SG International Movie List

So yeah, I might've been a bit stupid some time ago and buy too many Mystery Bundles from Fanatical... :))) I got some pretty good stuff, but i already got about 70% of games I got, so here they are! (TRAIN ENDED)
Instead of bumping (you can still simply do it, but it is less fun) I would like you to write some of less known, but great movies from your country. I love movies and probably watched somwhere around 2000 of them :D It could be my biggest hobby (even bigger than gaming). So because I watched so many of them, I'm pretty bored. I love to discover new movies and especially from countries that haven't got Hollywood :D Don't get me wrong, I also love films from USA, so if you are American and have fantanstic movie to share, feel free.

Of course I will start :D I'm from Poland (you know, Ku.wa country) so here are mine:
Dom zły (eng. The Dark House) - great thriller set on polish countryside in the 70s-80s.
Ostatnia rodzina (eng. The Last Family) - biopic about Zdzisław Beksiński and his family (you probably know some of his paintings)
Jestem mordercą (eng. I'm a Killer) - thriller inspired by true events. It is set in the 70s and follows a case of The Zagłębie Vampire.
Film balkonowy (eng. The Balcony Movie) - documentary about pretty normal people, but I personally love it. Director simply set a camera on his balcony and for about a year, talked to people that went by
Nóż w wodzie (eng .Knife in the Water) - movie from 1961 about three people that go on a boat trip. At first it sounds not very great, but it's great. Fun fact - it's one of the first movies of Roman Polanski, one of the greatest polish directors (The Pianist) and husband of Sharon Tate

I didn't expect that thread will be so active :D I will try to make a list consisting movies that are recommended here. If you want to help, you can also share legal websites and YT Channels that offer movies for free. Many of National Film Institutes and similiar institutions share some of their movies for free in some form, so if you want to contribute, feel free :D

9 months ago*

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Some of my favorite movies from Germany imo worth a watch.

Berlin calling
Who am I
23 Nichts ist so wie es scheint

9 months ago

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Great recommendations! I only heard about Who Am I before so I have five more movies to check out :D

9 months ago

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By now you've probably already realized that almost anything involving Moritz Bleibtreu can be recommended. ^^

9 months ago

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Troma have a long history of low-budget, mostly horror comedy films. As with the best of American independent cinema, a large part of their philosophy is to work in open rebellion against the omnipresent Hollywood juggernaut. They produce films in-house and also put out films by people who would otherwise have no distribution at all. The first set are generally the better ones, and are the source of most of my personal recommendations which are

The Toxic Avenger series
The Class of Nuke 'Em High series
Terror Firmer
Troma's War
Tromeo and Juliet

9 months ago

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Tromeo and Juliet is the first movie James Gunn worked on (famous for guardians of the galaxy)

9 months ago

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Thank you for that! I love this type of movies with all of my heart... At least once a month I need to watch something like that to cleanse my palette :D

9 months ago

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Iranian here. I can proudly recommend A Separation, which won the 2012 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It’s a great watch.

9 months ago

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Oh man... one of the few things I really missed due to quarantine was going to the cinema. The first one I saw after almost 2,5 years, was by the same director. Ghahreman / A Hero. Like all films from your country, it was very humane, but I would rank it a little lower than your suggestion or Bacheha-Ye aseman / Children of Heaven. You have great filmmakers.

9 months ago

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A Hero was meh but Children of Heaven is awesome
I also recommend Kiarostami movies (the real underrated ones) :
Certified Copy
Taste Of Cherry
Close Up ------> crazy fact : based on true story and actors are playing their real life roles
Where is friend's house
Since he has his own style I recommend watch the last one at the end and see others first to see if you like his style or not

9 months ago

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Why meh? If you wanted to say that your filmmakers have set the bar too high, so that a fairly good movie to look mediocre, I can understand that. The transition from hero to anti-hero was very smooth. The scene where the anti-hero (protagonist) entered while the new hero exited from the same door, was one of the simplest and well-done relief scenes.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions! I think I've only seen Taste Of Cherry from Kiarostami. I'm not saying this negatively, but it's a good example of how a good script can elevate (hope that makes sense) a film, without needing a big budget.

