I'd like to make you discover this excellent Roguelike: The Curious Expedition !

In this HTML5 game playable directly in your browser, you are a famous explorer of the 19th century and you need to find Golden Pyramids all over the world to gain fame.
Like many other roguelike, this one is not easy and you will die a lot. Or get crazy !

You can test it for free here during this week-end : http://free.curious-expedition.com/ thought they are doing some server maintenance at the moment so you will have to wait (That why I have the time to write this message. Otherwise, I would still be playing. :p)
It's still in alpha and they are updating every two weeks, adding more content, tuning things and squashing bugs. You can also buy it for 12$ if you like it.

And while you wait for the server to be up again, you can still watch the Alpha 6 trailer, the last version of the game at the moment.
So, anyone interested ? Tell me if you liked it (Once it's back) and if you plan to get it. I will know if I'm a good seller. :p

10 years ago*

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And it's back online if you want to give it a try. :)

10 years ago

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