Do you generally enjoy Telltale games?
I'd go for a Simpsons game like that, or one like South Park Stick of Truth....hell it's been to long since we had any Simpsons game, heh
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You're the only one expressing outright judgmental opinions.
Nevermind making baseless assertions [you could assert capricious or prejudicial or irrationally biased, but disgusting is entirely uncalled for] and being unnecessarily hostile.
Just blacklist and move on, no need to drag yourself down- especially over something so absurdly silly. :X
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I don't do enough giveaways for my blacklist to matter. Plus I'm disgusted by elitism, or the "I'm better than you" attitude that seems to be at play here.
Also funny note: You got my hopes up, I thought two people posted in my trading thread.
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Again, they didn't say enough to give any indication of anything, other than that either their sense of humor or character has some things to work on.
[Also, I think it'd more likely be a "you're worse than me" perspective. Nuance is important. :P]
But I meant more, it's no point giving people an actual reason to consider blacklisting you, after someone blacklists you without reason.
On a related note, did you actually check- before your comment that gave them reason to- if they had actually blacklisted you? You never actually clarified that to the people asking that, above. :X
And, well, it's not too late to trade insults and make this a trading thread in its own right, but.. let's not. :P
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A. He said "nope" in direct response to the comment that said "Was that a joke?"
B. Yes, I did check. I was in fact blacklisted after the first response I made.
C. Homestuck gets a LOT of hate. A lot less nowadays (I think?), but still a lot. I'm not particularly surprised by this train of events, but I'm still annoyed that someone who knows literally jack shit about me would straight up go "I want to ban this person from every single giveaway I ever do"
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A: Irrelevant to him finding it funny.
B: Alright.
C: You're transferring a dislike of something separate from you, to one of you.
They can blacklist for any reason they'd like, and if they don't want to give to people who like cowboy hats or The Jetsons or whatever, that's their odd quirk.
That you view it as a personal attack on your character either means you've some personal issues to work through, or that you are WAY too into Homestuck.
I mean, I love the crap out of Buffy.Angel, but if someone said they'd blacklisted me for it, I'd go "Ehhh. Okay." It's odd, but whatever their preferences are, and how strangely intense they are about them, it's not relevant to me.
Certainly, not cause for me to attack their character.
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On a more constructive note, Telltale: Homestuck could be quite intriguing.
I hated the presentation of the start of Homestuck enough that I couldn't continue, but I hear the trip pays off with an engaging story and setting later on. I'd be curious to actually be able to experience the rich world Homestuck is ascribed to have- and between disliking the Homestuck medium and being a major point and click/adventure game fan, a Telltale interpretation would be highly favorable for me.
Then again, there's already an impressively well Kickstarted Homestuck Adventure Game, so let's see how that turns out first :P
Assuming it ever gets out of development limbo. :X
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That's the last thing I expected to see here but man, that would actually be amazing
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I though about this too for a while and I came to the following conclusion: what makes Telltale games special is not the feeling of anticipation to see to what ending my choices will lead. The most emotionally powerful thing is what I feel in the exact moment I make some choices.
So yeah, I like that they put a little climax every time a choice has to be made!
I have to agree with you on the "this action will have consequences" point (and also the "xxx will remember this" pop up what always comes up when you say anything), I think they just throw it out there to make you even more anxious haha
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Telltale games are Point'N'Click-Lites.
And there's nothing wrong with that- sometimes an in-depth Point'n'click (especially if it's puzzle heavy) or a decision-heavy Visual Novel, is just more mental involvement than we want to put in.
Telltales let us just let the story unfold- knowing that the decisions AREN'T going to be monumental, lets us freely pick the decisions we want most, and just enjoy the immediate outcome of them.
Like Hyoshi says, they could be much more- but like you say, that may not be their point. :)
My only real issue with Telltale is how lousy their response to certain things is- like the infamous Walking Dead save file corruption bugs, and their limited response to that.
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I'd love to see a Telltale version of the Icelandic Sagas, specifically Egil's Saga.
Less esoteric...a Warhammer Fantasy-themed game, or a Warhammer 40,000 themed game, playing not as Spess Mahreens but as members of the Inquisition.Maybe even tie it in with the Eisenhorn or Ravenor stories.
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Telltale Warhammer could defintately be interesting
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OMG I'm sorry! Read your post too quickly haha! They made that already! Was that sarcasm?
But I would love it if they could make Telltale Supernatural or Telltale Arrow/Flash! I feel that these shows are very story rich and that there's a lot to explore in terms of characterization. I think Dean and Sam Winchester's stories are very complex and there's a lot more to their characters than meets the eye.
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Telltale Mass Effect
Telltale Star Wars
Telltale The Hunger Games
Telltale Supernatural
Telltale Sons of Anarchy
Telltale The X-Files
Telltale Firefly
Telltale American Horror Story (that would work out perfectly because every season is different and they could do whatever they want)
...I could go on forever tbh.
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Telltale Star Wars would be awesome!
Telltale might sting too much
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Joke about your boltoness and game of thrones by telltale that is very funny
now to be honest i think that any big universe that i like would be good if made by telltale, fallout would be great, it would take out one of the more fun things in fallout, exploration, but it would keep the ambientation and giving it a great story...
Jojo's bizarre adventure: A telltale game
Gravity falls: a telltale game
Rick and morty: a telltale game
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Telltale Mystery Science Theater 3000.
You insult Tom Servo's underwear collection and receive the notice, "Tom Servo will remember that."
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so many already mentioned...I'll add on
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
something Mafia related like Sopranos would be fun too....
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someone already the Simpsons, or South Park... both would be nice choices..
I'd also love to see them tackle some of those 80's horror icon's, like Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, something like that, although I'm not really sure how they'd be able to do it in Tell tale fashion.. Maybe even Tales from the Crypt.. think about how awesome that would be in Tell Tale form..
Something I think could easily fit into Tell tale style would be
The Elder Scrolls.. you have all that lore and history and so much of it is unexplored.. Maybe another lesser known comic book character.. Or the Comic
Sweet Tooth, from the same publisher as A Wolf Among us.. So they already have a relationship with each other..
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As i find "The Wolf among us" my favorite theme-wise Telltale game, it's hard to tell. I'd probably wish for an original story instead of them based on other games/series, since the existing games/series set limit on how much of the "Your choise has a consequence" mechanic, which is somehow harder to overcome than with a original story. If i had to base it on a series/book/game, i'd like to see one on Sherlock Holmes or maybe based on the travels of Marco Polo. Or maybe Hellsing, would be nice, too :)
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An original story would be interesting indeed!
Sherlock Holmes would be awesome too though.
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Pokemon. Nothing else.
But would love a series on Mass Effect or Marvel/DC sagas.
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Battlestar Galactica, you have to discover cylons identity
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Telltale Everything seems best. :D
There's a lot of potentially good subjects for Telltale style of game. :)
Weirdly enough though, the game I thought would be be good I thought was bad (Game of Thrones) and the game I thought would be bad I ended up thinking was brilliant (Tales from Borderlands).
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I generally enjoy Telltale games a lot, and I especially enjoyed the ones based on The Walking Dead.
Sometimes I fantasise about what series/book/game I would like to see Telltale-ized so I wanted to ask you awesome guys: what is your dream-Telltale game?
For me, I would love a game about Lost, and I think it would come out pretty good:D
While you're here have some giveaways for Telltale: Lost Planet 3 and Telltale: Tomb Raider Underworld.
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