9 months ago

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If you wanted to say that your filmmakers have set the bar too high, so that a fairly good movie to look mediocre, I can understand that

Exactly that's the main reason, The atmosphere and short story was almost same as other Iranian movies. I don't wanna compare Farhadi and Kiarostami but each Kiarostami's movies have their own different atmosphere from every other movie in Iran while Farhadi's movies aren't. However both are unique at finishing the story
Edit : Should've used summary instead of short story sorry

9 months ago*

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I don't know about the short stories, but the atmosphere is something that one looks for, when he wants to "travel" through the film (perhaps the short stories will contribute to this as well). Let's say to learn new cultures.
Regarding the debate, you seem to know a lot more, so I'll take your point. And I will try to see the rest of your suggestions asap. :)

9 months ago

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Of course I know Farhadi's movies (I even watched A Hero in cinema few months ago). It is very interesting for me how many great creators come from Iran. Farhadi, Kiarostami, Panahi are probably most well known but still. Every time I see something from Iran at some festivals, I need to check it, because many times I was pleasantly suprised

9 months ago

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Watched all four Fahradi's movies, highly recommended.

9 months ago

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Zhou (or Incantation) from Taiwan

9 months ago

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I love Asian horror movies so recommendation from Taiwan is a must see for me :D

9 months ago

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I'd rather recommend the last foreign film I watched which is Cold Case Hammarskjöld. It's an absolutely mind-blowing documentary.

9 months ago

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sounds like an scandinavian thriller, which instantly remembers me of The Killing, which is the english remake of Forbrydelsen, this was a great show

9 months ago

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ahh, Forbrydelsen was great!
But I liked Broen even better ; )

9 months ago

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Those type of docs are one of my favourites. I really like this mystery type investigation movies where we learn new stuff with creators. Probably most well known is Icarus from Netflix (a bit different topic but still, story is wild). I will definitely check it out in a free time

9 months ago

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Umm. I don't know how popular NZ movies are outside of NZ. But here's a few for starters.

Fresh Meat
Eagle vs. Shark
Hunt for the Wilderpeople

9 months ago

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Many great Taika Waititi movies :D Actually Hunt for the Wilderpeople was the first movie that I watched from him and instatly loved his style.
When it comes to Braindead it is so insane that it's Peter Jackson movie... The same dude who few years later would make Lord of the Rings trilogy...

9 months ago

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They are, here´s one of my all time favorites

Once Were Warriors
& also (partly NZ) The Piano

9 months ago

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I would also say that they are known. I have seen 60% of the ones you mention. And an honorable mention in the movie: What We Do in the Shadows. 🙃

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Thank you! Very titled movie that I haven't heard about before. Deffinitely will check it out

9 months ago

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Not from my country but PK from India is awesome

9 months ago

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Indian movies are so unexplored for me... Because of different approach for making movies it's so different but at the same time so interesting. I think when RRR came last year it was a bit of a break through for me cuz for a long time I only imagined Bollywood as dancing, singing and very funny special effects

9 months ago

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I really can't recommend little known French movies because the best French movies are the only ones going international so they're most likely very well known already, and tend to be melodramatic so I'll forget my adoptive country and just go back to my home country to spam you with a few lesser known Canadian movies (which is pretty much Canadian cinema in a nutshell) off the top of my head
Hard Core Logo
Rebelle aka War Witch

oh and these batshit crazy little indies from the US too

Making the list, I had a few like Incendies that were actually nominated for Oscars so I didn't include them but then again so was War Witch and very few people have actually seen this one. Since you don't seem to mind non-English speaking movies, have you thought of checking out the Best Foreign movie category at the Oscars to see what you may have missed?

9 months ago

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Thanks for recommendations, especially I know other movies from those first two creators. And of course thanks for the crazy ones too because it is always a pleasure to watch those :D
I chcecked Best Foregin categories at Oscars and Golden Globes but they are pretty well known most of the times. When it comes to the newer movies, I always check some European festivals (like Cannes, Berlinalie, Vienna etc.) and when it comes to English speaking movies I try to check eg. Sundance but still. It is only a small portion of "good" movies

9 months ago

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When it comes to the newer movies, I always check some European festivals (like Cannes, Berlinalie, Vienna etc.)

