Everything from Rusia have region lock if I'm not wrong
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It has something to do with the topic. Adding a game to the bundle list because it's more than 90% off in Russia is questionable now that games bought in Russia can only be gifted to Russians. Personally, I would use the lowest ROW price.
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I must ask... RHCP stands for Red Hot Chili Peppers xD ?
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Yes, Bethesda started music business some time ago. it will be like "you can buy tickets to concert, but have to pay extra to be able to enter through the gates, see the team and so on. And if you preorder their record you will be able to get 2 CDs! Not just one (with 50% of songs) as people who order it like year after".
But in reality it's just special "region" - Russia, Hungary, Czech, Poland. Games with this tag have often just those languages, aren't compatible with ROW DLCs and so on.
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it's not only Bethesda - Cenega publish quite a few other games with Poland or Poland+Friends region locks as well. For example some time ago (before bundling of RM) I bough on muve's promo NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst and Remember Me - neither of these are Bethesda's games - but when creating GAs it turned out they were both Poland-locked keys.
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It's sad that people still buy from them. Last thing I bought from Cenędza was Fallout 3, on it's release. It was incompatible with GFWL at that time, no code, basically a "pirate" copy of game i paid full price for. Not to mention it's impossible to get DLC's for that, except torrenting them. Which I of course did. Because why not? :D
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Yeah I know about it :D
I don't know russian language, but from reading english forum I can see that support is more or less dead after Valve bot-hunting some time ago. They lost gifts and current dolar:ruble exchange rate gives them less money from gold than it used to.
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Hmm... Yes. In absence of a perfect solution, you chose the best. Basing the calculation on a price that's inacessible to the general public is not the best solution, as far as I am concerned. Changing the value of past giveaways according to game price fluctuations is also far from the best solution if you ask me.
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the thing is - as we have steam trading and gifting, even with region locks - these prices are still accessible to everyone. You can freely give your coupon to russian friend or trader so he buy you cheap game and you can make RU/CIS GA even if your SG profile is not RU/CIS.
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Yes, I can give my coupon to a Russian but those locks prevent said Russian giving me my game back.
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no they don't - they prevent you from activating this game on your account. You can still have it in your inventory and give it away as RU+CIS GA on SG.
Look at my inventory, 1st row 5th gift - Forsaken Uprising - see? it is RU/CIS locked, it is in my inventory and I live in ROW country.
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Yeah, you can't activate it but of course you can make a regional GA with it. My logic was that the 90% discount is not available to the general public, so the game shouldn't be added to the bundled games list. I understand your concerns, though.
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1st it;s over 95% discount for bundle list, not 90% :>
2nd - ofc it is avaiable to general SG audience - see the Trades button at the top of the page? you have thousands of russian traders avaiable there and any SG user can use then to use their discount coupon and get 40$ Value worth gift for 1.5$ + small fee or few cards :>
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You're right about the 95%, of course.
About trading, it was my understanding that all games are now region locked and you can't buy a game from a Russian trader and activate it without breaking Steam rules. Isn't that the case? Or are you talking about a person from a ROW region buying Russian gifts with the purpose of making regional giveaways with them for leveling up?
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Again, true. I was thinking in terms of general value and you were thinking in terms of exploitability here on SG, which makes sense in the context.
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SG has major problems running in peak hours already and you propose to introduce additional automated system working all the time querying every entrant for every GiveAway created? No - it wou;dn't be easy to track automatically as well as many other things - why don't we track and automatically suspend multiwinning/regifting? Besides API bug because servers wouldn't handle it. And it's checking only winners. So for 1000 entries GA only 1 check. And you propose a system that would have to check all entries in every GA.
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Other people can trade for copies to gift as well. Those Russian giveaways can be made by more than Russians.
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Like I stated above, | was thinking in terms of general value and not of SG exploitation.
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Atm you can get a copy for around $1.53 from Russia with that 50% coupon, no wonder it got into the bundled list due to price being below 90% off price from USA.
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Guess things that has been happening for a while now suddenly need to change when it happens to stuff individuals like.
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Jak masz korzystasz z Chrome, to jest taki must-have do korzystania ze steam w przegladarce. Na stronie danej gry pokazuje ile ona kosztuje w innych regionach, informacje ile razy była zbundlowana i odnosniki do isthereanydeal z historia ceny. Do tego pobiera informacje z metacritic z ocenami i z howlongtobeat z czasem nq przejscie gry.
