Which game would you prefer to win?
I'm almost out of poems. I'm going to be gone for 3 days, and was planning on doing a lot of reading, but I guess I'll do some writing too.
Anyway, here's one I wrote about/to my Great Grandmother after she died. Wish I had something clever or contemplative, not just an old poem I was forced to write, laden with guilt.
I'm sorry
I tried to remember, to do the right thing.
I know I should have called more,
Not just once, on your last week of life.
I'm sorry, that of how many times I was given your phone number, I only called once.
I'm sorry that only once I chose to talk to you, the rest I was just handed a phone or brought to your room.
I should have visited you because I wanted to, not because it was a necessary burden.
And I still hope today, that you forgive me.
Edit: Here's Tremendous Trifles, an interesting read by G. K. Chesterton that a Steamgifter sent to me a while ago.
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I'm doing a screenshot Let's Play of Pokemon Bootleg Green, a horrible translated bootleg of the original Green version. I'll use that as my submission, so i you like it, I'd love a chance to win some of these games! (Despite not updating for a coupe weeks, I'm still working on it). If this isn't allowed/not what you wanted, I'll delete this post and do something else.
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As i am a very big fan of star wars , I will write a small "star wars" story , hope you like it ...
Here goes nothing ....
It was a normal day on Tatooine. The twins suns were blazing in the pale blue sky, Over the city of Mos Eisley. The sounds of speeders buzzing and crowds talking. The sound of freighters powering up and down and they leave and enter the city. A gentle breeze can be felt , as it brushes' the sand.
It was around Midday when Dilius was cleaning some second hand pod racing parts he found and brought back to his parents store garage. From what he scavenged during the night he thought the parts belong to a BT310. As he was cleaning up and trying to figure what other big and small parts he was missing he noticed something. Dilius felt something he had never felt before.He felt he was being watched by an old man . He turned around , but saw no one , just an empty garage.
"Be still young one i am not here to hurt you ... " Dilius could hear a voice in his head as if it was right in front of him. He was frightened. He slowly got in the cockpit of the pod and hid. "There is no need to hide, from me... ". That voice was driving him crazy and then out of nowhere , Dilius suddenly heard his parents yelling for him from inside of the store. Dilius leaped out of the cockpit and grabbed a hydro spanner as he ran to the front desk. Inside the store , seeing his parents , he feels safe , the voice no longer bothers him ... the effects of the drugs passed , but for a moment , with the hydro spanner in his hands and the voices in his head , the boy felt just like a Jedi Knight ... but he wasn't because he couldn't feel the force ... And so , from that day forth , Dilius promised never to take Dreamdust again ....
Sorry for the grammar mistakes if there are any :P ... hope everyone liked it ^^
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I don't know. I stopped reading after "It was a normal day on Tatooine. The twins suns were blazing in the pale blue sky, Over the city of Mos Eisley."
Please explain what I'm missing here and how can two different stories start with this specific text...
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Well .. both were written by me .. me and that guy were in the same guild in SWTOR ... he asked me to help him write his character story once , i did , never thought he will put it on enjin ... i found it in my laptop and thought i should put a twist on it and post it here ... thing is everyone could copy something from the net and say what i just did ... soo .. there isn't any reason to trust me ... don't invite me in the giveaway , i don't really care :P .. but read it please .. and tell me what you think ^^
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Thanks for the explanation. Sounds credible enough :-)
I now read both stories. As someone who isn't that much into the Star Wars universe I have to admit I wasn't very hooked by either of them. I think the one on enjin.com may have better pacing/development, but the one you posted here actually ends like a short story. In any case, thanks for sharing.
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well... since I already shared a interesting tool that I knew (5W2H), I'll share something else but this time very specific.
since I already shot a lot in this life, this will be for who is being threatened by someone armed.
moving targets is extremely hard to hit, so if you are running away from a gun, zig zag it a lot.
