Waxlor adviced me to post it here.

I seen in the last weeks very lot of people that push themself with $1 Bundles.
Mostly 30 Games for that price. And all costs $10-20 in the steamshop = $1.5 - 3 real cv for each game (= $45 - 90 real cv).


As example result: lvl 4 with only 3 or 4 $1 Bundles + 4 or 5 small other GA's.
That can't be the way sg should work.

I think the $1 Bundles should be handled in a other way then the normal Bundles.

Such things demotivate me each day more to give Games (real games, not DLCs/$1 Bundles/Shovelware crap) out and i am near on stop my GA givings.


Because a lot don't interested on anything (only a little part look in the discussions and from them 68 hash brown poll votes) and a lot use the $1 Bundle/Software Bundle etc. possibility to push there accounts it is clear that such a poll go in that direction.
But when you look closer on the poll you see that MORE want a change to 0CV or 1% (202) then say "let them exploit" (180).
I think because of that the chances to change anything should be not so small.

I talked to knsys...

Thanks friendly regards

My suggestion is against the (very much) people that give away 10 copies+ of the $1 Bundles. Not against the (few) ones that give them 1 or 2 times.

6 years ago*

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You realise your own account, with only giveaways for groups/whitelists and "private" that never seem to exceed 50 people are suspicious too right?
I mean, it looks more like you're in a CV-circle scam yourself. Just on first impressions.

So yeah, everyone got their own method for CV, why is yours "correct" while cutting off 99% of the site compared to someone else using $1 bundles for all?

6 years ago

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Well said, I also noticed that the OP seems to be a part of these glorified trading groups where people pretty much exchange CV. But God forbid someone even considering giving away their spare keys from bundles!

Btw, you yourself have a billion of Invite Only giveaways starting soon(tm), I wonder if you are preparing some kind of an "event"? :D

6 years ago

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I am in no trading group but good that you know more then i.
You waste your and my time with such a bulls***

6 years ago

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You might want to hover over my join date ;)

6 years ago

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Aaah, I see. Happy early cake day! :D

6 years ago

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If you look past all those you find I'm currently giving the bundle the OP complains about to level 1+ users.
With 3 days left all of them already have 200+ entries, and likely will reach much more as the enddate draws near.

So it's not like these are unwanted or anything 0_o

6 years ago

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Yeah I know, I'm strongly against shitting on bundled games just because they are/were bundled ;) Almost all of the games I buy, play & give away come from bundles, after all :)

6 years ago

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I avoid to give my Games public by so much autojoiners and bots out there. Last try i gave to it was a lvl 2 req. and after the GA ended i looked very closly on all entries. I BL then 180 from 340 that entered that GA. I don't need such experiences.
My Invite only GA's can seen from each one that looks into the discussions. It give often a bump into my thread.
I don't know what looks "suspicious". But it is free for everyone to think whatever he/she wants.

I don't understand what your CV-circle scam yourself sentence should say.

6 years ago*

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"CV-circle scam"
Small example
Group 25-50 people with rules maybe "Wishlist only games" "and the rule to create a new giveaway after a win"
Person(1) creates a Witcher 3 Giveaway - People from the group who want it join the GA
Person(2) who won it - creates a Giveaway for Fallout 4 which person(1) and/or others want
Person(3) who won it - ...... :p
Grab $ 500 for GAs and get back nearly or more than $ 500 in Games form your WL + CV and the possibility to join other highlevel GAs

Combine that with trading and sales = profit

The people still spend money but ......

6 years ago*

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Thanks for the explanation.

I am in no group that have a you must give each month this or that rule or a after the win you must make a GA for wishlisted games.
I don't like such rules -but can understand that they are used- because of my health issues i can't say it is each time a normal way it goes. Maybe i have have pain and don't want do anything or cant. Before i maybe can't fullfill the requirements i don't go into such a group.
I am only in groups with no give rules or only with 1:10 (give 1 and can win 10 before must give again anything).
Made me that way no pressure and i can give whenever i want.

6 years ago

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I'm glad someone else noticed. It makes the irony of this thread even more amusing.