Dalej do strony profili graczy dodaje linki kierujace na profil na SG, steamrep itp. W sklepie steam zaznacza posiadane gry na zielono, a te z listy zyczen na niebiesko (ale mozna sobie kolory indywidualnie zmieniać), na stronie odznak dodaje informacje o liczbie gier z kartami do wydropu, liczbie tych kart i ich szacowanej wartosci. I jeszcze pewnie kilka funkcji, ktore dla mnie sa oczywiste, a domyslna strona steam ich nie posiada :D
Są dwie "przymulajace" funkcje, ktorych nie da sie wylaczyc - jak wejdziesz na strone glowna rynku spolecznosci, to przegladarka zawiesi sie na kilka sekund - dodatek przeliczy wszystkie Twoje tranzakcje i poda czy wiecej zarobiles czy straciłeś na rynku spolecznosci. Dlatego wchodze na strony przedmiotow bezposrednio z google. Druga jest dodanie informacji o osiagnieciach na stronie gier. Jak ktos ma kilka tysiecy gier to przegladarka tez sie przez chwile przymuli.
Ale ogolnie bardzo polecam, dodatek bardzo ulatwia zycie. Wersja na ff zostala jakis czas temu porzucona na wersji 7.6 chyba. Mi w wiekszosci dziala dobrze, pare nowych funkcji tylko jest niedostepnych. Ale autor za jakis czas ma znowu podjąć rozwoj dodatku dla firefox :D
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Firefox ma dostać obsługę dodatków po API od Chrome (czy jakoś tak). Wtedy nie trzeba będzie pisać rozszerzeń w 2 różnych standardach - tylko na Chrome + zmienić odrobinę dla FF.
Więc autor będzie dalej rozwijać głównie dodatek dla Chrome i "przy okazji" robić wersję na FF (zamiast jak teraz musieć pisać 2 różne wersje).
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BTW you could apply this to other games, like Heavy Bullets
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yeah not extremely happy about it either because naturally, there are going to be less giveaways for Talos now (:
but it was really dirt cheap in some regions so cant say im surprised it showed up on bundled games list.
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That's something I've thought of before, each time there's a complaint thread about something being bundled because of Russian pricing.
But, what would stop a giveaway being created as ROW when its really RU, just to try to con full credit out of it? Publicly, they'd likely have to put in the description "Can only be activated in Russia" which would likely result in a number of ticket reports due to incorrect settings or whatnot. Said tickets equate to more backlog on support.
But then, what about private group or whitelist giveaways? ROW Region, RU key. Just whitelist/group only Russians to avoid problems. Or at least try too. Open to abuse, and would end up needing to remove both options, and still "police" every other giveaway.
Not necessarily just those from Russia who could have potential to abuse it either; nothing stopping someone buying outside Russia, giving back to Russia, just to farm CV.
Only exception perhaps, for certain giveaways at least, would be to have a giveaway approved on staff side, to mark a full CV exemption if it can be proven it was purchased at above 95%, or is a ROW Gift. i.e via public gift inventory. No keys, only Gift setting. That question would then become whether to have a giveaway exempted even after its finished, to avoid potentially messing up events and the likes, or before it is created/delivered. Though, if delivered could just check the winners profile for country setting.
Still, would add quite a bit of unnecessary work, unfortunately.
Can see why so many say "Don't giveaway for CV."
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I wrote about that a bit further down, but I'll copy it here, since more people seem to be reading up here:
The only way I see something like that could work (region restricted CV with something stopping group/whitelist abuse) is if it's coupled with some kind of algorithm checking the region of the entrants for each giveaway. More than 5 entrants not part of a certain region restriction = standard CV. Less than 5 ROW entrants and all other of the same region = region restricted CV based on the store price for that region.
That could still be abused (with a few fake accounts in a tight-knit region restricted group), but would lead to some permanent suspensions if it got revealed.
I don't think anything like that would happen, since it's probably a lot of coding work, and too many people would complain over not getting full CV.
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You could just make everyone purporting to be making a ROW giveaway of the game do it as a public giveaway if they want full CV. Put it in a group, whitelist or private? You get bundle CV as there's no way of knowing if it is really a ROW copy or not.
Someone could still buy a locked copy and get lcuky by having someone in the "right" region win, but chances are they won't and will soon run out of slots from all the not received's they get. They'd also reveal themselves to everyone very quickly if all their successful public giveaway winners just happened to be won from the a particular region and all their unssuccesful ones were won by people outside that region and they could be punished if SG wanted to.
I keep making this suggestion on various threads but nobody ever acknowledges it. :(
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There are restricted giveaways for region locked games already. It wouldn't be hard to lock the remaining giveaways according to the user's country and it'd solve this problem.