NEVER run the opposite/same direction of the gun or to predictable directions because it gives enough time to aim.
so, "run as much as you can" is NOT important because who do it don't think how easy this person will be a target when running away...
the important thing, actually, is NOT BE AN EASY TARGET since you are already threatened enough to runaway.
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I understand the rationale of not running in the same direction of the gun, but why not run in the the opposite (that is, behind the attacker)? Wouldn't this mean that the attacker will need to turn around 180 degrees, giving you more time until they can aim?
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opposite is to runaway. same direction is to attack the attacker.
if you have to run, you have to run somewhere, to runaway or attack. get it?
usually you don't run if you are not threatened enough to run.
about your question, the turn around time is irrelevant since you can do it in a fraction of seconds (you don't even have to turn your body completely to target sight to aim). don't calculate attacker movements as time for you to make movements because he is tense/alert enough to make fast decisions (high doses of natural epinephrine when attacker is attacking).
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this question only can be answered by attacker because every shooter has its own skills... this answer can be very relative.
in a open space with nowhere to hide you should be as unpredictable as you can because even if he aims or just put the gun to your direction, he can't fix eye sight on the target.
the direction itself you can freely choose, since you stay unpredictable. you can see how hard this is downloading "world of guns" and go to one of shooting ranges. you will know (not feel exactly) how hard is to aim a moving targed (eventually how easy is do it with pistols than rifles).
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"something interesting, insightful or helpful and get a chance to win the game with the highest number of votes"
sorry, tired and that's the only corny joke i came up with
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(true story)
one time when I was young, I had a tooth that came out but the tooth fairy was late in giving me my payment, so I just shrugged it off and waited, then it was a clear day, very sunny, nobody in the house but me, I set my tooth down on the edge of a coffee table, turned around to play with my little action figure, when I went to grab my tooth... There was a dollar there. And let me tell you, I searched high and low for that tooth, and never found it. Just a dollar sitting there.
EDIT: There also was NO money on that table. Just like normal things you find on a table.
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Did you know the coldest place in the whole known universe is on the Earth?, It is created by the geniuses at CERN and it is I think 3 Kelvin hotter than the absolute zero!
I am going out of my shell and gonna write a poem about this now!
People say space is cold, unforgiving
Yet they forget themselves,
Human heart can be as hot as the sun,
Our hearts can be colder than any imagination.
Us, led by the lifeless hands of technology
Depending on then to keep us going
Didn't we create them, this is too funny
Well I have to pee so I am leaving!
(Clap clap clap clap)
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Apparently The Large Hadron Collider Is super cooled to 1.9 Kelvin, colder than deep space which is 2.7 Kelvin
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It is okay to make some mistakes and wrong choices in anything. You can and should listen to other people's opinion, but don't let them decide it for you. In the end, if something awful happened or things fucked up, those people will not be responsible for it and refuse to be responsible. You'll spend days or even months or years blaming everyone, blame it on your ill fated luck, the economy, the system, the whole universe for conspiring against you. Stuck in deep shit and drowning in a sea of envy - watching everyone seemingly doing well and manage to be proud of themselves.
It is better to make your own choice. Be responsible for you own life. Learn to say no. You might be wrong but that is okay. Or worse, they could have been wrong.
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Me, my sister and my cousin. When we were kids, we would pretend that we were actors and make up a lot of movies. There was one in particular, which we called The Bridge, that every time we played it, the weather would get really weird (end of the world type of weather) and it would freak us out, considering the theme of the movie. The movie was about a little box that was found under a bridge by a group of friends. There was a demon inside the box, and by curiously opening it, they let the demon out. So they would spend the entire movie hunting it down and trying to put it back in the box before it would cause mass destruction on Earth. At the end of every movie, they would succeed, but then another group of friends would find the box and the story would repeat itself... until in the final movie they finally cast a spell that permanently locked up the box. It was then thrown out into the ocean and nobody has heard of it since. So the demon is assumed to remain locked up.
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I once dreamed that I was living in the mainframe. Code would fly by my head, and I'd say, "Wow."
