Ahoy SteamGifters!

I have a private GA for Ron Gilbert et al's latest point & click adventure game - Thimbleweed Park™ - and I'm looking for level 2+ SG users to enter it. However, I'd really like to see it get played, so what I'm going to ask is for potential entries to nominate themselves by commenting on this discussion and explain why you should get a chance to win Thimbleweed Park™. It might be links to achievement stats for other completed point & click adventure games or with evidence of lots of playtime in other point & click adventure games (since many of the originals don't have achievements).

Please make it as easy as possible for me to check your assertions (i.e. for completed games, link to the achievement stats page for your Steam account, for playtime just link to your games list). I will NOT count any hidden object games (HOGs) or Telltale/Life is Strange type games towards your cause - they aren't really point & click adventures, sorry. If you pass my checks, I will send you a link to the GA via Steam - so please keep an eye out for a friend invite!

The GA closes at 12:30pm on Saturday 7th April.

(If you're a member of Actually Playing Games, please check the giveaways thread in the group forum to skip this check!)

Edit 1: the first bundle of friend requests and GA links have gone out -.if you haven't received anything but you didn't provide much information, then don't despair - just add a new comment with more details (given the above caveats) and I will reconsider your application.

7 years ago*

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I only discovered Thimbleweed Park when I got the email from GOG, but it was an instant wishlist on all platforms <3
My P&CV:
Anna's Quest
Face Noir Screenshot ...no sequal ;-;
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today Loved this one!
Goosebumps: The Game Childhood nostalgia...
LOOM one playthrough on Steam, countless others when I was a kid - my all time favourite!
Message Quest amaaazing art style, kinda short though
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock the flash version was good too
Soul Gambler
The Last Door
Through Abandoned
Through Abandoned 2

I'd ove to get get a chance =)

7 years ago

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oh, great gib.And I don't play for achievements, and sometimes without internet(so steam won't count hours and some achievements), but ok.
The Whispered World
Actually, I walked it through for three times. That's my favourite Daedalic-game, I love it even more than hyped Deponia/
very short and not very exciting
wonderful dilogy. Dark eye is more attractive for me, but Memoria has better puzzles.
The Last Door
Pretty interesting game, almost gem.
King's Quest
Only first chapter(all season was too expensive) and I didn't play old series. But this chapter was awesome ans kind of innovative
Kathy Rain
meh-product. Not so bad, but very simple
The Charnel House Trilogy
just a gore, my girlfriend was really upset with this game, of course, the plot of this game just disastrous
The Inner World
marvellous game, I have review on it. Almost Daedalic.
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
again great daedalic game. Good jokes, nice(and a bit sad, like always) story and atmosphere.
Daedalic, good again. Trilogy was almost masterpiece with own logic(and that's outstanding. You understand, that some thing is mad, but you understand also, that this is deponia-like and it should work. And it works, after all). But Doomsday, oh, that is some autocommunication, game has good moments, but very subordinate in the core idea.
dropped on the last chapter, wasn't so interested and.. Bugs. Sometimesfunny bugs.
Broken Sword 5
BS 5 - the worst thing, Lots of stupid jokes, lots of bad taste, lots of bad animations, terrible story. I don't know, this is catastrophe
Anna's Quest
dropped after another stuck. I don't use solutions at all, so if I stuck, that means end of the game for me.
Detective Grimoire
nice little thing. I even went to play flash-prologue after finishing this.

Some games in Steam without achievements, but these were great.
Broken Sword 1-2(great first game and controversial second one)/ Culpa Innata - (hidden gem)/ Loom (japanese fm-town version, of course)/ Space quest (I'm not hardcore enough to play original, so only vga-remake)/ Still Life (stylish and Still life 2 was a mess, so only first game)/ Syberia's (no, I'm not that fan, but this is nice games).
And dozens of games before steam

7 years ago*

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Let's have a little bump to make sure people see this in time.

7 years ago

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Hi, I'd really like to have a chance. Unfortunately I don't have lots of play time on my steam account, but I used to play the original Monkey Island series on my 386dx. I also completed The Loom, The Dig, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, the Indiana Jones series, Maniac Mansion etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thimbleweed Park!!!