That's a good way to go. Some are hard to find even after they make the rounds though.
For English speaking movies, I recommend TIFF and SXSW rather than Sundance.

9 months ago

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Some great Belgian movies are:
Linkeroever (Left bank) 2008 - Horror / Mystery (6 Imdb score)
Rundskop (Bull head) 2011 - Crime / Drama (7,3 Imdb score)
De behandeling (The treatment) 2014 - Crime / Mystery / Thriller (7,1 Imdb score)
Loft (Loft) 2008 - Crime / drama / Mystery (7,3 Imdb score)
De zaak Alzheimer (The Memory of a Killer) 2003 - Action / Crime / Drama (7,2 Imdb score)
L'Enfant (The Child) 2005 - Crime / Drama / Romance (7,4 Imdb score)
The Broken Circle Breakdown 2012 - Drama / Music / Romance (7,7 Imdb score)
Black 2015 - Action / Crime / Drama (7,0 Imdb score)

9 months ago

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Thanks for awesome movies! I actually never saw any of them, even tho I heard about like half of them...

9 months ago

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I felt it were some solid movies, all very different than your typical Hollywood movie. I enjoyed them all. Especially Rundskop and Loft. Loft actually got a remake with a Hollywood cast in 2014 by the same Belgian director, but I prefer the Dutch speaking one I mentioned above.
You will also see that a lot of these movies star Matthias Schoenaerts. He's just a very good Belgian actor that chooses good movies to star in (imo). ^^
Oh, I forgot to mention. All are either in Dutch or French, even if they have an English title.
Have fun with your new arsenal on movies! ^^

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9 months ago

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A big thumbs up or two smaller ones for The Broken Circle Breakdown. I ♥ this movie!
🎵 In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight... 🎶

9 months ago

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You've got great taste 😉👍
I was contemplating if I should include it or not because musical films aren't to everyone's taste. But it is a great story and an amazing soundtrack.
I'll keep my eye out for some of your recommendations as I'm going to Greece next week 😊

View attached image.
9 months ago

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😄 What a lovely scene this is. I hope you remember who else had her head covered.

The movies from my country, which I mentioned, I am pretty sure have at least been released with English subtitles.
I could also mention a few dozen from about 50-70 years ago, which almost all Greeks have seen, but it would be waste of time, because I don't think there will be subtitles in another language. :(

9 months ago

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I need to rewatch it. It's been a while... (๑♡⌓♡๑)
Unfortunately I don't speak Greek. So that's ok, but thank you. And I'm not going to Greece to watch movies, those are for home. I'll be too busy enjoying the amazing food, sun, people and atmosphere when I'm there anyways. ^^
I will check out Έτερος Εγώ on Youtube soon though. Looks like a film right up my ally.

9 months ago

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I regretted asking. My enthusiasm sometimes leads me astray. 😢
As for the songs you mentioned above, I think they suited the film, which is not a musical. And I actually listen to its soundtrack quite often. :)
Tina, I have sent you a friend request on Steam. I'm writing it here because I don't know if it will show up in notifications.

9 months ago

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Oh no worries about it. It's been 10 years and my memory isn't what it used to be. Sorry I couldn't remember. I actually forgot about this film until I mentioned it here again, looking up good Belgian films. ^^
Yes for sure. It made me long to go visit the States, which I did a couple years later, enjoying the east and south. Enjoying the music and atmosphere. I really should listen to it again as well. ^^
Accepted, see you there

9 months ago

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You could add "C'est arrivé près de chez vous". It's a bit older and has a great dark humor.

9 months ago

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I haven't seen that one yet. I'll check it out, thanks ^^

9 months ago

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Hmm, I don't really watch that many movies, even less French ones... But there's one French filmmaker whose movies I like a lot though they're generally pretty weird and not always made in France... That'd be Quentin Dupieux.
Oh and just remembered one (non-Dupieux) movie I saw on the big screen and quite liked:
Adieux les cons

(No idea if they fall in the little known category though...)