There were fish made of emails and steams of RAM.
I felt peace inside my soul. The whir of the disc spinning in the drive calmed me.
"You Have Ascended," read the text box at the end of the rainbow.
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Currently playing "The Walking Dead Season 2" (ಠ_ಠ)
im on Episode 4 right now spoiler alert
after all crap and damage, Clem is our main character now YAAAY kinda
in Ep2 we meet Kenny oh such emotional then ༼つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ hugs for kenny
here we found a new group after we lost Christa and Omid is dead pheeling ;-; and that group has their own history :o and someone is after them :x so this new group moves to new place but still being followed :x later here we meet kenny o and his new gf :v things goes by and that follower group attacks :x we're trapped here now with this follower group, we as Clem do certain tasks and get out our group............. {lemme complete the game then i'll continue}
Everybody loves TWD, a must play Arcade ( ・`ω・´) /
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I'm going to do a story about a zombie apocalypse as I am a big fan of zombies.
The voice drifted into the man’s consciousness, forcing him to open his eyes. Blinking he forced himself to focus on his surroundings. Strapped to the passenger seat he dangled across the cab, hanging into the driver’s side, which had mostly been torn away by the wall the vehicle was against. No, not a wall, the ground. He shook his head. The vehicle was on its side, crumpled with windows smashed and scattered across the cab. Blood was dripping past his face too. He reached up to the pain throbbing through his head and touched something sticky. Pulling his hand away coated in red he realized where the blood was dripping from.
The radio crackled to life again “Checkpoint Alpha, come back, over”
He looked out of the vehicle at his surroundings. The grey concrete road was pitted with rough holes, splashed with blood, a lot of blood, and scattered with bullet casings. Across the street a large building was billowing smoke into the clear blue sky, the flames licking up the outside of the building and setting alight to a pair of curtains that billowed out into the wind. Looking at the vehicles dashboard he could see the radio, shattered as it was he was surprised it worked, yet with no handset it was useless to him.
“Checkpoint Charlie, any sign of Alpha? over”
Who was he? Where was he? Some sort of warzone? He pulled at his jacket, camouflage, and saw the name tag ‘Jacobs’. He nodded, he liked the name Jacobs. He liked the name Mark too, Mark Jacobs. It had a nice flow to it, so, for the time being, he would be Mark Jacobs. He tried to remember something, anything, but his mind was blank. He pulled at the seatbelt, braced himself against the dashboard and unclipped the latch. Tumbling, sliding and crawling, Mark pulled himself through the front window and free of the vehicle.
“Checkpoint Charlie? Status report? Checkpoint Charlie, come back, over”
Looking around he could see the streets were deserted, nothing moved. The faint radio crackle, the whistling wind and the building fire was all he could hear. This was unnerving, Mark knew he was in a city, he could see building tops for miles around, there should be more sounds, cars, people, even gun fire. Nothing.
“Twelfth troop is moving to fallback point eight. All surrounding units are advised to do the same, over”
Mark looked at the crashed vehicle he had just emerged from, skid marks were all around it, obviously the rest of the convey had kept going, leaving them to their fate. The vehicle was a dark grey humvee, blood coated the heavy weapon mounted to the roof and was sprayed into the circular turret that provided access from the rear of the vehicle to the gun. As he looked at the scene he realized that as the vehicle had come to lay on its side, whoever had been in the turret had been firing at the enemy, tearing holes into the concrete road until he, yes, Mark could see strips of material and blood, had been pulled out of the hatch. Despite the damage taken from the crash, Mark could tell that the vehicle had not been hit by a single bullet. He frowned. Getting down on his hands and knees he looked at the driver’s side, more blood and again, more strips of material, as though the driver had been pulled from his seat and out of the window.