6 years ago

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My suggestion is against the (very much) people that give away 10 copies+ of the $1 Bundles. Not against the (few) ones that give them 1 or 2 times.

From the FAQ:

After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value.

6 years ago

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You need to stop caring about what others are doing; they can do whatever the hell they please as long as they're not breaking rules. I'm sorry, but people like you are the worst part of SG.

6 years ago

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I don't think we should punish people who give away games for free, even if they paid just 10cent for a game, or if they've received them for free themselves. They're gifts, there's nothing more to say.

6 years ago

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The $1 bundles do not bother me so much. But anything that appears, or has ever appeared on either FreeSteamKeys or the newer BananaGA website should be immediately put on the 0 CV list. And left there. Forever.

6 years ago

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same here as @ghostgg10. I was/am faced with the unused and unwanted keys from $25 worth of bundlestars purchases. I did not purchase $25 worth of bundles just to flood the market with more games. Had I not wanted any of the games in those bundles, and had the individual price-per-game not been great, I would not have bothered with purchasing the bundle, and thus saved my money (which would have made my savings account happier!). This is coming from someone who has refused to buy games on a 90% sale on steam because steamdb said it had been on a 95% sale within the last year (same starting price for both sales).
In other words, I require something to be a fantastic deal before i will buy it (or the best deal in a while, and it be for something I desperately want, in which case I stop, and think whether I ought to have it if I want it that badly).

Anyway, I have 5-10 of 40-odd games that I or my family want. However, the developer has already been payed, and the keys will expire in x months if not used. Rather than forcing others to purchase bundles or pay full price (which they might not be able to afford), I intend to giveaway the keys I and people I know don't want, thus providing somebody else a chance at the genre of game they might truly love. Is it me giving keys I don't want? yes. But nothing forces someone to enter a giveaway, unless they want to. And you have to have someone receive the key for you to get any points.

As has been stated elsewhere, even high ranks give out these same games, because people like them and continue to enter giveaways for them.

After all, not everyone likes meat, and not everyone likes spinach. Is it fair to say "I can't stand the type of food you like, so I think stores shouldn't stock that food?" which is essentially how I read what you are saying. Not everyone has the same taste in games. What one person likes in a game or real life another might hate, and some of the games the second loves, the first might despise. Neither is inherently wrong. It is just different tastes.

As someone on a very limited budget, there were years when I would have loved to be able to play some of the games that are being given away for 1P because I literally had no money available to put into steam games--I would have been happy with whatever I had.

Also, keep in mind that bundlestars limits you to two purchases per game/bundle. So, unless you get multiple credit cards & multiple accounts there, you really cannot individually flood the market with multiple copies of the same game.

Plus, those who give these games away are being active on the site, even if they are gifting games you do not want.
Blame rather the availability of the games you do not want on the devs who make such games, remembering that others love those exact games.

I don't think it is too much of a problem that people level up via cheap games. They still only get 15% of the value of the discounted game. Why punish those who are merely trying to lighten someone else's day by saving them money, while at the same time not wasting a perfectly good key?

Also, nothing in the guidelines states that anyone must giveaway high-price, never-discounted-outside-of-steam games. I doubt very many people would be here, or would give games away, if that was a hard rule--and you would still have the same problem with "cheap" games flooding the market, the only difference being the standard of what is "cheap." There are those who are giving keys to get rid of their unwanted keys and at the same time gladden someone else's heart.

As I see it, CV is essentially a counter of someone community involvement, not a referendum on the quality of the games that they give away.
Your opinion may vary. :D

(PS: I'm sorry if this is disjointed, as I am rather tired while writing this.)

6 years ago

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I am, partly, a bit confused with your sentences because i not see waht you want tell me with them.

I not say anything against Bundled Games or giving them away.
My words are against the $1 Bundles (and similar) that push the prices down to 3cent - 10cents (?) that are give the same cv then a unbundled or bundled game that costs much more.