9 months ago

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I actually seen Deerskin and of course Rubber from him :D I still need to check Mandibules because it sound like the most batshit crazy of them :D

9 months ago

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Haha, yeah it was pretty crazy :D

9 months ago

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Some Turkish Movies:
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
Burning Days
Something Useful
Time to Love
Times and Winds

9 months ago

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Thank you! I actually wanted to see Burning Days in cinema few months ago but didn't have time... ;(

9 months ago

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you've missed the classics like Wściekłe Pięści Węża or Sarnie Żniwo ;)

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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You need to introduce the world to the great Polish cinematography by small steps ;)

9 months ago

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Wow thank you! These are really not-very-known movies. Ròm seems like the most interesting for me but I will try to check them all out

9 months ago

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Rom is said to be difficult to watch, not in the form of commercial or ordinary entertainment films.
However, I think you will enjoy it.

9 months ago

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Being from Austria and the film business being as it is the task seems big at first, most productions, especially in Europe, seem to go across borders..also I have to admit I mostly lost interest in Austrian/German PoVs (quite literally - i don´t like the camera work) for like the past 2 decades or so.. Scandinavia & Asia seem much more appealing to me. Being a filmbuff tooI´ll try my best and provide you with a couple of more or less useful links in what seems to become a chaotic little essay : )
Let´s start at home: Das Dunkle Tal/Dark Valley was quite impressive & brings to mind Siebtelbauern/Inheritors from a little earlier. Also there are a few names to be dropped, more or less known internationally, see whether you can find some of their work..
Barbara Albert;Josef Hader, Jessica Hausner, and last but not least Michael Haneke
On to my big neighbour, I have no idea why only one (Marriage of Maria Braun) of his movies was mentioned sofar, but pls have a deeper dive into R.M.Fassbinder, I couldn´t single out a movie of his, actually he immediately brings to mind two older French must-sees, Themroc & Luc Bessons first long film Le dernier combat/The Last Battle
To conclude our quick French lessons with Belgian C'est arrivé près de chez vous aka Man Bites Dog and then kind of back to Germany with filmmaker Werner Herzogs Grizzly Man as an introduction to his magnificient documentary work, tho an American production. I really recommend checking out his other recent documentaries!
Moving on and finishing up, can´t live without Kaurismäki, start easy with Leningrad Cowboys Go America ,work your way back from The Other Side Of Hope, or wait to see Fallen Leaves in a couple of weeks in the cinema ; )

9 months ago

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Those are some marvelous recommendations! Of course I know some of creations from Haneke and Herzog, but also Kurismaki, Albert and Hausner (mostly newer ones). But still, maybe because I started to deep dive more into cinema only few years ago, many older movies are still unexplored for me. So thanks for all

9 months ago

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I watched Dom zly long time ago, and maybe because I didn't know a lot about the history of the country it got me a bit bored :(.

About movies from my country, I don't really watch a lot of chilean movies (I have enjoyed argentinian movies a bit more), but one of my favourites, without being a highlight, would be Mi Mejor Enemigo (My Best Enemy).

Machuca is also really popular around this sides, and Matar a un Hombre (To Kill a Man) had some interesting stuff going on, but I have watched way better thrillers.

9 months ago*

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Thanks for recommendations! The only Chilean movie I watched befor was Una mujer fantástica and it was good so I will definitely check your propositions :D

9 months ago

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Sorry, don't have any suggestions.

9 months ago

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No problemo :D

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Never heard of it but at first sight it looks like it could be a cult classic for some people

9 months ago

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Spanish Cinema is full of great movies and great directors, and it's hard for me to say if a movie is a hidden gem or not, so I could list hundreds of films, but I'll make an effort and try to only name 10 movies that aren't perfect, but I considered are not as known and celebrated as they deserve.

  • Tesis (1996; Directed by Alejandro Amenabar): This great thriller was the debut of the director and even if it is a well known and award winning film, I believe that it is kind of getting forgotten, so I have to recommended it.

  • Intacto (2001, Dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo) another great thriller and also another debut, this one is truly an underrated gem about the luckiest man alive, a Casino and russian roulette.

