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This. I'm confused what set the impersonator off? He could have tried to bullshit longer if he was smart. lol
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Trigger point was iPawdKing asking if was still the PayPal email. It is my email for getting stuff, not theirs. :P
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Scammer wants money. They would give their PayPal email when they finally convince the other user to trust them.
In this case, the other user asked them if the PayPal email is still my email address. That tipped them off that they were busted, and they had a hissy fit.
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And what a glorious hissy fit it was. That was the best part for me. I think I almost fell off of my chair laughing at it.
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Cause he was going to send the gift to the e-mail from steamrep (I'm guessing or that's what the impersonator though). Which would not have actually been the correct e-mail. Just not smart enough to say that he changed e-mails?
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Probably because the scammer doesn't want me to get the money. :P
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Indeed. This is where elements of a picture can help tell a story. The (1) on the end of his name was the other pointer.
I love the part:
"As you can see I have 155 positive rep and 0 negative"
"damn nice"
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Why don't impersonators just copy/paste the name of the person they're trying to impersonate. I've come across scammers in the past that have failed to use special characters (had a guy "from" Norway that failed to use an Ø, which just made his profile look very fishy).
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That was a hard cut in the middle xD
EDIT: the real Delta would have talked about being hungry at least one time in such a long talk btw :P
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Indeed. I also blacklisted the main on this site. They even activated a previously scammed Valve pack on it. :P
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Awww, I want an impersonator too :(
Btw, isn't it the same guy who scammed some people just few days ago?
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As far as I know it applies to everybody, even people who don't have a SG profile. However I don't think Delta's picture is considered calling out, since it doesn't give you any information on how to find the steam profile of this user (if you search for those names you'll just get profiles of people he impersonated before and they are not accused of anything).
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The guidelines refer indeed to the calling out of another SteamGifts user so maybe you're right. But I wouldn't risk it. Especially since the guidelines also prohibit some behaviors outside of SG (begging, specifically) with non-SG users. So I don't know. It was just a friendly reminder to proceed with caution. Would be a shame to get suspended because of an impersonator when you haven't asked for anything.
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Everyone on SG has complete access to view/read the SG rules/SG guidelines so one doens't need other SG users to say and point out what is allowed or not without having the experience, the competence and the moderating powers of a real, official SG moderator..
But those that call out a SG user for breaking rules that he may or may not have broken are themselves bending the SG rules by " backseat moderating " without being an official SG moderator.
The only mods on SG are the official ones who one can contact by using the support function of SG.
TL DR: Imho it's much better to leave the moderating in the hands of the official SG moderators.
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I don't think they're really calling the user for breaking the rules, just warning them of an impending ban.
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It looks like backseat moderating to me and the OP should not be " warned " because as a SG user he could and should already know that calling out is against the rules. OP is already 3 years on SG.
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And I guess your the type at a partie that can be heard from miles away and that tells people what they can or can't do...
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Nah, I'm saying to those that say things will happend to people when they do or don't do something and saying what people can or cannot do; to leave this over to real, official moderators.
OP has 3 years on SG, i think he's most capable to know what he can do or cannot do without other users telling him what to do or not. I've seen already to much backseat moderating; rules zealoting, wannabee mods and finger pointing on this site. If one thinks that a user has broken SG rules then there's the SG support function on this site.
Bottom line, again: Let the moderating over to the official moderators instead and all SG users could and should know the SG rules without other users saying what they can or cannot do.
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As near as I can recall, one of the main reasons for the "calling out" rule is to eliminate the possibility of someone being "burned at the stake as a witch", so to speak. I.E., if someone was being scammed by fake-Delta and didn't realize it was a fake account, and started warning everyone here about Delta being a scammer and everyone got all up in arms about something that wasn't actually real, that would suck for real-Delta. The no call-outs rule is intended to "protect the innocent", as the saying goes.
My real point is: the pic is probably fine. :)
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Delta, would you consider changing your link to the impersonator on your Steam profile to use the permanent Steam ID? As soon as he changes his custom url again the link won't work. Also, I'm pretty sure it is the same guy we were all commenting on just yesterday.
If someone is reading this and hasn't reported him yet, do so now on Steam. Impersonating another user is one of the reasons you can report someone. Just don't report the real Delta by mistake!
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C'mon Delta, that was rude of you. He asked a simple question. No need to get upset over an email address. :(
Serious though: I'm still puzzled by how there's not a unique user account name on Steam... I understand aliases, but then show the real account name as well.
Also the impersonator seems to have serious mental issues. I'll prescribe 20 slaps to the face.
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With them, they are doing this anyway.
DeltaBladeX (lower case L in Delta)
DeItaBladeX (upper case i in DeIta)
I do that on GameFAQs for several DeltaBladeX accounts. :P
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So this guy it wasnt you.I get this.I dont understand why he gets upset with the email account.He can say yes and then make an other email account with this name.Right?Did i give too much informations?I'm sorry i just dont understand this part.
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good read; & funny how they always pick users with
coherent Steam/Steamgifts name (for obvious reasons)
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I love how pretty much every scammer says "Look, I have xxx/0 trade ratio. I never scammed anyone and I definitely won't start now. I won't risk my precious reputation."
I think they should capitalize keywords to better show how much they are believable.
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Thanks to iPawdKing for the entertainment. :D
Too bad he wouldn't accept keys as thanks. Hope he wins some games soon.
Screen shot 1
Screen shot 2
Screen shot 3
A common impersonator, so I won't get to keep him for long, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
If I add you to trade, remember, I don't have shit. I'm not going to add people for trading.
Also proof that isn't me, when have I ever said ****?
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