Point'n'Click adventure games are my most favourite genre of all, I literally play them since Leisure Suit Larry on my Atari ST followed by Monkey Island, Space Quest, Loom, Indiana Jones and the likes on my Amiga and so many others in boxed versions before Steam. Haven't got any proof for those playthroughs for many of them, naturally, but I'll see what I can find from my adventures on Steam :)
Would love to get a chance on TP <3

Played and mostly finished p&c games:
Dead Synchrnicity
Kathy Rain
Anna's Quest
The Silent Age
The Journey Down: Chapter One (has no achievements, but I have 7 hours playtime, which was enough to finish it)
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow
Message Quest
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock
Milkmaid of the Milkyway

Currently playing:
King's Quest
The Frostrune

and so many more not on Steam. Played and loved The Longest Journey and Dreamfall (boxed), The Runaway series (boxed), The Blackwell games (on GOG), Black Mirror (boxed), The Whispered World (boxed), the Syberia games (also have them boxed), the Myst games (they had some great boxes, too) and many many more.

7 years ago

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Another quick bump for those who might have missed out...

7 years ago

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Hi, thank You for this giveaway!
I am big fan of point&click adventures and also quest games. I have not so many evidences on steam.

The Dark Eye: Chains of the Satinav. Completed.

Whispered World. Not completed, not like it

Life is Strange. Now gaming.

My wishlist. 90% are adventure games. (not adventure games are for my wife :) )

Completed without Steam (CD or loaned from friends. 10 or more years ago):
Longest Journey
Syberia 1,2
Myst, Riven, Myst3, Myst4
Broken Sword 1,2,3,4
Black Mirror 1,2
The Hero
Secret Files 1,2
Perry Rhodan
Runaway 1,2,3
7th Guest
Agatha Chriestie: And then there were none
Agatha Christie: Evil under the Sun
Agatha Christie: Murder of the Orinet Express
Cleopatra:Queens Destiny
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder
Death Gate
Destination Treasure Island 1,2
Echo: Secret of Lost Cavern
Egyptean Prophecy: The Fate of Ramses
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy
Gabriel Knight 2
Phantasmagoria 1,2
In Memoriam
Sinking Island
Jack Keanu
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Law and Order 3: Justice is Served
Legend of Prophet and Assassin
Legend of Prophet and Assassin 2: Secret of Alamut
Lost Eden
Lost in Time
Moment of Silence
Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy
Post Mortem
RealMyst 3D
Secrets of DA Vinci: Forbidden Manuscript
Still Life 1,2
Sydney Mystery

Unfortunately not played a lot of old masterpieces from Sierra and LucasArts
Grim Fandango
Monkey Island series
Day of the Tentacle
Larry series
Indiana Jones series

If You think, that I am eligible for Your giveaway, thenk it would be great!

7 years ago

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these are the games with a point & click tag i have finished in steam:

i have also tried some other games for a bit but not enough and i have finished some HOGs and Telltale games too but as you said you don't count those

7 years ago

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Watched Thimbleweed Park on Cry's channel and instantly put it to my WL, that kind of art in p&c attracts me.

Some of the games I've finished. :]

7 years ago

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Point and click is one of my favorite genres - with a focus on slow, methodical gameplay, great dialogue, and wonderful characters. Thimbleweed Park has been highly recommended by friends of mine whom I trust.

I never thought I'd see the day where my obsessive achievement hoarding helps my cred. I'm still new to the forums, so I apologize if the formatting is ugly as hell.

I have some more point and clicks I haven't finished (like Cognition and Heaven's Hope) but I'm less enthused to share those, mostly because I stopped playing because I disliked them. Other games I've finished that don't have achievements tied to them are games like the Longest Journey, Syberia I (not on steam) and II and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

If it's not too presumptuous, I'd also be interested in joining the Actually Playing Games group - how would I go about doing that?

Thank you for your consideration!

7 years ago*

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I own an original 1.0 copy with all original material, advertising, etc., of King's Quest 1 on 360K 5.25" floppy that I pre-ordered when I was like 10 years old. It is in mint condition. For the rest of the audience, in case they're not familiar, this is the first fully animated graphic adventure in gaming history. Not sure how much it's worth, but I've been meaning to try to contact Roberta Williams just to find out how rare my copy really is.

I solved all of the original KQ games (1-5 plus Mask of Eternity) and own the new Telltale series. I solved all six original Space Quest games as well, along with dozens upon dozens of others (all of the original Zork trilogy, Hitchhiker's Guide, etc). I even used to write my own text adventure games back in the 80s when I was a kid.

I have played so many point-and-click (and text) adventure that it would make your head spin...pretty much every LucasArts game every made (I still have a copy of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on 3.5" floppies)...even that second-rate Space Quest rip-off, Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender-Bender. :D

So yeah, pick me. :)

7 years ago

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Bump for those of you who might have missed this.

(Another wave of invites is going out this evening, FYI)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by kelnage.