  • El oro de Moscú (2003, Dir Jesús Bonilla) This one is a really silly comedy about a secret treasure and perhaps not really a good movie, but I do beleive that it is worth it if only for the cast.

  • Blancanieves (2012, Dir Pablo Berger) A very spanish version of Snow White in black/white and silent, a really beautiful film.

  • Barrio (1998, Dir. Fernando León de Aranoa) A movie about three young boys in a city that is not easy on them.

  • ¿Quién puede matar a un niño? / Who Can Kill a Child? (1972, Dir. Narciso Ibáñez Serrador) I have no idea why this movie is not on the top ten of every list of best horror film. It is really a film ahead of its time.

  • Venus (2022, Dir. Jaume Balagueró) a mix between urban thriller and cosmic lovecraftian horror. Again, probably not the best movie, but it has very redemable qualities. specially its photography and aesthetics.

  • Akelarre (2020, Dir. Pablo Agüero) Visually potent movie about "witches" in the XVII century.

  • La corte de Faraón (1985, Dir. José Luis García Sánchez) Another silly comedy, this time about Censorship, again with a great a colorful cast of great actors.

  • El espinazo del diablo / The Devil's Backbone (2001, Dir. The Devil's Backbone ) I'm not sure if this count as an spanish or mexican film, but either way is a great gothic tale that shows the talent of Del Toro as a visual storyteller.

9 months ago

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I'd also add Los amantes del Círculo Polar and other Medem's movies to your list. Also Balada triste de trompeta by Álex de la Iglesia, it's an absolute delight.

9 months ago

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Yes, they are essential filmmakers and can easily add their movies to any top list of spanish films and it is really hard to name just 10 movies. From Medem's filmography I would say that the most underrated one is Caótica Ana (2007) and from Álex De la Iglesia I would recommend Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (2013).
I need to add Isabel Coixet's works too, she is another great and talented filmmaker, and I have to recommend Mapa de los sonidos de Tokio (2014).

They are truly masters of their craft.

9 months ago

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Wow, thanks guys! I actually known before only Del Toro movie, so I have a lot to catch up on

9 months ago

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some Indonesia movies :)
The Raid: Redemption Action, Crime, Thriller
Dilan 1990 Drama, Romance
What's Up with Cinta? Drama, Romance
Satan's Slaves Drama, Horror, Mystery
The Queen of Black Magic Drama, Horror, Mystery

9 months ago

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I only watched The Raid (and it is great action movie) so I will check others,, especially the horror ones :D

9 months ago

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if you dont mind with series, i would like to suggest this one Blood Curse it's out this year and also horror :D

9 months ago

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You need to watch this Armenian masterpiece by Parajanov:
The Color of Pomegranates

9 months ago

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Oh wow, this is a country I didn't expect! But deffinitely will watch it (it seems a bit lyrical/poetic and I like those type of movies)

9 months ago

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Welp, looks like I'm another Pole here! I don't usually watch Polish movies, but still, one movie I haven't heard about at all until right before putting it on is Krótka historia czasu - it's got Damięcki playing the lead, a uni guy torn between two girls in two different timelines. There's no technobabble to really dwell on, but then there's also no crazy twists and turns you'd expect out of a time travel story, so it's a rather slow watch...

9 months ago

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Of course first thing I got after searching was a Stephen Hawking's book :D

9 months ago

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I'm from Germany but very rarely watch German movies. But here's the ones I actually like. The first two are kinda know internationally (I believe) the last one is a lesser known Horror movie, but I found the premise quite interesting.

Die Welle (2008 ‧ Drama/Thriller)
Das Experiment (2001 ‧ Thriller/Drama)
Ich seh Ich seh (2014 ‧ Horror/Thriller)

9 months ago

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First two I was familliar with but the third one looks nice

9 months ago

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I don't watch many Italian movies, they're all either too much talkative or too much (cheap) comedic. I can recommend one from 1999 that was filmed in my city, where it's very well known, unlike the rest of the country, LaCapaGira.

9 months ago

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Ok, interesting. Looks like some small indie comedy from between the eras. I will check it out.
When it comes to Italian movies I watched few and I thing last good one was Perfetti sconosciuti

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

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