“Twelfth troop, rendezvous at checkpoint delta, we have two additional units on route to that location, over”
Looking around Mark saw a trail of blood leading away from the humvee and into a shattered shop front. Swearing, he reached into the vehicle and pulled a large caliber machine gun from its rack and several clips of ammo that looked like it matched the weapon. He checked the safety and pushed the clip into place, pulling back on the loading bolt and checking the first shell had clicked into place. Satisfied that the weapon was ready he braced the large gun against his hip, pointed it forward and strode off toward the shattered window.
“Twelfth troop be advised, we have confirmed combatants at checkpoint Delta, over”
Approaching the shattered window he peered into the gloom. Display cases were toppled, chairs scattered and china, obviously the stores merchandise, was shattered across the floor. In the middle of the wreckage two figures lay slumped on the floor.
“Anyone alive in here?” he asked
With a low moan one of the figures looked up. Mark stood, frozen in stunned panic as he realized the figure slowly pushing itself upright had been eating the chest of the body on the floor. Dark blood poured from the mouth of the man as he stumbled over the wreckage toward Mark, arms outstretched and eyes unblinking.
Mark pulled the trigger.
The heavy machine gun roared, lighting up the shop with giant flashes of flame and light as the figure flew backwards, bullets tearing through flesh and bone. Mark stopped firing and peered through the gun smoke at the figure. As it cleared his eyes widened and he swore before pulling the trigger and sending more rounds into the man as he had started to rise up. Gun roaring Mark saw the man’s flesh being torn away as the second figure sat up into the hail of gunfire. A bullet clipped through its skull, spraying blood into the air and the figure slumped back to the floor. Mark stopped firing, and paused as the man, body torn apart by the bullets, continued to move, pulling himself toward Mark with its shattered arms and leaving a trail of blood and gore in its wake.
Mark frowned, aimed the barrel and carefully squeezed the trigger. One round exploded from the gun and buried itself in the man’s head, where he immediately slumped to the floor, motionless.
Mark stood silently looking at the figures, until, satisfied they were truly dead, he turned away.
“Headshots only? Guess I need something more accurate” he said to himself.
As he looked around the deserted street a distant explosion went off with a thud in the distance and as he watched a small plume of smoke rose into the air. Slinging the weapon over his shoulder, Mark Jacobs set off toward the distant combat, determined to regain his memory and let others know to aim for the head. (I was making a zombie story anyway so I thought I'd paste first half and write second half)
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According to Google, this story was written by Katie Farris 5 years ago. Are you sure you just wrote it for this thread?
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There is a world that we cannot see, but are bound to it by the fibers of our brain and the sensations of our body. The realization of the self and the purpose of our existence, all culminate in this world of the unseen.
From this world come the moments of magic and intense joy:
A futbol player controlling the ball with tenderness and grace. A painter showing in the canvas a blend of feeling and technique. A writer scribbling on paper thoughts on an imaginary scene. And a person whispering to another, words of love – words sometimes improper – hoping for a moment, a second, a lifetime! Only to be seen.
Magic and intense joy are the contents of the soul, and the mighty and the brave are the only ones who ever get to experience it, to feel it, and at long last, to embrace it.
From this world comes this writing, with the intention to open your eyes and let out a roar of freedom and anger!
From this world comes the wreckage of dreams, the longing and longing, for someone to scream!
To shout! To whisper! To cry!
I am here!
Here in this tangible setting with my heart in my hands, and no matter the words we whisper forever, you’ll always be mine: Family, friend, lover and child.
This is one of my finest works. When one reaches a meditative kind of peace, a solemnity meant for monks and not for men, the words reach an unequivocal deeper meaning. One that transgresses whatever inspiration the writer himself was writing from. It is a quiet euphoria, much like realizing one's in love or doing cocaine, but rather than having an external reaction - everything you feel culminates on pen and paper. That's just about how much I can describe it. I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Forever yours, my audience. Manuel.
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I am listing my entry under the category of something interesting, and my wish is to obtain Planetary Annihilation.