Each public GA would be enter from Autojoiners, Bots and people that enter all and not look what game it is. That is a fact. And by public GA's you don't need minimum 5 entries to get CV. So it is clear each one that make a public GA get CV, with each game that is not marked as free.

How you read my sentences is interesting for me because my intention is not to say "they must giveaway what i like". I don't like each Game that isn't in the $1 Bundles/Software/50 copies Shovelware Bundles.
As example... i, mostly, don't like Jump&Runs (called Platformer since a few years). You can hunt me with Sonic Games^^. I would be happy to see not so much of them BUT a lot of people like them (you can see that on the relativly high ratings of the critics by nearly each Jump&Run) and that is absolutly ok. I don't join the ones that i don't want play or by the bad ones don't want the cards from. And hide more then in other genres. Problem solved :)

That you need more accounts then one for flooding sg with the same bundle is partly right. 1) At a part of the shop the limit counts for each BUY, not each customer. So you can send as many buys of 2 Bundles as you want. 2) The ones that are limited by customer are buyed with VPN/other account(s).
Trust me i seen in the last 1-2 weeks a lot of the people that give away 10 copies of the same $1 Bundles (and similar). And you know they must used 2 accounts to get them (or had help from family/friends). Because they, mostly, done this more then one time (by the older $1 bundles too) i think the chance that others helped are very low.

You are wrong. It is not true that i don't want the one or other game from a $1 Bundle (but it is easyer to buy then that bundle then to win the stuff) :). And yes the ones that give that Bundles away are active.
They are exploiting the cv system from my attitude and not because they are generous, it is because greed ... because want get high to get better stuff with the least possible effort and/or money spending.
I am sure the cv system was not made for such a "pushing".
That is the reason why i suggest a "thinking over the system and if anything should be changed or not".

I don't say that my opinion is "the right". For ME it is. For a part of people that i know it is ... anf for other one's it isn't. Not all of my steamfriends have the same opinions. That is ok for me too :-D

Without talking/writing over anything nothing will change, none will think about it. With writing/speaking CAN anything change in a better direction (when the bigger part of the users want that).
It would be cool and much more stress free if i can say "now change this and that" but i can life with the fact that i can't #giggling#

6 years ago

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I'm sorry, I was super tired and had obviously misunderstood were you were coming from. :) I see were you are coming from, now. Thank you for the clarification regarding your views and that website! I apologize for my tone earlier.

Yet, the solution cannot be to totally disbar $1 bundles from getting CV, because that would harm the honest folk who only bought one or two and are giving away the leftovers. Is there something in place to keep you from getting CV after giving away the same thing too many times? If so, maybe the limit should be reduced per user? Maybe a cap on how high you can climb without at least one non-bundled game?
And yet, that would trap the unlucky fellow who bought a steam bundle/collection (eg a "complete the publisher's collection") for far more than a dollar or two, where this bundle contained the same game available in a dollar bundle from bundlestars etc. This person would have maybe paid full price for that item (before the 15% off the bundle that steam usually gives), and it wouldn't be fair to say that games included in dollar bundles give 0 CV. Again, that would hurt the honest folk who want to "dump" the unwanted keys from the dollar bundles that they bought for themselves.

Yes, (if you have money and can make international purchases with your card) it is easier to buy than to win, except for those cases where the bundle is no longer sold. :-)
Also, some people try to limit the number of websites their credit card etc is on, or don't have time to read the TOS/Privacy Policy (you know, those things you kinda-sorta promised you read, but probably skimmed or even skipped ;-) ) for a site that is giving away the game they want prior to the bundle being sold out or expiring.

Again, the problem is one would have to change the rules to dis-allow what you are objecting to (people buying tons of cheap stuff for the sole purpose of leveling up), without hurting the honest fellow in the same boat, but only with one or two copies.

(Personally, the only weight I apply to the cv system is how much effort etc a person went to to make ga's, not the "quality" of said games. I put much more weight in comments/years to see how active/part of the community a person is.
If you want to giveaway a super game, you can always make it group only, and screen the group-enter-ers, or use sgtools to make sure those who enter the ga are in good steam standing and have played something they won, if they have won in the past.)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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