments, etc that 90% of terrorist attacks in the whole world are done by Islamic terrorists" is not a valid contradiction, as I explained as to why not.
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Glad to hear they are all fine, anyways religious texts are known for their violence, this counts for christian works as well.
The problem is interpretation or rather the lack thereof. We will hear the details about the Paris thing tomorrow.
Then it's back to our daily routines and just waiting for the next city to be hit, because this will likely and sadly be a common 21st century phenomenon. I don't have an answer for this and I don't think anyone has, I guess we will have to wait for another big war.
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Latest French and National news here says that perpetrators are Syrian Islamic terrorists...
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I have the same depressing sentiment of Europe's future. The number of terrorist attacks and foiled terrorist attacks is increasing every decade. One solution is to restrict privacy and monitor citizens even more. Many attacks are foiled by spying on potential terrorists. But this is almost as depressing as just letting increasingly frequent attacks to occur. Either way, anyone who thinks that Europe can transfer form an non-believing/christian society into an ever more islamic society, and at the same time maintain a good healthy society is living a fantasy
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"Imho ALL so called refugee muslims should be denied entry in Europe as Islamic values aren't compatible with European values!!!!"
Ugh neonazis and racists like you are going to have a field day with this. As difficult as it may for you to comprehend most Muslims are just normal people, trying to live a normal life.
"European values"? What does that even mean? Not killing others? That's not a European value.
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To give you some idea what " European values " are:
Here in my country (BELGIUM) Islamic refugees will have to sign, if they wan't to stay in my country; a declaration that the government stands TOTALLY ABOVE THE ISLAM, that there is FREEDOM OF RELIGION (In my country it's TOTALLY OK TO BE A JEW); that there is a TOTAL FREEDOM OF PRESS, that there is TOTAL GENDER EQUALLITY (Girls and woman are equal here to men and not treated like they are cattle or inferior to men); that it's TOTALLY OK TO BE GAY, LESBIAN OR TRANSGENDER, and that ISLAM IS TOTALLY BELOW THE LAW AND CERTAINLY NOT ABOVE IT (no Shariah here), also there is NO RELIGIOUS POLICE here that tortures people!
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Values have to be positive, i.e. they need to stand for something. For human rights, for liberty, for freedom of religion, stuff like that. What you posted is negative, i.e. against something. Targeting a specific group of people is not a value, that's bigotry and hatred.
There is no need to sign anything like that because if it's against the law it's already against the law. There won't be a religious police to torture people because a police already exists and torture is against the law. People have a right to be homophobic or to be part of any religion but they (or the country itself) don't have a right to force others to be the same. Similarly, the state has no right to force anyone to not be homophobic.
And apart from that, it's just a kneejerk reaction that would achieve nothing. As if signing a document would prevent a terrorist from being a terrorist. Because that is what we are talking about here.
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Not only torture here is against the law but also ANY homophobic talk and behavior and antisemitism is against the law... There have been those that called Belgian women "whores and sluts" because they wear clothes that they didn't like been fined and jailed. Also in our constitution states that the government chosen by the people above 18 years old that are male OR female is above any religion and that includes the Islam.
Also in most countries were the Islam is above the government and were the Shariah is used there are NO human rights or any other freedoms like freedom of religion, sexual equality, sexual preverence, press and so on.
I see countries like for example Iran and Saudi Arabia like huge concentration camps were Syrian muslim refugees aren't even allowed entry into these countries and were foreign workers are treated and payed as sub-humans.....
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it might be muslims, but it might also be mossad stirring up stuff. I realize you have an immediate hostage situation to deal with over there, but be reluctant to take bigger steps like war until all the evidence is in. you don't want to make the same mistakes we did.
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Yes they are safe thank God, but latest news says more than 150 murdered and more than 100 wounded by what the news describes as Syrian Islamic ISIL terrorists.
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Yes thank God they are safe and that you could communicate with them, I can't imagine how worry I would be were it to happen somewhere I have family. I just watch a news report, so much senseless death and the wounded will never be the same... I can't find the right words for such a situation, it makes me so sad too see what the world has become...
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From BBC:
"One of the police officials said 11 people were killed in a Paris restaurant in the 10th arrondissement and about 15 killed in the Bataclan theatre, where there is an ongoing hostage crisis.
Paris' deputy mayor has told CNN there are 18 casualties, however."
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Reporting 6-8 armed people inside now looking through Bataclan for people hiding from them. The Military is organizing on the roofs around the Bataclan and moving quickly it sounds like.
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I think it's even too early to know who's behind it/why this is happening, LostSoulVL pointed that national news say this is Islamic Terrorists, but i have not read that yet
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Oh ofc not, this is just ludicrous and i really hope it doesn't get out of hand, just saying that when i was writing that reply there was not even a single clue
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Watch live news:
Use TunnelBear if you're not from UK.
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Military deployed in paris.
Some photos here. NSFW?
Even the people at the stadium felt the explosions. Holy shit.
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This is absurd, positive vibes and thoughts being sent to all in France and all with friends and loved ones in France.
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'there were five or six gunmen there and they mentioned Syria during their attack.'
just seen that on the bbc website
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At least 35 dead, 60 wounded and around 100 hostages already :(
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I'm discovering this horror. Schocked and full of rage against these scums
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Sooner or later we'll all die because the human kind is just destroying the planet, and its inhabitants; both, animals and humans.
It's a sad world we live in.
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Exactly. The worst "thing" on this planet are humans, and that's just a sad fact.
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There's no distinction between animals and humans. We are animals.
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Reporting 3 shootouts at different restaurants in Paris here as well.
EDIT - CNN Just reporting from live in Paris that eyewitnesses heard Allahu Akbar coming from the attackers. No confirmation yet.
EDIT 2 - BREAKING: reports of a fourth shooting happening right now in Paris at Place de la Republique @tomsteinfort
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44 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by cg
Happened less than an hour ago:
At least 26 people are dead40 dead.. This is happening way too often these days.There was a man with an automated gun, there are also reports of at least two explosions and hostages taken.
The reports are saying that there are at least 100 hostages.
France closes borders, declares state of emergency.
Hostages are being killed one by one.
Live updates:
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