Russians wouldn't be able to pick the giveaway region, it'd be automatic, if you're Russian you only create RU-CIS giveaways for non-bundled games (and by non-bundled games I mean games that weren't part of actual bundles: Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, etc). There's no way for Russians to exploit prices if this solution was implemented.
One example. The Talos Principle is 90%+ off in Russia but not in the rest of the world. So The Talos Principle should be added to the 90% off game list for Russia only. If Russians were forced to create RU-CIS giveaways for non-bundled games (games that weren't part of actual bundles: Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, etc) they would get CV value for their giveaways of The Talos Principle.
I'm Portuguese so I would be forced to create giveaways for the EU 2 region. Since The Talos Principle was never 90% off in EU2 I'd get full CV. This seems to be the most fair solution imo, and it's easy to implement
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Valve is restricting people to trade games between regions for a good reason. Eventually (probably soon) they will region lock all gifts.
Sometimes Steam Gifts and Steam problems are the same, and imo it's only logic for Steam Gifts to deal with it's problems in the same way that Valve deals with Steam's problems. If it's the best solution for Valve it'll probably be the best solution for Steam Gifts as well
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doesn't matter if valve is going to lock all gifts by region or country in the future, right now i can trade a ROW copy and give it away to everyone instead of being limited to SA.
also, what happens if i buy a key from a BTA bundle like mordor or dark souls? i get a ROW copy and i have to mark it as RU?
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Just because you can doesn't mean you're supposed to :p
If The Talos Principle (a game that was never part of a bundle) is considered a bundle game, imo games that were part of bundles should be considered bundle games as well. The system right now doesn't make much sense, steam gifts has a list of bundle games with non-bundled games and a list of non-bundled games with bundled games. You have thousands of other games you can give away apart from those two so that's not a problem imo. It surely is less of a problem than having non-bundled 40€ games (for some regions) in the bundle game list
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Just because you can doesn't mean you're supposed to :p
the thing on sg is, according to the rules, i am allowed to gift whatever i want.
that's all that matters unless the rules change.
also, a "bundle" on sg doesn't need to be on a $1-tier humble bundle. it's called "bundle" just for convenience instead of saying "list of games that were over 95% off at some point in any region".
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Sometimes Steam Gifts and Steam problems are the same, and imo it's only logic for Steam Gifts to deal with it's problems in the same way that Valve deals with Steam's problems. If it's the best solution for Valve it'll probably be the best solution for Steam Gifts as well
Well, i'll agree with you on only one small bit... The best solution for Valve. Full stop. :P
As in, the best solution for Valve... is the best solution for... Valve. ;)
The 1$=1€=1£ flawed logic is just one of the many ways where it's blatantly obvious. ;)
Let's not pretend Valve always has its consumers concerns at heart. Hopefully SG has a different mindset, so what's best for Valve isn't necessarily the best for SG, no. Not in my opinion.
The system right now doesn't make much sense, steam gifts has a list of bundle games with non-bundled games and a list of non-bundled games with bundled games.
What Mullins said. I really hope it's not the designation that bugs you of all things.
I'm guessing the designation started off as bundle, because at that time those were the only games over 95% off. But then other exceptions emerged and something had to be done about them, so they added it to the list, instead of complicating things and making 2 lists, whereas the Tier 3 of HB (for instance) weren't cheap enough to be considered bundled, so they were never added.
Which makes all the sense in the world, if you ask me. I mean, heck i saw a bundle from HB once upon a time, where it was just like Mordor on Bundlestars (except different game). Mordor is at roughly same price now in steam store as in Bundlestars (slightly cheaper on BS). Surely you don't think it should be added too? ;)
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EU1 and 2 have the same prices (most of the time)
EU2: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Vatican City, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania
EU1: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Netherlands, Sweden or Switzerland
I think that EU2 is pretty balanced, but I'm not sure why, for example Albania is in EU1 (assuming that EU2 is the poorest Europe)
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It sucks, but it is still a good game and worth giving away :D.
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Damn, I can't believe there was a stackable coupon and I missed it ¬¬
WTH? Apparently I had it already :p
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Do you still have the coupon? Please send me an offer if you are giving it away. https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=57636930&token=yJHD-phI
Steam inventory seems to be down. Again.
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send me a trade offer if you still need it (i'll just give you the coupon, i don't want anything in return).
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I noticed you had more than one of those coupons--would it be ok if I asked for one as well?
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Yeah the uproar over this one game when it has happened for a long period of time astounds me. It's not even a game that is ground-breaking or provided significant anything to gaming. Might as well become the more expensive Undertale aka the MLP of SG at this rate.
Also proves to me that people will only act when something they do care about get affected.
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The 'uproar' is mostly one guy creating at least three threads regarding the giveaway he made right after the Russian sale.