1) There is a common misconception that cold weather makes people sick, yet there is very little scientific data that substantiates this claim. It is considered more likely that cold weather is a catalyst but not a cause for illness, as illness is usually due to an organism of pathological nature, a virus or a bacterium. During colder weather people congregate into smaller and warmer areas, which more easily facilitates the transmission of disease.
2) The scientific field of genetics was almost non existent due to the slow and tedious nature of working with DNA, which was difficult to obtain and excessively fragile. Yet one man outside the field (a chemist by the name of Kary Mullis) turned the field of genetics on its head) when he discovered a way to clone DNA, by heating it enough to break the "rungs between the ladders" of the double helix without damaging the "backbone" structure of the DNA molecule. By doing this and then introducing the body's own mechanisms for copying DNA, he invented Polymerease Chain Reaction (PCR). He won the Nobel Prize for his work on PCR. Which allows one strand of DNA to be copied millions of times. The interesting part is where he claimed, that he was only able to think of the method of PCR due to the drug LSD (acid). He kept using his Nobel Prize winning honorary speeches to promote the use of LSD until he stopped being invited to give speeches.
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Additionally, under the category of 'helpful' is my list of 'the best Science Fiction books I have read so far' which is as follows:
1) Dune Series by Frank Herbert (don't touch any of the work initiated by his son) just leave it at the big cliff hanger Frank left before he died. His son ruins all he touches
2) Hyperion Cantos (read it all)
3) Snow Crash, and The Diamond Age
4) Neuromancer
5) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
6) Ringworld (but don't touch anything after #1, it is poison to the memory, and it was with extreme difficulty that I could remember the goodness that existed in #1)
7) Stranger in a Strange Land
Remaining) Forever War (for it's interesting concepts), Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers (I loved the book), and didn't even mind the first movie, even though it's seems most peopole hate the movie.... maybe this is not such a good sugggestion however for I also liked Water World..
Bonus non science fiction story (Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin)
That list should take a serious chunk of time away from your games.
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well...because i had a bad day (just got slap in the face from the scammer)
so i mightwant to join this and had a lil fun for my self
for the op : thanks for the chance thou~ there still had nice ppl out here
well because topic said something helpful..
maybe i think 1 can say.....stay single man....single man always seems boring but u stay free :P
have a nice day
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[Submissions closed]
The rules are simple: Write something interesting, insightful or helpful and get a chance to win the game of your choice (don't forget to vote below). To increase the bar a bit compared to the last time, only the top 15 users who wrote the best posts (in my view) will be invited to the giveaway. That's almost 7% chance of winning, which is pretty good I think :-)
To increase your chances of getting an invite:
You also have to be at least Level 1.
Don't forget to vote for the game you wish to be in the giveaway. Majority rules, so it may not be the one that you chose. I hope in the future SG adds an option to add a list of games to a giveaway and let the winner select one.
The time limit is next Thursday (Aug 27) at midnight CET. I’ll then create the giveaway, list the 15 finalists in this discussion (they’ll also be added to a temporary Steam group), and will give them a day to enter the giveaway.
Edit: Thanks for writing something interesting, insightful or helpful. The winning game voted by the majority of users is the The Stanley Parable. To those of who don't have it, you now have (almost) a day to join the giveaway:
May the best man or woman win!
The 15 posts I liked the most are:
Ariandel – Money won't buy you happiness
TreeB – Gran Gran Rose
m3rc – On seeing the world
vinirockman – Running from a shooter
UnashamedOdin – CDs and backups
Sighery – Everyone is a piece in somebody's chess game
BiskutMentega – Choices and responsibility
Dearion – Coldest place, CERN, poem
Hatman – (deleted post for some reason, no idea why) DNA research, SF books
SinSonido – Moment of inspiration
revilheart – The Bridge movie story
Freakycookie – Tooth fairy story
Raylight24 – Derp Varthder dream
Pinacho – Bananas
A couple of wild card entries not from this thread:
velocity37 – On Warez
Mullinx – A gif I liked
If you see your nickname and you didn't get an invite, let me know.
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