
10 months ago*

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Thanks for posting the solution. Sadly there is no "one" steganography tool. For example I had tried this one:

You gave a few hints referring to RGB - how did that come into it?

9 months ago

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I tried a few steganography tools myself(4 to be precise).

honestly the RGB hints, see the writing in the color... those felt more like red herrings to me, they led me more towards image editing over other forms of encryption, and if you stare at the image long enough you would see what looks like might be letters in the leaves.

I spend a good 10+ hours on this over many days, many forms of encryptions, playing around with image edition tools, meta data, etc...

people should really test these kinds of puzzles using multiple different tools because it is frustrating to not be able to solve a puzzle because you don't happen to find the correct tool to solve it. I really hate forfeiting on things like this but I had to here.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Thanks for giving the solution, I learned something.

9 months ago

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Closed 7 months ago by ZenZen78.