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I wouldn't say it's limited to that. There are people who reacted very similarly. It somehow opens up the discussion to reducing the worth of regional cv without taking into account puchasing power parity very first world thing to overlook
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I don't care for CV, still weird to do so since only in EU2 and South Korea its ROW and with the stacking Coupon ~ 3 - 3,4$
anywhere else its 6.8$ and without Coupon which obviously not everyone has its the Steam Store Price ... Thats 3 conditions, error
in stacking coupons + selected country + coupon from 3rd party site.
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I would say every Steam region should be locked, if a situation like The Talos Principle comes around it only gets bundled in the region where it's so cheap.
It will also make things a bit more honest for let's say EU1 region since we can't join any region locked giveaway but people from other regions can join our giveaways.
Also it prevents people from cheaper regions to win a ROW AAA title and make some money on it by selling that ROW copy and buy a cheap locked version to add to their library.
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Any game that is accessible in any region for a price equal to 5 or less percent of the price in the US Steam, is a subject for a warm welcome to the bundle list. Practically every game sold in RU and CIS with a discount of 75% or more is going to be "bundled". Reason for that if to prevent russians from farming quick CV (lol).
A best solution (in my humble opinion) would be creating a separate DB with converted to US dollars full prices for every region so that when a user from RU/CIS creates a region locked giveaway of f.x. The Talos Principle they would get $9 CV (equals to 599 rub) instead of $6 now(sinle the game is "bundled"). This way users from ROW regions won't be affected by this phenomenon (games unexpectedly becoming "bundled").
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it's not as simple as it sounds. one could easily bypass your sugestion by creating a ru-only-group and then creating non-region-locked giveaways inside said group to get full CV
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Yep, for something like that to work it has to be coupled with some kind of algorithm checking the region of the entrants for each giveaway. More than 5 entrants not part of a certain region restriction = standard CV. Less than 5 ROW entrants and all other of the same region = region restricted CV based of the store price for that region.
That could also be abused (with a few fake accounts in a tight-knit region restricted group), but would lead to some permanent suspensions if it got revealed.
I don't think anything like that would happen, since it's probably a lot of coding work, and too many people would complain over not getting full CV.
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There are always some people who will be abusing everything they come across. It won't be easy to prevent what you said, but a temporary solution might be limiting users from "special" regions from creating group/whitelist row giveaways i.e. user from say Russia will only be able to make region-locked group/whitelist giveaways, but can easily make a region-free public one. Yes, it's not perfect either, but in my opinion it is a little fairer one compared to when people are losing CV without any obvious reason..
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There are restricted giveaways for region locked games already. It wouldn't be hard to lock the remaining giveaways according to the user's country and it'd solve this problem.
Russians wouldn't be able to pick the giveaway region, it'd be automatic, if you're Russian you only create RU-CIS giveaways for non-bundled games (and by non-bundled games I mean games that weren't part of actual bundles: Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, etc). There's no way for Russians to exploit prices if this solution was implemented.
One example. The Talos Principle is 90%+ off in Russia but not in the rest of the world. So The Talos Principle should be added to the 90% off game list for Russia only. If Russians were forced to create RU-CIS giveaways for non-bundled games (games that weren't part of actual bundles: Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, etc) they would get CV value for their giveaways of The Talos Principle.
I'm Portuguese so I would be forced to create giveaways for the EU 2 region. Since The Talos Principle was never 90% off in EU2 I'd get full CV. This seems to be the most fair solution imo, and it's easy to implement
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Rendering some users unable to create region-free giveaways most likely won't really help, besides it's not very nice too: what if a user from India actually bought a row game key (from f.x. Humble Bundle Store)? Also we are not talking about russians exclusively - some games are equally cheap in Asia and perhaps in South America as well.
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I'm not talking about Russians exclusively, every user would be associated with it's steam region. For example since I'm Portuguese I'd create giveaways for non-bundled games in the EU2 region. The same for the other users and their respective regions.
If someone wants to give away a game with no ulterior motives, there are thousands of games in the steam store. Plus, ROW gifts/keys will soon be a thing from the past. I loved buying games from nuuvem but it's region locked now. The other sites will probably follow soon, Valve is restricting people to trade games between regions for a good reason. Eventually they will region lock all games.
Sometimes Steam Gifts' and Steam's problems are the same, and imo it's only logic for Steam Gifts to deal with it's problems in the same way that Valve deals with Steam's problems. There are no perfect solutions but if it's the best solution for Valve it's probably the best solution for Steam Gifts as well
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Or maybe it isn't :P
What do you think about TTP being bundled?
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